Rust implementation of NextGraph, a Decentralized and local-first web 3.0 ecosystem
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

352 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, developers
// All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
import {createAsyncProxy} from "async-proxy";
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import { Bowser } from "../../ng-sdk-js/js/bowser.js";
import {version} from '../package.json';
const mapping = {
"privkey_to_string": ["privkey"],
"wallet_gen_shuffle_for_pazzle_opening": ["pazzle_length"],
"wallet_gen_shuffle_for_pin": [],
"wallet_open_with_pazzle": ["wallet","pazzle","pin"],
"wallet_open_with_mnemonic_words": ["wallet","mnemonic_words","pin"],
"wallet_open_with_mnemonic": ["wallet","mnemonic","pin"],
"wallet_was_opened": ["opened_wallet"],
"wallet_create": ["params"],
"wallet_read_file": ["file"],
"wallet_get_file": ["wallet_name"],
"wallet_import": ["encrypted_wallet","opened_wallet","in_memory"],
"wallet_export_rendezvous": ["session_id", "code"],
"wallet_export_get_qrcode": ["session_id", "size"],
"wallet_export_get_textcode": ["session_id"],
"wallet_import_rendezvous": ["size"],
"wallet_import_from_code": ["code"],
"wallet_close": ["wallet_name"],
"encode_create_account": ["payload"],
"session_start": ["wallet_name","user"],
"session_start_remote": ["wallet_name","user","peer_id"],
"session_stop": ["user_id"],
"get_wallets": [],
"open_window": ["url","label","title"],
"decode_invitation": ["invite"],
"user_connect": ["info","user_id","location"],
"user_disconnect": ["user_id"],
"discrete_update": ["session_id", "update", "heads", "crdt", "nuri"],
"app_request": ["request"],
"app_request_with_nuri_command": ["nuri", "command", "session_id", "payload"],
"sparql_query": ["session_id","sparql","base","nuri"],
"sparql_update": ["session_id","sparql","nuri"],
"test": [ ],
"get_device_name": [],
"doc_create": [ "session_id", "crdt", "class_name", "store_repo", "destination" ],
"doc_fetch_private_subscribe": [],
"doc_fetch_repo_subscribe": ["repo_o"],
"branch_history": ["session_id", "nuri"],
"file_save_to_downloads": ["session_id", "reference", "filename", "branch_nuri"],
"signature_status": ["session_id", "nuri"],
"signed_snapshot_request": ["session_id", "nuri"],
"signature_request": ["session_id", "nuri"],
"update_header": ["session_id","nuri","title","about"],
"fetch_header": ["session_id", "nuri"]
let lastStreamId = 0;
const handler = {
async apply(target, path, caller, args) {
if (import.meta.env.NG_APP_WEB) {
let sdk = await import("ng-sdk-js")
if (path[0] === "client_info") {
let client_info = await Reflect.apply(sdk[path], caller, args);
return client_info;
} else if (path[0] === "get_wallets") {
let wallets = await Reflect.apply(sdk[path], caller, args);
return Object.fromEntries(wallets || []);
// } else if (path[0] === "session_start") {
// let res = await Reflect.apply(sdk[path], caller, args);
// return res;
// } else if (path[0] === "wallet_create") {
// let res = await Reflect.apply(sdk[path], caller, args);
// return res;
} else if (path[0] === "app_request_stream") {
let callback = args[1];
let new_callback = (event) => {
if (event.V0.State?.graph?.triples) {
let json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(event.V0.State.graph.triples);
event.V0.State.graph.triples = JSON.parse(json_str);
} else if (event.V0.Patch?.graph) {
let inserts_json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(event.V0.Patch.graph.inserts);
event.V0.Patch.graph.inserts = JSON.parse(inserts_json_str);
let removes_json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(event.V0.Patch.graph.removes);
event.V0.Patch.graph.removes = JSON.parse(removes_json_str);
callback(event).then(()=> {})
args[1] = new_callback;
return Reflect.apply(sdk[path], caller, args)
} else {
return Reflect.apply(sdk[path], caller, args)
} else {
let tauri = await import("@tauri-apps/api/tauri");
try {
if (path[0] === "client_info") {
let from_rust = await tauri.invoke("client_info_rust",{});
let tauri_platform = import.meta.env.TAURI_PLATFORM;
let client_type;
switch (tauri_platform) {
case 'macos': client_type = "NativeMacOS";break;
case 'linux': client_type = "NativeLinux";break;
case 'windows': client_type = "NativeWin";break;
case 'android': client_type = "NativeAndroid";break;
case 'ios': client_type = "NativeIos";break;
let info = Bowser.parse(window.navigator.userAgent);
info.os.type = import.meta.env.TAURI_PLATFORM_TYPE; = import.meta.env.TAURI_FAMILY;
info.os.version_tauri = import.meta.env.TAURI_PLATFORM_VERSION;
info.os.version_uname = from_rust.uname.version;
info.os.name_rust = from_rust.rust.os_name;
info.os.name_uname = from_rust.uname.os_name;
info.platform.arch = import.meta.env.TAURI_ARCH;
info.platform.debug = import.meta.env.TAURI_DEBUG; = import.meta.env.TAURI_TARGET_TRIPLE;
info.platform.arch_uname = from_rust.uname.arch;
info.platform.bitness = from_rust.uname.bitness;
info.platform.codename = from_rust.uname.codename || undefined;
info.platform.edition = from_rust.uname.edition || undefined; = window.navigator.userAgent;
let res = {
// TODO: install timestamp
V0 : { client_type, details: JSON.stringify(info), version, timestamp_install:0, timestamp_updated:0 }
return res;
} else if (path[0] === "get_device_name") {
let tauri_platform = import.meta.env.TAURI_PLATFORM;
if (tauri_platform == 'android') return "Android Phone";
else if (tauri_platform == 'ios') return "iPhone";
else return await tauri.invoke(path[0],{});
} else if (path[0] === "locales") {
let from_rust = await tauri.invoke("locales",{});
let from_js = window.navigator.languages;
for (let lang of from_js) {
let split = lang.split("-");
if (split[1]) {
lang = split[0] + "-" + split[1].toUpperCase();
if (!from_rust.includes(lang)) { from_rust.push(lang);}
return from_rust;
} else if (path[0] === "disconnections_subscribe") {
let { getCurrent } = await import("@tauri-apps/plugin-window");
let callback = args[0];
let unlisten = await getCurrent().listen("disconnections", (event) => {
callback(event.payload).then(()=> {})
await tauri.invoke(path[0],{});
return () => {
} else if (path[0] === "user_connect") {
let arg = {};,ix) => arg[mapping[path[0]][ix]]=el)
let ret = await tauri.invoke(path[0],arg);
for (let e of Object.entries(ret)) {
e[1].since = new Date(e[1].since);
return ret;
else if (path[0] === "file_get") {
let stream_id = (lastStreamId += 1).toString();
let { getCurrent } = await import("@tauri-apps/plugin-window");
//let session_id = args[0];
let callback = args[3];
let unlisten = await getCurrent().listen(stream_id, async (event) => {
if (event.payload.V0.FileBinary) {
event.payload.V0.FileBinary = Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.FileBinary);
let ret = callback(event.payload);
if (ret === true) {
await tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
} else if (ret.then) {
ret.then(async (val)=> {
if (val === true) {
await tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
try {
await tauri.invoke("file_get",{stream_id, session_id:args[0], reference: args[1], branch_nuri:args[2]});
} catch (e) {
await tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
throw e;
return () => {
tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
} else if (path[0] === "discrete_update") {
let arg = {};,ix) => arg[mapping[path[0]][ix]]=el)
arg.update = Array.from(new Uint8Array(arg.update));
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],arg)
} else if (path[0] === "app_request_stream") {
let stream_id = (lastStreamId += 1).toString();
let { getCurrent } = await import("@tauri-apps/plugin-window");
//let session_id = args[0];
let request = args[0];
let callback = args[1];
let unlisten = await getCurrent().listen(stream_id, async (event) => {
if (event.payload.V0.FileBinary) {
event.payload.V0.FileBinary = Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.FileBinary);
if (event.payload.V0.State?.graph?.triples) {
let json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.State.graph.triples));
event.payload.V0.State.graph.triples = JSON.parse(json_str);
} else if (event.payload.V0.Patch?.graph) {
let inserts_json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.Patch.graph.inserts));
event.payload.V0.Patch.graph.inserts = JSON.parse(inserts_json_str);
let removes_json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.Patch.graph.removes));
event.payload.V0.Patch.graph.removes = JSON.parse(removes_json_str);
if (event.payload.V0.State?.discrete) {
let crdt = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(event.payload.V0.State.discrete)[0];
event.payload.V0.State.discrete[crdt] = Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.State.discrete[crdt]);
} else if (event.payload.V0.Patch?.discrete) {
let crdt = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(event.payload.V0.Patch.discrete)[0];
event.payload.V0.Patch.discrete[crdt] = Uint8Array.from(event.payload.V0.Patch.discrete[crdt]);
let ret = callback(event.payload);
if (ret === true) {
await tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
} else if (ret.then) {
ret.then(async (val)=> {
if (val === true) {
await tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
try {
await tauri.invoke("app_request_stream",{stream_id, request});
} catch (e) {
await tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
throw e;
return () => {
tauri.invoke("cancel_stream", {stream_id});
} else if (path[0] === "get_wallets") {
let res = await tauri.invoke(path[0],{});
if (res) for (let e of Object.entries(res)) {
e[1].wallet.V0.content.security_img = Uint8Array.from(e[1].wallet.V0.content.security_img);
return res || {};
} else if (path[0] === "wallet_import_from_code") {
let arg = {};,ix) => arg[mapping[path[0]][ix]]=el);
let res = await tauri.invoke(path[0],arg);
if (res) {
res.V0.content.security_img = Uint8Array.from(res.V0.content.security_img);
return res || {};
} else if (path[0] === "upload_chunk") {
let session_id = args[0];
let upload_id = args[1];
let chunk = args[2];
let nuri = args[3];
chunk = Array.from(new Uint8Array(chunk));
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],{session_id, upload_id, chunk, nuri})
} else if (path[0] === "wallet_create") {
let params = args[0];
params.result_with_wallet_file = false;
params.security_img = Array.from(new Uint8Array(params.security_img));
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],{params})
} else if (path[0] === "wallet_read_file") {
let file = args[0];
file = Array.from(new Uint8Array(file));
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],{file})
} else if (path[0] === "wallet_import") {
let encrypted_wallet = args[0];
encrypted_wallet.V0.content.security_img = Array.from(new Uint8Array(encrypted_wallet.V0.content.security_img));
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],{encrypted_wallet, opened_wallet:args[1], in_memory:args[2]})
} else if (path[0] && path[0].startsWith("get_local_bootstrap")) {
return false;
} else if (path[0] === "get_local_url") {
return false;
} else if (path[0] === "wallet_open_with_pazzle" || path[0] === "wallet_open_with_mnemonic_words" || path[0] === "wallet_open_with_mnemonic") {
let arg:any = {};,ix) => arg[mapping[path[0]][ix]]=el)
let img = Array.from(new Uint8Array(arg.wallet.V0.content.security_img));
let old_content = arg.wallet.V0.content;
arg.wallet = {V0:{, sig:arg.wallet.V0.sig, content:{}}};
arg.wallet.V0.content.security_img = img;
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],arg);
} else {
let arg = {};,ix) => arg[mapping[path[0]][ix]]=el)
return await tauri.invoke(path[0],arg)
} catch (e) {
let error;
try {
error = JSON.parse(e);
} catch (f) {
error = e;
throw error;
const api = createAsyncProxy({}, handler);
export const NG_EU_BSP = "";
export const NG_EU_BSP_REGISTER = import.meta.env.PROD
? ""
: "";
export const NG_NET_BSP = "";
export const NG_NET_BSP_REGISTER = import.meta.env.PROD
? ""
: "";
export const APP_ACCOUNT_REGISTERED_SUFFIX = "/#/user/registered";
export const APP_WALLET_CREATE_SUFFIX = "/#/wallet/create";
export const LINK_NG_BOX = "";
export const LINK_SELF_HOST = "";
export default api;