@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ |
//! A chat server that broadcasts a message to all connections.
//! This is a simple line-based server which accepts WebSocket connections,
//! reads lines from those connections, and broadcasts the lines to all other
//! connected clients.
//! You can test this out by running:
//! cargo run --example server
//! And then in another window run:
//! cargo run --example client ws://
//! You can run the second command in multiple windows and then chat between the
//! two, seeing the messages from the other client as they're received. For all
//! connected clients they'll all join the same room and see everyone else's
//! messages.
use std::{ |
collections::HashMap, |
convert::Infallible, |
env, |
net::SocketAddr, |
sync::{Arc, Mutex}, |
}; |
use hyper::{ |
header::{ |
}, |
server::conn::AddrStream, |
service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}, |
upgrade::Upgraded, |
Body, Method, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode, Version, |
}; |
use futures_channel::mpsc::{unbounded, UnboundedSender}; |
use futures_util::{future, pin_mut, stream::TryStreamExt, StreamExt}; |
use async_tungstenite::{tokio::TokioAdapter, WebSocketStream}; |
use tungstenite::{ |
handshake::derive_accept_key, |
protocol::{Message, Role}, |
}; |
type Tx = UnboundedSender<Message>; |
type PeerMap = Arc<Mutex<HashMap<SocketAddr, Tx>>>; |
async fn handle_connection( |
peer_map: PeerMap, |
ws_stream: WebSocketStream<TokioAdapter<Upgraded>>, |
addr: SocketAddr, |
) { |
println!("WebSocket connection established: {}", addr); |
// Insert the write part of this peer to the peer map.
let (tx, rx) = unbounded(); |
peer_map.lock().unwrap().insert(addr, tx); |
let (outgoing, incoming) = ws_stream.split(); |
let broadcast_incoming = incoming.try_for_each(|msg| { |
println!( |
"Received a message from {}: {}", |
addr, |
msg.to_text().unwrap() |
); |
let peers = peer_map.lock().unwrap(); |
// We want to broadcast the message to everyone except ourselves.
let broadcast_recipients = peers |
.iter() |
.filter(|(peer_addr, _)| peer_addr != &&addr) |
.map(|(_, ws_sink)| ws_sink); |
for recp in broadcast_recipients { |
recp.unbounded_send(msg.clone()).unwrap(); |
} |
future::ok(()) |
}); |
let receive_from_others =; |
pin_mut!(broadcast_incoming, receive_from_others); |
future::select(broadcast_incoming, receive_from_others).await; |
println!("{} disconnected", &addr); |
peer_map.lock().unwrap().remove(&addr); |
} |
async fn handle_request( |
peer_map: PeerMap, |
mut req: Request<Body>, |
addr: SocketAddr, |
) -> Result<Response<Body>, Infallible> { |
println!("Received a new, potentially ws handshake"); |
println!("The request's path is: {}", req.uri().path()); |
println!("The request's headers are:"); |
for (ref header, _value) in req.headers() { |
println!("* {}", header); |
} |
let upgrade = HeaderValue::from_static("Upgrade"); |
let websocket = HeaderValue::from_static("websocket"); |
let headers = req.headers(); |
let key = headers.get(SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY); |
let derived =|k| derive_accept_key(k.as_bytes())); |
if req.method() != Method::GET |
|| req.version() < Version::HTTP_11 |
|| !headers |
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok()) |
.map(|h| { |
h.split(|c| c == ' ' || c == ',') |
.any(|p| p.eq_ignore_ascii_case(upgrade.to_str().unwrap())) |
}) |
.unwrap_or(false) |
|| !headers |
.get(UPGRADE) |
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok()) |
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("websocket")) |
.unwrap_or(false) |
|| !headers |
.map(|h| h == "13") |
.unwrap_or(false) |
|| key.is_none() |
|| req.uri() != "/socket" |
{ |
return Ok(Response::new(Body::from("Hello World!"))); |
} |
let ver = req.version(); |
tokio::task::spawn(async move { |
match hyper::upgrade::on(&mut req).await { |
Ok(upgraded) => { |
handle_connection( |
peer_map, |
WebSocketStream::from_raw_socket( |
TokioAdapter::new(upgraded), |
Role::Server, |
None, |
) |
.await, |
addr, |
) |
.await; |
} |
Err(e) => println!("upgrade error: {}", e), |
} |
}); |
let mut res = Response::new(Body::empty()); |
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS; |
*res.version_mut() = ver; |
res.headers_mut().append(CONNECTION, upgrade); |
res.headers_mut().append(UPGRADE, websocket); |
res.headers_mut() |
.append(SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT, derived.unwrap().parse().unwrap()); |
// Let's add an additional header to our response to the client.
res.headers_mut() |
.append("MyCustomHeader", ":)".parse().unwrap()); |
res.headers_mut() |
.append("SOME_TUNGSTENITE_HEADER", "header_value".parse().unwrap()); |
Ok(res) |
} |
#[tokio::main] |
async fn main() -> Result<(), hyper::Error> { |
let state = PeerMap::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); |
let addr = env::args() |
.nth(1) |
.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()) |
.parse() |
.unwrap(); |
let make_svc = make_service_fn(move |conn: &AddrStream| { |
let remote_addr = conn.remote_addr(); |
let state = state.clone(); |
let service = service_fn(move |req| handle_request(state.clone(), req, remote_addr)); |
async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(service) } |
}); |
let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(make_svc); |
server.await?; |
Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(()) |
} |
Reference in new issue