Python: makes serialization method output bytes if no output is specified

Tpt 2 years ago committed by Thomas Tanon
parent 1b511ed018
commit a8f98a0056
  1. 56
  2. 41
  3. 6
  4. 4

@ -105,31 +105,39 @@ pub fn parse(
/// :param input: the RDF triples and quads to serialize.
/// :type input: iterable(Triple) or iterable(Quad)
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:func:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path or None, optional
/// :param format: the format of the RDF serialization using a media type like ``text/turtle`` or an extension like `ttl`. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension.
/// :type format: str or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :rtype: bytes or None
/// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported.
/// :raises TypeError: if a triple is given during a quad format serialization or reverse.
/// >>> serialize([Triple(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))], format="ttl")
/// b'<> <> "1" .\n'
/// >>> output = io.BytesIO()
/// >>> serialize([Triple(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))], output, "text/turtle")
/// >>> output.getvalue()
/// b'<> <> "1" .\n'
pub fn serialize(
#[pyo3(signature = (input, output = None, /, format = None))]
pub fn serialize<'a>(
input: &PyAny,
output: &PyAny,
output: Option<&PyAny>,
format: Option<&str>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<()> {
let file_path = output.extract::<PathBuf>().ok();
py: Python<'a>,
) -> PyResult<Option<&'a PyBytes>> {
let file_path = output.and_then(|output| output.extract::<PathBuf>().ok());
let format = rdf_format(format, file_path.as_deref())?;
let output = if let Some(file_path) = &file_path {
PyWritable::from_file(file_path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
let output = if let Some(output) = output {
if let Some(file_path) = &file_path {
PyWritable::from_file(file_path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
} else {
} else {
let mut writer = RdfSerializer::from_format(format).serialize_to_write(BufWriter::new(output));
for i in input.iter()? {
@ -153,8 +161,7 @@ pub fn serialize(
.map_err(|e| map_io_err(e.into_error()))?
#[pyclass(name = "QuadReader", module = "pyoxigraph")]
@ -215,6 +222,7 @@ impl Read for PyReadable {
pub enum PyWritable {
@ -228,18 +236,29 @@ impl PyWritable {
pub fn close(mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
if let Self::File(file) = self {
pub fn close(self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<Option<&PyBytes>> {
match self {
Self::Bytes(bytes) => Ok(Some(PyBytes::new(py, &bytes))),
Self::File(mut file) => {
py.allow_threads(|| {
Self::Io(mut io) => {
py.allow_threads(|| io.flush()).map_err(map_io_err)?;
impl Write for PyWritable {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
match self {
Self::Bytes(bytes) => bytes.write(buf),
Self::Io(io) => io.write(buf),
Self::File(file) => file.write(buf),
@ -247,6 +266,7 @@ impl Write for PyWritable {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
match self {
Self::Bytes(_) => Ok(()),
Self::Io(io) => io.flush(),
Self::File(file) => file.flush(),

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use oxigraph::sparql::Update;
use oxigraph::store::{self, LoaderError, SerializerError, StorageError, Store};
use pyo3::exceptions::{PyRuntimeError, PyValueError};
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3::types::PyBytes;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::path::PathBuf;
@ -496,41 +497,50 @@ impl PyStore {
/// For example, ``application/turtle`` could also be used for `Turtle <>`_
/// and ``application/xml`` or ``xml`` for `RDF/XML <>`_.
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:func:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path or None, optional
/// :param format: the format of the RDF serialization using a media type like ``text/turtle`` or an extension like `ttl`. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension.
/// :type format: str or None, optional
/// :param from_graph: the store graph from which dump the triples. Required if the serialization format does not support named graphs. If it does supports named graphs the full dataset is written.
/// :type from_graph: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :rtype: bytes or None
/// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported or the `from_graph` parameter is not given with a syntax not supporting named graphs.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during a quad lookup
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> store.dump(format="trig")
/// b'<> <> "1" .\n'
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> output = io.BytesIO()
/// >>> store.dump(output, "text/turtle", from_graph=NamedNode(""))
/// >>> output.getvalue()
/// b'<> <> "1" .\n'
#[pyo3(signature = (output, /, format = None, *, from_graph = None))]
fn dump(
#[pyo3(signature = (output = None, /, format = None, *, from_graph = None))]
fn dump<'a>(
output: &PyAny,
output: Option<&PyAny>,
format: Option<&str>,
from_graph: Option<&PyAny>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<()> {
py: Python<'a>,
) -> PyResult<Option<&'a PyBytes>> {
let from_graph_name = if let Some(graph_name) = from_graph {
} else {
let file_path = output.extract::<PathBuf>().ok();
let file_path = output.and_then(|output| output.extract::<PathBuf>().ok());
let format = rdf_format(format, file_path.as_deref())?;
let output = if let Some(file_path) = &file_path {
PyWritable::from_file(file_path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
let output = if let Some(output) = output {
if let Some(file_path) = &file_path {
PyWritable::from_file(file_path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
} else {
} else {
py.allow_threads(|| {
let output = BufWriter::new(output);
@ -541,10 +551,9 @@ impl PyStore {
.map_err(|e| map_io_err(e.into_error()))?
.map_err(|e| map_io_err(e.into_error()))
/// Returns an iterator over all the store named graphs.

@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ class TestParse(unittest.TestCase):
class TestSerialize(unittest.TestCase):
def test_serialize_to_bytes(self) -> None:
serialize([EXAMPLE_TRIPLE.triple], None, "text/turtle").decode(),
'<> <> "éù" .\n',
def test_serialize_to_bytes_io(self) -> None:
output = BytesIO()
serialize([EXAMPLE_TRIPLE.triple], output, "text/turtle")

@ -289,10 +289,8 @@ class TestStore(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dump_nquads(self) -> None:
store = Store()
store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph))
output = BytesIO()
store.dump(output, "nq")
b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> <http://graph> .\n",
