You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2176 lines
69 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "utilities/blob_db/blob_db_impl.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "db/blob/blob_index.h"
#include "db/db_impl/db_impl.h"
#include "db/write_batch_internal.h"
#include "file/file_util.h"
#include "file/filename.h"
#include "file/random_access_file_reader.h"
#include "file/sst_file_manager_impl.h"
#include "file/writable_file_writer.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "monitoring/instrumented_mutex.h"
#include "monitoring/statistics.h"
#include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/iterator.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/stackable_db.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction.h"
#include "table/block_based/block.h"
#include "table/block_based/block_based_table_builder.h"
#include "table/block_based/block_builder.h"
#include "table/meta_blocks.h"
#include "test_util/sync_point.h"
#include "util/cast_util.h"
#include "util/crc32c.h"
#include "util/mutexlock.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/stop_watch.h"
#include "util/timer_queue.h"
#include "utilities/blob_db/blob_compaction_filter.h"
#include "utilities/blob_db/blob_db_iterator.h"
#include "utilities/blob_db/blob_db_listener.h"
namespace {
int kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat = 2;
} // end namespace
namespace blob_db {
bool BlobFileComparator::operator()(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& lhs,
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& rhs) const {
return lhs->BlobFileNumber() > rhs->BlobFileNumber();
bool BlobFileComparatorTTL::operator()(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& lhs,
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& rhs) const {
assert(lhs->HasTTL() && rhs->HasTTL());
if (lhs->expiration_range_.first < rhs->expiration_range_.first) {
return true;
if (lhs->expiration_range_.first > rhs->expiration_range_.first) {
return false;
return lhs->BlobFileNumber() < rhs->BlobFileNumber();
BlobDBImpl::BlobDBImpl(const std::string& dbname,
const BlobDBOptions& blob_db_options,
const DBOptions& db_options,
const ColumnFamilyOptions& cf_options)
: BlobDB(),
debug_level_(0) {
clock_ = env_->GetSystemClock().get();
blob_dir_ = (bdb_options_.path_relative)
? dbname + "/" + bdb_options_.blob_dir
: bdb_options_.blob_dir;
file_options_.bytes_per_sync = blob_db_options.bytes_per_sync;
BlobDBImpl::~BlobDBImpl() {
// CancelAllBackgroundWork(db_, true);
Status s __attribute__((__unused__)) = Close();
Status BlobDBImpl::Close() {
if (closed_) {
return Status::OK();
closed_ = true;
// Close base DB before BlobDBImpl destructs to stop event listener and
// compaction filter call.
Status s = db_->Close();
// delete db_ anyway even if close failed.
delete db_;
// Reset pointers to avoid StackableDB delete the pointer again.
db_ = nullptr;
db_impl_ = nullptr;
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
s = SyncBlobFiles();
return s;
BlobDBOptions BlobDBImpl::GetBlobDBOptions() const { return bdb_options_; }
Status BlobDBImpl::Open(std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>* handles) {
assert(handles != nullptr);
assert(db_ == nullptr);
if (blob_dir_.empty()) {
return Status::NotSupported("No blob directory in options");
if (bdb_options_.garbage_collection_cutoff < 0.0 ||
bdb_options_.garbage_collection_cutoff > 1.0) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"Garbage collection cutoff must be in the interval [0.0, 1.0]");
// Temporarily disable compactions in the base DB during open; save the user
// defined value beforehand so we can restore it once BlobDB is initialized.
// Note: this is only needed if garbage collection is enabled.
const bool disable_auto_compactions = cf_options_.disable_auto_compactions;
if (bdb_options_.enable_garbage_collection) {
cf_options_.disable_auto_compactions = true;
Status s;
// Create info log.
if (db_options_.info_log == nullptr) {
s = CreateLoggerFromOptions(dbname_, db_options_, &db_options_.info_log);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "Opening BlobDB...");
if ((cf_options_.compaction_filter != nullptr ||
cf_options_.compaction_filter_factory != nullptr)) {
"BlobDB only support compaction filter on non-TTL values.");
// Open blob directory.
s = env_->CreateDirIfMissing(blob_dir_);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to create blob_dir %s, status: %s",
blob_dir_.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
s = env_->GetFileSystem()->NewDirectory(blob_dir_, IOOptions(), &dir_ent_,
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to open blob_dir %s, status: %s", blob_dir_.c_str(),
return s;
// Open blob files.
s = OpenAllBlobFiles();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
// Update options
if (bdb_options_.enable_garbage_collection) {
cf_options_.compaction_filter_factory =
this, clock_, cf_options_, statistics_);
} else {
cf_options_.compaction_filter_factory =
this, clock_, cf_options_, statistics_);
// Reset user compaction filter after building into compaction factory.
cf_options_.compaction_filter = nullptr;
// Open base db.
ColumnFamilyDescriptor cf_descriptor(kDefaultColumnFamilyName, cf_options_);
s = DB::Open(db_options_, dbname_, {cf_descriptor}, handles, &db_);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
db_impl_ = static_cast_with_check<DBImpl>(db_->GetRootDB());
// Sanitize the blob_dir provided. Using a directory where the
// base DB stores its files for the default CF is not supported.
const ColumnFamilyData* const cfd =
const ImmutableCFOptions* const ioptions = cfd->ioptions();
for (const auto& cf_path : ioptions->cf_paths) {
bool blob_dir_same_as_cf_dir = false;
s = env_->AreFilesSame(blob_dir_, cf_path.path, &blob_dir_same_as_cf_dir);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Error while sanitizing blob_dir %s, status: %s",
blob_dir_.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
if (blob_dir_same_as_cf_dir) {
return Status::NotSupported(
"Using the base DB's storage directories for BlobDB files is not "
// Initialize SST file <-> oldest blob file mapping if garbage collection
// is enabled.
if (bdb_options_.enable_garbage_collection) {
std::vector<LiveFileMetaData> live_files;
if (!disable_auto_compactions) {
s = db_->EnableAutoCompaction(*handles);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to enable automatic compactions during open, status: %s",
return s;
// Add trash files in blob dir to file delete scheduler.
SstFileManagerImpl* sfm = static_cast<SstFileManagerImpl*>(
DeleteScheduler::CleanupDirectory(env_, sfm, blob_dir_);
// Start background jobs.
if (!bdb_options_.disable_background_tasks) {
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "BlobDB pointer %p", this);
closed_ = false;
return s;
void BlobDBImpl::StartBackgroundTasks() {
// store a call to a member function and object
std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::ReclaimOpenFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));
std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::DeleteObsoleteFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));
std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::SanityCheck, this, std::placeholders::_1));
std::bind(&BlobDBImpl::EvictExpiredFiles, this, std::placeholders::_1));
Status BlobDBImpl::GetAllBlobFiles(std::set<uint64_t>* file_numbers) {
assert(file_numbers != nullptr);
std::vector<std::string> all_files;
Status s = env_->GetChildren(blob_dir_, &all_files);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to get list of blob files, status: %s",
return s;
for (const auto& file_name : all_files) {
uint64_t file_number;
FileType type;
bool success = ParseFileName(file_name, &file_number, &type);
if (success && type == kBlobFile) {
} else {
"Skipping file in blob directory: %s", file_name.c_str());
return s;
Status BlobDBImpl::OpenAllBlobFiles() {
std::set<uint64_t> file_numbers;
Status s = GetAllBlobFiles(&file_numbers);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
if (!file_numbers.empty()) {*file_numbers.rbegin() + 1);
std::ostringstream blob_file_oss;
std::ostringstream live_imm_oss;
std::ostringstream obsolete_file_oss;
for (auto& file_number : file_numbers) {
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> blob_file = std::make_shared<BlobFile>(
this, blob_dir_, file_number, db_options_.info_log.get());
blob_file->MarkImmutable(/* sequence */ 0);
// Read file header and footer
Status read_metadata_status =
blob_file->ReadMetadata(env_->GetFileSystem(), file_options_);
if (read_metadata_status.IsCorruption()) {
// Remove incomplete file.
if (!obsolete_files_.empty()) {
obsolete_file_oss << ", ";
obsolete_file_oss << file_number;
ObsoleteBlobFile(blob_file, 0 /*obsolete_seq*/, false /*update_size*/);
} else if (!read_metadata_status.ok()) {
"Unable to read metadata of blob file %" PRIu64
", status: '%s'",
file_number, read_metadata_status.ToString().c_str());
return read_metadata_status;
total_blob_size_ += blob_file->GetFileSize();
if (!blob_files_.empty()) {
blob_file_oss << ", ";
blob_file_oss << file_number;
blob_files_[file_number] = blob_file;
if (!blob_file->HasTTL()) {
if (!live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.empty()) {
live_imm_oss << ", ";
live_imm_oss << file_number;
live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_[file_number] = blob_file;
"Found %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt " blob files: %s", blob_files_.size(),
db_options_.info_log, "Found %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt " non-TTL blob files: %s",
live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.size(), live_imm_oss.str().c_str());
"Found %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt
" incomplete or corrupted blob files: %s",
obsolete_files_.size(), obsolete_file_oss.str().c_str());
return s;
template <typename Linker>
void BlobDBImpl::LinkSstToBlobFileImpl(uint64_t sst_file_number,
uint64_t blob_file_number,
Linker linker) {
assert(blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber);
auto it = blob_files_.find(blob_file_number);
if (it == blob_files_.end()) {
"Blob file %" PRIu64
" not found while trying to link "
"SST file %" PRIu64,
blob_file_number, sst_file_number);
BlobFile* const blob_file = it->second.get();
linker(blob_file, sst_file_number);
"Blob file %" PRIu64 " linked to SST file %" PRIu64,
blob_file_number, sst_file_number);
void BlobDBImpl::LinkSstToBlobFile(uint64_t sst_file_number,
uint64_t blob_file_number) {
auto linker = [](BlobFile* blob_file, uint64_t sst_file) {
WriteLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
LinkSstToBlobFileImpl(sst_file_number, blob_file_number, linker);
void BlobDBImpl::LinkSstToBlobFileNoLock(uint64_t sst_file_number,
uint64_t blob_file_number) {
auto linker = [](BlobFile* blob_file, uint64_t sst_file) {
LinkSstToBlobFileImpl(sst_file_number, blob_file_number, linker);
void BlobDBImpl::UnlinkSstFromBlobFile(uint64_t sst_file_number,
uint64_t blob_file_number) {
assert(blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber);
auto it = blob_files_.find(blob_file_number);
if (it == blob_files_.end()) {
"Blob file %" PRIu64
" not found while trying to unlink "
"SST file %" PRIu64,
blob_file_number, sst_file_number);
BlobFile* const blob_file = it->second.get();
WriteLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
"Blob file %" PRIu64 " unlinked from SST file %" PRIu64,
blob_file_number, sst_file_number);
void BlobDBImpl::InitializeBlobFileToSstMapping(
const std::vector<LiveFileMetaData>& live_files) {
for (const auto& live_file : live_files) {
const uint64_t sst_file_number = live_file.file_number;
const uint64_t blob_file_number = live_file.oldest_blob_file_number;
if (blob_file_number == kInvalidBlobFileNumber) {
LinkSstToBlobFileNoLock(sst_file_number, blob_file_number);
void BlobDBImpl::ProcessFlushJobInfo(const FlushJobInfo& info) {
WriteLock lock(&mutex_);
if (info.oldest_blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber) {
LinkSstToBlobFile(info.file_number, info.oldest_blob_file_number);
assert(flush_sequence_ < info.largest_seqno);
flush_sequence_ = info.largest_seqno;
void BlobDBImpl::ProcessCompactionJobInfo(const CompactionJobInfo& info) {
if (!info.status.ok()) {
// Note: the same SST file may appear in both the input and the output
// file list in case of a trivial move. We walk through the two lists
// below in a fashion that's similar to merge sort to detect this.
auto cmp = [](const CompactionFileInfo& lhs, const CompactionFileInfo& rhs) {
return lhs.file_number < rhs.file_number;
auto inputs = info.input_file_infos;
auto iit = inputs.begin();
const auto iit_end = inputs.end();
std::sort(iit, iit_end, cmp);
auto outputs = info.output_file_infos;
auto oit = outputs.begin();
const auto oit_end = outputs.end();
std::sort(oit, oit_end, cmp);
WriteLock lock(&mutex_);
while (iit != iit_end && oit != oit_end) {
const auto& input = *iit;
const auto& output = *oit;
if (input.file_number == output.file_number) {
} else if (input.file_number < output.file_number) {
if (input.oldest_blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber) {
UnlinkSstFromBlobFile(input.file_number, input.oldest_blob_file_number);
} else {
assert(output.file_number < input.file_number);
if (output.oldest_blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber) {
LinkSstToBlobFile(output.file_number, output.oldest_blob_file_number);
while (iit != iit_end) {
const auto& input = *iit;
if (input.oldest_blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber) {
UnlinkSstFromBlobFile(input.file_number, input.oldest_blob_file_number);
while (oit != oit_end) {
const auto& output = *oit;
if (output.oldest_blob_file_number != kInvalidBlobFileNumber) {
LinkSstToBlobFile(output.file_number, output.oldest_blob_file_number);
bool BlobDBImpl::MarkBlobFileObsoleteIfNeeded(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& blob_file, SequenceNumber obsolete_seq) {
// Note: FIFO eviction could have marked this file obsolete already.
if (blob_file->Obsolete()) {
return true;
// We cannot mark this file (or any higher-numbered files for that matter)
// obsolete if it is referenced by any memtables or SSTs. We keep track of
// the SSTs explicitly. To account for memtables, we keep track of the highest
// sequence number received in flush notifications, and we do not mark the
// blob file obsolete if there are still unflushed memtables from before
// the time the blob file was closed.
if (blob_file->GetImmutableSequence() > flush_sequence_ ||
!blob_file->GetLinkedSstFiles().empty()) {
return false;
"Blob file %" PRIu64 " is no longer needed, marking obsolete",
ObsoleteBlobFile(blob_file, obsolete_seq, /* update_size */ true);
return true;
template <class Functor>
void BlobDBImpl::MarkUnreferencedBlobFilesObsoleteImpl(Functor mark_if_needed) {
// Iterate through all live immutable non-TTL blob files, and mark them
// obsolete assuming no SST files or memtables rely on the blobs in them.
// Note: we need to stop as soon as we find a blob file that has any
// linked SSTs (or one potentially referenced by memtables).
uint64_t obsoleted_files = 0;
auto it = live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.begin();
while (it != live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.end()) {
const auto& blob_file = it->second;
assert(blob_file->BlobFileNumber() == it->first);
// Small optimization: Obsolete() does an atomic read, so we can do
// this check without taking a lock on the blob file's mutex.
if (blob_file->Obsolete()) {
it = live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.erase(it);
if (!mark_if_needed(blob_file)) {
it = live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.erase(it);
if (obsoleted_files > 0) {
"%" PRIu64 " blob file(s) marked obsolete by GC",
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_GC_NUM_FILES, obsoleted_files);
void BlobDBImpl::MarkUnreferencedBlobFilesObsolete() {
const SequenceNumber obsolete_seq = GetLatestSequenceNumber();
[this, obsolete_seq](const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& blob_file) {
WriteLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
return MarkBlobFileObsoleteIfNeeded(blob_file, obsolete_seq);
void BlobDBImpl::MarkUnreferencedBlobFilesObsoleteDuringOpen() {
[this](const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& blob_file) {
return MarkBlobFileObsoleteIfNeeded(blob_file, /* obsolete_seq */ 0);
void BlobDBImpl::CloseRandomAccessLocked(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
Status BlobDBImpl::GetBlobFileReader(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& blob_file,
std::shared_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader>* reader) {
assert(reader != nullptr);
bool fresh_open = false;
Status s = blob_file->GetReader(env_, file_options_, reader, &fresh_open);
if (s.ok() && fresh_open) {
assert(*reader != nullptr);
return s;
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> BlobDBImpl::NewBlobFile(
bool has_ttl, const ExpirationRange& expiration_range,
const std::string& reason) {
assert(has_ttl == (expiration_range.first || expiration_range.second));
uint64_t file_num = next_file_number_++;
const uint32_t column_family_id =
auto blob_file = std::make_shared<BlobFile>(
this, blob_dir_, file_num, db_options_.info_log.get(), column_family_id,
bdb_options_.compression, has_ttl, expiration_range);
ROCKS_LOG_DEBUG(db_options_.info_log, "New blob file created: %s reason='%s'",
blob_file->PathName().c_str(), reason.c_str());
return blob_file;
void BlobDBImpl::RegisterBlobFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> blob_file) {
const uint64_t blob_file_number = blob_file->BlobFileNumber();
auto it = blob_files_.lower_bound(blob_file_number);
assert(it == blob_files_.end() || it->first != blob_file_number);
std::map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>>::value_type(
blob_file_number, std::move(blob_file)));
Status BlobDBImpl::CreateWriterLocked(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
std::string fpath(bfile->PathName());
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile> wfile;
const auto& fs = env_->GetFileSystem();
Status s = fs->ReopenWritableFile(fpath, file_options_, &wfile, nullptr);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to open blob file for write: %s status: '%s'"
" exists: '%s'",
fpath.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str(),
fs->FileExists(fpath, file_options_.io_options, nullptr)
return s;
std::unique_ptr<WritableFileWriter> fwriter;
fwriter.reset(new WritableFileWriter(std::move(wfile), fpath, file_options_));
uint64_t boffset = bfile->GetFileSize();
if (debug_level_ >= 2 && boffset) {
"Open blob file: %s with offset: %" PRIu64, fpath.c_str(),
BlobLogWriter::ElemType et = BlobLogWriter::kEtNone;
if (bfile->file_size_ == BlobLogHeader::kSize) {
et = BlobLogWriter::kEtFileHdr;
} else if (bfile->file_size_ > BlobLogHeader::kSize) {
et = BlobLogWriter::kEtRecord;
} else if (bfile->file_size_) {
"Open blob file: %s with wrong size: %" PRIu64,
fpath.c_str(), boffset);
return Status::Corruption("Invalid blob file size");
constexpr bool do_flush = true;
bfile->log_writer_ = std::make_shared<BlobLogWriter>(
std::move(fwriter), clock_, statistics_, bfile->file_number_,
db_options_.use_fsync, do_flush, boffset);
bfile->log_writer_->last_elem_type_ = et;
return s;
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> BlobDBImpl::FindBlobFileLocked(
uint64_t expiration) const {
if (open_ttl_files_.empty()) {
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> tmp = std::make_shared<BlobFile>();
tmp->expiration_range_ = std::make_pair(expiration, 0);
tmp->file_number_ = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
auto citr = open_ttl_files_.equal_range(tmp);
if (citr.first == open_ttl_files_.end()) {
assert(citr.second == open_ttl_files_.end());
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> check = *(open_ttl_files_.rbegin());
return (check->expiration_range_.second <= expiration) ? nullptr : check;
if (citr.first != citr.second) {
return *(citr.first);
auto finditr = citr.second;
if (finditr != open_ttl_files_.begin()) {
bool b2 = (*finditr)->expiration_range_.second <= expiration;
bool b1 = (*finditr)->expiration_range_.first > expiration;
return (b1 || b2) ? nullptr : (*finditr);
Status BlobDBImpl::CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& blob_file,
std::shared_ptr<BlobLogWriter>* writer) {
assert(writer != nullptr);
*writer = blob_file->GetWriter();
if (*writer != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
Status s = CreateWriterLocked(blob_file);
if (s.ok()) {
*writer = blob_file->GetWriter();
return s;
Status BlobDBImpl::CreateBlobFileAndWriter(
bool has_ttl, const ExpirationRange& expiration_range,
const std::string& reason, std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>* blob_file,
std::shared_ptr<BlobLogWriter>* writer) {
assert(has_ttl == (expiration_range.first || expiration_range.second));
*blob_file = NewBlobFile(has_ttl, expiration_range, reason);
// file not visible, hence no lock
Status s = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(*blob_file, writer);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to get writer for blob file: %s, error: %s",
(*blob_file)->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
s = (*writer)->WriteHeader((*blob_file)->header_);
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to write header to new blob file: %s"
" status: '%s'",
(*blob_file)->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
total_blob_size_ += BlobLogHeader::kSize;
return s;
Status BlobDBImpl::SelectBlobFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>* blob_file) {
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
if (open_non_ttl_file_) {
*blob_file = open_non_ttl_file_;
return Status::OK();
// Check again
WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
if (open_non_ttl_file_) {
*blob_file = open_non_ttl_file_;
return Status::OK();
std::shared_ptr<BlobLogWriter> writer;
const Status s = CreateBlobFileAndWriter(
/* has_ttl */ false, ExpirationRange(),
/* reason */ "SelectBlobFile", blob_file, &writer);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
open_non_ttl_file_ = *blob_file;
return s;
Status BlobDBImpl::SelectBlobFileTTL(uint64_t expiration,
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>* blob_file) {
assert(expiration != kNoExpiration);
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
*blob_file = FindBlobFileLocked(expiration);
if (*blob_file != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
// Check again
WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
*blob_file = FindBlobFileLocked(expiration);
if (*blob_file != nullptr) {
return Status::OK();
const uint64_t exp_low =
(expiration / bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs) * bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs;
const uint64_t exp_high = exp_low + bdb_options_.ttl_range_secs;
const ExpirationRange expiration_range(exp_low, exp_high);
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "SelectBlobFileTTL range: [" << exp_low << ',' << exp_high << ')';
std::shared_ptr<BlobLogWriter> writer;
const Status s =
CreateBlobFileAndWriter(/* has_ttl */ true, expiration_range,
/* reason */ oss.str(), blob_file, &writer);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
return s;
class BlobDBImpl::BlobInserter : public WriteBatch::Handler {
const WriteOptions& options_;
BlobDBImpl* blob_db_impl_;
uint32_t default_cf_id_;
WriteBatch batch_;
BlobInserter(const WriteOptions& options, BlobDBImpl* blob_db_impl,
uint32_t default_cf_id)
: options_(options),
default_cf_id_(default_cf_id) {}
WriteBatch* batch() { return &batch_; }
Status PutCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key,
const Slice& value) override {
if (column_family_id != default_cf_id_) {
return Status::NotSupported(
"Blob DB doesn't support non-default column family.");
Status s = blob_db_impl_->PutBlobValue(options_, key, value, kNoExpiration,
return s;
Status DeleteCF(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& key) override {
if (column_family_id != default_cf_id_) {
return Status::NotSupported(
"Blob DB doesn't support non-default column family.");
Status s = WriteBatchInternal::Delete(&batch_, column_family_id, key);
return s;
virtual Status DeleteRange(uint32_t column_family_id, const Slice& begin_key,
const Slice& end_key) {
if (column_family_id != default_cf_id_) {
return Status::NotSupported(
"Blob DB doesn't support non-default column family.");
Status s = WriteBatchInternal::DeleteRange(&batch_, column_family_id,
begin_key, end_key);
return s;
Status SingleDeleteCF(uint32_t /*column_family_id*/,
const Slice& /*key*/) override {
return Status::NotSupported("Not supported operation in blob db.");
Status MergeCF(uint32_t /*column_family_id*/, const Slice& /*key*/,
const Slice& /*value*/) override {
return Status::NotSupported("Not supported operation in blob db.");
void LogData(const Slice& blob) override { batch_.PutLogData(blob); }
Status BlobDBImpl::Write(const WriteOptions& options, WriteBatch* updates) {
StopWatch write_sw(clock_, statistics_, BLOB_DB_WRITE_MICROS);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_NUM_WRITE);
uint32_t default_cf_id =
Status s;
BlobInserter blob_inserter(options, this, default_cf_id);
// Release write_mutex_ before DB write to avoid race condition with
// flush begin listener, which also require write_mutex_ to sync
// blob files.
MutexLock l(&write_mutex_);
s = updates->Iterate(&blob_inserter);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
return db_->Write(options, blob_inserter.batch());
Status BlobDBImpl::Put(const WriteOptions& options, const Slice& key,
const Slice& value) {
return PutUntil(options, key, value, kNoExpiration);
Status BlobDBImpl::PutWithTTL(const WriteOptions& options, const Slice& key,
const Slice& value, uint64_t ttl) {
uint64_t now = EpochNow();
uint64_t expiration = kNoExpiration - now > ttl ? now + ttl : kNoExpiration;
return PutUntil(options, key, value, expiration);
Status BlobDBImpl::PutUntil(const WriteOptions& options, const Slice& key,
const Slice& value, uint64_t expiration) {
StopWatch write_sw(clock_, statistics_, BLOB_DB_WRITE_MICROS);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_NUM_PUT);
Status s;
WriteBatch batch;
// Release write_mutex_ before DB write to avoid race condition with
// flush begin listener, which also require write_mutex_ to sync
// blob files.
MutexLock l(&write_mutex_);
s = PutBlobValue(options, key, value, expiration, &batch);
if (s.ok()) {
s = db_->Write(options, &batch);
return s;
Status BlobDBImpl::PutBlobValue(const WriteOptions& /*options*/,
const Slice& key, const Slice& value,
uint64_t expiration, WriteBatch* batch) {
Status s;
std::string index_entry;
uint32_t column_family_id =
if (value.size() < bdb_options_.min_blob_size) {
if (expiration == kNoExpiration) {
// Put as normal value
s = batch->Put(key, value);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_WRITE_INLINED);
} else {
// Inlined with TTL
BlobIndex::EncodeInlinedTTL(&index_entry, expiration, value);
s = WriteBatchInternal::PutBlobIndex(batch, column_family_id, key,
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_WRITE_INLINED_TTL);
} else {
std::string compression_output;
Slice value_compressed = GetCompressedSlice(value, &compression_output);
std::string headerbuf;
BlobLogWriter::ConstructBlobHeader(&headerbuf, key, value_compressed,
// Check DB size limit before selecting blob file to
// Since CheckSizeAndEvictBlobFiles() can close blob files, it needs to be
// done before calling SelectBlobFile().
s = CheckSizeAndEvictBlobFiles(headerbuf.size() + key.size() +
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> blob_file;
if (expiration != kNoExpiration) {
s = SelectBlobFileTTL(expiration, &blob_file);
} else {
s = SelectBlobFile(&blob_file);
if (s.ok()) {
assert(blob_file != nullptr);
assert(blob_file->GetCompressionType() == bdb_options_.compression);
s = AppendBlob(blob_file, headerbuf, key, value_compressed, expiration,
if (s.ok()) {
if (expiration != kNoExpiration) {
WriteLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
s = CloseBlobFileIfNeeded(blob_file);
if (s.ok()) {
s = WriteBatchInternal::PutBlobIndex(batch, column_family_id, key,
if (s.ok()) {
if (expiration == kNoExpiration) {
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_WRITE_BLOB);
} else {
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_WRITE_BLOB_TTL);
} else {
"Failed to append blob to FILE: %s: KEY: %s VALSZ: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt
" status: '%s' blob_file: '%s'",
blob_file->PathName().c_str(), key.ToString().c_str(), value.size(),
s.ToString().c_str(), blob_file->DumpState().c_str());
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_NUM_KEYS_WRITTEN);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_BYTES_WRITTEN, key.size() + value.size());
RecordInHistogram(statistics_, BLOB_DB_KEY_SIZE, key.size());
RecordInHistogram(statistics_, BLOB_DB_VALUE_SIZE, value.size());
return s;
Slice BlobDBImpl::GetCompressedSlice(const Slice& raw,
std::string* compression_output) const {
if (bdb_options_.compression == kNoCompression) {
return raw;
StopWatch compression_sw(clock_, statistics_, BLOB_DB_COMPRESSION_MICROS);
CompressionType type = bdb_options_.compression;
CompressionOptions opts;
CompressionContext context(type);
CompressionInfo info(opts, context, CompressionDict::GetEmptyDict(), type,
0 /* sample_for_compression */);
CompressBlock(raw, info, &type, kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat, false,
compression_output, nullptr, nullptr);
return *compression_output;
Status BlobDBImpl::DecompressSlice(const Slice& compressed_value,
CompressionType compression_type,
PinnableSlice* value_output) const {
assert(compression_type != kNoCompression);
BlockContents contents;
auto cfh = static_cast<ColumnFamilyHandleImpl*>(DefaultColumnFamily());
StopWatch decompression_sw(clock_, statistics_,
UncompressionContext context(compression_type);
UncompressionInfo info(context, UncompressionDict::GetEmptyDict(),
Refactor to avoid confusing "raw block" (#10408) Summary: We have a lot of confusing code because of mixed, sometimes completely opposite uses of of the term "raw block" or "raw contents", sometimes within the same source file. For example, in `BlockBasedTableBuilder`, `raw_block_contents` and `raw_size` generally referred to uncompressed block contents and size, while `WriteRawBlock` referred to writing a block that is already compressed if it is going to be. Meanwhile, in `BlockBasedTable`, `raw_block_contents` either referred to a (maybe compressed) block with trailer, or a maybe compressed block maybe without trailer. (Note: left as follow-up work to use C++ typing to better sort out the various kinds of BlockContents.) This change primarily tries to apply some consistent terminology around the kinds of block representations, avoiding the unclear "raw". (Any meaning of "raw" assumes some bias toward the storage layer or toward the logical data layer.) Preferred terminology: * **Serialized block** - bytes that go into storage. For block-based table (usually the case) this includes the block trailer. WART: block `size` may or may not include the trailer; need to be clear about whether it does or not. * **Maybe compressed block** - like a serialized block, but without the trailer (or no promise of including a trailer). Must be accompanied by a CompressionType. * **Uncompressed block** - "payload" bytes that are either stored with no compression, used as input to compression function, or result of decompression function. * **Parsed block** - an in-memory form of a block in block cache, as it is used by the table reader. Different C++ types are used depending on the block type (see block_like_traits.h). Other refactorings: * Misc corrections/improvements of internal API comments * Remove a few misleading / unhelpful / redundant comments. * Use move semantics in some places to simplify contracts * Use better parameter names to indicate which parameters are used for outputs * Remove some extraneous `extern` * Various clean-ups to `CacheDumperImpl` (mostly unnecessary code) Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: existing tests Reviewed By: akankshamahajan15 Differential Revision: D38172617 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: ccb99299f324ac5ca46996d34c5089621a4f260c
3 years ago
Status s = UncompressBlockData(
info,, compressed_value.size(), &contents,
kBlockBasedTableVersionFormat, *(cfh->cfd()->ioptions()));
if (!s.ok()) {
return Status::Corruption("Unable to decompress blob.");
return Status::OK();
Status BlobDBImpl::CompactFiles(
const CompactionOptions& compact_options,
const std::vector<std::string>& input_file_names, const int output_level,
const int output_path_id, std::vector<std::string>* const output_file_names,
CompactionJobInfo* compaction_job_info) {
// Note: we need CompactionJobInfo to be able to track updates to the
// blob file <-> SST mappings, so we provide one if the user hasn't,
// assuming that GC is enabled.
CompactionJobInfo info{};
if (bdb_options_.enable_garbage_collection && !compaction_job_info) {
compaction_job_info = &info;
const Status s =
db_->CompactFiles(compact_options, input_file_names, output_level,
output_path_id, output_file_names, compaction_job_info);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
if (bdb_options_.enable_garbage_collection) {
return s;
void BlobDBImpl::GetCompactionContextCommon(BlobCompactionContext* context) {
context->blob_db_impl = this;
context->next_file_number = next_file_number_.load();
for (auto& p : blob_files_) {
context->fifo_eviction_seq = fifo_eviction_seq_;
context->evict_expiration_up_to = evict_expiration_up_to_;
void BlobDBImpl::GetCompactionContext(BlobCompactionContext* context) {
ReadLock l(&mutex_);
void BlobDBImpl::GetCompactionContext(BlobCompactionContext* context,
BlobCompactionContextGC* context_gc) {
ReadLock l(&mutex_);
if (!live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.empty()) {
auto it = live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.begin();
std::advance(it, bdb_options_.garbage_collection_cutoff *
context_gc->cutoff_file_number = it != live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.end()
? it->first
: std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
void BlobDBImpl::UpdateLiveSSTSize() {
uint64_t live_sst_size = 0;
bool ok = GetIntProperty(DB::Properties::kLiveSstFilesSize, &live_sst_size);
if (ok) {;
"Updated total SST file size: %" PRIu64 " bytes.",
} else {
"Failed to update total SST file size after flush or compaction.");
// Trigger FIFO eviction if needed.
MutexLock l(&write_mutex_);
Status s = CheckSizeAndEvictBlobFiles(0, true /*force*/);
if (s.IsNoSpace()) {
"DB grow out-of-space after SST size updated. Current live"
" SST size: %" PRIu64
" , current blob files size: %" PRIu64 ".",
live_sst_size_.load(), total_blob_size_.load());
Status BlobDBImpl::CheckSizeAndEvictBlobFiles(uint64_t blob_size,
bool force_evict) {
uint64_t live_sst_size = live_sst_size_.load();
if (bdb_options_.max_db_size == 0 ||
live_sst_size + total_blob_size_.load() + blob_size <=
bdb_options_.max_db_size) {
return Status::OK();
if (bdb_options_.is_fifo == false ||
(!force_evict && live_sst_size + blob_size > bdb_options_.max_db_size)) {
// FIFO eviction is disabled, or no space to insert new blob even we evict
// all blob files.
return Status::NoSpace(
"Write failed, as writing it would exceed max_db_size limit.");
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> candidate_files;
std::sort(candidate_files.begin(), candidate_files.end(),
fifo_eviction_seq_ = GetLatestSequenceNumber();
WriteLock l(&mutex_);
while (!candidate_files.empty() &&
live_sst_size + total_blob_size_.load() + blob_size >
bdb_options_.max_db_size) {
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> blob_file = candidate_files.back();
WriteLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
if (blob_file->Obsolete()) {
// File already obsoleted by someone else.
// FIFO eviction can evict open blob files.
if (!blob_file->Immutable()) {
Status s = CloseBlobFile(blob_file);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
auto expiration_range = blob_file->GetExpirationRange();
"Evict oldest blob file since DB out of space. Current "
"live SST file size: %" PRIu64 ", total blob size: %" PRIu64
", max db size: %" PRIu64 ", evicted blob file #%" PRIu64
live_sst_size, total_blob_size_.load(),
bdb_options_.max_db_size, blob_file->BlobFileNumber());
ObsoleteBlobFile(blob_file, fifo_eviction_seq_, true /*update_size*/);
evict_expiration_up_to_ = expiration_range.first;
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_FIFO_NUM_FILES_EVICTED);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_FIFO_NUM_KEYS_EVICTED,
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_FIFO_BYTES_EVICTED,
if (live_sst_size + total_blob_size_.load() + blob_size >
bdb_options_.max_db_size) {
return Status::NoSpace(
"Write failed, as writing it would exceed max_db_size limit.");
return Status::OK();
Status BlobDBImpl::AppendBlob(const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile,
const std::string& headerbuf, const Slice& key,
const Slice& value, uint64_t expiration,
std::string* index_entry) {
Status s;
uint64_t blob_offset = 0;
uint64_t key_offset = 0;
WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);
std::shared_ptr<BlobLogWriter> writer;
s = CheckOrCreateWriterLocked(bfile, &writer);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
// write the blob to the blob log.
s = writer->EmitPhysicalRecord(headerbuf, key, value, &key_offset,
if (!s.ok()) {
"Invalid status in AppendBlob: %s status: '%s'",
bfile->PathName().c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
uint64_t size_put = headerbuf.size() + key.size() + value.size();
total_blob_size_ += size_put;
if (expiration == kNoExpiration) {
BlobIndex::EncodeBlob(index_entry, bfile->BlobFileNumber(), blob_offset,
value.size(), bdb_options_.compression);
} else {
BlobIndex::EncodeBlobTTL(index_entry, expiration, bfile->BlobFileNumber(),
blob_offset, value.size(),
return s;
std::vector<Status> BlobDBImpl::MultiGet(const ReadOptions& read_options,
const std::vector<Slice>& keys,
std::vector<std::string>* values) {
StopWatch multiget_sw(clock_, statistics_, BLOB_DB_MULTIGET_MICROS);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_NUM_MULTIGET);
// Get a snapshot to avoid blob file get deleted between we
// fetch and index entry and reading from the file.
ReadOptions ro(read_options);
bool snapshot_created = SetSnapshotIfNeeded(&ro);
std::vector<Status> statuses;
PinnableSlice value;
for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
statuses.push_back(Get(ro, DefaultColumnFamily(), keys[i], &value));
if (snapshot_created) {
return statuses;
bool BlobDBImpl::SetSnapshotIfNeeded(ReadOptions* read_options) {
assert(read_options != nullptr);
if (read_options->snapshot != nullptr) {
return false;
read_options->snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot();
return true;
Status BlobDBImpl::GetBlobValue(const Slice& key, const Slice& index_entry,
PinnableSlice* value, uint64_t* expiration) {
BlobIndex blob_index;
Status s = blob_index.DecodeFrom(index_entry);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
if (blob_index.HasTTL() && blob_index.expiration() <= EpochNow()) {
return Status::NotFound("Key expired");
if (expiration != nullptr) {
if (blob_index.HasTTL()) {
*expiration = blob_index.expiration();
} else {
*expiration = kNoExpiration;
if (blob_index.IsInlined()) {
// TODO(yiwu): If index_entry is a PinnableSlice, we can also pin the same
// memory buffer to avoid extra copy.
return Status::OK();
CompressionType compression_type = kNoCompression;
s = GetRawBlobFromFile(key, blob_index.file_number(), blob_index.offset(),
blob_index.size(), value, &compression_type);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
if (compression_type != kNoCompression) {
s = DecompressSlice(*value, compression_type, value);
if (!s.ok()) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
"Uncompression error during blob read from file: %" PRIu64
" blob_offset: %" PRIu64 " blob_size: %" PRIu64
" key: %s status: '%s'",
blob_index.file_number(), blob_index.offset(), blob_index.size(),
key.ToString(/* output_hex */ true).c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
return Status::OK();
Status BlobDBImpl::GetRawBlobFromFile(const Slice& key, uint64_t file_number,
uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
PinnableSlice* value,
CompressionType* compression_type) {
assert(*compression_type == kNoCompression);
if (!size) {
return Status::OK();
// offset has to have certain min, as we will read CRC
// later from the Blob Header, which needs to be also a
// valid offset.
if (offset <
(BlobLogHeader::kSize + BlobLogRecord::kHeaderSize + key.size())) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
"Invalid blob index file_number: %" PRIu64
" blob_offset: %" PRIu64 " blob_size: %" PRIu64
" key: %s",
file_number, offset, size,
key.ToString(/* output_hex */ true).c_str());
return Status::NotFound("Invalid blob offset");
std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> blob_file;
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
auto it = blob_files_.find(file_number);
// file was deleted
if (it == blob_files_.end()) {
return Status::NotFound("Blob Not Found as blob file missing");
blob_file = it->second;
*compression_type = blob_file->GetCompressionType();
// takes locks when called
std::shared_ptr<RandomAccessFileReader> reader;
Status s = GetBlobFileReader(blob_file, &reader);
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
assert(offset >= key.size() + sizeof(uint32_t));
const uint64_t record_offset = offset - key.size() - sizeof(uint32_t);
const uint64_t record_size = sizeof(uint32_t) + key.size() + size;
// Allocate the buffer. This is safe in C++11
std::string buf;
AlignedBuf aligned_buf;
// A partial blob record contain checksum, key and value.
Slice blob_record;
StopWatch read_sw(clock_, statistics_, BLOB_DB_BLOB_FILE_READ_MICROS);
Add rate limiter priority to ReadOptions (#9424) Summary: Users can set the priority for file reads associated with their operation by setting `ReadOptions::rate_limiter_priority` to something other than `Env::IO_TOTAL`. Rate limiting `VerifyChecksum()` and `VerifyFileChecksums()` is the motivation for this PR, so it also includes benchmarks and minor bug fixes to get that working. `RandomAccessFileReader::Read()` already had support for rate limiting compaction reads. I changed that rate limiting to be non-specific to compaction, but rather performed according to the passed in `Env::IOPriority`. Now the compaction read rate limiting is supported by setting `rate_limiter_priority = Env::IO_LOW` on its `ReadOptions`. There is no default value for the new `Env::IOPriority` parameter to `RandomAccessFileReader::Read()`. That means this PR goes through all callers (in some cases multiple layers up the call stack) to find a `ReadOptions` to provide the priority. There are TODOs for cases I believe it would be good to let user control the priority some day (e.g., file footer reads), and no TODO in cases I believe it doesn't matter (e.g., trace file reads). The API doc only lists the missing cases where a file read associated with a provided `ReadOptions` cannot be rate limited. For cases like file ingestion checksum calculation, there is no API to provide `ReadOptions` or `Env::IOPriority`, so I didn't count that as missing. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - new unit tests - new benchmarks on ~50MB database with 1MB/s read rate limit and 100ms refill interval; verified with strace reads are chunked (at 0.1MB per chunk) and spaced roughly 100ms apart. - setup command: `./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom,compact -db=/tmp/testdb -target_file_size_base=1048576 -disable_auto_compactions=true -file_checksum=true` - benchmarks command: `strace -ttfe pread64 ./db_bench -benchmarks=verifychecksum,verifyfilechecksums -use_existing_db=true -db=/tmp/testdb -rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec=1048576 -rate_limit_bg_reads=1 -rate_limit_user_ops=true -file_checksum=true` - crash test using IO_USER priority on non-validation reads with reverted: `python3 tools/ blackbox --max_key=1000000 --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes=true --duration=3600 --rate_limit_bg_reads=true --rate_limit_user_ops=true --rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec=10485760 --interval=10` Reviewed By: hx235 Differential Revision: D33747386 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: a2d985e97912fba8c54763798e04f006ccc56e0c
3 years ago
// TODO: rate limit old blob DB file reads.
if (reader->use_direct_io()) {
s = reader->Read(IOOptions(), record_offset,
static_cast<size_t>(record_size), &blob_record, nullptr,
Add rate limiter priority to ReadOptions (#9424) Summary: Users can set the priority for file reads associated with their operation by setting `ReadOptions::rate_limiter_priority` to something other than `Env::IO_TOTAL`. Rate limiting `VerifyChecksum()` and `VerifyFileChecksums()` is the motivation for this PR, so it also includes benchmarks and minor bug fixes to get that working. `RandomAccessFileReader::Read()` already had support for rate limiting compaction reads. I changed that rate limiting to be non-specific to compaction, but rather performed according to the passed in `Env::IOPriority`. Now the compaction read rate limiting is supported by setting `rate_limiter_priority = Env::IO_LOW` on its `ReadOptions`. There is no default value for the new `Env::IOPriority` parameter to `RandomAccessFileReader::Read()`. That means this PR goes through all callers (in some cases multiple layers up the call stack) to find a `ReadOptions` to provide the priority. There are TODOs for cases I believe it would be good to let user control the priority some day (e.g., file footer reads), and no TODO in cases I believe it doesn't matter (e.g., trace file reads). The API doc only lists the missing cases where a file read associated with a provided `ReadOptions` cannot be rate limited. For cases like file ingestion checksum calculation, there is no API to provide `ReadOptions` or `Env::IOPriority`, so I didn't count that as missing. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - new unit tests - new benchmarks on ~50MB database with 1MB/s read rate limit and 100ms refill interval; verified with strace reads are chunked (at 0.1MB per chunk) and spaced roughly 100ms apart. - setup command: `./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom,compact -db=/tmp/testdb -target_file_size_base=1048576 -disable_auto_compactions=true -file_checksum=true` - benchmarks command: `strace -ttfe pread64 ./db_bench -benchmarks=verifychecksum,verifyfilechecksums -use_existing_db=true -db=/tmp/testdb -rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec=1048576 -rate_limit_bg_reads=1 -rate_limit_user_ops=true -file_checksum=true` - crash test using IO_USER priority on non-validation reads with reverted: `python3 tools/ blackbox --max_key=1000000 --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes=true --duration=3600 --rate_limit_bg_reads=true --rate_limit_user_ops=true --rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec=10485760 --interval=10` Reviewed By: hx235 Differential Revision: D33747386 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: a2d985e97912fba8c54763798e04f006ccc56e0c
3 years ago
&aligned_buf, Env::IO_TOTAL /* rate_limiter_priority */);
} else {
s = reader->Read(IOOptions(), record_offset,
static_cast<size_t>(record_size), &blob_record, &buf[0],
Add rate limiter priority to ReadOptions (#9424) Summary: Users can set the priority for file reads associated with their operation by setting `ReadOptions::rate_limiter_priority` to something other than `Env::IO_TOTAL`. Rate limiting `VerifyChecksum()` and `VerifyFileChecksums()` is the motivation for this PR, so it also includes benchmarks and minor bug fixes to get that working. `RandomAccessFileReader::Read()` already had support for rate limiting compaction reads. I changed that rate limiting to be non-specific to compaction, but rather performed according to the passed in `Env::IOPriority`. Now the compaction read rate limiting is supported by setting `rate_limiter_priority = Env::IO_LOW` on its `ReadOptions`. There is no default value for the new `Env::IOPriority` parameter to `RandomAccessFileReader::Read()`. That means this PR goes through all callers (in some cases multiple layers up the call stack) to find a `ReadOptions` to provide the priority. There are TODOs for cases I believe it would be good to let user control the priority some day (e.g., file footer reads), and no TODO in cases I believe it doesn't matter (e.g., trace file reads). The API doc only lists the missing cases where a file read associated with a provided `ReadOptions` cannot be rate limited. For cases like file ingestion checksum calculation, there is no API to provide `ReadOptions` or `Env::IOPriority`, so I didn't count that as missing. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - new unit tests - new benchmarks on ~50MB database with 1MB/s read rate limit and 100ms refill interval; verified with strace reads are chunked (at 0.1MB per chunk) and spaced roughly 100ms apart. - setup command: `./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom,compact -db=/tmp/testdb -target_file_size_base=1048576 -disable_auto_compactions=true -file_checksum=true` - benchmarks command: `strace -ttfe pread64 ./db_bench -benchmarks=verifychecksum,verifyfilechecksums -use_existing_db=true -db=/tmp/testdb -rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec=1048576 -rate_limit_bg_reads=1 -rate_limit_user_ops=true -file_checksum=true` - crash test using IO_USER priority on non-validation reads with reverted: `python3 tools/ blackbox --max_key=1000000 --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes=true --duration=3600 --rate_limit_bg_reads=true --rate_limit_user_ops=true --rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec=10485760 --interval=10` Reviewed By: hx235 Differential Revision: D33747386 Pulled By: ajkr fbshipit-source-id: a2d985e97912fba8c54763798e04f006ccc56e0c
3 years ago
nullptr, Env::IO_TOTAL /* rate_limiter_priority */);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_BLOB_FILE_BYTES_READ, blob_record.size());
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to read blob from blob file %" PRIu64 ", blob_offset: %" PRIu64
", blob_size: %" PRIu64 ", key_size: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt ", status: '%s'",
file_number, offset, size, key.size(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
if (blob_record.size() != record_size) {
"Failed to read blob from blob file %" PRIu64 ", blob_offset: %" PRIu64
", blob_size: %" PRIu64 ", key_size: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt
", read %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt " bytes, expected %" PRIu64 " bytes",
file_number, offset, size, key.size(), blob_record.size(), record_size);
return Status::Corruption("Failed to retrieve blob from blob index.");
Slice crc_slice(, sizeof(uint32_t));
Slice blob_value( + sizeof(uint32_t) + key.size(),
uint32_t crc_exp = 0;
if (!GetFixed32(&crc_slice, &crc_exp)) {
"Unable to decode CRC from blob file %" PRIu64 ", blob_offset: %" PRIu64
", blob_size: %" PRIu64 ", key size: %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt ", status: '%s'",
file_number, offset, size, key.size(), s.ToString().c_str());
return Status::Corruption("Unable to decode checksum.");
uint32_t crc = crc32c::Value( + sizeof(uint32_t),
blob_record.size() - sizeof(uint32_t));
crc = crc32c::Mask(crc); // Adjust for storage
if (crc != crc_exp) {
if (debug_level_ >= 2) {
"Blob crc mismatch file: %" PRIu64 " blob_offset: %" PRIu64
" blob_size: %" PRIu64 " key: %s status: '%s'",
file_number, offset, size,
key.ToString(/* output_hex */ true).c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
return Status::Corruption("Corruption. Blob CRC mismatch");
return Status::OK();
Status BlobDBImpl::Get(const ReadOptions& read_options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
PinnableSlice* value) {
return timestamp from get (#6409) Summary: Added new Get() methods that return timestamp. Dummy implementation is given so that classes derived from DB don't need to be touched to provide their implementation. MultiGet is not included. ReadRandom perf test (10 minutes) on the same development machine ram drive with the same DB data shows no regression (within marge of error). The test is adapted from base line (commit 72ee067b9): 101.712 micros/op 314602 ops/sec; 36.0 MB/s (5658999 of 5658999 found) This PR: 100.288 micros/op 319071 ops/sec; 36.5 MB/s (5674999 of 5674999 found) ./db_bench --db=r:\rocksdb.github --num_levels=6 --key_size=20 --prefix_size=20 --keys_per_prefix=0 --value_size=100 --cache_size=2147483648 --cache_numshardbits=6 --compression_type=none --compression_ratio=1 --min_level_to_compress=-1 --disable_seek_compaction=1 --hard_rate_limit=2 --write_buffer_size=134217728 --max_write_buffer_number=2 --level0_file_num_compaction_trigger=8 --target_file_size_base=134217728 --max_bytes_for_level_base=1073741824 --disable_wal=0 --wal_dir=r:\rocksdb.github\WAL_LOG --sync=0 --verify_checksum=1 --delete_obsolete_files_period_micros=314572800 --max_background_compactions=4 --max_background_flushes=0 --level0_slowdown_writes_trigger=16 --level0_stop_writes_trigger=24 --statistics=0 --stats_per_interval=0 --stats_interval=1048576 --histogram=0 --use_plain_table=1 --open_files=-1 --mmap_read=1 --mmap_write=0 --memtablerep=prefix_hash --bloom_bits=10 --bloom_locality=1 --duration=600 --benchmarks=readrandom --use_existing_db=1 --num=25000000 --threads=32 Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D20200086 Pulled By: riversand963 fbshipit-source-id: 490edd74d924f62bd8ae9c29c2a6bbbb8410ca50
5 years ago
return Get(read_options, column_family, key, value,
static_cast<uint64_t*>(nullptr) /*expiration*/);
Status BlobDBImpl::Get(const ReadOptions& read_options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
PinnableSlice* value, uint64_t* expiration) {
StopWatch get_sw(clock_, statistics_, BLOB_DB_GET_MICROS);
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_NUM_GET);
return GetImpl(read_options, column_family, key, value, expiration);
Status BlobDBImpl::GetImpl(const ReadOptions& read_options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key,
PinnableSlice* value, uint64_t* expiration) {
if (column_family->GetID() != DefaultColumnFamily()->GetID()) {
return Status::NotSupported(
"Blob DB doesn't support non-default column family.");
// Get a snapshot to avoid blob file get deleted between we
// fetch and index entry and reading from the file.
// TODO(yiwu): For Get() retry if file not found would be a simpler strategy.
ReadOptions ro(read_options);
bool snapshot_created = SetSnapshotIfNeeded(&ro);
PinnableSlice index_entry;
Status s;
bool is_blob_index = false;
New API to get all merge operands for a Key (#5604) Summary: This is a new API added to db.h to allow for fetching all merge operands associated with a Key. The main motivation for this API is to support use cases where doing a full online merge is not necessary as it is performance sensitive. Example use-cases: 1. Update subset of columns and read subset of columns - Imagine a SQL Table, a row is encoded as a K/V pair (as it is done in MyRocks). If there are many columns and users only updated one of them, we can use merge operator to reduce write amplification. While users only read one or two columns in the read query, this feature can avoid a full merging of the whole row, and save some CPU. 2. Updating very few attributes in a value which is a JSON-like document - Updating one attribute can be done efficiently using merge operator, while reading back one attribute can be done more efficiently if we don't need to do a full merge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- API : Status GetMergeOperands( const ReadOptions& options, ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, const Slice& key, PinnableSlice* merge_operands, GetMergeOperandsOptions* get_merge_operands_options, int* number_of_operands) Example usage : int size = 100; int number_of_operands = 0; std::vector<PinnableSlice> values(size); GetMergeOperandsOptions merge_operands_info; db_->GetMergeOperands(ReadOptions(), db_->DefaultColumnFamily(), "k1",, merge_operands_info, &number_of_operands); Description : Returns all the merge operands corresponding to the key. If the number of merge operands in DB is greater than merge_operands_options.expected_max_number_of_operands no merge operands are returned and status is Incomplete. Merge operands returned are in the order of insertion. merge_operands-> Points to an array of at-least merge_operands_options.expected_max_number_of_operands and the caller is responsible for allocating it. If the status returned is Incomplete then number_of_operands will contain the total number of merge operands found in DB for key. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: Added unit test and perf test in db_bench that can be run using the command: ./db_bench -benchmarks=getmergeoperands --merge_operator=sortlist Differential Revision: D16657366 Pulled By: vjnadimpalli fbshipit-source-id: 0faadd752351745224ee12d4ae9ef3cb529951bf
6 years ago
DBImpl::GetImplOptions get_impl_options;
get_impl_options.column_family = column_family;
get_impl_options.value = &index_entry;
get_impl_options.is_blob_index = &is_blob_index;
s = db_impl_->GetImpl(ro, key, get_impl_options);
if (expiration != nullptr) {
*expiration = kNoExpiration;
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_NUM_KEYS_READ);
if (s.ok()) {
if (is_blob_index) {
s = GetBlobValue(key, index_entry, value, expiration);
} else {
// The index entry is the value itself in this case.
RecordTick(statistics_, BLOB_DB_BYTES_READ, value->size());
if (snapshot_created) {
return s;
std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::SanityCheck(bool aborted) {
if (aborted) {
return std::make_pair(false, -1);
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "Starting Sanity Check");
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "Number of files %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt,
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "Number of open files %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt,
for (const auto& blob_file : open_ttl_files_) {
for (const auto& pair : live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_) {
const auto& blob_file = pair.second;
uint64_t now = EpochNow();
for (auto blob_file_pair : blob_files_) {
auto blob_file = blob_file_pair.second;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "Blob file " << blob_file->BlobFileNumber() << ", size "
<< blob_file->GetFileSize() << ", blob count " << blob_file->BlobCount()
<< ", immutable " << blob_file->Immutable();
if (blob_file->HasTTL()) {
ExpirationRange expiration_range;
ReadLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
expiration_range = blob_file->GetExpirationRange();
buf << ", expiration range (" << expiration_range.first << ", "
<< expiration_range.second << ")";
if (!blob_file->Obsolete()) {
buf << ", expire in " << (expiration_range.second - now) << "seconds";
if (blob_file->Obsolete()) {
buf << ", obsolete at " << blob_file->GetObsoleteSequence();
buf << ".";
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "%s", buf.str().c_str());
// reschedule
return std::make_pair(true, -1);
Status BlobDBImpl::CloseBlobFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> bfile) {
if (bfile->HasTTL() || bfile == open_non_ttl_file_) {
"Closing blob file %" PRIu64 ". Path: %s",
bfile->BlobFileNumber(), bfile->PathName().c_str());
const SequenceNumber sequence = GetLatestSequenceNumber();
const Status s = bfile->WriteFooterAndCloseLocked(sequence);
if (s.ok()) {
total_blob_size_ += BlobLogFooter::kSize;
} else {
"Failed to close blob file %" PRIu64 "with error: %s",
bfile->BlobFileNumber(), s.ToString().c_str());
if (bfile->HasTTL()) {
size_t erased __attribute__((__unused__));
erased = open_ttl_files_.erase(bfile);
} else {
if (bfile == open_non_ttl_file_) {
open_non_ttl_file_ = nullptr;
const uint64_t blob_file_number = bfile->BlobFileNumber();
auto it = live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.lower_bound(blob_file_number);
assert(it == live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_.end() ||
it->first != blob_file_number);
it, std::map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>>::value_type(
blob_file_number, bfile));
return s;
Status BlobDBImpl::CloseBlobFileIfNeeded(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
// atomic read
if (bfile->GetFileSize() < bdb_options_.blob_file_size) {
return Status::OK();
WriteLock lock(&mutex_);
WriteLock file_lock(&bfile->mutex_);
assert(!bfile->Obsolete() || bfile->Immutable());
if (bfile->Immutable()) {
return Status::OK();
return CloseBlobFile(bfile);
void BlobDBImpl::ObsoleteBlobFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile> blob_file,
SequenceNumber obsolete_seq,
bool update_size) {
// Should hold write lock of mutex_ or during DB open.
assert(total_blob_size_.load() >= blob_file->GetFileSize());
if (update_size) {
total_blob_size_ -= blob_file->GetFileSize();
bool BlobDBImpl::VisibleToActiveSnapshot(
const std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
// We check whether the oldest snapshot is no less than the last sequence
// by the time the blob file become obsolete. If so, the blob file is not
// visible to all existing snapshots.
// If we keep track of the earliest sequence of the keys in the blob file,
// we could instead check if there's a snapshot falls in range
// [earliest_sequence, obsolete_sequence). But doing so will make the
// implementation more complicated.
SequenceNumber obsolete_sequence = bfile->GetObsoleteSequence();
SequenceNumber oldest_snapshot = kMaxSequenceNumber;
// Need to lock DBImpl mutex before access snapshot list.
InstrumentedMutexLock l(db_impl_->mutex());
auto& snapshots = db_impl_->snapshots();
if (!snapshots.empty()) {
oldest_snapshot = snapshots.oldest()->GetSequenceNumber();
bool visible = oldest_snapshot < obsolete_sequence;
if (visible) {
"Obsolete blob file %" PRIu64 " (obsolete at %" PRIu64
") visible to oldest snapshot %" PRIu64 ".",
bfile->BlobFileNumber(), obsolete_sequence, oldest_snapshot);
return visible;
std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::EvictExpiredFiles(bool aborted) {
if (aborted) {
return std::make_pair(false, -1);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> process_files;
uint64_t now = EpochNow();
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
for (auto p : blob_files_) {
auto& blob_file = p.second;
ReadLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
if (blob_file->HasTTL() && !blob_file->Obsolete() &&
blob_file->GetExpirationRange().second <= now) {
TEST_SYNC_POINT_CALLBACK("BlobDBImpl::EvictExpiredFiles:cb", nullptr);
SequenceNumber seq = GetLatestSequenceNumber();
MutexLock l(&write_mutex_);
WriteLock lock(&mutex_);
for (auto& blob_file : process_files) {
WriteLock file_lock(&blob_file->mutex_);
// Need to double check if the file is obsolete.
if (blob_file->Obsolete()) {
if (!blob_file->Immutable()) {
ObsoleteBlobFile(blob_file, seq, true /*update_size*/);
return std::make_pair(true, -1);
Status BlobDBImpl::SyncBlobFiles() {
MutexLock l(&write_mutex_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> process_files;
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
for (auto fitr : open_ttl_files_) {
if (open_non_ttl_file_ != nullptr) {
Status s;
for (auto& blob_file : process_files) {
s = blob_file->Fsync();
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to sync blob file %" PRIu64 ", status: %s",
blob_file->BlobFileNumber(), s.ToString().c_str());
return s;
s = dir_ent_->FsyncWithDirOptions(IOOptions(), nullptr, DirFsyncOptions());
if (!s.ok()) {
"Failed to sync blob directory, status: %s",
return s;
std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::ReclaimOpenFiles(bool aborted) {
if (aborted) return std::make_pair(false, -1);
if (open_file_count_.load() < kOpenFilesTrigger) {
return std::make_pair(true, -1);
// in the future, we should sort by last_access_
// instead of closing every file
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
for (auto const& ent : blob_files_) {
auto bfile = ent.second;
if (bfile->last_access_.load() == -1) continue;
WriteLock lockbfile_w(&bfile->mutex_);
return std::make_pair(true, -1);
std::pair<bool, int64_t> BlobDBImpl::DeleteObsoleteFiles(bool aborted) {
if (aborted) {
return std::make_pair(false, -1);
MutexLock delete_file_lock(&delete_file_mutex_);
if (disable_file_deletions_ > 0) {
return std::make_pair(true, -1);
std::list<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> tobsolete;
WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
if (obsolete_files_.empty()) {
return std::make_pair(true, -1);
bool file_deleted = false;
for (auto iter = tobsolete.begin(); iter != tobsolete.end();) {
auto bfile = *iter;
ReadLock lockbfile_r(&bfile->mutex_);
if (VisibleToActiveSnapshot(bfile)) {
"Could not delete file due to snapshot failure %s",
"Will delete file due to snapshot success %s",
WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
Status s = DeleteDBFile(&(db_impl_->immutable_db_options()),
bfile->PathName(), blob_dir_, true,
if (!s.ok()) {
"File failed to be deleted as obsolete %s",
file_deleted = true;
"File deleted as obsolete from blob dir %s",
iter = tobsolete.erase(iter);
// directory change. Fsync
if (file_deleted) {
Status s = dir_ent_->FsyncWithDirOptions(
IOOptions(), nullptr,
if (!s.ok()) {
ROCKS_LOG_ERROR(db_options_.info_log, "Failed to sync dir %s: %s",
blob_dir_.c_str(), s.ToString().c_str());
// put files back into obsolete if for some reason, delete failed
if (!tobsolete.empty()) {
WriteLock wl(&mutex_);
for (auto bfile : tobsolete) {
blob_files_.insert(std::make_pair(bfile->BlobFileNumber(), bfile));
return std::make_pair(!aborted, -1);
void BlobDBImpl::CopyBlobFiles(
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>>* bfiles_copy) {
ReadLock rl(&mutex_);
for (auto const& p : blob_files_) {
Iterator* BlobDBImpl::NewIterator(const ReadOptions& read_options) {
auto* cfd =
// Get a snapshot to avoid blob file get deleted between we
// fetch and index entry and reading from the file.
ManagedSnapshot* own_snapshot = nullptr;
const Snapshot* snapshot = read_options.snapshot;
if (snapshot == nullptr) {
own_snapshot = new ManagedSnapshot(db_);
snapshot = own_snapshot->snapshot();
auto* iter = db_impl_->NewIteratorImpl(
read_options, cfd, snapshot->GetSequenceNumber(),
nullptr /*read_callback*/, true /*expose_blob_index*/);
return new BlobDBIterator(own_snapshot, iter, this, clock_, statistics_);
Status DestroyBlobDB(const std::string& dbname, const Options& options,
const BlobDBOptions& bdb_options) {
const ImmutableDBOptions soptions(SanitizeOptions(dbname, options));
Env* env = soptions.env;
Status status;
std::string blobdir;
blobdir = (bdb_options.path_relative) ? dbname + "/" + bdb_options.blob_dir
: bdb_options.blob_dir;
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
if (env->GetChildren(blobdir, &filenames).ok()) {
for (const auto& f : filenames) {
uint64_t number;
FileType type;
if (ParseFileName(f, &number, &type) && type == kBlobFile) {
Status del = DeleteDBFile(&soptions, blobdir + "/" + f, blobdir, true,
if (status.ok() && !del.ok()) {
status = del;
// TODO: What to do if we cannot delete the directory?
Status destroy = DestroyDB(dbname, options);
if (status.ok() && !destroy.ok()) {
status = destroy;
return status;
#ifndef NDEBUG
Status BlobDBImpl::TEST_GetBlobValue(const Slice& key, const Slice& index_entry,
PinnableSlice* value) {
return GetBlobValue(key, index_entry, value);
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_AddDummyBlobFile(uint64_t blob_file_number,
SequenceNumber immutable_sequence) {
auto blob_file = std::make_shared<BlobFile>(this, blob_dir_, blob_file_number,
blob_files_[blob_file_number] = blob_file;
live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_[blob_file_number] = blob_file;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> BlobDBImpl::TEST_GetBlobFiles() const {
ReadLock l(&mutex_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> blob_files;
for (auto& p : blob_files_) {
return blob_files;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> BlobDBImpl::TEST_GetLiveImmNonTTLFiles()
const {
ReadLock l(&mutex_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> live_imm_non_ttl_files;
for (const auto& pair : live_imm_non_ttl_blob_files_) {
return live_imm_non_ttl_files;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> BlobDBImpl::TEST_GetObsoleteFiles()
const {
ReadLock l(&mutex_);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>> obsolete_files;
for (auto& bfile : obsolete_files_) {
return obsolete_files;
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_DeleteObsoleteFiles() {
DeleteObsoleteFiles(false /*abort*/);
Status BlobDBImpl::TEST_CloseBlobFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& bfile) {
MutexLock l(&write_mutex_);
WriteLock lock(&mutex_);
WriteLock file_lock(&bfile->mutex_);
return CloseBlobFile(bfile);
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_ObsoleteBlobFile(std::shared_ptr<BlobFile>& blob_file,
SequenceNumber obsolete_seq,
bool update_size) {
return ObsoleteBlobFile(blob_file, obsolete_seq, update_size);
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_EvictExpiredFiles() {
EvictExpiredFiles(false /*abort*/);
uint64_t BlobDBImpl::TEST_live_sst_size() { return live_sst_size_.load(); }
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_InitializeBlobFileToSstMapping(
const std::vector<LiveFileMetaData>& live_files) {
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_ProcessFlushJobInfo(const FlushJobInfo& info) {
void BlobDBImpl::TEST_ProcessCompactionJobInfo(const CompactionJobInfo& info) {
#endif // !NDEBUG
} // namespace blob_db
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE