// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers
// All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// <LICENSE-APACHE2 or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use p2p_repo ::store ::* ;
use p2p_repo ::types ::* ;
use p2p_repo ::utils ::* ;
use p2p_repo ::log ::* ;
use std ::path ::Path ;
use std ::sync ::{ Arc , RwLock } ;
use rkv ::backend ::{
BackendDatabaseFlags , BackendFlags , BackendIter , BackendWriteFlags , DatabaseFlags , Lmdb ,
LmdbDatabase , LmdbDatabaseFlags , LmdbEnvironment , LmdbRwTransaction , LmdbWriteFlags ,
} ;
use rkv ::{
Manager , MultiIntegerStore , Rkv , SingleStore , StoreError , StoreOptions , Value , WriteFlags ,
Writer ,
} ;
use serde ::{ Deserialize , Serialize } ;
use serde_bare ::error ::Error ;
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct LmdbRepoStore {
/// the main store where all the repo blocks are stored
main_store : SingleStore < LmdbDatabase > ,
/// store for the pin boolean, recently_used timestamp, and synced boolean
meta_store : SingleStore < LmdbDatabase > ,
/// store for the expiry timestamp
expiry_store : MultiIntegerStore < LmdbDatabase , u32 > ,
/// store for the LRU list
recently_used_store : MultiIntegerStore < LmdbDatabase , u32 > ,
/// the opened environment so we can create new transactions
environment : Arc < RwLock < Rkv < LmdbEnvironment > > > ,
// TODO: versioning V0
#[ derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq) ]
struct BlockMeta {
pub pin : bool ,
pub last_used : Timestamp ,
pub synced : bool ,
impl RepoStore for LmdbRepoStore {
/// Retrieves a block from the storage backend.
fn get ( & self , block_id : & BlockId ) -> Result < Block , StorageError > {
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let reader = lock . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block_id_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block_ser_res = self . main_store . get ( & reader , block_id_ser . clone ( ) ) ;
match block_ser_res {
Err ( e ) = > Err ( StorageError ::BackendError ) ,
Ok ( None ) = > Err ( StorageError ::NotFound ) ,
Ok ( Some ( block_ser ) ) = > {
// updating recently_used
// first getting the meta for this BlockId
let meta_ser = self . meta_store . get ( & reader , block_id_ser . clone ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
match meta_ser {
Some ( meta_value ) = > {
let mut meta =
serde_bare ::from_slice ::< BlockMeta > ( & meta_value . to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
if meta . synced {
let mut writer = lock . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let now = now_timestamp ( ) ;
if ! meta . pin {
// we remove the previous timestamp (last_used) from recently_used_store
self . remove_from_lru ( & mut writer , & block_id_ser , & meta . last_used )
. unwrap ( ) ;
// we add an entry to recently_used_store with now
self . add_to_lru ( & mut writer , & block_id_ser , & now ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// we save the new meta (with last_used:now)
meta . last_used = now ;
let new_meta_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & meta ) . unwrap ( ) ;
self . meta_store
. put (
& mut writer ,
block_id_ser ,
& Value ::Blob ( new_meta_ser . as_slice ( ) ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
// commit
writer . commit ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
_ = > { } // there is no meta. we do nothing since we start to record LRU only once synced == true.
match serde_bare ::from_slice ::< Block > ( & block_ser . to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) {
Err ( _e ) = > Err ( StorageError ::InvalidValue ) ,
Ok ( o ) = > {
if o . id ( ) ! = * block_id {
log_debug ! (
"Invalid ObjectId.\nExp: {:?}\nGot: {:?}\nContent: {:?}" ,
block_id ,
o . id ( ) ,
) ;
panic! ( "CORRUPTION OF DATA !" ) ;
Ok ( o )
/// Adds a block in the storage backend.
/// The block is persisted to disk.
/// Returns the BlockId of the Block.
fn put ( & self , block : & Block ) -> Result < BlockId , StorageError > {
let block_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & block ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block_id = block . id ( ) ;
let block_id_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut writer = lock . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// TODO: check if the block is already in store? if yes, don't put it again.
// I didnt do it yet because it is extra cost. surely a get on the store is lighter than a put
// but doing a get in additing to a put for every call, is probably even costlier. better to deal with that at the higher level
self . main_store
. put (
& mut writer ,
& block_id_ser ,
& Value ::Blob ( block_ser . as_slice ( ) ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
// if it has an expiry, adding the BlockId to the expiry_store
match block . expiry ( ) {
Some ( expiry ) = > {
self . expiry_store
. put ( & mut writer , expiry , & Value ::Blob ( block_id_ser . as_slice ( ) ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
_ = > { }
writer . commit ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
Ok ( block_id )
/// Removes the block from the storage backend.
/// The removed block is returned, so it can be inspected.
/// Also returned is the approximate size of of free space that was reclaimed.
fn del ( & self , block_id : & BlockId ) -> Result < ( Block , usize ) , StorageError > {
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut writer = lock . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block_id_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// retrieving the block itself (we need the expiry)
let block_ser = self
. main_store
. get ( & writer , block_id_ser . clone ( ) )
. unwrap ( )
. ok_or ( StorageError ::NotFound ) ? ;
let slice = block_ser . to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block = serde_bare ::from_slice ::< Block > ( & slice ) . unwrap ( ) ; //FIXME propagate error?
let meta_res = self . meta_store . get ( & writer , block_id_ser . clone ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if meta_res . is_some ( ) {
let meta = serde_bare ::from_slice ::< BlockMeta > ( & meta_res . unwrap ( ) . to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
if meta . last_used ! = 0 {
self . remove_from_lru ( & mut writer , & block_id_ser . clone ( ) , & meta . last_used )
. unwrap ( ) ;
// removing the meta
self . meta_store
. delete ( & mut writer , block_id_ser . clone ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
// delete block from main_store
self . main_store
. delete ( & mut writer , block_id_ser . clone ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
// remove BlockId from expiry_store, if any expiry
match block . expiry ( ) {
Some ( expiry ) = > {
self . expiry_store
. delete (
& mut writer ,
expiry ,
& Value ::Blob ( block_id_ser . clone ( ) . as_slice ( ) ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
_ = > { }
writer . commit ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
Ok ( ( block , slice . len ( ) ) )
impl LmdbRepoStore {
/// Opens the store and returns a RepoStore object that should be kept and used to call put/get/delete/pin
/// The key is the encryption key for the data at rest.
pub fn open < ' a > ( path : & Path , key : [ u8 ; 32 ] ) -> Result < LmdbRepoStore , StorageError > {
let mut manager = Manager ::< LmdbEnvironment > ::singleton ( ) . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let shared_rkv = manager
. get_or_create ( path , | path | {
//Rkv::new::<Lmdb>(path) // use this instead to disable encryption
Rkv ::with_encryption_key_and_mapsize ::< Lmdb > ( path , key , 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
} )
. map_err ( | e | {
log_debug ! ( "open LMDB failed: {}" , e ) ;
StorageError ::BackendError
} ) ? ;
let env = shared_rkv . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! (
"created env with LMDB Version: {} key: {}" ,
env . version ( ) ,
hex ::encode ( & key )
) ;
let main_store = env . open_single ( "main" , StoreOptions ::create ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let meta_store = env . open_single ( "meta" , StoreOptions ::create ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut opts = StoreOptions ::< LmdbDatabaseFlags > ::create ( ) ;
opts . flags . set ( DatabaseFlags ::DUP_FIXED , true ) ;
let expiry_store = env . open_multi_integer ( "expiry" , opts ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let recently_used_store = env . open_multi_integer ( "recently_used" , opts ) . unwrap ( ) ;
Ok ( LmdbRepoStore {
environment : shared_rkv . clone ( ) ,
main_store ,
meta_store ,
expiry_store ,
recently_used_store ,
} )
//FIXME: use BlockId, not ObjectId. this is a block level operation
/// Pins the object
pub fn pin ( & self , object_id : & ObjectId ) -> Result < ( ) , StorageError > {
self . set_pin ( object_id , true )
//FIXME: use BlockId, not ObjectId. this is a block level operation
/// Unpins the object
pub fn unpin ( & self , object_id : & ObjectId ) -> Result < ( ) , StorageError > {
self . set_pin ( object_id , false )
//FIXME: use BlockId, not ObjectId. this is a block level operation
/// Sets the pin for that Object. if add is true, will add the pin. if false, will remove the pin.
/// A pin on an object prevents it from being removed when the store is making some disk space by using the LRU.
/// A pin does not override the expiry. If expiry is set and is reached, the obejct will be deleted, no matter what.
pub fn set_pin ( & self , object_id : & ObjectId , add : bool ) -> Result < ( ) , StorageError > {
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut writer = lock . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let obj_id_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & object_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let meta_ser = self . meta_store . get ( & writer , & obj_id_ser ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut meta ;
// if adding a pin, if there is a meta (if already pinned, return) and is synced, remove the last_used timestamp from recently_used_store
// if no meta, create it with pin:true, synced: false
// if removing a pin (if pin already removed, return), if synced, add an entry to recently_used_store with the last_used timestamp (as found in meta, dont use now)
match meta_ser {
Some ( meta_value ) = > {
meta =
serde_bare ::from_slice ::< BlockMeta > ( & meta_value . to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if add = = meta . pin {
// pinning while already pinned, or unpinning while already unpinned. NOP
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
} ;
meta . pin = add ;
if meta . synced {
if add {
// we remove the previous timestamp (last_used) from recently_used_store
self . remove_from_lru ( & mut writer , & obj_id_ser , & meta . last_used )
. unwrap ( ) ;
} else {
// we add an entry to recently_used_store with last_used
self . add_to_lru ( & mut writer , & obj_id_ser , & meta . last_used )
. unwrap ( ) ;
None = > {
if add {
meta = BlockMeta {
pin : true ,
synced : false ,
last_used : 0 ,
} else {
// there is no meta, and user wants to unpin, so let's leave everything as it is.
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
let new_meta_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & meta ) . unwrap ( ) ;
self . meta_store
. put (
& mut writer ,
obj_id_ser ,
& Value ::Blob ( new_meta_ser . as_slice ( ) ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
// commit
writer . commit ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
//FIXME: use BlockId, not ObjectId. this is a block level operation
/// the broker calls this method when the block has been retrieved/synced by enough peers and it
/// can now be included in the LRU for potential garbage collection.
/// If this method has not been called on a block, it will be kept in the store and will not enter LRU.
pub fn has_been_synced ( & self , block_id : & BlockId , when : Option < u32 > ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut writer = lock . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block_id_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let meta_ser = self . meta_store . get ( & writer , block_id_ser . clone ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut meta ;
let now = match when {
None = > now_timestamp ( ) ,
Some ( w ) = > w ,
} ;
// get the meta. if no meta, it is ok, we will create it after (with pin:false and synced:true)
// if already synced, return
// update the meta with last_used:now and synced:true
// if pinned, save and return
// otherwise add an entry to recently_used_store with now
match meta_ser {
Some ( meta_value ) = > {
meta =
serde_bare ::from_slice ::< BlockMeta > ( & meta_value . to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
if meta . synced {
// already synced. NOP
return Ok ( ( ) ) ;
} ;
meta . synced = true ;
meta . last_used = now ;
if ! meta . pin {
// we add an entry to recently_used_store with now
log_debug ! ( "adding to LRU" ) ;
self . add_to_lru ( & mut writer , & block_id_ser , & now ) . unwrap ( ) ;
None = > {
meta = BlockMeta {
pin : false ,
synced : true ,
last_used : now ,
} ;
log_debug ! ( "adding to LRU also" ) ;
self . add_to_lru ( & mut writer , & block_id_ser , & now ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let new_meta_ser = serde_bare ::to_vec ( & meta ) . unwrap ( ) ;
self . meta_store
. put (
& mut writer ,
block_id_ser ,
& Value ::Blob ( new_meta_ser . as_slice ( ) ) ,
. unwrap ( ) ;
// commit
writer . commit ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Removes all the blocks that have expired.
/// The broker should call this method periodically.
pub fn remove_expired ( & self ) -> Result < ( ) , Error > {
let mut block_ids : Vec < BlockId > = vec! [ ] ;
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let reader = lock . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut iter = self
. expiry_store
. iter_prev_dup_from ( & reader , now_timestamp ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
while let Some ( Ok ( mut sub_iter ) ) = iter . next ( ) {
while let Some ( Ok ( k ) ) = sub_iter . next ( ) {
//log_debug!("removing {:?} {:?}", k.0, k.1);
let block_id = serde_bare ::from_slice ::< ObjectId > ( k . 1 ) . unwrap ( ) ;
block_ids . push ( block_id ) ;
for block_id in block_ids {
self . del ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
Ok ( ( ) )
/// Removes some blocks that haven't been used for a while, reclaiming some space on disk.
/// The oldest are removed first, until the total amount of data removed is at least equal to size,
/// or the LRU list became empty. The approximate size of the storage space that was reclaimed is returned.
pub fn remove_least_used ( & self , size : usize ) -> usize {
let mut block_ids : Vec < BlockId > = vec! [ ] ;
let mut total : usize = 0 ;
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let reader = lock . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut iter = self . recently_used_store . iter_start ( & reader ) . unwrap ( ) ;
while let Some ( Ok ( entry ) ) = iter . next ( ) {
let block_id =
serde_bare ::from_slice ::< ObjectId > ( entry . 1. to_bytes ( ) . unwrap ( ) . as_slice ( ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
block_ids . push ( block_id ) ;
for block_id in block_ids {
let ( block , block_size ) = self . del ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "removed {:?}" , block_id ) ;
total + = block_size ;
if total > = size {
break ;
fn remove_from_lru (
& self ,
writer : & mut Writer < LmdbRwTransaction > ,
block_id_ser : & Vec < u8 > ,
time : & Timestamp ,
) -> Result < ( ) , StoreError > {
self . recently_used_store
. delete ( writer , * time , & Value ::Blob ( block_id_ser . as_slice ( ) ) )
fn add_to_lru (
& self ,
writer : & mut Writer < LmdbRwTransaction > ,
block_id_ser : & Vec < u8 > ,
time : & Timestamp ,
) -> Result < ( ) , StoreError > {
let mut flag = LmdbWriteFlags ::empty ( ) ;
flag . set ( WriteFlags ::APPEND_DUP , true ) ;
self . recently_used_store . put_with_flags (
writer ,
* time ,
& Value ::Blob ( block_id_ser . as_slice ( ) ) ,
flag ,
fn list_all ( & self ) {
let lock = self . environment . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let reader = lock . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "MAIN" ) ;
let mut iter = self . main_store . iter_start ( & reader ) . unwrap ( ) ;
while let Some ( Ok ( entry ) ) = iter . next ( ) {
log_debug ! ( "{:?} {:?}" , entry . 0 , entry . 1 )
log_debug ! ( "META" ) ;
let mut iter2 = self . meta_store . iter_start ( & reader ) . unwrap ( ) ;
while let Some ( Ok ( entry ) ) = iter2 . next ( ) {
log_debug ! ( "{:?} {:?}" , entry . 0 , entry . 1 )
log_debug ! ( "EXPIRY" ) ;
let mut iter3 = self . expiry_store . iter_start ( & reader ) . unwrap ( ) ;
while let Some ( Ok ( entry ) ) = iter3 . next ( ) {
log_debug ! ( "{:?} {:?}" , entry . 0 , entry . 1 )
log_debug ! ( "LRU" ) ;
let mut iter4 = self . recently_used_store . iter_start ( & reader ) . unwrap ( ) ;
while let Some ( Ok ( entry ) ) = iter4 . next ( ) {
log_debug ! ( "{:?} {:?}" , entry . 0 , entry . 1 )
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test {
use crate ::repo_store ::LmdbRepoStore ;
use p2p_repo ::log ::* ;
use p2p_repo ::store ::* ;
use p2p_repo ::types ::* ;
use p2p_repo ::utils ::* ;
use rkv ::backend ::{ BackendInfo , BackendStat , Lmdb , LmdbEnvironment } ;
use rkv ::{ Manager , Rkv , StoreOptions , Value } ;
#[ allow(unused_imports) ]
use std ::time ::Duration ;
#[ allow(unused_imports) ]
use std ::{ fs , thread } ;
use tempfile ::Builder ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_remove_least_used ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut store = LmdbRepoStore ::open ( root . path ( ) , key ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut now = now_timestamp ( ) ;
now - = 200 ;
// TODO: fix the LMDB bug that is triggered with x max set to 86 !!!
for x in 1 .. 85 {
let block = Block ::new (
Vec ::new ( ) ,
ObjectDeps ::ObjectIdList ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
None ,
vec! [ x ; 10 ] ,
None ,
) ;
let block_id = store . put ( & block ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "#{} -> objId {:?}" , x , block_id ) ;
. has_been_synced ( & block_id , Some ( now + x as u32 ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let ret = store . remove_least_used ( 200 ) ;
log_debug ! ( "removed {}" , ret ) ;
assert_eq! ( ret , 208 )
#[ test ]
pub fn test_set_pin ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut store = LmdbRepoStore ::open ( root . path ( ) , key ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let mut now = now_timestamp ( ) ;
now - = 200 ;
// TODO: fix the LMDB bug that is triggered with x max set to 86 !!!
for x in 1 .. 100 {
let block = Block ::new (
Vec ::new ( ) ,
ObjectDeps ::ObjectIdList ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
None ,
vec! [ x ; 10 ] ,
None ,
) ;
let obj_id = store . put ( & block ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "#{} -> objId {:?}" , x , obj_id ) ;
store . set_pin ( & obj_id , true ) . unwrap ( ) ;
. has_been_synced ( & obj_id , Some ( now + x as u32 ) )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let ret = store . remove_least_used ( 200 ) ;
log_debug ! ( "removed {}" , ret ) ;
assert_eq! ( ret , 0 ) ;
store . list_all ( ) ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_get_valid_value_size ( ) {
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 0 ) , 4072 ) ;
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 2 ) , 4072 ) ;
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 4072 ) , 4072 ) ;
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 1 ) , 4072 + 4096 ) ;
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 4096 ) , 4072 + 4096 ) ;
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 4096 + 1 ) , 4072 + 4096 + 4096 ) ;
assert_eq! (
store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 4096 + 4096 ) ,
4072 + 4096 + 4096
) ;
assert_eq! (
store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 4096 + 4096 + 1 ) ,
4072 + 4096 + 4096 + 4096
) ;
assert_eq! ( store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 4096 * 511 ) , 4072 + 4096 * 511 ) ;
assert_eq! (
store_valid_value_size ( 4072 + 4096 * 511 + 1 ) ,
4072 + 4096 * 511
) ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_remove_expired ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut store = LmdbRepoStore ::open ( root . path ( ) , key ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let now = now_timestamp ( ) ;
let list = [
now - 10 ,
now - 6 ,
now - 6 ,
now - 3 ,
now - 2 ,
now - 1 , //#5 should be removed, and above
now + 3 ,
now + 4 ,
now + 4 ,
now + 5 ,
now + 10 ,
] ;
let mut block_ids : Vec < ObjectId > = Vec ::with_capacity ( 11 ) ;
log_debug ! ( "now {}" , now ) ;
let mut i = 0 u8 ;
for expiry in list {
//let i: u8 = (expiry + 10 - now).try_into().unwrap();
let block = Block ::new (
Vec ::new ( ) ,
ObjectDeps ::ObjectIdList ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
Some ( expiry ) ,
[ i ] . to_vec ( ) ,
None ,
) ;
let block_id = store . put ( & block ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "#{} -> objId {:?}" , i , block_id ) ;
block_ids . push ( block_id ) ;
i + = 1 ;
store . remove_expired ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 0 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 1 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 2 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 5 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 6 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_ok ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 7 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_ok ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_remove_all_expired ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut store = LmdbRepoStore ::open ( root . path ( ) , key ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let now = now_timestamp ( ) ;
let list = [
now - 10 ,
now - 6 ,
now - 6 ,
now - 3 ,
now - 2 ,
now - 2 , //#5 should be removed, and above
] ;
let mut block_ids : Vec < ObjectId > = Vec ::with_capacity ( 6 ) ;
log_debug ! ( "now {}" , now ) ;
let mut i = 0 u8 ;
for expiry in list {
//let i: u8 = (expiry + 10 - now).try_into().unwrap();
let block = Block ::new (
Vec ::new ( ) ,
ObjectDeps ::ObjectIdList ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
Some ( expiry ) ,
[ i ] . to_vec ( ) ,
None ,
) ;
let block_id = store . put ( & block ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "#{} -> objId {:?}" , i , block_id ) ;
block_ids . push ( block_id ) ;
i + = 1 ;
store . remove_expired ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 0 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 1 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 2 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 3 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 4 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
assert! ( store . get ( block_ids . get ( 5 ) . unwrap ( ) ) . is_err ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_remove_empty_expired ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let store = LmdbRepoStore ::open ( root . path ( ) , key ) . unwrap ( ) ;
store . remove_expired ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_store_block ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut store = LmdbRepoStore ::open ( root . path ( ) , key ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let block = Block ::new (
Vec ::new ( ) ,
ObjectDeps ::ObjectIdList ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ,
None ,
b" abc " . to_vec ( ) ,
None ,
) ;
let block_id = store . put ( & block ) . unwrap ( ) ;
assert_eq! ( block_id , block . id ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "ObjectId: {:?}" , block_id ) ;
assert_eq! (
block_id ,
Digest ::Blake3Digest32 ( [
155 , 83 , 186 , 17 , 95 , 10 , 80 , 31 , 111 , 24 , 250 , 64 , 8 , 145 , 71 , 193 , 103 , 246 , 202 ,
28 , 202 , 144 , 63 , 65 , 85 , 229 , 136 , 85 , 202 , 34 , 13 , 85
] )
) ;
let block_res = store . get ( & block_id ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "Block: {:?}" , block_res ) ;
assert_eq! ( block_res . id ( ) , block . id ( ) ) ;
#[ test ]
pub fn test_lmdb ( ) {
let path_str = "test-env" ;
let root = Builder ::new ( ) . prefix ( path_str ) . tempdir ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// we set an encryption key with all zeros... for test purpose only ;)
let key : [ u8 ; 32 ] = [ 0 ; 32 ] ;
fs ::create_dir_all ( root . path ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "{}" , root . path ( ) . to_str ( ) . unwrap ( ) ) ;
let mut manager = Manager ::< LmdbEnvironment > ::singleton ( ) . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let shared_rkv = manager
. get_or_create ( root . path ( ) , | path | {
// Rkv::new::<Lmdb>(path) // use this instead to disable encryption
Rkv ::with_encryption_key_and_mapsize ::< Lmdb > ( path , key , 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
} )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let env = shared_rkv . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB Version: {}" , env . version ( ) ) ;
let store = env . open_single ( "testdb" , StoreOptions ::create ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// Use a write transaction to mutate the store via a `Writer`. There can be only
// one writer for a given environment, so opening a second one will block until
// the first completes.
let mut writer = env . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// Keys are `AsRef<[u8]>`, while values are `Value` enum instances. Use the `Blob`
// variant to store arbitrary collections of bytes. Putting data returns a
// `Result<(), StoreError>`, where StoreError is an enum identifying the reason
// for a failure.
// store.put(&mut writer, "int", &Value::I64(1234)).unwrap();
// store
// .put(&mut writer, "uint", &Value::U64(1234_u64))
// .unwrap();
// store
// .put(&mut writer, "float", &Value::F64(1234.0.into()))
// .unwrap();
// store
// .put(&mut writer, "instant", &Value::Instant(1528318073700))
// .unwrap();
// store
// .put(&mut writer, "boolean", &Value::Bool(true))
// .unwrap();
// store
// .put(&mut writer, "string", &Value::Str("Héllo, wörld!"))
// .unwrap();
// store
// .put(
// &mut writer,
// "json",
// &Value::Json(r#"{"foo":"bar", "number": 1}"#),
// )
// .unwrap();
const EXTRA : usize = 2095 ; // + 4096 * 524280 + 0;
let key : [ u8 ; 33 ] = [ 0 ; 33 ] ;
let key2 : [ u8 ; 33 ] = [ 2 ; 33 ] ;
let key3 : [ u8 ; 33 ] = [ 3 ; 33 ] ;
let key4 : [ u8 ; 33 ] = [ 4 ; 33 ] ;
//let value: [u8; 1977 + EXTRA] = [1; 1977 + EXTRA];
let value = vec! [ 1 ; 1977 + EXTRA ] ;
let value2 : [ u8 ; 1977 + 1 ] = [ 1 ; 1977 + 1 ] ;
let value4 : [ u8 ; 953 + 0 ] = [ 1 ; 953 + 0 ] ;
store . put ( & mut writer , key , & Value ::Blob ( & value2 ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
store . put ( & mut writer , key2 , & Value ::Blob ( & value2 ) ) . unwrap ( ) ;
// store.put(&mut writer, key3, &Value::Blob(&value)).unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, key4, &Value::Blob(&value4)).unwrap();
// You must commit a write transaction before the writer goes out of scope, or the
// transaction will abort and the data won't persist.
writer . commit ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let reader = env . read ( ) . expect ( "reader" ) ;
let stat = store . stat ( & reader ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat page_size : {}" , stat . page_size ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat depth : {}" , stat . depth ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat branch_pages : {}" , stat . branch_pages ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat leaf_pages : {}" , stat . leaf_pages ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat overflow_pages : {}" , stat . overflow_pages ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat entries : {}" , stat . entries ( ) ) ;
// {
// // Use a read transaction to query the store via a `Reader`. There can be multiple
// // concurrent readers for a store, and readers never block on a writer nor other
// // readers.
// let reader = env.read().expect("reader");
// // Keys are `AsRef<u8>`, and the return value is `Result<Option<Value>, StoreError>`.
// // log_debug!("Get int {:?}", store.get(&reader, "int").unwrap());
// // log_debug!("Get uint {:?}", store.get(&reader, "uint").unwrap());
// // log_debug!("Get float {:?}", store.get(&reader, "float").unwrap());
// // log_debug!("Get instant {:?}", store.get(&reader, "instant").unwrap());
// // log_debug!("Get boolean {:?}", store.get(&reader, "boolean").unwrap());
// // log_debug!("Get string {:?}", store.get(&reader, "string").unwrap());
// // log_debug!("Get json {:?}", store.get(&reader, "json").unwrap());
// log_debug!("Get blob {:?}", store.get(&reader, "blob").unwrap());
// // Retrieving a non-existent value returns `Ok(None)`.
// log_debug!(
// "Get non-existent value {:?}",
// store.get(&reader, "non-existent").unwrap()
// );
// // A read transaction will automatically close once the reader goes out of scope,
// // so isn't necessary to close it explicitly, although you can do so by calling
// // `Reader.abort()`.
// }
// {
// // Aborting a write transaction rolls back the change(s).
// let mut writer = env.write().unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Blob(b"bar")).unwrap();
// writer.abort();
// let reader = env.read().expect("reader");
// log_debug!(
// "It should be None! ({:?})",
// store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap()
// );
// }
// {
// // Explicitly aborting a transaction is not required unless an early abort is
// // desired, since both read and write transactions will implicitly be aborted once
// // they go out of scope.
// {
// let mut writer = env.write().unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Blob(b"bar")).unwrap();
// }
// let reader = env.read().expect("reader");
// log_debug!(
// "It should be None! ({:?})",
// store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap()
// );
// }
// {
// // Deleting a key/value pair also requires a write transaction.
// let mut writer = env.write().unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Blob(b"bar")).unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, "bar", &Value::Blob(b"baz")).unwrap();
// store.delete(&mut writer, "foo").unwrap();
// // A write transaction also supports reading, and the version of the store that it
// // reads includes the changes it has made regardless of the commit state of that
// // transaction.
// // In the code above, "foo" and "bar" were put into the store, then "foo" was
// // deleted so only "bar" will return a result when the database is queried via the
// // writer.
// log_debug!(
// "It should be None! ({:?})",
// store.get(&writer, "foo").unwrap()
// );
// log_debug!("Get bar ({:?})", store.get(&writer, "bar").unwrap());
// // But a reader won't see that change until the write transaction is committed.
// {
// let reader = env.read().expect("reader");
// log_debug!("Get foo {:?}", store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap());
// log_debug!("Get bar {:?}", store.get(&reader, "bar").unwrap());
// }
// writer.commit().unwrap();
// {
// let reader = env.read().expect("reader");
// log_debug!(
// "It should be None! ({:?})",
// store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap()
// );
// log_debug!("Get bar {:?}", store.get(&reader, "bar").unwrap());
// }
// // Committing a transaction consumes the writer, preventing you from reusing it by
// // failing at compile time with an error. This line would report "error[E0382]:
// // borrow of moved value: `writer`".
// // store.put(&mut writer, "baz", &Value::Str("buz")).unwrap();
// }
// {
// // Clearing all the entries in the store with a write transaction.
// {
// let mut writer = env.write().unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, "foo", &Value::Blob(b"bar")).unwrap();
// store.put(&mut writer, "bar", &Value::Blob(b"baz")).unwrap();
// writer.commit().unwrap();
// }
// // {
// // let mut writer = env.write().unwrap();
// // store.clear(&mut writer).unwrap();
// // writer.commit().unwrap();
// // }
// // {
// // let reader = env.read().expect("reader");
// // log_debug!(
// // "It should be None! ({:?})",
// // store.get(&reader, "foo").unwrap()
// // );
// // log_debug!(
// // "It should be None! ({:?})",
// // store.get(&reader, "bar").unwrap()
// // );
// // }
// }
let stat = env . stat ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let info = env . info ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB info map_size : {}" , info . map_size ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB info last_pgno : {}" , info . last_pgno ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB info last_txnid : {}" , info . last_txnid ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB info max_readers : {}" , info . max_readers ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB info num_readers : {}" , info . num_readers ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat page_size : {}" , stat . page_size ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat depth : {}" , stat . depth ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat branch_pages : {}" , stat . branch_pages ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat leaf_pages : {}" , stat . leaf_pages ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat overflow_pages : {}" , stat . overflow_pages ( ) ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB stat entries : {}" , stat . entries ( ) ) ;
// We reopen the env and data to see if it was well saved to disk.
let mut manager = Manager ::< LmdbEnvironment > ::singleton ( ) . write ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let shared_rkv = manager
. get_or_create ( root . path ( ) , | path | {
//Rkv::new::<Lmdb>(path) // use this instead to disable encryption
Rkv ::with_encryption_key_and_mapsize ::< Lmdb > ( path , key , 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
} )
. unwrap ( ) ;
let env = shared_rkv . read ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
log_debug ! ( "LMDB Version: {}" , env . version ( ) ) ;
let mut store = env . open_single ( "testdb" , StoreOptions ::default ( ) ) . unwrap ( ) ; //StoreOptions::create()
let reader = env . read ( ) . expect ( "reader" ) ;
log_debug ! (
"It should be baz! ({:?})" ,
store . get ( & reader , "bar" ) . unwrap ( )
) ;
// Here the database and environment is closed, but the files are still present in the temp directory.
// uncomment this if you need time to copy them somewhere for analysis, before the temp folder get destroyed