@ -15,9 +17,9 @@ This repository is in active development at [https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph
## NextGraph
> NextGraph brings about the convergence between P2P and Semantic Web technologies, towards a decentralized, secure and privacy-preserving cloud, based on CRDTs.
> NextGraph brings about the convergence of P2P and Semantic Web technologies, towards a decentralized, secure and privacy-preserving cloud, based on CRDTs.
> This open source ecosystem provides solutions for end-users and software developers alike, wishing to use or create **decentralized** apps featuring: **live collaboration** on rich-text documents, peer to peer communication with **end-to-end encryption**, offline-first, **local-first**, portable and interoperable data, total ownership of data and software, security and privacy. Centered on repositories containing **semantic data** (RDF), **rich text**, and structured data formats like **JSON**, synced between peers belonging to permissioned groups of users, it offers strong eventual consistency, thanks to the use of **CRDTs**. Documents can be linked together, signed, shared securely, queried using the **SPARQL** language and organized into sites and containers.
> This open source ecosystem provides solutions for end-users (a platform) and software developers (a framework), wishing to use or create **decentralized** apps featuring: **live collaboration** on rich-text documents, peer to peer communication with **end-to-end encryption**, offline-first, **local-first**, portable and interoperable data, total ownership of data and software, security and privacy. Centered on repositories containing **semantic data** (RDF), **rich text**, and structured data formats like **JSON**, synced between peers belonging to permissioned groups of users, it offers strong eventual consistency, thanks to the use of **CRDTs**. Documents can be linked together, signed, shared securely, queried using the **SPARQL** language and organized into sites and containers.
> More info here [https://nextgraph.org](https://nextgraph.org)
@ -65,11 +67,11 @@ The crates are organized as follow :
- [ngd](ngd/README.md) : binary executable of the daemon (that can run a broker, verifier and/or Rust services)
- ng-repo : Repositories common library
- ng-net : Network common library
- ng-verifier : Verifier library, that exposes the document API to the app
- ng-wallet : keeps the secret keys of all identities of the user in a safe wallet
- ng-broker : Core and Server Broker library
- ng-client-ws : Websocket client library
- ng-verifier : Verifier library, that exposes the document API to the app
- ng-stores-rocksdb : RocksDB backed stores. see also dependency [repo here](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/rust-rocksdb)
- ng-wallet : keeps the secret keys of all identities of the user in a safe wallet
- [ng-sdk-js](ng-sdk-js/README.md) : contains the JS SDK, with example apps: web app, react app, or node service.
- [ng-app](ng-app/README.md) : all the native apps, based on Tauri, and the web app.
- ngone : server for nextgraph.one. helps user bootstrap into the right app. Not useful to you. Published here for transparency
This repository is in active development at [https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs), a Gitea instance. For bug reports, issues, merge requests, and in order to join the dev team, please visit the link above and create an account (you can do so with a github account). The [github repo](https://github.com/nextgraph-org/nextgraph-rs) is just a read-only mirror that does not accept issues.
This library is in active development at [https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs), a Gitea instance. For bug reports, issues, merge requests, and in order to join the dev team, please visit the link above and create an account (you can do so with a github account). The [github repo](https://github.com/nextgraph-org/nextgraph-rs) is just a read-only mirror that does not accept issues.
## NextGraph
> NextGraph brings about the convergence between P2P and Semantic Web technologies, towards a decentralized, secure and privacy-preserving cloud, based on CRDTs.
> NextGraph brings about the convergence of P2P and Semantic Web technologies, towards a decentralized, secure and privacy-preserving cloud, based on CRDTs.
> This open source ecosystem provides solutions for end-users and software developers alike, wishing to use or create **decentralized** apps featuring: **live collaboration** on rich-text documents, peer to peer communication with **end-to-end encryption**, offline-first, **local-first**, portable and interoperable data, total ownership of data and software, security and privacy. Centered on repositories containing **semantic data** (RDF), **rich text**, and structured data formats like **JSON**, synced between peers belonging to permissioned groups of users, it offers strong eventual consistency, thanks to the use of **CRDTs**. Documents can be linked together, signed, shared securely, queried using the **SPARQL** language and organized into sites and containers.
> This open source ecosystem provides solutions for end-users (a platform) and software developers (a framework), wishing to use or create **decentralized** apps featuring: **live collaboration** on rich-text documents, peer to peer communication with **end-to-end encryption**, offline-first, **local-first**, portable and interoperable data, total ownership of data and software, security and privacy. Centered on repositories containing **semantic data** (RDF), **rich text**, and structured data formats like **JSON**, synced between peers belonging to permissioned groups of users, it offers strong eventual consistency, thanks to the use of **CRDTs**. Documents can be linked together, signed, shared securely, queried using the **SPARQL** language and organized into sites and containers.
> More info here [https://nextgraph.org](https://nextgraph.org)
## Support
This crate has official documentation at [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/nextgraph/0.1.0/nextgraph/)
Documentation can be found here [https://docs.nextgraph.org](https://docs.nextgraph.org)
And our community forum where you can ask questions is here [https://forum.nextgraph.org](https://forum.nextgraph.org)
## How to use the library
## Status
NextGraph is not ready yet. You can subscribe to [our newsletter](https://list.nextgraph.org/subscription/form) to get updates, and support us with a [donation](https://nextgraph.org/donate/).
## Dependencies
Nextgraph library is dependent on [async-std](https://async.rs/). You must include it in your `Cargo.toml`.
A tokio-based version (as a feature) might be available in the future.
nextgraph = "0.1.0"
async-std = "1.12.0"
## Examples
You can find some examples on how to use the library:
// on another device, we would then open the wallet (here we take the Wallet as we received it from wallet_create_v0, but in real case you would use `wallet`)
// once it has been opened, the Wallet can be imported into the LocalBroker
// if you try to import the same wallet in a LocalBroker where it is already opened, it will fail. So here it fails. But on another device, it would work.
//! NextGraph brings about the convergence of P2P and Semantic Web technologies, towards a decentralized, secure and privacy-preserving cloud, based on CRDTs.
//! This open source ecosystem provides solutions for end-users (a platform) and software developers (a framework), wishing to use or create **decentralized** apps featuring: **live collaboration** on rich-text documents, peer to peer communication with **end-to-end encryption**, offline-first, **local-first**, portable and interoperable data, total ownership of data and software, security and privacy. Centered on repositories containing **semantic data** (RDF), **rich text**, and structured data formats like **JSON**, synced between peers belonging to permissioned groups of users, it offers strong eventual consistency, thanks to the use of **CRDTs**. Documents can be linked together, signed, shared securely, queried using the **SPARQL** language and organized into sites and containers.
//! More info here [https://nextgraph.org](https://nextgraph.org). Documentation available here [https://docs.nextgraph.org](https://docs.nextgraph.org).
//! ## LocalBroker, the entrypoint to NextGraph network
//! `local_broker` contains the API for controlling the Local Broker, which is a reduced instance of the network Broker.
//! This is your entrypoint to NextGraph network.
//! It runs embedded in your client program, and once configured (by opening a Session), it can keep for you (on disk or in memory):
//! - the blocks of the repos,
//! - the connection(s) to your Server Broker
//! - the events that you send to the Overlay, if there is no connectivity (Outbox)
//! - A reference to the verifier (optional)
//! In addition, the API for creating and managing your wallet is provided here.
//! The same API is also made available in Javascript for the browser (and is used by our webapp), nodejs, in the CLI, and for all the Tauri-based Apps.
//! The library requires `async-std` minimal version 1.12.0
//! See [examples](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs/src/branch/master/nextgraph/examples) for a quick start.
//! ## In-memory
//! With this config, no data will be persisted to disk.
//! ```
//! use nextgraph::local_broker::{init_local_broker, LocalBrokerConfig};
//! #[async_std::main]
//! async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
//! // initialize the local_broker with in-memory config.
//! // all sessions will be lost when the program exits