//! [SPARQL](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-overview/) implementation.
mod algebra;
mod eval;
mod json_results;
mod model;
mod parser;
mod plan;
mod plan_builder;
mod xml_results;
use crate::model::NamedNode;
use crate::sparql::algebra::QueryVariants;
use crate::sparql::eval::SimpleEvaluator;
use crate::sparql::plan::TripleTemplate;
use crate::sparql::plan::{DatasetView, PlanNode};
use crate::sparql::plan_builder::PlanBuilder;
use crate::store::ReadableEncodedStore;
use crate::Error;
use crate::Result;
pub use crate::sparql::model::QuerySolution;
pub use crate::sparql::model::QuerySolutionsIterator;
pub use crate::sparql::model::QueryTriplesIterator;
#[deprecated(note = "Please directly use QuerySolutionsIterator type instead")]
pub type BindingsIterator<'a> = QuerySolutionsIterator;
pub use crate::sparql::model::QueryResult;
pub use crate::sparql::model::QueryResultFormat;
#[deprecated(note = "Use QueryResultFormat instead")]
pub type QueryResultSyntax = QueryResultFormat;
pub use crate::sparql::model::Variable;
pub use crate::sparql::parser::Query;
pub use crate::sparql::parser::SparqlParseError;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::rc::Rc;
/// A prepared [SPARQL query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/)
note = "Not useful anymore. The exec method is already implemented by the different PreparedQuery structures"
pub trait PreparedQuery {}
/// A prepared [SPARQL query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/)
pub(crate) struct SimplePreparedQuery<S: ReadableEncodedStore + 'static>(
enum SimplePreparedQueryAction<S: ReadableEncodedStore + 'static> {
Select {
plan: Rc<PlanNode>,
variables: Rc<Vec<Variable>>,
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator<S>,
Ask {
plan: Rc<PlanNode>,
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator<S>,
Construct {
plan: Rc<PlanNode>,
construct: Rc<Vec<TripleTemplate>>,
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator<S>,
Describe {
plan: Rc<PlanNode>,
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator<S>,
impl<S: ReadableEncodedStore + 'static> SimplePreparedQuery<S> {
pub(crate) fn new(
store: S,
query: impl TryInto<Query, Error = impl Into<Error>>,
options: QueryOptions,
) -> Result<Self> {
let dataset = Rc::new(DatasetView::new(store, options.default_graph_as_union));
Ok(Self(match query.try_into().map_err(|e| e.into())?.0 {
QueryVariants::Select {
algebra, base_iri, ..
} => {
let (plan, variables) = PlanBuilder::build(dataset.encoder(), &algebra)?;
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Select {
plan: Rc::new(plan),
variables: Rc::new(variables),
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator::new(dataset, base_iri, options.service_handler),
QueryVariants::Ask {
algebra, base_iri, ..
} => {
let (plan, _) = PlanBuilder::build(dataset.encoder(), &algebra)?;
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Ask {
plan: Rc::new(plan),
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator::new(dataset, base_iri, options.service_handler),
QueryVariants::Construct {
} => {
let (plan, variables) = PlanBuilder::build(dataset.encoder(), &algebra)?;
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Construct {
plan: Rc::new(plan),
construct: Rc::new(PlanBuilder::build_graph_template(
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator::new(dataset, base_iri, options.service_handler),
QueryVariants::Describe {
algebra, base_iri, ..
} => {
let (plan, _) = PlanBuilder::build(dataset.encoder(), &algebra)?;
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Describe {
plan: Rc::new(plan),
evaluator: SimpleEvaluator::new(dataset, base_iri, options.service_handler),
/// Evaluates the query and returns its results
pub fn exec(&self) -> Result<QueryResult> {
match &self.0 {
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Select {
} => evaluator.evaluate_select_plan(plan, variables.clone()),
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Ask { plan, evaluator } => evaluator.evaluate_ask_plan(plan),
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Construct {
} => evaluator.evaluate_construct_plan(plan, construct.clone()),
SimplePreparedQueryAction::Describe { plan, evaluator } => {
/// Handler for SPARQL SERVICEs.
/// Might be used to implement [SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-federated-query/)
/// ```
/// use oxigraph::{MemoryStore, Result};
/// use oxigraph::model::*;
/// use oxigraph::sparql::{QueryOptions, QueryResult, ServiceHandler, Query};
/// #[derive(Default)]
/// struct TestServiceHandler {
/// store: MemoryStore
/// }
/// impl ServiceHandler for TestServiceHandler {
/// fn handle(&self,service_name: NamedNode, query: Query) -> Result<QueryResult> {
/// if service_name == "http://example.com/service" {
/// self.store.query(query, QueryOptions::default())
/// } else {
/// panic!()
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// let store = MemoryStore::new();
/// let service = TestServiceHandler::default();
/// let ex = NamedNode::new("http://example.com")?;
/// service.store.insert(Quad::new(ex.clone(), ex.clone(), ex.clone(), None));
/// if let QueryResult::Solutions(mut solutions) = store.query(
/// "SELECT ?s WHERE { SERVICE <http://example.com/service> { ?s ?p ?o } }",
/// QueryOptions::default().with_service_handler(service)
/// )? {
/// assert_eq!(solutions.next().unwrap()?.get("s"), Some(&ex.into()));
/// }
/// # Result::Ok(())
/// ```
pub trait ServiceHandler {
/// Evaluates a `Query` against a given service identified by a `NamedNode`.
fn handle(&self, service_name: NamedNode, query: Query) -> Result<QueryResult>;
struct EmptyServiceHandler;
impl ServiceHandler for EmptyServiceHandler {
fn handle(&self, _: NamedNode, _: Query) -> Result<QueryResult> {
Err(Error::msg("The SERVICE feature is not implemented"))
/// Options for SPARQL query evaluation
pub struct QueryOptions {
pub(crate) default_graph_as_union: bool,
pub(crate) service_handler: Rc<dyn ServiceHandler>,
impl Default for QueryOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
default_graph_as_union: false,
service_handler: Rc::new(EmptyServiceHandler),
impl QueryOptions {
/// Consider the union of all graphs in the store as the default graph
pub const fn with_default_graph_as_union(mut self) -> Self {
self.default_graph_as_union = true;
/// Use a given `ServiceHandler` to execute SPARQL SERVICE calls
pub fn with_service_handler(mut self, service_handler: impl ServiceHandler + 'static) -> Self {
self.service_handler = Rc::new(service_handler);