Rust implementation of NextGraph, a Decentralized and local-first web 3.0 ecosystem

2233 lines
52 KiB

// NOTE: this list must be up-to-date with browsers listed in
// test/acceptance/useragentstrings.yml
export const BROWSER_ALIASES_MAP = {
'Amazon Silk': 'amazon_silk',
'Android Browser': 'android',
Bada: 'bada',
BlackBerry: 'blackberry',
Chrome: 'chrome',
Chromium: 'chromium',
Electron: 'electron',
Epiphany: 'epiphany',
Firefox: 'firefox',
Focus: 'focus',
Generic: 'generic',
'Google Search': 'google_search',
Googlebot: 'googlebot',
'Internet Explorer': 'ie',
'K-Meleon': 'k_meleon',
Maxthon: 'maxthon',
'Microsoft Edge': 'edge',
'MZ Browser': 'mz',
'NAVER Whale Browser': 'naver',
Opera: 'opera',
'Opera Coast': 'opera_coast',
PhantomJS: 'phantomjs',
Puffin: 'puffin',
QupZilla: 'qupzilla',
QQ: 'qq',
QQLite: 'qqlite',
Safari: 'safari',
Sailfish: 'sailfish',
'Samsung Internet for Android': 'samsung_internet',
SeaMonkey: 'seamonkey',
Sleipnir: 'sleipnir',
Swing: 'swing',
Tizen: 'tizen',
'UC Browser': 'uc',
Vivaldi: 'vivaldi',
'WebOS Browser': 'webos',
WeChat: 'wechat',
'Yandex Browser': 'yandex',
Roku: 'roku',
export const BROWSER_MAP = {
amazon_silk: 'Amazon Silk',
android: 'Android Browser',
bada: 'Bada',
blackberry: 'BlackBerry',
chrome: 'Chrome',
chromium: 'Chromium',
electron: 'Electron',
epiphany: 'Epiphany',
firefox: 'Firefox',
focus: 'Focus',
generic: 'Generic',
googlebot: 'Googlebot',
google_search: 'Google Search',
ie: 'Internet Explorer',
k_meleon: 'K-Meleon',
maxthon: 'Maxthon',
edge: 'Microsoft Edge',
mz: 'MZ Browser',
naver: 'NAVER Whale Browser',
opera: 'Opera',
opera_coast: 'Opera Coast',
phantomjs: 'PhantomJS',
puffin: 'Puffin',
qupzilla: 'QupZilla',
qq: 'QQ Browser',
qqlite: 'QQ Browser Lite',
safari: 'Safari',
sailfish: 'Sailfish',
samsung_internet: 'Samsung Internet for Android',
seamonkey: 'SeaMonkey',
sleipnir: 'Sleipnir',
swing: 'Swing',
tizen: 'Tizen',
uc: 'UC Browser',
vivaldi: 'Vivaldi',
webos: 'WebOS Browser',
wechat: 'WeChat',
yandex: 'Yandex Browser',
export const PLATFORMS_MAP = {
tablet: 'tablet',
mobile: 'mobile',
desktop: 'desktop',
tv: 'tv',
export const OS_MAP = {
WindowsPhone: 'Windows Phone',
Windows: 'Windows',
MacOS: 'macOS',
iOS: 'iOS',
Android: 'Android',
WebOS: 'WebOS',
BlackBerry: 'BlackBerry',
Bada: 'Bada',
Tizen: 'Tizen',
Linux: 'Linux',
ChromeOS: 'Chrome OS',
PlayStation4: 'PlayStation 4',
Roku: 'Roku',
export const ENGINE_MAP = {
EdgeHTML: 'EdgeHTML',
Blink: 'Blink',
Trident: 'Trident',
Presto: 'Presto',
Gecko: 'Gecko',
WebKit: 'WebKit',
class Utils {
* Get first matched item for a string
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @param {String} ua
* @return {Array|{index: number, input: string}|*|boolean|string}
static getFirstMatch(regexp, ua) {
const match = ua.match(regexp);
return (match && match.length > 0 && match[1]) || '';
* Get second matched item for a string
* @param regexp
* @param {String} ua
* @return {Array|{index: number, input: string}|*|boolean|string}
static getSecondMatch(regexp, ua) {
const match = ua.match(regexp);
return (match && match.length > 1 && match[2]) || '';
* Match a regexp and return a constant or undefined
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @param {String} ua
* @param {*} _const Any const that will be returned if regexp matches the string
* @return {*}
static matchAndReturnConst(regexp, ua, _const) {
if (regexp.test(ua)) {
return _const;
return void (0);
static getWindowsVersionName(version) {
switch (version) {
case 'NT': return 'NT';
case 'XP': return 'XP';
case 'NT 5.0': return '2000';
case 'NT 5.1': return 'XP';
case 'NT 5.2': return '2003';
case 'NT 6.0': return 'Vista';
case 'NT 6.1': return '7';
case 'NT 6.2': return '8';
case 'NT 6.3': return '8.1';
case 'NT 10.0': return '10';
default: return undefined;
* Get macOS version name
* 10.5 - Leopard
* 10.6 - Snow Leopard
* 10.7 - Lion
* 10.8 - Mountain Lion
* 10.9 - Mavericks
* 10.10 - Yosemite
* 10.11 - El Capitan
* 10.12 - Sierra
* 10.13 - High Sierra
* 10.14 - Mojave
* 10.15 - Catalina
* @example
* getMacOSVersionName("10.14") // 'Mojave'
* @param {string} version
* @return {string} versionName
static getMacOSVersionName(version) {
const v = version.split('.').splice(0, 2).map(s => parseInt(s, 10) || 0);
if (v[0] !== 10) {
switch (v[0]) {
case 11: return 'Big Sur';
case 12: return 'Monterey';
case 13: return 'Ventura';
case 14: return 'Sonoma';
else switch (v[1]) {
case 5: return 'Leopard';
case 6: return 'Snow Leopard';
case 7: return 'Lion';
case 8: return 'Mountain Lion';
case 9: return 'Mavericks';
case 10: return 'Yosemite';
case 11: return 'El Capitan';
case 12: return 'Sierra';
case 13: return 'High Sierra';
case 14: return 'Mojave';
case 15: return 'Catalina';
default: return undefined;
* Get Android version name
* 1.5 - Cupcake
* 1.6 - Donut
* 2.0 - Eclair
* 2.1 - Eclair
* 2.2 - Froyo
* 2.x - Gingerbread
* 3.x - Honeycomb
* 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich
* 4.1 - Jelly Bean
* 4.4 - KitKat
* 5.x - Lollipop
* 6.x - Marshmallow
* 7.x - Nougat
* 8.x - Oreo
* 9.x - Pie
* @example
* getAndroidVersionName("7.0") // 'Nougat'
* @param {string} version
* @return {string} versionName
static getAndroidVersionName(version) {
const v = version.split('.').splice(0, 2).map(s => parseInt(s, 10) || 0);
if (v[0] === 1 && v[1] < 5) return undefined;
if (v[0] === 1 && v[1] < 6) return 'Cupcake';
if (v[0] === 1 && v[1] >= 6) return 'Donut';
if (v[0] === 2 && v[1] < 2) return 'Eclair';
if (v[0] === 2 && v[1] === 2) return 'Froyo';
if (v[0] === 2 && v[1] > 2) return 'Gingerbread';
if (v[0] === 3) return 'Honeycomb';
if (v[0] === 4 && v[1] < 1) return 'Ice Cream Sandwich';
if (v[0] === 4 && v[1] < 4) return 'Jelly Bean';
if (v[0] === 4 && v[1] >= 4) return 'KitKat';
if (v[0] === 5) return 'Lollipop';
if (v[0] === 6) return 'Marshmallow';
if (v[0] === 7) return 'Nougat';
if (v[0] === 8) return 'Oreo';
if (v[0] === 9) return 'Pie';
if (v[0] === 10) return 'Android 10';
if (v[0] === 11) return 'Android 11';
if (v[0] === 12) return 'Android 12';
if (v[0] === 13) return 'Android 13';
if (v[0] === 14) return 'Android 14';
if (v[0] === 15) return 'Android 15';
return undefined;
* Get version precisions count
* @example
* getVersionPrecision("1.10.3") // 3
* @param {string} version
* @return {number}
static getVersionPrecision(version) {
return version.split('.').length;
* Calculate browser version weight
* @example
* compareVersions('', '') // 1
* compareVersions('', ''); // 1
* compareVersions('', ''); // 0
* compareVersions('', '1.0800.2'); // -1
* compareVersions('', '1.10', true); // 0
* @param {String} versionA versions versions to compare
* @param {String} versionB versions versions to compare
* @param {boolean} [isLoose] enable loose comparison
* @return {Number} comparison result: -1 when versionA is lower,
* 1 when versionA is bigger, 0 when both equal
/* eslint consistent-return: 1 */
static compareVersions(versionA, versionB, isLoose = false) {
// 1) get common precision for both versions, for example for "10.0" and "9" it should be 2
const versionAPrecision = Utils.getVersionPrecision(versionA);
const versionBPrecision = Utils.getVersionPrecision(versionB);
let precision = Math.max(versionAPrecision, versionBPrecision);
let lastPrecision = 0;
const chunks =[versionA, versionB], (version) => {
const delta = precision - Utils.getVersionPrecision(version);
// 2) "9" -> "9.0" (for precision = 2)
const _version = version + new Array(delta + 1).join('.0');
// 3) "9.0" -> ["000000000"", "000000009"]
return'.'), chunk => new Array(20 - chunk.length).join('0') + chunk).reverse();
// adjust precision for loose comparison
if (isLoose) {
lastPrecision = precision - Math.min(versionAPrecision, versionBPrecision);
// iterate in reverse order by reversed chunks array
precision -= 1;
while (precision >= lastPrecision) {
// 4) compare: "000000009" > "000000010" = false (but "9" > "10" = true)
if (chunks[0][precision] > chunks[1][precision]) {
return 1;
if (chunks[0][precision] === chunks[1][precision]) {
if (precision === lastPrecision) {
// all version chunks are same
return 0;
precision -= 1;
} else if (chunks[0][precision] < chunks[1][precision]) {
return -1;
return undefined;
* Array::map polyfill
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Function} iterator
* @return {Array}
static map(arr, iterator) {
const result = [];
let i;
if ( {
return, iterator);
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) {
return result;
* Array::find polyfill
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Function} predicate
* @return {Array}
static find(arr, predicate) {
let i;
let l;
if (Array.prototype.find) {
return, predicate);
for (i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i += 1) {
const value = arr[i];
if (predicate(value, i)) {
return value;
return undefined;
* Object::assign polyfill
* @param {Object} obj
* @param {Object} ...objs
* @return {Object}
static assign(obj, ...assigners) {
const result = obj;
let i;
let l;
if (Object.assign) {
return Object.assign(obj, ...assigners);
for (i = 0, l = assigners.length; i < l; i += 1) {
const assigner = assigners[i];
if (typeof assigner === 'object' && assigner !== null) {
const keys = Object.keys(assigner);
keys.forEach((key) => {
result[key] = assigner[key];
return obj;
* Get short version/alias for a browser name
* @example
* getBrowserAlias('Microsoft Edge') // edge
* @param {string} browserName
* @return {string}
static getBrowserAlias(browserName) {
return BROWSER_ALIASES_MAP[browserName];
* Get short version/alias for a browser name
* @example
* getBrowserAlias('edge') // Microsoft Edge
* @param {string} browserAlias
* @return {string}
static getBrowserTypeByAlias(browserAlias) {
return BROWSER_MAP[browserAlias] || '';
const commonVersionIdentifier = /version\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i;
const browserParsersList = [
/* Googlebot */
test: [/googlebot/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Googlebot',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/googlebot\/(\d+(\.\d+))/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
/* Opera < 13.0 */
test: [/opera/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Opera',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:opera)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
/* Opera > 13.0 */
test: [/opr\/|opios/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Opera',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:opr|opios)[\s/](\S+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/SamsungBrowser/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Samsung Internet for Android',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:SamsungBrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/Whale/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'NAVER Whale Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:whale)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/MZBrowser/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'MZ Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:MZBrowser)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/focus/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Focus',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:focus)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/swing/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Swing',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:swing)[\s/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/coast/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Opera Coast',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:coast)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/opt\/\d+(?:.?_?\d+)+/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Opera Touch',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:opt)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/yabrowser/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Yandex Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:yabrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/ucbrowser/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'UC Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:ucbrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/Maxthon|mxios/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Maxthon',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:Maxthon|mxios)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/epiphany/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Epiphany',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:epiphany)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/puffin/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Puffin',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:puffin)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/sleipnir/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Sleipnir',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:sleipnir)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/k-meleon/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'K-Meleon',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:k-meleon)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/micromessenger/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'WeChat',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:micromessenger)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/qqbrowser/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: (/qqbrowserlite/i).test(ua) ? 'QQ Browser Lite' : 'QQ Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:qqbrowserlite|qqbrowser)[/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/msie|trident/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Internet Explorer',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:msie |rv:)(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/\sedg\//i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Microsoft Edge',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/\sedg\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/edg([ea]|ios)/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Microsoft Edge',
const version = Utils.getSecondMatch(/edg([ea]|ios)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/vivaldi/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Vivaldi',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/vivaldi\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/seamonkey/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'SeaMonkey',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/seamonkey\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/sailfish/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Sailfish',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/sailfish\s?browser\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/silk/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Amazon Silk',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/silk\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/phantom/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'PhantomJS',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/phantomjs\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/slimerjs/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'SlimerJS',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/slimerjs\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/blackberry|\bbb\d+/i, /rim\stablet/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'BlackBerry',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/blackberry[\d]+\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/(web|hpw)[o0]s/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'WebOS Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(/w(?:eb)?[o0]sbrowser\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/bada/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Bada',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/dolfin\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/tizen/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Tizen',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:tizen\s?)?browser\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/qupzilla/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'QupZilla',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:qupzilla)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/firefox|iceweasel|fxios/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Firefox',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:firefox|iceweasel|fxios)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/electron/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Electron',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:electron)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/MiuiBrowser/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Miui',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:MiuiBrowser)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/chromium/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Chromium',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:chromium)[\s/](\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua) || Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/chrome|crios|crmo/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Chrome',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:chrome|crios|crmo)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
test: [/GSA/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Google Search',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:GSA)\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
/* Android Browser */
test(parser) {
const notLikeAndroid = !parser.test(/like android/i);
const butAndroid = parser.test(/android/i);
return notLikeAndroid && butAndroid;
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Android Browser',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
/* PlayStation 4 */
test: [/playstation 4/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'PlayStation 4',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
/* Safari */
test: [/safari|applewebkit/i],
describe(ua) {
const browser = {
name: 'Safari',
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(commonVersionIdentifier, ua);
if (version) {
browser.version = version;
return browser;
/* Something else */
test: [/.*/i],
describe(ua) {
/* Here we try to make sure that there are explicit details about the device
* in order to decide what regexp exactly we want to apply
* (as there is a specific decision based on that conclusion)
const regexpWithoutDeviceSpec = /^(.*)\/(.*) /;
const regexpWithDeviceSpec = /^(.*)\/(.*)[ \t]\((.*)/;
const hasDeviceSpec ='\\(') !== -1;
const regexp = hasDeviceSpec ? regexpWithDeviceSpec : regexpWithoutDeviceSpec;
return {
name: Utils.getFirstMatch(regexp, ua),
version: Utils.getSecondMatch(regexp, ua),
const enginesParsersList = [
/* EdgeHTML */
test(parser) {
return parser.getBrowserName(true) === 'microsoft edge';
describe(ua) {
const isBlinkBased = /\sedg\//i.test(ua);
// return blink if it's blink-based one
if (isBlinkBased) {
return {
name: ENGINE_MAP.Blink,
// otherwise match the version and return EdgeHTML
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/edge\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
return {
/* Trident */
test: [/trident/i],
describe(ua) {
const engine = {
name: ENGINE_MAP.Trident,
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/trident\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
engine.version = version;
return engine;
/* Presto */
test(parser) {
return parser.test(/presto/i);
describe(ua) {
const engine = {
name: ENGINE_MAP.Presto,
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/presto\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
engine.version = version;
return engine;
/* Gecko */
test(parser) {
const isGecko = parser.test(/gecko/i);
const likeGecko = parser.test(/like gecko/i);
return isGecko && !likeGecko;
describe(ua) {
const engine = {
name: ENGINE_MAP.Gecko,
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/gecko\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
engine.version = version;
return engine;
/* Blink */
test: [/(apple)?webkit\/537\.36/i],
describe() {
return {
name: ENGINE_MAP.Blink,
/* WebKit */
test: [/(apple)?webkit/i],
describe(ua) {
const engine = {
name: ENGINE_MAP.WebKit,
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/webkit\/(\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua);
if (version) {
engine.version = version;
return engine;
const platformParsersList = [
/* Googlebot */
test: [/googlebot/i],
describe() {
return {
type: 'bot',
vendor: 'Google',
/* Huawei */
test: [/huawei/i],
describe(ua) {
const model = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(can-l01)/i, ua) && 'Nova';
const platform = {
vendor: 'Huawei',
if (model) {
platform.model = model;
return platform;
/* Nexus Tablet */
test: [/nexus\s*(?:7|8|9|10).*/i],
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
vendor: 'Nexus',
/* iPad */
test: [/ipad/i],
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
vendor: 'Apple',
model: 'iPad',
/* Firefox on iPad */
test: [/Macintosh(.*?) FxiOS(.*?)\//],
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
vendor: 'Apple',
model: 'iPad',
/* Amazon Kindle Fire */
test: [/kftt build/i],
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
vendor: 'Amazon',
model: 'Kindle Fire HD 7',
/* Another Amazon Tablet with Silk */
test: [/silk/i],
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
vendor: 'Amazon',
/* Tablet */
test: [/tablet(?! pc)/i],
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
/* iPod/iPhone */
test(parser) {
const iDevice = parser.test(/ipod|iphone/i);
const likeIDevice = parser.test(/like (ipod|iphone)/i);
return iDevice && !likeIDevice;
describe(ua) {
const model = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(ipod|iphone)/i, ua);
return {
vendor: 'Apple',
/* Nexus Mobile */
test: [/nexus\s*[0-6].*/i, /galaxy nexus/i],
describe() {
return {
vendor: 'Nexus',
/* Mobile */
test: [/[^-]mobi/i],
describe() {
return {
/* BlackBerry */
test(parser) {
return parser.getBrowserName(true) === 'blackberry';
describe() {
return {
vendor: 'BlackBerry',
/* Bada */
test(parser) {
return parser.getBrowserName(true) === 'bada';
describe() {
return {
/* Windows Phone */
test(parser) {
return parser.getBrowserName() === 'windows phone';
describe() {
return {
vendor: 'Microsoft',
/* Android Tablet */
test(parser) {
const osMajorVersion = Number(String(parser.getOSVersion()).split('.')[0]);
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'android' && (osMajorVersion >= 3);
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.tablet,
/* Android Mobile */
test(parser) {
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'android';
describe() {
return {
/* desktop */
test(parser) {
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'macos';
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.desktop,
vendor: 'Apple',
/* Windows */
test(parser) {
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'windows';
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.desktop,
/* Linux */
test(parser) {
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'linux';
describe() {
return {
type: PLATFORMS_MAP.desktop,
/* PlayStation 4 */
test(parser) {
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'playstation 4';
describe() {
return {
/* Roku */
test(parser) {
return parser.getOSName(true) === 'roku';
describe() {
return {
const osParsersList = [
/* Roku */
test: [/Roku\/DVP/],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/Roku\/DVP-(\d+\.\d+)/i, ua);
return {
name: OS_MAP.Roku,
/* Windows Phone */
test: [/windows phone/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/windows phone (?:os)?\s?(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua);
return {
name: OS_MAP.WindowsPhone,
/* Windows */
test: [/windows /i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/Windows ((NT|XP)( \d\d?.\d)?)/i, ua);
const versionName = Utils.getWindowsVersionName(version);
return {
name: OS_MAP.Windows,
/* Firefox on iPad */
test: [/Macintosh(.*?) FxiOS(.*?)\//],
describe(ua) {
const result = {
name: OS_MAP.iOS,
const version = Utils.getSecondMatch(/(Version\/)(\d[\d.]+)/, ua);
if (version) {
result.version = version;
return result;
/* macOS */
test: [/macintosh/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/mac os x (\d+(\.?_?\d+)+)/i, ua).replace(/[_\s]/g, '.');
const versionName = Utils.getMacOSVersionName(version);
const os = {
name: OS_MAP.MacOS,
if (versionName) {
os.versionName = versionName;
return os;
/* iOS */
test: [/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/os (\d+([_\s]\d+)*) like mac os x/i, ua).replace(/[_\s]/g, '.');
return {
name: OS_MAP.iOS,
/* Android */
test(parser) {
const notLikeAndroid = !parser.test(/like android/i);
const butAndroid = parser.test(/android/i);
return notLikeAndroid && butAndroid;
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/android[\s/-](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua);
const versionName = Utils.getAndroidVersionName(version);
const os = {
name: OS_MAP.Android,
if (versionName) {
os.versionName = versionName;
return os;
/* WebOS */
test: [/(web|hpw)[o0]s/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/(?:web|hpw)[o0]s\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua);
const os = {
name: OS_MAP.WebOS,
if (version && version.length) {
os.version = version;
return os;
/* BlackBerry */
test: [/blackberry|\bbb\d+/i, /rim\stablet/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/rim\stablet\sos\s(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua)
|| Utils.getFirstMatch(/blackberry\d+\/(\d+([_\s]\d+)*)/i, ua)
|| Utils.getFirstMatch(/\bbb(\d+)/i, ua);
return {
name: OS_MAP.BlackBerry,
/* Bada */
test: [/bada/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/bada\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua);
return {
name: OS_MAP.Bada,
/* Tizen */
test: [/tizen/i],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/tizen[/\s](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua);
return {
name: OS_MAP.Tizen,
/* Linux */
test: [/linux/i],
describe() {
return {
name: OS_MAP.Linux,
/* Chrome OS */
test: [/CrOS/],
describe() {
return {
name: OS_MAP.ChromeOS,
/* Playstation 4 */
test: [/PlayStation 4/],
describe(ua) {
const version = Utils.getFirstMatch(/PlayStation 4[/\s](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i, ua);
return {
name: OS_MAP.PlayStation4,
* The main class that arranges the whole parsing process.
class Parser {
* Create instance of Parser
* @param {String} UA User-Agent string
* @param {Boolean} [skipParsing=false] parser can skip parsing in purpose of performance
* improvements if you need to make a more particular parsing
* like {@link Parser#parseBrowser} or {@link Parser#parsePlatform}
* @throw {Error} in case of empty UA String
* @constructor
constructor(UA, skipParsing = false) {
if (UA === void (0) || UA === null || UA === '') {
throw new Error("UserAgent parameter can't be empty");
this._ua = UA;
* @typedef ParsedResult
* @property {Object} browser
* @property {String|undefined} []
* Browser name, like `"Chrome"` or `"Internet Explorer"`
* @property {String|undefined} [browser.version] Browser version as a String `"12.01.45334.10"`
* @property {Object} os
* @property {String|undefined} [] OS name, like `"Windows"` or `"macOS"`
* @property {String|undefined} [os.version] OS version, like `"NT 5.1"` or `"10.11.1"`
* @property {String|undefined} [os.versionName] OS name, like `"XP"` or `"High Sierra"`
* @property {Object} platform
* @property {String|undefined} [platform.type]
* platform type, can be either `"desktop"`, `"tablet"` or `"mobile"`
* @property {String|undefined} [platform.vendor] Vendor of the device,
* like `"Apple"` or `"Samsung"`
* @property {String|undefined} [platform.model] Device model,
* like `"iPhone"` or `"Kindle Fire HD 7"`
* @property {Object} engine
* @property {String|undefined} []
* Can be any of this: `WebKit`, `Blink`, `Gecko`, `Trident`, `Presto`, `EdgeHTML`
* @property {String|undefined} [engine.version] String version of the engine
this.parsedResult = {};
if (skipParsing !== true) {
* Get UserAgent string of current Parser instance
* @return {String} User-Agent String of the current <Parser> object
* @public
getUA() {
return this._ua;
* Test a UA string for a regexp
* @param {RegExp} regex
* @return {Boolean}
test(regex) {
return regex.test(this._ua);
* Get parsed browser object
* @return {Object}
parseBrowser() {
this.parsedResult.browser = {};
const browserDescriptor = Utils.find(browserParsersList, (_browser) => {
if (typeof _browser.test === 'function') {
return _browser.test(this);
if (_browser.test instanceof Array) {
return _browser.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));
throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");
if (browserDescriptor) {
this.parsedResult.browser = browserDescriptor.describe(this.getUA());
return this.parsedResult.browser;
* Get parsed browser object
* @return {Object}
* @public
getBrowser() {
if (this.parsedResult.browser) {
return this.parsedResult.browser;
return this.parseBrowser();
* Get browser's name
* @return {String} Browser's name or an empty string
* @public
getBrowserName(toLowerCase) {
if (toLowerCase) {
return String(this.getBrowser().name).toLowerCase() || '';
return this.getBrowser().name || '';
* Get browser's version
* @return {String} version of browser
* @public
getBrowserVersion() {
return this.getBrowser().version;
* Get OS
* @return {Object}
* @example
* this.getOS();
* {
* name: 'macOS',
* version: '10.11.12'
* }
getOS() {
if (this.parsedResult.os) {
return this.parsedResult.os;
return this.parseOS();
* Parse OS and save it to this.parsedResult.os
* @return {*|{}}
parseOS() {
this.parsedResult.os = {};
const os = Utils.find(osParsersList, (_os) => {
if (typeof _os.test === 'function') {
return _os.test(this);
if (_os.test instanceof Array) {
return _os.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));
throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");
if (os) {
this.parsedResult.os = os.describe(this.getUA());
return this.parsedResult.os;
* Get OS name
* @param {Boolean} [toLowerCase] return lower-cased value
* @return {String} name of the OS — macOS, Windows, Linux, etc.
getOSName(toLowerCase) {
const { name } = this.getOS();
if (toLowerCase) {
return String(name).toLowerCase() || '';
return name || '';
* Get OS version
* @return {String} full version with dots ('10.11.12', '5.6', etc)
getOSVersion() {
return this.getOS().version;
* Get parsed platform
* @return {{}}
getPlatform() {
if (this.parsedResult.platform) {
return this.parsedResult.platform;
return this.parsePlatform();
* Get platform name
* @param {Boolean} [toLowerCase=false]
* @return {*}
getPlatformType(toLowerCase = false) {
const { type } = this.getPlatform();
if (toLowerCase) {
return String(type).toLowerCase() || '';
return type || '';
* Get parsed platform
* @return {{}}
parsePlatform() {
this.parsedResult.platform = {};
const platform = Utils.find(platformParsersList, (_platform) => {
if (typeof _platform.test === 'function') {
return _platform.test(this);
if (_platform.test instanceof Array) {
return _platform.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));
throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");
if (platform) {
this.parsedResult.platform = platform.describe(this.getUA());
return this.parsedResult.platform;
* Get parsed engine
* @return {{}}
getEngine() {
if (this.parsedResult.engine) {
return this.parsedResult.engine;
return this.parseEngine();
* Get engines's name
* @return {String} Engines's name or an empty string
* @public
getEngineName(toLowerCase) {
if (toLowerCase) {
return String(this.getEngine().name).toLowerCase() || '';
return this.getEngine().name || '';
* Get parsed platform
* @return {{}}
parseEngine() {
this.parsedResult.engine = {};
const engine = Utils.find(enginesParsersList, (_engine) => {
if (typeof _engine.test === 'function') {
return _engine.test(this);
if (_engine.test instanceof Array) {
return _engine.test.some(condition => this.test(condition));
throw new Error("Browser's test function is not valid");
if (engine) {
this.parsedResult.engine = engine.describe(this.getUA());
return this.parsedResult.engine;
* Parse full information about the browser
* @returns {Parser}
parse() {
return this;
* Get parsed result
* @return {ParsedResult}
getResult() {
return Utils.assign({}, this.parsedResult);
* Check if parsed browser matches certain conditions
* @param {Object} checkTree It's one or two layered object,
* which can include a platform or an OS on the first layer
* and should have browsers specs on the bottom-laying layer
* @returns {Boolean|undefined} Whether the browser satisfies the set conditions or not.
* Returns `undefined` when the browser is no described in the checkTree object.
* @example
* const browser = Bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);
* if (browser.satisfies({chrome: '>118.01.1322' }))
* // or with os
* if (browser.satisfies({windows: { chrome: '>118.01.1322' } }))
* // or with platforms
* if (browser.satisfies({desktop: { chrome: '>118.01.1322' } }))
satisfies(checkTree) {
const platformsAndOSes = {};
let platformsAndOSCounter = 0;
const browsers = {};
let browsersCounter = 0;
const allDefinitions = Object.keys(checkTree);
allDefinitions.forEach((key) => {
const currentDefinition = checkTree[key];
if (typeof currentDefinition === 'string') {
browsers[key] = currentDefinition;
browsersCounter += 1;
} else if (typeof currentDefinition === 'object') {
platformsAndOSes[key] = currentDefinition;
platformsAndOSCounter += 1;
if (platformsAndOSCounter > 0) {
const platformsAndOSNames = Object.keys(platformsAndOSes);
const OSMatchingDefinition = Utils.find(platformsAndOSNames, name => (this.isOS(name)));
if (OSMatchingDefinition) {
const osResult = this.satisfies(platformsAndOSes[OSMatchingDefinition]);
if (osResult !== void 0) {
return osResult;
const platformMatchingDefinition = Utils.find(
name => (this.isPlatform(name)),
if (platformMatchingDefinition) {
const platformResult = this.satisfies(platformsAndOSes[platformMatchingDefinition]);
if (platformResult !== void 0) {
return platformResult;
if (browsersCounter > 0) {
const browserNames = Object.keys(browsers);
const matchingDefinition = Utils.find(browserNames, name => (this.isBrowser(name, true)));
if (matchingDefinition !== void 0) {
return this.compareVersion(browsers[matchingDefinition]);
return undefined;
* Check if the browser name equals the passed string
* @param browserName The string to compare with the browser name
* @param [includingAlias=false] The flag showing whether alias will be included into comparison
* @returns {boolean}
isBrowser(browserName, includingAlias = false) {
const defaultBrowserName = this.getBrowserName().toLowerCase();
let browserNameLower = browserName.toLowerCase();
const alias = Utils.getBrowserTypeByAlias(browserNameLower);
if (includingAlias && alias) {
browserNameLower = alias.toLowerCase();
return browserNameLower === defaultBrowserName;
compareVersion(version) {
let expectedResults = [0];
let comparableVersion = version;
let isLoose = false;
const currentBrowserVersion = this.getBrowserVersion();
if (typeof currentBrowserVersion !== 'string') {
return void 0;
if (version[0] === '>' || version[0] === '<') {
comparableVersion = version.substr(1);
if (version[1] === '=') {
isLoose = true;
comparableVersion = version.substr(2);
} else {
expectedResults = [];
if (version[0] === '>') {
} else {
} else if (version[0] === '=') {
comparableVersion = version.substr(1);
} else if (version[0] === '~') {
isLoose = true;
comparableVersion = version.substr(1);
return expectedResults.indexOf(
Utils.compareVersions(currentBrowserVersion, comparableVersion, isLoose),
) > -1;
isOS(osName) {
return this.getOSName(true) === String(osName).toLowerCase();
isPlatform(platformType) {
return this.getPlatformType(true) === String(platformType).toLowerCase();
isEngine(engineName) {
return this.getEngineName(true) === String(engineName).toLowerCase();
* Is anything? Check if the browser is called "anything",
* the OS called "anything" or the platform called "anything"
* @param {String} anything
* @param [includingAlias=false] The flag showing whether alias will be included into comparison
* @returns {Boolean}
is(anything, includingAlias = false) {
return this.isBrowser(anything, includingAlias) || this.isOS(anything)
|| this.isPlatform(anything);
* Check if any of the given values satisfies
* @param {String[]} anythings
* @returns {Boolean}
some(anythings = []) {
return anythings.some(anything =>;
* Bowser class.
* Keep it simple as much as it can be.
* It's supposed to work with collections of {@link Parser} instances
* rather then solve one-instance problems.
* All the one-instance stuff is located in Parser class.
* @class
* @classdesc Bowser is a static object, that provides an API to the Parsers
* @hideconstructor
export class Bowser {
* Creates a {@link Parser} instance
* @param {String} UA UserAgent string
* @param {Boolean} [skipParsing=false] Will make the Parser postpone parsing until you ask it
* explicitly. Same as `skipParsing` for {@link Parser}.
* @returns {Parser}
* @throws {Error} when UA is not a String
* @example
* const parser = Bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);
* const result = parser.getResult();
static getParser(UA, skipParsing = false) {
if (typeof UA !== 'string') {
throw new Error('UserAgent should be a string');
return new Parser(UA, skipParsing);
* Creates a {@link Parser} instance and runs {@link Parser.getResult} immediately
* @param UA
* @return {ParsedResult}
* @example
* const result = Bowser.parse(window.navigator.userAgent);
static parse(UA) {
return (new Parser(UA)).getResult();
static get BROWSER_MAP() {
static get ENGINE_MAP() {
return ENGINE_MAP;
static get OS_MAP() {
return OS_MAP;
static get PLATFORMS_MAP() {