You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1037 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "db/db_test_util.h"
#include "port/stack_trace.h"
static int cfilter_count = 0;
static int cfilter_skips = 0;
// This is a static filter used for filtering
// kvs during the compaction process.
static std::string NEW_VALUE = "NewValue";
class DBTestCompactionFilter : public DBTestBase {
: DBTestBase("db_compaction_filter_test", /*env_do_fsync=*/true) {}
// Param variant of DBTestBase::ChangeCompactOptions
class DBTestCompactionFilterWithCompactParam
: public DBTestCompactionFilter,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<DBTestBase::OptionConfig> {
DBTestCompactionFilterWithCompactParam() : DBTestCompactionFilter() {
option_config_ = GetParam();
auto options = CurrentOptions();
if (option_config_ == kDefault || option_config_ == kUniversalCompaction ||
option_config_ == kUniversalCompactionMultiLevel) {
options.create_if_missing = true;
if (option_config_ == kLevelSubcompactions ||
option_config_ == kUniversalSubcompactions) {
assert(options.max_subcompactions > 1);
CompactionFilterWithOption, DBTestCompactionFilterWithCompactParam,
// Run fewer cases in non-full valgrind to save time.
class KeepFilter : public CompactionFilter {
bool Filter(int /*level*/, const Slice& /*key*/, const Slice& /*value*/,
std::string* /*new_value*/,
bool* /*value_changed*/) const override {
return false;
const char* Name() const override { return "KeepFilter"; }
class DeleteFilter : public CompactionFilter {
bool Filter(int /*level*/, const Slice& /*key*/, const Slice& /*value*/,
std::string* /*new_value*/,
bool* /*value_changed*/) const override {
return true;
bool FilterMergeOperand(int /*level*/, const Slice& /*key*/,
const Slice& /*operand*/) const override {
return true;
const char* Name() const override { return "DeleteFilter"; }
class DeleteISFilter : public CompactionFilter {
bool Filter(int /*level*/, const Slice& key, const Slice& /*value*/,
std::string* /*new_value*/,
bool* /*value_changed*/) const override {
int i = std::stoi(key.ToString());
if (i > 5 && i <= 105) {
return true;
return false;
bool IgnoreSnapshots() const override { return true; }
const char* Name() const override { return "DeleteFilter"; }
// Skip x if floor(x/10) is even, use range skips. Requires that keys are
// zero-padded to length 10.
class SkipEvenFilter : public CompactionFilter {
Decision FilterV2(int /*level*/, const Slice& key, ValueType /*value_type*/,
const Slice& /*existing_value*/, std::string* /*new_value*/,
std::string* skip_until) const override {
int i = std::stoi(key.ToString());
if (i / 10 % 2 == 0) {
char key_str[100];
snprintf(key_str, sizeof(key_str), "%010d", i / 10 * 10 + 10);
*skip_until = key_str;
return Decision::kRemoveAndSkipUntil;
return Decision::kKeep;
bool IgnoreSnapshots() const override { return true; }
const char* Name() const override { return "DeleteFilter"; }
class ConditionalFilter : public CompactionFilter {
explicit ConditionalFilter(const std::string* filtered_value)
: filtered_value_(filtered_value) {}
bool Filter(int /*level*/, const Slice& /*key*/, const Slice& value,
std::string* /*new_value*/,
bool* /*value_changed*/) const override {
return value.ToString() == *filtered_value_;
const char* Name() const override { return "ConditionalFilter"; }
const std::string* filtered_value_;
class ChangeFilter : public CompactionFilter {
explicit ChangeFilter() {}
bool Filter(int /*level*/, const Slice& /*key*/, const Slice& /*value*/,
std::string* new_value, bool* value_changed) const override {
assert(new_value != nullptr);
*new_value = NEW_VALUE;
*value_changed = true;
return false;
const char* Name() const override { return "ChangeFilter"; }
class KeepFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
explicit KeepFilterFactory(bool check_context = false,
bool check_context_cf_id = false)
: check_context_(check_context),
compaction_filter_created_(false) {}
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& context) override {
if (check_context_) {
EXPECT_EQ(expect_full_compaction_.load(), context.is_full_compaction);
EXPECT_EQ(expect_manual_compaction_.load(), context.is_manual_compaction);
if (check_context_cf_id_) {
EXPECT_EQ(expect_cf_id_.load(), context.column_family_id);
compaction_filter_created_ = true;
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(new KeepFilter());
bool compaction_filter_created() const { return compaction_filter_created_; }
const char* Name() const override { return "KeepFilterFactory"; }
bool check_context_;
bool check_context_cf_id_;
std::atomic_bool expect_full_compaction_;
std::atomic_bool expect_manual_compaction_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> expect_cf_id_;
bool compaction_filter_created_;
// This filter factory is configured with a `TableFileCreationReason`. Only
// table files created for that reason will undergo filtering. This
// configurability makes it useful to tests for filtering non-compaction table
// files, such as "CompactionFilterFlush" and "CompactionFilterRecovery".
class DeleteFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
explicit DeleteFilterFactory(TableFileCreationReason reason)
: reason_(reason) {}
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& context) override {
EXPECT_EQ(reason_, context.reason);
if (context.reason == TableFileCreationReason::kCompaction &&
!context.is_manual_compaction) {
// Table files created by automatic compaction do not undergo filtering.
// Presumably some tests rely on this.
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(nullptr);
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(new DeleteFilter());
bool ShouldFilterTableFileCreation(
TableFileCreationReason reason) const override {
return reason_ == reason;
const char* Name() const override { return "DeleteFilterFactory"; }
const TableFileCreationReason reason_;
// Delete Filter Factory which ignores snapshots
class DeleteISFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& context) override {
if (context.is_manual_compaction) {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(new DeleteISFilter());
} else {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(nullptr);
const char* Name() const override { return "DeleteFilterFactory"; }
class SkipEvenFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& context) override {
if (context.is_manual_compaction) {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(new SkipEvenFilter());
} else {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(nullptr);
const char* Name() const override { return "SkipEvenFilterFactory"; }
class ConditionalFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
explicit ConditionalFilterFactory(const Slice& filtered_value)
: filtered_value_(filtered_value.ToString()) {}
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& /*context*/) override {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(
new ConditionalFilter(&filtered_value_));
const char* Name() const override { return "ConditionalFilterFactory"; }
std::string filtered_value_;
class ChangeFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
explicit ChangeFilterFactory() {}
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& /*context*/) override {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(new ChangeFilter());
const char* Name() const override { return "ChangeFilterFactory"; }
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilter) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.max_open_files = -1;
options.num_levels = 3;
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<KeepFilterFactory>();
options = CurrentOptions(options);
CreateAndReopenWithCF({"pikachu"}, options);
// Write 100K keys, these are written to a few files in L0.
const std::string value(10, 'x');
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%010d", i);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, key, value));
// Push all files to the highest level L2. Verify that
// the compaction is each level invokes the filter for
// all the keys in that level.
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(0, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 100000);
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(1, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 100000);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(0, 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(1, 1), 0);
ASSERT_NE(NumTableFilesAtLevel(2, 1), 0);
cfilter_count = 0;
// All the files are in the lowest level.
// Verify that all but the 100001st record
// has sequence number zero. The 100001st record
// is at the tip of this snapshot and cannot
// be zeroed out.
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
Arena arena;
InternalKeyComparator icmp(options.comparator);
ReadOptions read_options;
ScopedArenaIterator iter(dbfull()->NewInternalIterator(
Skip swaths of range tombstone covered keys in merging iterator (2022 edition) (#10449) Summary: Delete range logic is moved from `DBIter` to `MergingIterator`, and `MergingIterator` will seek to the end of a range deletion if possible instead of scanning through each key and check with `RangeDelAggregator`. With the invariant that a key in level L (consider memtable as the first level, each immutable and L0 as a separate level) has a larger sequence number than all keys in any level >L, a range tombstone `[start, end)` from level L covers all keys in its range in any level >L. This property motivates optimizations in iterator: - in `Seek(target)`, if level L has a range tombstone `[start, end)` that covers `target.UserKey`, then for all levels > L, we can do Seek() on `end` instead of `target` to skip some range tombstone covered keys. - in `Next()/Prev()`, if the current key is covered by a range tombstone `[start, end)` from level L, we can do `Seek` to `end` for all levels > L. This PR implements the above optimizations in `MergingIterator`. As all range tombstone covered keys are now skipped in `MergingIterator`, the range tombstone logic is removed from `DBIter`. The idea in this PR is similar to, but this PR leaves `InternalIterator` interface mostly unchanged. **Credit**: the cascading seek optimization and the sentinel key (discussed below) are inspired by [Pebble]( and suggested by ajkr in The two optimizations are mostly implemented in `SeekImpl()/SeekForPrevImpl()` and `IsNextDeleted()/IsPrevDeleted()` in ``. See comments for each method for more detail. One notable change is that the minHeap/maxHeap used by `MergingIterator` now contains range tombstone end keys besides point key iterators. This helps to reduce the number of key comparisons. For example, for a range tombstone `[start, end)`, a `start` and an `end` `HeapItem` are inserted into the heap. When a `HeapItem` for range tombstone start key is popped from the minHeap, we know this range tombstone becomes "active" in the sense that, before the range tombstone's end key is popped from the minHeap, all the keys popped from this heap is covered by the range tombstone's internal key range `[start, end)`. Another major change, *delete range sentinel key*, is made to `LevelIterator`. Before this PR, when all point keys in an SST file are iterated through in `MergingIterator`, a level iterator would advance to the next SST file in its level. In the case when an SST file has a range tombstone that covers keys beyond the SST file's last point key, advancing to the next SST file would lose this range tombstone. Consequently, `MergingIterator` could return keys that should have been deleted by some range tombstone. We prevent this by pretending that file boundaries in each SST file are sentinel keys. A `LevelIterator` now only advance the file iterator once the sentinel key is processed. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - Added many unit tests in db_range_del_test - Stress test: `./db_stress --readpercent=5 --prefixpercent=19 --writepercent=20 -delpercent=10 --iterpercent=44 --delrangepercent=2` - Additional iterator stress test is added to verify against iterators against expected state: This is based on ajkr's previous attempt ``` python3 ./tools/ blackbox --simple --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --max_bytes_for_level_base=2097152 --compression_type=none --max_background_compactions=8 --value_size_mult=33 --max_key=5000000 --interval=10 --duration=7200 --delrangepercent=3 --delpercent=9 --iterpercent=25 --writepercent=60 --readpercent=3 --prefixpercent=0 --num_iterations=1000 --range_deletion_width=100 --verify_iterator_with_expected_state_one_in=1 ``` - Performance benchmark: I used a similar setup as in the blog [post]( that introduced DeleteRange, "a database with 5 million data keys, and 10000 range tombstones (ignoring those dropped during compaction) that were written in regular intervals after 4.5 million data keys were written". As expected, the performance with this PR depends on the range tombstone width. ``` # Setup: TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=fillrandom --writes=4500000 --num=5000000 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=overwrite --writes=500000 --num=5000000 --use_existing_db=true --writes_per_range_tombstone=50 # Scan entire DB TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=readseq[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=5000000 --disable_auto_compactions=true # Short range scan (10 Next()) TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/width-100/ ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=seekrandom[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=500000 --reads=100000 --seek_nexts=10 --disable_auto_compactions=true # Long range scan(1000 Next()) TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/width-100/ ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=seekrandom[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=500000 --reads=2500 --seek_nexts=1000 --disable_auto_compactions=true ``` Avg over of 10 runs (some slower tests had fews runs): For the first column (tombstone), 0 means no range tombstone, 100-10000 means width of the 10k range tombstones, and 1 means there is a single range tombstone in the entire DB (width is 1000). The 1 tombstone case is to test regression when there's very few range tombstones in the DB, as no range tombstone is likely to take a different code path than with range tombstones. - Scan entire DB | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |2525600 (± 43564) |2486917 (± 33698) |-1.53% | | 100 |1853835 (± 24736) |2073884 (± 32176) |+11.87% | | 1000 |422415 (± 7466) |1115801 (± 22781) |+164.15% | | 10000 |22384 (± 227) |227919 (± 6647) |+918.22% | | 1 range tombstone |2176540 (± 39050) |2434954 (± 24563) |+11.87% | - Short range scan | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |35398 (± 533) |35338 (± 569) |-0.17% | | 100 |28276 (± 664) |31684 (± 331) |+12.05% | | 1000 |7637 (± 77) |25422 (± 277) |+232.88% | | 10000 |1367 |28667 |+1997.07% | | 1 range tombstone |32618 (± 581) |32748 (± 506) |+0.4% | - Long range scan | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |2262 (± 33) |2353 (± 20) |+4.02% | | 100 |1696 (± 26) |1926 (± 18) |+13.56% | | 1000 |410 (± 6) |1255 (± 29) |+206.1% | | 10000 |25 |414 |+1556.0% | | 1 range tombstone |1957 (± 30) |2185 (± 44) |+11.65% | - Microbench does not show significant regression: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D38450331 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: b5ef12e8d8c289ed2e163ccdf277f5039b511fca
2 years ago
read_options, &arena, kMaxSequenceNumber, handles_[1]));
while (iter->Valid()) {
ParsedInternalKey ikey(Slice(), 0, kTypeValue);
ASSERT_OK(ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &ikey, true /* log_err_key */));
if (ikey.sequence != 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(total, 100000);
ASSERT_EQ(count, 0);
// overwrite all the 100K keys once again.
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%010d", i);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, key, value));
// push all files to the highest level L2. This
// means that all keys should pass at least once
// via the compaction filter
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(0, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 100000);
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(1, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 100000);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(0, 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(1, 1), 0);
ASSERT_NE(NumTableFilesAtLevel(2, 1), 0);
// create a new database with the compaction
// filter in such a way that it deletes all keys
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<DeleteFilterFactory>(
options.create_if_missing = true;
CreateAndReopenWithCF({"pikachu"}, options);
// write all the keys once again.
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%010d", i);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, key, value));
ASSERT_NE(NumTableFilesAtLevel(0, 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(1, 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(2, 1), 0);
// Push all files to the highest level L2. This
// triggers the compaction filter to delete all keys,
// verify that at the end of the compaction process,
// nothing is left.
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(0, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 100000);
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(1, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(0, 1), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(NumTableFilesAtLevel(1, 1), 0);
// Scan the entire database to ensure that nothing is left
std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter(
db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions(), handles_[1]));
count = 0;
while (iter->Valid()) {
ASSERT_EQ(count, 0);
// The sequence number of the remaining record
// is not zeroed out even though it is at the
// level Lmax because this record is at the tip
count = 0;
InternalKeyComparator icmp(options.comparator);
ReadOptions read_options;
ScopedArenaIterator iter(dbfull()->NewInternalIterator(
Skip swaths of range tombstone covered keys in merging iterator (2022 edition) (#10449) Summary: Delete range logic is moved from `DBIter` to `MergingIterator`, and `MergingIterator` will seek to the end of a range deletion if possible instead of scanning through each key and check with `RangeDelAggregator`. With the invariant that a key in level L (consider memtable as the first level, each immutable and L0 as a separate level) has a larger sequence number than all keys in any level >L, a range tombstone `[start, end)` from level L covers all keys in its range in any level >L. This property motivates optimizations in iterator: - in `Seek(target)`, if level L has a range tombstone `[start, end)` that covers `target.UserKey`, then for all levels > L, we can do Seek() on `end` instead of `target` to skip some range tombstone covered keys. - in `Next()/Prev()`, if the current key is covered by a range tombstone `[start, end)` from level L, we can do `Seek` to `end` for all levels > L. This PR implements the above optimizations in `MergingIterator`. As all range tombstone covered keys are now skipped in `MergingIterator`, the range tombstone logic is removed from `DBIter`. The idea in this PR is similar to, but this PR leaves `InternalIterator` interface mostly unchanged. **Credit**: the cascading seek optimization and the sentinel key (discussed below) are inspired by [Pebble]( and suggested by ajkr in The two optimizations are mostly implemented in `SeekImpl()/SeekForPrevImpl()` and `IsNextDeleted()/IsPrevDeleted()` in ``. See comments for each method for more detail. One notable change is that the minHeap/maxHeap used by `MergingIterator` now contains range tombstone end keys besides point key iterators. This helps to reduce the number of key comparisons. For example, for a range tombstone `[start, end)`, a `start` and an `end` `HeapItem` are inserted into the heap. When a `HeapItem` for range tombstone start key is popped from the minHeap, we know this range tombstone becomes "active" in the sense that, before the range tombstone's end key is popped from the minHeap, all the keys popped from this heap is covered by the range tombstone's internal key range `[start, end)`. Another major change, *delete range sentinel key*, is made to `LevelIterator`. Before this PR, when all point keys in an SST file are iterated through in `MergingIterator`, a level iterator would advance to the next SST file in its level. In the case when an SST file has a range tombstone that covers keys beyond the SST file's last point key, advancing to the next SST file would lose this range tombstone. Consequently, `MergingIterator` could return keys that should have been deleted by some range tombstone. We prevent this by pretending that file boundaries in each SST file are sentinel keys. A `LevelIterator` now only advance the file iterator once the sentinel key is processed. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - Added many unit tests in db_range_del_test - Stress test: `./db_stress --readpercent=5 --prefixpercent=19 --writepercent=20 -delpercent=10 --iterpercent=44 --delrangepercent=2` - Additional iterator stress test is added to verify against iterators against expected state: This is based on ajkr's previous attempt ``` python3 ./tools/ blackbox --simple --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --max_bytes_for_level_base=2097152 --compression_type=none --max_background_compactions=8 --value_size_mult=33 --max_key=5000000 --interval=10 --duration=7200 --delrangepercent=3 --delpercent=9 --iterpercent=25 --writepercent=60 --readpercent=3 --prefixpercent=0 --num_iterations=1000 --range_deletion_width=100 --verify_iterator_with_expected_state_one_in=1 ``` - Performance benchmark: I used a similar setup as in the blog [post]( that introduced DeleteRange, "a database with 5 million data keys, and 10000 range tombstones (ignoring those dropped during compaction) that were written in regular intervals after 4.5 million data keys were written". As expected, the performance with this PR depends on the range tombstone width. ``` # Setup: TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=fillrandom --writes=4500000 --num=5000000 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=overwrite --writes=500000 --num=5000000 --use_existing_db=true --writes_per_range_tombstone=50 # Scan entire DB TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=readseq[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=5000000 --disable_auto_compactions=true # Short range scan (10 Next()) TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/width-100/ ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=seekrandom[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=500000 --reads=100000 --seek_nexts=10 --disable_auto_compactions=true # Long range scan(1000 Next()) TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/width-100/ ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=seekrandom[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=500000 --reads=2500 --seek_nexts=1000 --disable_auto_compactions=true ``` Avg over of 10 runs (some slower tests had fews runs): For the first column (tombstone), 0 means no range tombstone, 100-10000 means width of the 10k range tombstones, and 1 means there is a single range tombstone in the entire DB (width is 1000). The 1 tombstone case is to test regression when there's very few range tombstones in the DB, as no range tombstone is likely to take a different code path than with range tombstones. - Scan entire DB | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |2525600 (± 43564) |2486917 (± 33698) |-1.53% | | 100 |1853835 (± 24736) |2073884 (± 32176) |+11.87% | | 1000 |422415 (± 7466) |1115801 (± 22781) |+164.15% | | 10000 |22384 (± 227) |227919 (± 6647) |+918.22% | | 1 range tombstone |2176540 (± 39050) |2434954 (± 24563) |+11.87% | - Short range scan | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |35398 (± 533) |35338 (± 569) |-0.17% | | 100 |28276 (± 664) |31684 (± 331) |+12.05% | | 1000 |7637 (± 77) |25422 (± 277) |+232.88% | | 10000 |1367 |28667 |+1997.07% | | 1 range tombstone |32618 (± 581) |32748 (± 506) |+0.4% | - Long range scan | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |2262 (± 33) |2353 (± 20) |+4.02% | | 100 |1696 (± 26) |1926 (± 18) |+13.56% | | 1000 |410 (± 6) |1255 (± 29) |+206.1% | | 10000 |25 |414 |+1556.0% | | 1 range tombstone |1957 (± 30) |2185 (± 44) |+11.65% | - Microbench does not show significant regression: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D38450331 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: b5ef12e8d8c289ed2e163ccdf277f5039b511fca
2 years ago
read_options, &arena, kMaxSequenceNumber, handles_[1]));
while (iter->Valid()) {
ParsedInternalKey ikey(Slice(), 0, kTypeValue);
ASSERT_OK(ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &ikey, true /* log_err_key */));
ASSERT_NE(ikey.sequence, (unsigned)0);
ASSERT_EQ(count, 0);
// Tests the edge case where compaction does not produce any output -- all
// entries are deleted. The compaction should create bunch of 'DeleteFile'
// entries in VersionEdit, but none of the 'AddFile's.
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterDeletesAll) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<DeleteFilterFactory>(
options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
options.create_if_missing = true;
// put some data
for (int table = 0; table < 4; ++table) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10 + table; ++i) {
ASSERT_OK(Put(std::to_string(table * 100 + i), "val"));
// this will produce empty file (delete compaction filter)
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(0U, CountLiveFiles());
Iterator* itr = db_->NewIterator(ReadOptions());
// empty db
delete itr;
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterFlush) {
// Tests a `CompactionFilterFactory` that filters when table file is created
// by flush.
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory =
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendOperator();
// Puts and Merges are purged in flush.
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("b", "v"));
// However, Puts and Merges are preserved by recovery.
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("b", "v"));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("a"));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("b"));
// Likewise, compaction does not apply filtering.
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("a"));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("b"));
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterRecovery) {
// Tests a `CompactionFilterFactory` that filters when table file is created
// by recovery.
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory =
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateStringAppendOperator();
// Puts and Merges are purged in recovery.
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("b", "v"));
// However, Puts and Merges are preserved by flush.
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v"));
ASSERT_OK(Merge("b", "v"));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("a"));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("b"));
// Likewise, compaction does not apply filtering.
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("a"));
ASSERT_EQ("v", Get("b"));
CompactionFilterWithValueChange) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.num_levels = 3;
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<ChangeFilterFactory>();
CreateAndReopenWithCF({"pikachu"}, options);
// Write 100K+1 keys, these are written to a few files
// in L0. We do this so that the current snapshot points
// to the 100001 key.The compaction filter is not invoked
// on keys that are visible via a snapshot because we
// anyways cannot delete it.
const std::string value(10, 'x');
for (int i = 0; i < 100001; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%010d", i);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, key, value));
// push all files to lower levels
if (option_config_ != kUniversalCompactionMultiLevel &&
option_config_ != kUniversalSubcompactions) {
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(0, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(1, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
} else {
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), handles_[1],
nullptr, nullptr));
// re-write all data again
for (int i = 0; i < 100001; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%010d", i);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, key, value));
// push all files to lower levels. This should
// invoke the compaction filter for all 100000 keys.
if (option_config_ != kUniversalCompactionMultiLevel &&
option_config_ != kUniversalSubcompactions) {
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(0, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->TEST_CompactRange(1, nullptr, nullptr, handles_[1]));
} else {
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), handles_[1],
nullptr, nullptr));
// verify that all keys now have the new value that
// was set by the compaction process.
for (int i = 0; i < 100001; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%010d", i);
std::string newvalue = Get(1, key);
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterWithMergeOperator) {
std::string one, two, three, four;
PutFixed64(&one, 1);
PutFixed64(&two, 2);
PutFixed64(&three, 3);
PutFixed64(&four, 4);
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.merge_operator = MergeOperators::CreateUInt64AddOperator();
options.num_levels = 3;
// Filter out keys with value is 2.
options.compaction_filter_factory =
// In the same compaction, a value type needs to be deleted based on
// compaction filter, and there is a merge type for the key. compaction
// filter result is ignored.
ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), "foo", two));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), "foo", one));
std::string newvalue = Get("foo");
ASSERT_EQ(newvalue, three);
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
newvalue = Get("foo");
ASSERT_EQ(newvalue, three);
// value key can be deleted based on compaction filter, leaving only
// merge keys.
ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), "bar", two));
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
newvalue = Get("bar");
ASSERT_EQ("NOT_FOUND", newvalue);
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), "bar", two));
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
newvalue = Get("bar");
ASSERT_EQ(two, two);
// Compaction filter never applies to merge keys.
ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), "foobar", one));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), "foobar", two));
newvalue = Get("foobar");
ASSERT_EQ(newvalue, three);
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
newvalue = Get("foobar");
ASSERT_EQ(newvalue, three);
// In the same compaction, both of value type and merge type keys need to be
// deleted based on compaction filter, and there is a merge type for the key.
// For both keys, compaction filter results are ignored.
ASSERT_OK(db_->Put(WriteOptions(), "barfoo", two));
ASSERT_OK(db_->Merge(WriteOptions(), "barfoo", two));
newvalue = Get("barfoo");
ASSERT_EQ(newvalue, four);
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
newvalue = Get("barfoo");
ASSERT_EQ(newvalue, four);
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterContextManual) {
KeepFilterFactory* filter = new KeepFilterFactory(true, true);
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_style = kCompactionStyleUniversal;
options.compression = kNoCompression;
options.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger = 8;
int num_keys_per_file = 400;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// Write several keys.
const std::string value(10, 'x');
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys_per_file; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%08d%02d", i, j);
ASSERT_OK(Put(key, value));
// Make sure next file is much smaller so automatic compaction will not
// be triggered.
num_keys_per_file /= 2;
// Force a manual compaction
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(dbfull()->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(cfilter_count, 700);
ASSERT_EQ(NumSortedRuns(0), 1);
// Verify total number of keys is correct after manual compaction.
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
Arena arena;
InternalKeyComparator icmp(options.comparator);
ReadOptions read_options;
Skip swaths of range tombstone covered keys in merging iterator (2022 edition) (#10449) Summary: Delete range logic is moved from `DBIter` to `MergingIterator`, and `MergingIterator` will seek to the end of a range deletion if possible instead of scanning through each key and check with `RangeDelAggregator`. With the invariant that a key in level L (consider memtable as the first level, each immutable and L0 as a separate level) has a larger sequence number than all keys in any level >L, a range tombstone `[start, end)` from level L covers all keys in its range in any level >L. This property motivates optimizations in iterator: - in `Seek(target)`, if level L has a range tombstone `[start, end)` that covers `target.UserKey`, then for all levels > L, we can do Seek() on `end` instead of `target` to skip some range tombstone covered keys. - in `Next()/Prev()`, if the current key is covered by a range tombstone `[start, end)` from level L, we can do `Seek` to `end` for all levels > L. This PR implements the above optimizations in `MergingIterator`. As all range tombstone covered keys are now skipped in `MergingIterator`, the range tombstone logic is removed from `DBIter`. The idea in this PR is similar to, but this PR leaves `InternalIterator` interface mostly unchanged. **Credit**: the cascading seek optimization and the sentinel key (discussed below) are inspired by [Pebble]( and suggested by ajkr in The two optimizations are mostly implemented in `SeekImpl()/SeekForPrevImpl()` and `IsNextDeleted()/IsPrevDeleted()` in ``. See comments for each method for more detail. One notable change is that the minHeap/maxHeap used by `MergingIterator` now contains range tombstone end keys besides point key iterators. This helps to reduce the number of key comparisons. For example, for a range tombstone `[start, end)`, a `start` and an `end` `HeapItem` are inserted into the heap. When a `HeapItem` for range tombstone start key is popped from the minHeap, we know this range tombstone becomes "active" in the sense that, before the range tombstone's end key is popped from the minHeap, all the keys popped from this heap is covered by the range tombstone's internal key range `[start, end)`. Another major change, *delete range sentinel key*, is made to `LevelIterator`. Before this PR, when all point keys in an SST file are iterated through in `MergingIterator`, a level iterator would advance to the next SST file in its level. In the case when an SST file has a range tombstone that covers keys beyond the SST file's last point key, advancing to the next SST file would lose this range tombstone. Consequently, `MergingIterator` could return keys that should have been deleted by some range tombstone. We prevent this by pretending that file boundaries in each SST file are sentinel keys. A `LevelIterator` now only advance the file iterator once the sentinel key is processed. Pull Request resolved: Test Plan: - Added many unit tests in db_range_del_test - Stress test: `./db_stress --readpercent=5 --prefixpercent=19 --writepercent=20 -delpercent=10 --iterpercent=44 --delrangepercent=2` - Additional iterator stress test is added to verify against iterators against expected state: This is based on ajkr's previous attempt ``` python3 ./tools/ blackbox --simple --write_buffer_size=524288 --target_file_size_base=524288 --max_bytes_for_level_base=2097152 --compression_type=none --max_background_compactions=8 --value_size_mult=33 --max_key=5000000 --interval=10 --duration=7200 --delrangepercent=3 --delpercent=9 --iterpercent=25 --writepercent=60 --readpercent=3 --prefixpercent=0 --num_iterations=1000 --range_deletion_width=100 --verify_iterator_with_expected_state_one_in=1 ``` - Performance benchmark: I used a similar setup as in the blog [post]( that introduced DeleteRange, "a database with 5 million data keys, and 10000 range tombstones (ignoring those dropped during compaction) that were written in regular intervals after 4.5 million data keys were written". As expected, the performance with this PR depends on the range tombstone width. ``` # Setup: TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=fillrandom --writes=4500000 --num=5000000 TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=overwrite --writes=500000 --num=5000000 --use_existing_db=true --writes_per_range_tombstone=50 # Scan entire DB TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=readseq[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=5000000 --disable_auto_compactions=true # Short range scan (10 Next()) TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/width-100/ ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=seekrandom[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=500000 --reads=100000 --seek_nexts=10 --disable_auto_compactions=true # Long range scan(1000 Next()) TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm/width-100/ ./db_bench_main --benchmarks=seekrandom[-X5] --use_existing_db=true --num=500000 --reads=2500 --seek_nexts=1000 --disable_auto_compactions=true ``` Avg over of 10 runs (some slower tests had fews runs): For the first column (tombstone), 0 means no range tombstone, 100-10000 means width of the 10k range tombstones, and 1 means there is a single range tombstone in the entire DB (width is 1000). The 1 tombstone case is to test regression when there's very few range tombstones in the DB, as no range tombstone is likely to take a different code path than with range tombstones. - Scan entire DB | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |2525600 (± 43564) |2486917 (± 33698) |-1.53% | | 100 |1853835 (± 24736) |2073884 (± 32176) |+11.87% | | 1000 |422415 (± 7466) |1115801 (± 22781) |+164.15% | | 10000 |22384 (± 227) |227919 (± 6647) |+918.22% | | 1 range tombstone |2176540 (± 39050) |2434954 (± 24563) |+11.87% | - Short range scan | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |35398 (± 533) |35338 (± 569) |-0.17% | | 100 |28276 (± 664) |31684 (± 331) |+12.05% | | 1000 |7637 (± 77) |25422 (± 277) |+232.88% | | 10000 |1367 |28667 |+1997.07% | | 1 range tombstone |32618 (± 581) |32748 (± 506) |+0.4% | - Long range scan | tombstone width | Pre-PR ops/sec | Post-PR ops/sec | ±% | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | 0 range tombstone |2262 (± 33) |2353 (± 20) |+4.02% | | 100 |1696 (± 26) |1926 (± 18) |+13.56% | | 1000 |410 (± 6) |1255 (± 29) |+206.1% | | 10000 |25 |414 |+1556.0% | | 1 range tombstone |1957 (± 30) |2185 (± 44) |+11.65% | - Microbench does not show significant regression: Reviewed By: ajkr Differential Revision: D38450331 Pulled By: cbi42 fbshipit-source-id: b5ef12e8d8c289ed2e163ccdf277f5039b511fca
2 years ago
ScopedArenaIterator iter(dbfull()->NewInternalIterator(read_options, &arena,
while (iter->Valid()) {
ParsedInternalKey ikey(Slice(), 0, kTypeValue);
ASSERT_OK(ParseInternalKey(iter->key(), &ikey, true /* log_err_key */));
if (ikey.sequence != 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(total, 700);
ASSERT_EQ(count, 0);
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterContextCfId) {
KeepFilterFactory* filter = new KeepFilterFactory(false, true);
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compression = kNoCompression;
options.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger = 2;
CreateAndReopenWithCF({"pikachu"}, options);
int num_keys_per_file = 400;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// Write several keys.
const std::string value(10, 'x');
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys_per_file; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "B%08d%02d", i, j);
ASSERT_OK(Put(1, key, value));
// Make sure next file is much smaller so automatic compaction will not
// be triggered.
num_keys_per_file /= 2;
// Compaction filters aplies to all records, regardless snapshots.
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, CompactionFilterIgnoreSnapshot) {
std::string five = std::to_string(5);
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<DeleteISFilterFactory>();
options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
options.create_if_missing = true;
// Put some data.
const Snapshot* snapshot = nullptr;
for (int table = 0; table < 4; ++table) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
ASSERT_OK(Put(std::to_string(table * 100 + i), "val"));
if (table == 0) {
snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot();
assert(snapshot != nullptr);
cfilter_count = 0;
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
// The filter should delete 40 records.
ASSERT_EQ(40, cfilter_count);
// Scan the entire database as of the snapshot to ensure
// that nothing is left
ReadOptions read_options;
read_options.snapshot = snapshot;
std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter(db_->NewIterator(read_options));
int count = 0;
while (iter->Valid()) {
ASSERT_EQ(count, 6);
read_options.snapshot = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Iterator> iter1(db_->NewIterator(read_options));
count = 0;
while (iter1->Valid()) {
// We have deleted 10 keys from 40 using the compaction filter
// Keys 6-9 before the snapshot and 100-105 after the snapshot
ASSERT_EQ(count, 30);
// Release the snapshot and compact again -> now all records should be
// removed.
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, SkipUntil) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<SkipEvenFilterFactory>();
options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
options.create_if_missing = true;
// Write 100K keys, these are written to a few files in L0.
for (int table = 0; table < 4; ++table) {
// Key ranges in tables are [0, 38], [106, 149], [212, 260], [318, 371].
for (int i = table * 6; i < 39 + table * 11; ++i) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%010d", table * 100 + i);
ASSERT_OK(Put(key, std::to_string(table * 1000 + i)));
cfilter_skips = 0;
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
Fix interaction between CompactionFilter::Decision::kRemoveAndSkipUnt… Summary: Fixes the following scenario: 1. Set prefix extractor. Enable bloom filters, with `whole_key_filtering = false`. Use compaction filter that sometimes returns `kRemoveAndSkipUntil`. 2. Do a compaction. 3. Compaction creates an iterator with `total_order_seek = false`, calls `SeekToFirst()` on it, then repeatedly calls `Next()`. 4. At some point compaction filter returns `kRemoveAndSkipUntil`. 5. Compaction calls `Seek(skip_until)` on the iterator. The key that it seeks to happens to have prefix that doesn't match the bloom filter. Since `total_order_seek = false`, iterator becomes invalid, and compaction thinks that it has reached the end. The rest of the compaction input is silently discarded. The fix is to make compaction iterator use `total_order_seek = true`. The implementation for PlainTable is quite awkward. I've made `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` officially incompatible with PlainTable. If you try to use them together, compaction will fail, and DB will enter read-only mode (`bg_error_`). That's not a very graceful way to communicate a misconfiguration, but the alternatives don't seem worth the implementation time and complexity. To be able to check in advance that `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` is not going to be used with PlainTable, we'd need to extend the interface of either `CompactionFilter` or `InternalIterator`. It seems unlikely that anyone will ever want to use `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` with PlainTable: PlainTable probably has very few users, and `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` has only one user so far: us (logdevice). Closes Differential Revision: D5110388 Pulled By: lightmark fbshipit-source-id: ec29101a99d9dcd97db33923b87f72bce56cc17a
7 years ago
// Number of skips in tables: 2, 3, 3, 3.
ASSERT_EQ(11, cfilter_skips);
for (int table = 0; table < 4; ++table) {
for (int i = table * 6; i < 39 + table * 11; ++i) {
int k = table * 100 + i;
char key[100];
snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%010d", table * 100 + i);
auto expected = std::to_string(table * 1000 + i);
std::string val;
Status s = db_->Get(ReadOptions(), key, &val);
if (k / 10 % 2 == 0) {
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(expected, val);
Fix interaction between CompactionFilter::Decision::kRemoveAndSkipUnt… Summary: Fixes the following scenario: 1. Set prefix extractor. Enable bloom filters, with `whole_key_filtering = false`. Use compaction filter that sometimes returns `kRemoveAndSkipUntil`. 2. Do a compaction. 3. Compaction creates an iterator with `total_order_seek = false`, calls `SeekToFirst()` on it, then repeatedly calls `Next()`. 4. At some point compaction filter returns `kRemoveAndSkipUntil`. 5. Compaction calls `Seek(skip_until)` on the iterator. The key that it seeks to happens to have prefix that doesn't match the bloom filter. Since `total_order_seek = false`, iterator becomes invalid, and compaction thinks that it has reached the end. The rest of the compaction input is silently discarded. The fix is to make compaction iterator use `total_order_seek = true`. The implementation for PlainTable is quite awkward. I've made `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` officially incompatible with PlainTable. If you try to use them together, compaction will fail, and DB will enter read-only mode (`bg_error_`). That's not a very graceful way to communicate a misconfiguration, but the alternatives don't seem worth the implementation time and complexity. To be able to check in advance that `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` is not going to be used with PlainTable, we'd need to extend the interface of either `CompactionFilter` or `InternalIterator`. It seems unlikely that anyone will ever want to use `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` with PlainTable: PlainTable probably has very few users, and `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` has only one user so far: us (logdevice). Closes Differential Revision: D5110388 Pulled By: lightmark fbshipit-source-id: ec29101a99d9dcd97db33923b87f72bce56cc17a
7 years ago
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, SkipUntilWithBloomFilter) {
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options;
table_options.whole_key_filtering = false;
table_options.filter_policy.reset(NewBloomFilterPolicy(100, false));
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory = std::make_shared<SkipEvenFilterFactory>();
options.disable_auto_compactions = true;
options.create_if_missing = true;
ASSERT_OK(Put("0000000010", "v10"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("0000000020", "v20")); // skipped
ASSERT_OK(Put("0000000050", "v50"));
Fix interaction between CompactionFilter::Decision::kRemoveAndSkipUnt… Summary: Fixes the following scenario: 1. Set prefix extractor. Enable bloom filters, with `whole_key_filtering = false`. Use compaction filter that sometimes returns `kRemoveAndSkipUntil`. 2. Do a compaction. 3. Compaction creates an iterator with `total_order_seek = false`, calls `SeekToFirst()` on it, then repeatedly calls `Next()`. 4. At some point compaction filter returns `kRemoveAndSkipUntil`. 5. Compaction calls `Seek(skip_until)` on the iterator. The key that it seeks to happens to have prefix that doesn't match the bloom filter. Since `total_order_seek = false`, iterator becomes invalid, and compaction thinks that it has reached the end. The rest of the compaction input is silently discarded. The fix is to make compaction iterator use `total_order_seek = true`. The implementation for PlainTable is quite awkward. I've made `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` officially incompatible with PlainTable. If you try to use them together, compaction will fail, and DB will enter read-only mode (`bg_error_`). That's not a very graceful way to communicate a misconfiguration, but the alternatives don't seem worth the implementation time and complexity. To be able to check in advance that `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` is not going to be used with PlainTable, we'd need to extend the interface of either `CompactionFilter` or `InternalIterator`. It seems unlikely that anyone will ever want to use `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` with PlainTable: PlainTable probably has very few users, and `kRemoveAndSkipUntil` has only one user so far: us (logdevice). Closes Differential Revision: D5110388 Pulled By: lightmark fbshipit-source-id: ec29101a99d9dcd97db33923b87f72bce56cc17a
7 years ago
cfilter_skips = 0;
EXPECT_OK(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(1, cfilter_skips);
Status s;
std::string val;
s = db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "0000000010", &val);
EXPECT_EQ("v10", val);
s = db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "0000000020", &val);
s = db_->Get(ReadOptions(), "0000000050", &val);
EXPECT_EQ("v50", val);
class TestNotSupportedFilter : public CompactionFilter {
bool Filter(int /*level*/, const Slice& /*key*/, const Slice& /*value*/,
std::string* /*new_value*/,
bool* /*value_changed*/) const override {
return true;
const char* Name() const override { return "NotSupported"; }
bool IgnoreSnapshots() const override { return false; }
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, IgnoreSnapshotsFalse) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter = new TestNotSupportedFilter();
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v10"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("z", "v20"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v10"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("z", "v20"));
// Comapction should fail because IgnoreSnapshots() = false
EXPECT_TRUE(db_->CompactRange(CompactRangeOptions(), nullptr, nullptr)
delete options.compaction_filter;
class TestNotSupportedFilterFactory : public CompactionFilterFactory {
explicit TestNotSupportedFilterFactory(TableFileCreationReason reason)
: reason_(reason) {}
bool ShouldFilterTableFileCreation(
TableFileCreationReason reason) const override {
return reason_ == reason;
std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter> CreateCompactionFilter(
const CompactionFilter::Context& /* context */) override {
return std::unique_ptr<CompactionFilter>(new TestNotSupportedFilter());
const char* Name() const override { return "TestNotSupportedFilterFactory"; }
const TableFileCreationReason reason_;
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, IgnoreSnapshotsFalseDuringFlush) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory =
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v10"));
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, IgnoreSnapshotsFalseRecovery) {
Options options = CurrentOptions();
options.compaction_filter_factory =
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v10"));
TEST_F(DBTestCompactionFilter, DropKeyWithSingleDelete) {
Options options = GetDefaultOptions();
options.create_if_missing = true;
ASSERT_OK(Put("a", "v0"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("b", "v0"));
const Snapshot* snapshot = db_->GetSnapshot();
CompactRangeOptions cro;
cro.change_level = true;
cro.target_level = options.num_levels - 1;
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(cro, nullptr, nullptr));
class DeleteFilterV2 : public CompactionFilter {
Decision FilterV2(int /*level*/, const Slice& key, ValueType /*value_type*/,
const Slice& /*existing_value*/,
std::string* /*new_value*/,
std::string* /*skip_until*/) const override {
if (key.starts_with("b")) {
return Decision::kPurge;
return Decision::kRemove;
const char* Name() const override { return "DeleteFilterV2"; }
} delete_filter_v2;
options.compaction_filter = &delete_filter_v2;
options.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger = 2;
ASSERT_OK(Put("b", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("x", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("r", "v1"));
ASSERT_OK(Put("z", "v1"));
options.compaction_filter = nullptr;
CompactRangeOptions cro;
cro.bottommost_level_compaction = BottommostLevelCompaction::kForce;
ASSERT_OK(db_->CompactRange(cro, nullptr, nullptr));
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();