//! Oxigraph is a graph database implementing the [SPARQL](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-overview/) standard.
//! Its goal is to provide a compliant, safe and fast graph database.
//! It currently provides three store implementations providing [SPARQL 1.1 query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/) capability:
//! * [`MemoryStore`](store/memory/struct.MemoryStore.html): a simple in memory implementation.
//! * [`RocksDbStore`](store/rocksdb/struct.RocksDbStore.html): a file system implementation based on the [RocksDB](https://rocksdb.org/) key-value store.
//! It requires the `"rocksdb"` feature to be activated.
//! The [clang](https://clang.llvm.org/) compiler needs to be installed to compile RocksDB.
//! * [`SledStore`](store/sled/struct.SledStore.html): another file system implementation based on the [Sled](https://sled.rs/) key-value store.
//! It requires the `"sled"` feature to be activated.
//! Sled is much faster to build than RockDB and does not require a C++ compiler.
//! However, Sled is still in developpment, less tested and data load seems much slower than RocksDB.
//! Oxigraph also provides a set of utility functions for reading, writing and processing RDF files.
//! Usage example with the [`MemoryStore`](store/memory/struct.MemoryStore.html):
//! ```
//! use oxigraph::MemoryStore;
//! use oxigraph::model::*;
//! use oxigraph::sparql::{QueryOptions, QueryResults};
//! let store = MemoryStore::new();
//! // insertion
//! let ex = NamedNode::new("http://example.com")?;
//! let quad = Quad::new(ex.clone(), ex.clone(), ex.clone(), None);
//! store.insert(quad.clone());
//! // quad filter
//! let results: Vec<Quad> = store.quads_for_pattern(Some(ex.as_ref().into()), None, None, None).collect();
//! assert_eq!(vec![quad], results);
//! // SPARQL query
//! if let QueryResults::Solutions(mut solutions) = store.query("SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", QueryOptions::default())? {
//! assert_eq!(solutions.next().unwrap()?.get("s"), Some(&ex.into()));
//! }
//! # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
//! ```
#![ deny(
future_incompatible ,
nonstandard_style ,
rust_2018_idioms ,
missing_copy_implementations ,
trivial_casts ,
trivial_numeric_casts ,
unsafe_code ,
) ]
#![ doc(html_favicon_url = " https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxigraph/oxigraph/master/logo.svg " ) ]
#![ doc(html_logo_url = " https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oxigraph/oxigraph/master/logo.svg " ) ]
#![ warn(
clippy ::unimplemented ,
clippy ::cast_lossless ,
clippy ::cast_possible_truncation ,
clippy ::cast_possible_wrap ,
clippy ::cast_precision_loss ,
clippy ::cast_sign_loss ,
clippy ::checked_conversions ,
clippy ::decimal_literal_representation ,
//TODO clippy::doc_markdown,
clippy ::empty_enum ,
clippy ::expect_used ,
clippy ::expl_impl_clone_on_copy ,
clippy ::explicit_into_iter_loop ,
clippy ::explicit_iter_loop ,
clippy ::fallible_impl_from ,
clippy ::filter_map ,
clippy ::filter_map_next ,
clippy ::find_map ,
clippy ::get_unwrap ,
clippy ::if_not_else ,
clippy ::inline_always ,
clippy ::invalid_upcast_comparisons ,
clippy ::items_after_statements ,
clippy ::map_flatten ,
clippy ::map_unwrap_or ,
//TODO clippy::match_same_arms,
clippy ::maybe_infinite_iter ,
clippy ::mem_forget ,
//TODO clippy::must_use_candidate,
clippy ::multiple_inherent_impl ,
clippy ::mut_mut ,
clippy ::needless_borrow ,
clippy ::needless_continue ,
clippy ::needless_pass_by_value ,
clippy ::non_ascii_literal ,
// clippy::panic, does not work well with tests
clippy ::path_buf_push_overwrite ,
clippy ::print_stdout ,
clippy ::pub_enum_variant_names ,
//TODO clippy::redundant_closure_for_method_calls,
// clippy::shadow_reuse,
// clippy::shadow_same,
// clippy::shadow_unrelated,
// clippy::single_match_else,
clippy ::string_add ,
clippy ::string_add_assign ,
clippy ::todo ,
clippy ::type_repetition_in_bounds ,
clippy ::unicode_not_nfc ,
clippy ::unseparated_literal_suffix ,
clippy ::used_underscore_binding ,
clippy ::wildcard_dependencies ,
clippy ::wrong_pub_self_convention ,
) ]
#![ doc(test(attr(deny(warnings)))) ]
mod error ;
pub mod io ;
pub mod model ;
pub mod sparql ;
pub mod store ;
pub use crate ::store ::memory ::MemoryStore ;
#[ cfg(feature = " rocksdb " ) ]
pub use crate ::store ::rocksdb ::RocksDbStore ;
#[ cfg(feature = " sled " ) ]
pub use crate ::store ::sled ::SledStore ;
#[ cfg(feature = " sophia " ) ]
/// Provides implementation of [Sophia] traits for Oxigraph types,
/// if the `sophia` feature is enabled.
/// [Sophia]: https://docs.rs/sophia/latest/sophia/
mod sophia {
mod model ;
mod store ;