/// :param input: the RDF triples and quads to serialize.
/// :type input: iterable(Triple) or iterable(Quad)
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:func:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path or None, optional
/// :param format: the format of the RDF serialization using a media type like ``text/turtle`` or an extension like `ttl`. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension.
/// :type format: str or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :rtype: bytes or None
/// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported.
/// :raises TypeError: if a triple is given during a quad format serialization or reverse.
/// For example, ``application/turtle`` could also be used for `Turtle <https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/>`_
/// and ``application/xml`` or ``xml`` for `RDF/XML <https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/>`_.
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:func:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path or None, optional
/// :param format: the format of the RDF serialization using a media type like ``text/turtle`` or an extension like `ttl`. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension.
/// :type format: str or None, optional
/// :param from_graph: the store graph from which dump the triples. Required if the serialization format does not support named graphs. If it does supports named graphs the full dataset is written.
/// :type from_graph: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :rtype: bytes or None
/// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported or the `from_graph` parameter is not given with a syntax not supporting named graphs.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during a quad lookup