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Oxigraph for Python
This package provides a Python API on top of Oxigraph.
Oxigraph is a work in progress graph database written in Rust implementing the [SPARQL]( standard.
It offers two stores with [SPARQL 1.1 Query]( capabilities.
One of the store is in-memory, and the other one is disk based.
The store is also able to load RDF serialized in [Turtle](, [TriG](, [N-Triples](, [N-Quads]( and [RDF XML](
## Install
To install the development version of Oxigraph you need first to install the build tool [Maturin](
This could be done using the usual `pip install maturin`.
`maturin build release` allows build a release Oxigraph Python wheel.
This wheel could be installed using `pip install PATH` in the current Python environment where `PATH` is the path to the built Oxigraph wheel.
## Example
Insert the triple `<http://example/> <> "example"` and print the name of `<http://example/>` in SPARQL:
from oxigraph import *
store = MemoryStore()
ex = NamedNode('http://example/')
schemaName = NamedNode('')
store.add((ex, schemaName, Literal('example')))
for binding in store.query('SELECT ?name WHERE { <http://example/> <> ?name }'):
## API
### Model
Oxigraph provides python classes for the basic RDF model elements.
#### `NamedNode`
from oxigraph import NamedNode
assert NamedNode('').value == ''
assert str(NamedNode('')) == '<>'
#### `BlankNode`
An RDF [blank node](
from oxigraph import BlankNode
assert BlankNode('foo').value == 'foo'
assert str(BlankNode('foo')) == '_:foo'
#### `Literal`
An RDF [literal](
from oxigraph import NamedNode, Literal
assert Literal('foo').value == 'foo'
assert str(Literal('foo')) == '"foo"'
assert Literal('foo', language='en').language == 'en'
assert str(Literal('foo', language='en')) == '"foo"@en'
assert Literal('11', datatype=NamedNode('')).datatype == NamedNode('')
assert str(Literal('11', datatype=NamedNode(''))) == '"11"^^<>'
#### `DefaultGraph`
The RDF [default graph name](
from oxigraph import DefaultGraph
### Stores
Oxigraph provides two stores:
* `MemoryStore` that stores the RDF quads in memory
* `SledStore` that stores the graph on disk using [Sled](
Both stores provide a similar API. They encode an [RDF dataset](
#### Constructor
##### `MemoryStore`
It could be constructed using:
from oxigraph import MemoryStore
store = MemoryStore()
##### `SledStore`
The following code creates a store using the directory `foo/bar` for storage.
from oxigraph import SledStore
store = SledStore('foo/bar')
It is also possible to use a temporary directory that will be removed when the `SledStore` Python object is dropped:
from oxigraph import SledStore
store = SledStore()
#### `add`
To add a quad in the store:
s = NamedNode('')
p = NamedNode('')
o = NamedNode('')
g = NamedNode('')
store.add((s, p, o, g))
If a triple is provided, it is added to the default graph i.e. `store.add((s, p, o, g))` is the same as `store.add((s, p, o, DefaultGraph()))`
#### `remove`
To remove a quad from the store:
store.remove((s, p, o, g))
#### `__contains__`
Checks if a quad is in the store:
assert (s, p, o, g) in store
#### `__len__`
Returns the number of quads in the store:
assert len(store) == 1
#### `__iter__`
Iterates on all quads in the store:
assert list(iter(store)) == [(s, p, o, g)]
#### `match`
Returns all the quads matching a given pattern using an iterator.
Return all the quads with the subject `s`:
assert list(store.match(s, None, None, None)) == [(s, p, o, g)]
Return all the quads in the default graph:
assert list(store.match(s, None, None, DefaultGraph())) == []
#### `query`
Executes a [SPARQL 1.1 Query](
The `ASK` queries return a boolean:
assert store.query('ASK { ?s ?s ?s }')
The `SELECT` queries return an iterator of query solutions that could be indexed by variable name or position in the `SELECT` clause:
for solution in store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'):
assert solution[0] == solution['s']
The `CONSTRUCT` and `DESCRIBE` queries return an iterator of triples:
for (s, p, o) in store.query('CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'):
#### `load`
Loads serialized RDF triples or quad into the store.
The method arguments are:
1. `data`: the serialized RDF triples or quads.
2. `mime_type`: the MIME type of the serialization. See below for the supported mime types.
3. `base_iri`: the base IRI used to resolve the relative IRIs in the serialization.
4. `to_named_graph`: for triple serialization formats, the name of the named graph the triple should be loaded to.
The available formats are:
* [Turtle]( `text/turtle`
* [TriG]( `application/trig`
* [N-Triples]( `application/n-triples`
* [N-Quads]( `application/n-quads`
* [RDF XML]( `application/rdf+xml`
Example of loading a Turtle file into the named graph `<>` with the base IRI ``:
store.load('<> <> <> .', mime_type='text/turtle', base_iri="", to_graph=NamedNode(''))
## How to contribute
The Oxigraph bindings are written in Rust using [PyO3](
They are build using [Maturin](
Maturin could be installed using the usual `pip install maturin`.
To install development version of Oxigraph just run `maturin develop`.
The Python bindings tests are written in Python.
To run them use the usual `python -m unittest` in the `tests` directory.