Rust implementation of NextGraph, a Decentralized and local-first web 3.0 ecosystem
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

61 lines
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use futures::{channel::mpsc, SinkExt};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use crate::{connection::*, errors::ProtocolError};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait BrokerRequest: DeserializeOwned {}
pub trait BrokerResponse: DeserializeOwned {
fn test(&self);
impl BrokerResponse for () {
fn test(&self) {}
pub trait IActor: EActor {
fn process_request(&self) {}
pub trait EActor {
async fn handle(&mut self, cmd: ConnectionCommand);
pub struct Actor<'a, A: BrokerRequest, B: BrokerResponse> {
id: i64,
phantom_a: PhantomData<&'a A>,
phantom_b: PhantomData<&'a B>,
receiver: Receiver<ConnectionCommand>,
receiver_tx: Sender<ConnectionCommand>,
impl<A: BrokerRequest + std::marker::Sync, B: BrokerResponse + std::marker::Sync> EActor
for Actor<'_, A, B>
async fn handle(&mut self, cmd: ConnectionCommand) {
let _ = self.receiver_tx.send(cmd).await;
impl<A: BrokerRequest, B: BrokerResponse> Actor<'_, A, B> {
pub fn new(id: i64) -> Self {
let (mut receiver_tx, receiver) = mpsc::unbounded::<ConnectionCommand>();
Self {
phantom_a: PhantomData,
phantom_b: PhantomData,
pub fn request(&self, msg: A, stream: Option<A>) -> Result<B, ProtocolError> {
let b: Vec<u8> = vec![];
let a = serde_bare::from_slice::<B>(&b).unwrap();