//! [SPARQL](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-overview/) implementation.
//! Stores execute SPARQL. See [`MemoryStore`](../store/memory/struct.MemoryStore.html#method.query) for an example.
mod algebra ;
mod csv_results ;
mod dataset ;
mod error ;
mod eval ;
mod http ;
mod json_results ;
mod model ;
mod parser ;
mod plan ;
mod plan_builder ;
mod service ;
mod update ;
mod xml_results ;
use crate ::model ::{ GraphName , NamedOrBlankNode } ;
use crate ::sparql ::algebra ::QueryVariants ;
use crate ::sparql ::dataset ::DatasetView ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::error ::EvaluationError ;
use crate ::sparql ::eval ::SimpleEvaluator ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::model ::QueryResults ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::model ::QueryResultsFormat ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::model ::QuerySolution ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::model ::QuerySolutionIter ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::model ::QueryTripleIter ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::model ::Variable ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::parser ::ParseError ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::parser ::{ Query , Update } ;
use crate ::sparql ::plan ::{ PlanNode , TripleTemplate } ;
use crate ::sparql ::plan_builder ::PlanBuilder ;
pub use crate ::sparql ::service ::ServiceHandler ;
use crate ::sparql ::service ::{ EmptyServiceHandler , ErrorConversionServiceHandler } ;
use crate ::sparql ::update ::SimpleUpdateEvaluator ;
use crate ::store ::numeric_encoder ::{ StrContainer , StrEncodingAware } ;
use crate ::store ::{ ReadableEncodedStore , StoreOrParseError , WritableEncodedStore } ;
use std ::convert ::TryInto ;
use std ::io ;
use std ::rc ::Rc ;
/// A prepared [SPARQL query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/)
pub ( crate ) struct SimplePreparedQuery < S : ReadableEncodedStore + ' static > (
SimplePreparedQueryAction < S > ,
) ;
#[ derive(Clone) ]
enum SimplePreparedQueryAction < S : ReadableEncodedStore + ' static > {
Select {
plan : Rc < PlanNode < < DatasetView < S > as StrEncodingAware > ::StrId > > ,
variables : Rc < Vec < Variable > > ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator < DatasetView < S > > ,
} ,
Ask {
plan : Rc < PlanNode < < DatasetView < S > as StrEncodingAware > ::StrId > > ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator < DatasetView < S > > ,
} ,
Construct {
plan : Rc < PlanNode < < DatasetView < S > as StrEncodingAware > ::StrId > > ,
construct : Rc < Vec < TripleTemplate < < DatasetView < S > as StrEncodingAware > ::StrId > > > ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator < DatasetView < S > > ,
} ,
Describe {
plan : Rc < PlanNode < < DatasetView < S > as StrEncodingAware > ::StrId > > ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator < DatasetView < S > > ,
} ,
impl < S : ReadableEncodedStore + ' static > SimplePreparedQuery < S > {
pub ( crate ) fn new (
store : S ,
query : impl TryInto < Query , Error = impl Into < EvaluationError > > ,
options : QueryOptions ,
) -> Result < Self , EvaluationError > {
Ok ( Self ( match query . try_into ( ) . map_err ( | e | e . into ( ) ) ? . 0 {
QueryVariants ::Select {
algebra ,
base_iri ,
dataset ,
} = > {
let dataset = Rc ::new ( DatasetView ::new (
store ,
options . default_graph_as_union ,
& options . default_graphs ,
& options . named_graphs ,
& dataset ,
) ? ) ;
let ( plan , variables ) = PlanBuilder ::build ( dataset . as_ref ( ) , & algebra ) ? ;
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Select {
plan : Rc ::new ( plan ) ,
variables : Rc ::new ( variables ) ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator ::new ( dataset , base_iri , options . service_handler ) ,
QueryVariants ::Ask {
algebra ,
base_iri ,
dataset ,
} = > {
let dataset = Rc ::new ( DatasetView ::new (
store ,
options . default_graph_as_union ,
& options . default_graphs ,
& options . named_graphs ,
& dataset ,
) ? ) ;
let ( plan , _ ) = PlanBuilder ::build ( dataset . as_ref ( ) , & algebra ) ? ;
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Ask {
plan : Rc ::new ( plan ) ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator ::new ( dataset , base_iri , options . service_handler ) ,
QueryVariants ::Construct {
construct ,
algebra ,
base_iri ,
dataset ,
} = > {
let dataset = Rc ::new ( DatasetView ::new (
store ,
options . default_graph_as_union ,
& options . default_graphs ,
& options . named_graphs ,
& dataset ,
) ? ) ;
let ( plan , variables ) = PlanBuilder ::build ( dataset . as_ref ( ) , & algebra ) ? ;
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Construct {
plan : Rc ::new ( plan ) ,
construct : Rc ::new ( PlanBuilder ::build_graph_template (
dataset . as_ref ( ) ,
& construct ,
variables ,
) ? ) ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator ::new ( dataset , base_iri , options . service_handler ) ,
QueryVariants ::Describe {
algebra ,
base_iri ,
dataset ,
} = > {
let dataset = Rc ::new ( DatasetView ::new (
store ,
options . default_graph_as_union ,
& options . default_graphs ,
& options . named_graphs ,
& dataset ,
) ? ) ;
let ( plan , _ ) = PlanBuilder ::build ( dataset . as_ref ( ) , & algebra ) ? ;
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Describe {
plan : Rc ::new ( plan ) ,
evaluator : SimpleEvaluator ::new ( dataset , base_iri , options . service_handler ) ,
} ) )
/// Evaluates the query and returns its results
pub fn exec ( & self ) -> Result < QueryResults , EvaluationError > {
match & self . 0 {
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Select {
plan ,
variables ,
evaluator ,
} = > evaluator . evaluate_select_plan ( plan , variables . clone ( ) ) ,
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Ask { plan , evaluator } = > evaluator . evaluate_ask_plan ( plan ) ,
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Construct {
plan ,
construct ,
evaluator ,
} = > evaluator . evaluate_construct_plan ( plan , construct . clone ( ) ) ,
SimplePreparedQueryAction ::Describe { plan , evaluator } = > {
evaluator . evaluate_describe_plan ( plan )
/// Options for SPARQL query evaluation
#[ derive(Clone) ]
pub struct QueryOptions {
pub ( crate ) default_graph_as_union : bool ,
pub ( crate ) default_graphs : Vec < GraphName > ,
pub ( crate ) named_graphs : Vec < NamedOrBlankNode > ,
pub ( crate ) service_handler : Rc < dyn ServiceHandler < Error = EvaluationError > > ,
impl Default for QueryOptions {
#[ inline ]
fn default ( ) -> Self {
Self {
default_graph_as_union : false ,
default_graphs : Vec ::new ( ) ,
named_graphs : Vec ::new ( ) ,
service_handler : Rc ::new ( EmptyServiceHandler ) ,
impl QueryOptions {
/// Consider the union of all graphs in the store as the default graph
#[ inline ]
pub fn with_default_graph_as_union ( mut self ) -> Self {
self . default_graph_as_union = true ;
/// Adds a graph to the set of graphs considered by the SPARQL query as the queried dataset default graph.
/// It overrides the `FROM` and `FROM NAMED` elements of the evaluated query.
#[ inline ]
pub fn with_default_graph ( mut self , default_graph_name : impl Into < GraphName > ) -> Self {
self . default_graphs . push ( default_graph_name . into ( ) ) ;
/// Adds a named graph to the set of graphs considered by the SPARQL query as the queried dataset named graphs.
/// It overrides the `FROM` and `FROM NAMED` elements of the evaluated query.
#[ inline ]
pub fn with_named_graph ( mut self , named_graph_name : impl Into < NamedOrBlankNode > ) -> Self {
self . named_graphs . push ( named_graph_name . into ( ) ) ;
/// Use a simple HTTP 1.1 client built into Oxigraph to execute [SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-federated-query/) SERVICE calls.
/// Requires the `"http_client"` optional feature.
#[ inline ]
#[ cfg(feature = " http_client " ) ]
pub fn with_simple_service_handler ( mut self ) -> Self {
self . service_handler = Rc ::new ( service ::SimpleServiceHandler ::new ( ) ) ;
/// Use a given [`ServiceHandler`](trait.ServiceHandler.html) to execute [SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-federated-query/) SERVICE calls.
#[ inline ]
pub fn with_service_handler ( mut self , service_handler : impl ServiceHandler + ' static ) -> Self {
self . service_handler = Rc ::new ( ErrorConversionServiceHandler ::wrap ( service_handler ) ) ;
pub ( crate ) fn evaluate_update <
R : ReadableEncodedStore + Clone + ' static ,
W : StrContainer < StrId = R ::StrId > + WritableEncodedStore < StrId = R ::StrId > ,
> (
read : R ,
write : & mut W ,
update : & Update ,
) -> Result < ( ) , EvaluationError >
io ::Error : From < StoreOrParseError < W ::Error > > ,
SimpleUpdateEvaluator ::new (
read ,
write ,
update . base_iri . clone ( ) ,
Rc ::new ( EmptyServiceHandler ) ,
. eval_all ( & update . operations )