- [SPARQL 1.1 Query Results CSV and TSV Formats](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-results-csv-tsv/) serializers and TSV format parser.
-`std::str::FromStr` implementations to `NamedNode`, `BlankNode`, `Literal`, `Term` and `Variable` allowing to easily parse Turtle/SPARQL serialization of these terms.
-`QueryOptions::with_default_graph` now takes an `impl Into<GraphName>` instead of an `impl Into<NamedNode>`.
-`QueryOptions::with_named_graph` now takes an `impl Into<NamedOrBlankNode>` instead of an `impl Into<NamedNode>`.
-`pyoxigraph``query` methods now takes two new parameters, `default_graph` and `named_graphs`. `default_graph_uris` and `named_graph_uris` parameters are deprecated.