@ -91,6 +91,30 @@ impl fmt::Display for PropertyPathExpression {
/// The `display(with = ...)` will not work until this PR lands:
/// https://github.com/frozenlib/parse-display/issues/36#issuecomment-1925367731
#[ cfg(skip) ]
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash, parse_display::Display) ]
pub enum PropertyPathExpression {
#[ display( " {0} " ) ]
NamedNode ( NamedNode ) ,
#[ display( " ^({0}) " ) ]
Reverse ( Box < Self > ) ,
#[ display( " ({0} / {1}) " ) ]
Sequence ( Box < Self > , Box < Self > ) ,
#[ display( " ({0} | {1}) " ) ]
Alternative ( Box < Self > , Box < Self > ) ,
#[ display( " ({0})* " ) ]
ZeroOrMore ( Box < Self > ) ,
#[ display( " ({0})+ " ) ]
OneOrMore ( Box < Self > ) ,
#[ display( " ({0})? " ) ]
ZeroOrOne ( Box < Self > ) ,
#[ display( " !({0}) " ) ]
NegatedPropertySet ( #[ display(with = delimiter( " | " )) ] Vec < NamedNode > ) ,
impl From < NamedNode > for PropertyPathExpression {
fn from ( p : NamedNode ) -> Self {
Self ::NamedNode ( p )
@ -318,7 +342,8 @@ fn write_arg_list(
/// A function name.
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash, parse_display::Display) ]
#[ display(style = " UPPERCASE " ) ]
pub enum Function {
Str ,
Lang ,
@ -337,6 +362,7 @@ pub enum Function {
Replace ,
UCase ,
LCase ,
#[ display( " ENCODE_FOR_URI " ) ]
EncodeForUri ,
Contains ,
StrStarts ,
@ -361,9 +387,13 @@ pub enum Function {
Sha512 ,
StrLang ,
StrDt ,
#[ display( " isIRI " ) ]
IsIri ,
#[ display( " isBLANK " ) ]
IsBlank ,
#[ display( " isLITERAL " ) ]
IsLiteral ,
#[ display( " isNUMERIC " ) ]
IsNumeric ,
Regex ,
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
@ -375,9 +405,11 @@ pub enum Function {
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
Object ,
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
#[ display( " isTRIPLE " ) ]
IsTriple ,
#[ cfg(feature = " sep-0002 " ) ]
Adjust ,
#[ display( " {0} " ) ]
Custom ( NamedNode ) ,
@ -448,69 +480,74 @@ impl Function {
impl fmt ::Display for Function {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::Str = > f . write_str ( "STR" ) ,
Self ::Lang = > f . write_str ( "LANG" ) ,
Self ::LangMatches = > f . write_str ( "LANGMATCHES" ) ,
Self ::Datatype = > f . write_str ( "DATATYPE" ) ,
Self ::Iri = > f . write_str ( "IRI" ) ,
Self ::BNode = > f . write_str ( "BNODE" ) ,
Self ::Rand = > f . write_str ( "RAND" ) ,
Self ::Abs = > f . write_str ( "ABS" ) ,
Self ::Ceil = > f . write_str ( "CEIL" ) ,
Self ::Floor = > f . write_str ( "FLOOR" ) ,
Self ::Round = > f . write_str ( "ROUND" ) ,
Self ::Concat = > f . write_str ( "CONCAT" ) ,
Self ::SubStr = > f . write_str ( "SUBSTR" ) ,
Self ::StrLen = > f . write_str ( "STRLEN" ) ,
Self ::Replace = > f . write_str ( "REPLACE" ) ,
Self ::UCase = > f . write_str ( "UCASE" ) ,
Self ::LCase = > f . write_str ( "LCASE" ) ,
Self ::EncodeForUri = > f . write_str ( "ENCODE_FOR_URI" ) ,
Self ::Contains = > f . write_str ( "CONTAINS" ) ,
Self ::StrStarts = > f . write_str ( "STRSTARTS" ) ,
Self ::StrEnds = > f . write_str ( "STRENDS" ) ,
Self ::StrBefore = > f . write_str ( "STRBEFORE" ) ,
Self ::StrAfter = > f . write_str ( "STRAFTER" ) ,
Self ::Year = > f . write_str ( "YEAR" ) ,
Self ::Month = > f . write_str ( "MONTH" ) ,
Self ::Day = > f . write_str ( "DAY" ) ,
Self ::Hours = > f . write_str ( "HOURS" ) ,
Self ::Minutes = > f . write_str ( "MINUTES" ) ,
Self ::Seconds = > f . write_str ( "SECONDS" ) ,
Self ::Timezone = > f . write_str ( "TIMEZONE" ) ,
Self ::Tz = > f . write_str ( "TZ" ) ,
Self ::Now = > f . write_str ( "NOW" ) ,
Self ::Uuid = > f . write_str ( "UUID" ) ,
Self ::StrUuid = > f . write_str ( "STRUUID" ) ,
Self ::Md5 = > f . write_str ( "MD5" ) ,
Self ::Sha1 = > f . write_str ( "SHA1" ) ,
Self ::Sha256 = > f . write_str ( "SHA256" ) ,
Self ::Sha384 = > f . write_str ( "SHA384" ) ,
Self ::Sha512 = > f . write_str ( "SHA512" ) ,
Self ::StrLang = > f . write_str ( "STRLANG" ) ,
Self ::StrDt = > f . write_str ( "STRDT" ) ,
Self ::IsIri = > f . write_str ( "isIRI" ) ,
Self ::IsBlank = > f . write_str ( "isBLANK" ) ,
Self ::IsLiteral = > f . write_str ( "isLITERAL" ) ,
Self ::IsNumeric = > f . write_str ( "isNUMERIC" ) ,
Self ::Regex = > f . write_str ( "REGEX" ) ,
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test_func {
use super ::* ;
#[ test ]
fn display ( ) {
// This is a temporary migration test - we can remove most of these before merging
assert_eq! ( Function ::Str . to_string ( ) , "STR" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Lang . to_string ( ) , "LANG" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::LangMatches . to_string ( ) , "LANGMATCHES" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Datatype . to_string ( ) , "DATATYPE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Iri . to_string ( ) , "IRI" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::BNode . to_string ( ) , "BNODE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Rand . to_string ( ) , "RAND" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Abs . to_string ( ) , "ABS" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Ceil . to_string ( ) , "CEIL" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Floor . to_string ( ) , "FLOOR" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Round . to_string ( ) , "ROUND" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Concat . to_string ( ) , "CONCAT" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::SubStr . to_string ( ) , "SUBSTR" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrLen . to_string ( ) , "STRLEN" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Replace . to_string ( ) , "REPLACE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::UCase . to_string ( ) , "UCASE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::LCase . to_string ( ) , "LCASE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::EncodeForUri . to_string ( ) , "ENCODE_FOR_URI" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Contains . to_string ( ) , "CONTAINS" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrStarts . to_string ( ) , "STRSTARTS" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrEnds . to_string ( ) , "STRENDS" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrBefore . to_string ( ) , "STRBEFORE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrAfter . to_string ( ) , "STRAFTER" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Year . to_string ( ) , "YEAR" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Month . to_string ( ) , "MONTH" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Day . to_string ( ) , "DAY" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Hours . to_string ( ) , "HOURS" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Minutes . to_string ( ) , "MINUTES" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Seconds . to_string ( ) , "SECONDS" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Timezone . to_string ( ) , "TIMEZONE" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Tz . to_string ( ) , "TZ" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Now . to_string ( ) , "NOW" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Uuid . to_string ( ) , "UUID" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrUuid . to_string ( ) , "STRUUID" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Md5 . to_string ( ) , "MD5" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Sha1 . to_string ( ) , "SHA1" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Sha256 . to_string ( ) , "SHA256" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Sha384 . to_string ( ) , "SHA384" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Sha512 . to_string ( ) , "SHA512" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrLang . to_string ( ) , "STRLANG" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::StrDt . to_string ( ) , "STRDT" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::IsIri . to_string ( ) , "isIRI" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::IsBlank . to_string ( ) , "isBLANK" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::IsLiteral . to_string ( ) , "isLITERAL" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::IsNumeric . to_string ( ) , "isNUMERIC" ) ;
assert_eq! ( Function ::Regex . to_string ( ) , "REGEX" ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
Self ::Triple = > f . write_str ( "TRIPLE" ) ,
assert_eq! ( Function ::Triple . to_string ( ) , "TRIPLE" ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
Self ::Subject = > f . write_str ( "SUBJECT" ) ,
assert_eq! ( Function ::Subject . to_string ( ) , "SUBJECT" ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
Self ::Predicate = > f . write_str ( "PREDICATE" ) ,
assert_eq! ( Function ::Predicate . to_string ( ) , "PREDICATE" ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
Self ::Object = > f . write_str ( "OBJECT" ) ,
assert_eq! ( Function ::Object . to_string ( ) , "OBJECT" ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " rdf-star " ) ]
Self ::IsTriple = > f . write_str ( "isTRIPLE" ) ,
assert_eq! ( Function ::IsTriple . to_string ( ) , "isTRIPLE" ) ;
#[ cfg(feature = " sep-0002 " ) ]
Self ::Adjust = > f . write_str ( "ADJUST" ) ,
Self ::Custom ( iri ) = > iri . fmt ( f ) ,
assert_eq! ( Function ::Adjust . to_string ( ) , "ADJUST" ) ;
assert_eq! (
Function ::Custom ( NamedNode ::new ( "http://example.com/foo" ) . unwrap ( ) ) . to_string ( ) ,
) ;
@ -1217,7 +1254,8 @@ impl fmt::Display for AggregateExpression {
/// An aggregate function name.
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash, parse_display::Display) ]
#[ display(style = " SNAKE_CASE " ) ]
pub enum AggregateFunction {
/// [Count](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_aggCount) with *.
Count ,
@ -1230,11 +1268,11 @@ pub enum AggregateFunction {
/// [Max](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_aggMax).
Max ,
/// [GroupConcat](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_aggGroupConcat).
GroupConcat {
separator : Option < String > ,
} ,
#[ display( " {} " ) ]
GroupConcat { separator : Option < String > } ,
/// [Sample](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_aggSample).
Sample ,
#[ display( " {0} " ) ]
Custom ( NamedNode ) ,
@ -1254,23 +1292,36 @@ impl AggregateFunction {
impl fmt ::Display for AggregateFunction {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::Count = > f . write_str ( "COUNT" ) ,
Self ::Sum = > f . write_str ( "SUM" ) ,
Self ::Avg = > f . write_str ( "AVG" ) ,
Self ::Min = > f . write_str ( "MIN" ) ,
Self ::Max = > f . write_str ( "MAX" ) ,
Self ::GroupConcat { .. } = > f . write_str ( "GROUP_CONCAT" ) ,
Self ::Sample = > f . write_str ( "SAMPLE" ) ,
Self ::Custom ( iri ) = > iri . fmt ( f ) ,
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test_agg {
use super ::* ;
#[ test ]
fn display ( ) {
// This is a temporary migration test - we can remove most of these before merging
assert_eq! ( AggregateFunction ::Count . to_string ( ) , "COUNT" ) ;
assert_eq! ( AggregateFunction ::Sum . to_string ( ) , "SUM" ) ;
assert_eq! ( AggregateFunction ::Avg . to_string ( ) , "AVG" ) ;
assert_eq! ( AggregateFunction ::Min . to_string ( ) , "MIN" ) ;
assert_eq! ( AggregateFunction ::Max . to_string ( ) , "MAX" ) ;
assert_eq! (
AggregateFunction ::GroupConcat {
separator : Some ( "foo" . to_owned ( ) )
. to_string ( ) ,
) ;
assert_eq! ( AggregateFunction ::Sample . to_string ( ) , "SAMPLE" ) ;
assert_eq! (
AggregateFunction ::Custom ( NamedNode ::new ( "http://example.com/foo" ) . unwrap ( ) )
. to_string ( ) ,
) ;
/// An ordering comparator used by [`GraphPattern::OrderBy`].
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash, parse_display::Display) ]
#[ display( " {}({0}) " , style = " UPPERCASE " ) ]
pub enum OrderExpression {
/// Ascending order
Asc ( Expression ) ,
@ -1296,12 +1347,26 @@ impl OrderExpression {
impl fmt ::Display for OrderExpression {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::Asc ( e ) = > write! ( f , "ASC({e})" ) ,
Self ::Desc ( e ) = > write! ( f , "DESC({e})" ) ,
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test_order_expr {
use super ::* ;
#[ test ]
fn display ( ) {
// This is a temporary migration test - we can remove most of these before merging
assert_eq! (
OrderExpression ::Asc ( Expression ::NamedNode (
NamedNode ::new ( "http://example.com/foo" ) . unwrap ( )
) )
. to_string ( ) ,
) ;
assert_eq! (
OrderExpression ::Desc ( Expression ::NamedNode (
NamedNode ::new ( "http://example.com/bar" ) . unwrap ( )
) )
. to_string ( ) ,
) ;
@ -1351,11 +1416,15 @@ impl fmt::Display for QueryDataset {
/// A target RDF graph for update operations.
/// Could be a specific graph, all named graphs or the complete dataset.
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash) ]
#[ derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash, parse_display::Display ) ]
pub enum GraphTarget {
#[ display( " GRAPH {0} " ) ]
NamedNode ( NamedNode ) ,
#[ display( " DEFAULT " ) ]
DefaultGraph ,
#[ display( " NAMED " ) ]
NamedGraphs ,
#[ display( " ALL " ) ]
AllGraphs ,
@ -1371,17 +1440,6 @@ impl GraphTarget {
impl fmt ::Display for GraphTarget {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
match self {
Self ::NamedNode ( node ) = > write! ( f , "GRAPH {node}" ) ,
Self ::DefaultGraph = > f . write_str ( "DEFAULT" ) ,
Self ::NamedGraphs = > f . write_str ( "NAMED" ) ,
Self ::AllGraphs = > f . write_str ( "ALL" ) ,
impl From < NamedNode > for GraphTarget {
fn from ( node : NamedNode ) -> Self {
Self ::NamedNode ( node )