@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
# include "rocksdb/status.h"
class OptionTypeInfo ;
enum class OptionType {
kBoolean ,
kInt ,
kInt32T ,
kInt64T ,
kVectorInt ,
kUInt ,
kUInt32T ,
kUInt64T ,
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ enum class OptionType {
kCompactionPri ,
kSliceTransform ,
kCompressionType ,
kVectorCompressionType ,
kTableFactory ,
kComparator ,
kCompactionFilter ,
@ -46,6 +45,7 @@ enum class OptionType {
kEnv ,
kEnum ,
kStruct ,
kVector ,
kUnknown ,
} ;
@ -123,6 +123,23 @@ bool SerializeEnum(const std::unordered_map<std::string, T>& type_map,
return false ;
template < typename T >
Status ParseVector ( const ConfigOptions & config_options ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info , char separator ,
const std : : string & name , const std : : string & value ,
std : : vector < T > * result ) ;
template < typename T >
Status SerializeVector ( const ConfigOptions & config_options ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info , char separator ,
const std : : string & name , const std : : vector < T > & vec ,
std : : string * value ) ;
template < typename T >
bool VectorsAreEqual ( const ConfigOptions & config_options ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info , const std : : string & name ,
const std : : vector < T > & vec1 , const std : : vector < T > & vec2 ,
std : : string * mismatch ) ;
// Function for converting a option string value into its underlying
// representation in "addr"
// On success, Status::OK is returned and addr is set to the parsed form
@ -354,6 +371,38 @@ class OptionTypeInfo {
} ) ;
template < typename T >
static OptionTypeInfo Vector ( int _offset ,
OptionVerificationType _verification ,
OptionTypeFlags _flags , int _mutable_offset ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info ,
char separator = ' : ' ) {
return OptionTypeInfo (
_offset , OptionType : : kVector , _verification , _flags , _mutable_offset ,
[ elem_info , separator ] ( const ConfigOptions & opts ,
const std : : string & name ,
const std : : string & value , char * addr ) {
auto result = reinterpret_cast < std : : vector < T > * > ( addr ) ;
return ParseVector < T > ( opts , elem_info , separator , name , value ,
result ) ;
} ,
[ elem_info , separator ] ( const ConfigOptions & opts ,
const std : : string & name , const char * addr ,
std : : string * value ) {
const auto & vec = * ( reinterpret_cast < const std : : vector < T > * > ( addr ) ) ;
return SerializeVector < T > ( opts , elem_info , separator , name , vec ,
value ) ;
} ,
[ elem_info ] ( const ConfigOptions & opts , const std : : string & name ,
const char * addr1 , const char * addr2 ,
std : : string * mismatch ) {
const auto & vec1 = * ( reinterpret_cast < const std : : vector < T > * > ( addr1 ) ) ;
const auto & vec2 = * ( reinterpret_cast < const std : : vector < T > * > ( addr2 ) ) ;
return VectorsAreEqual < T > ( opts , elem_info , name , vec1 , vec2 ,
mismatch ) ;
} ) ;
bool IsEnabled ( OptionTypeFlags otf ) const { return ( flags_ & otf ) = = otf ; }
bool IsMutable ( ) const { return IsEnabled ( OptionTypeFlags : : kMutable ) ; }
@ -483,6 +532,26 @@ class OptionTypeInfo {
const std : : unordered_map < std : : string , OptionTypeInfo > & opt_map ,
std : : string * elem_name ) ;
// Returns the next token marked by the delimiter from "opts" after start in
// token and updates end to point to where that token stops. Delimiters inside
// of braces are ignored. Returns OK if a token is found and an error if the
// input opts string is mis-formatted.
// Given "a=AA;b=BB;" start=2 and delimiter=";", token is "AA" and end points
// to "b" Given "{a=A;b=B}", the token would be "a=A;b=B"
// @param opts The string in which to find the next token
// @param delimiter The delimiter between tokens
// @param start The position in opts to start looking for the token
// @parem ed Returns the end position in opts of the token
// @param token Returns the token
// @returns OK if a token was found
// @return InvalidArgument if the braces mismatch
// (e.g. "{a={b=c;}" ) -- missing closing brace
// @return InvalidArgument if an expected delimiter is not found
// e.g. "{a=b}c=d;" -- missing delimiter before "c"
static Status NextToken ( const std : : string & opts , char delimiter , size_t start ,
size_t * end , std : : string * token ) ;
private :
// The optional function to convert a string to its representation
ParseFunc parse_func_ ;
@ -497,4 +566,131 @@ class OptionTypeInfo {
OptionVerificationType verification_ ;
OptionTypeFlags flags_ ;
} ;
// Parses the input value into elements of the result vector. This method
// will break the input value into the individual tokens (based on the
// separator), where each of those tokens will be parsed based on the rules of
// elem_info. The result vector will be populated with elements based on the
// input tokens. For example, if the value=1:2:3:4:5 and elem_info parses
// integers, the result vector will contain the integers 1,2,3,4,5
// @param config_options Controls how the option value is parsed.
// @param elem_info Controls how individual tokens in value are parsed
// @param separator Character separating tokens in values (':' in the above
// example)
// @param name The name associated with this vector option
// @param value The input string to parse into tokens
// @param result Returns the results of parsing value into its elements.
// @return OK if the value was successfully parse
// @return InvalidArgument if the value is improperly formed or if the token
// could not be parsed
// @return NotFound If the tokenized value contains unknown options for
// its type
template < typename T >
Status ParseVector ( const ConfigOptions & config_options ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info , char separator ,
const std : : string & name , const std : : string & value ,
std : : vector < T > * result ) {
result - > clear ( ) ;
Status status ;
for ( size_t start = 0 , end = 0 ;
status . ok ( ) & & start < value . size ( ) & & end ! = std : : string : : npos ;
start = end + 1 ) {
std : : string token ;
status = OptionTypeInfo : : NextToken ( value , separator , start , & end , & token ) ;
if ( status . ok ( ) ) {
T elem ;
status = elem_info . Parse ( config_options , name , token ,
reinterpret_cast < char * > ( & elem ) ) ;
if ( status . ok ( ) ) {
result - > emplace_back ( elem ) ;
return status ;
// Serializes the input vector into its output value. Elements are
// separated by the separator character. This element will convert all of the
// elements in vec into their serialized form, using elem_info to perform the
// serialization.
// For example, if the vec contains the integers 1,2,3,4,5 and elem_info
// serializes the output would be 1:2:3:4:5 for separator ":".
// @param config_options Controls how the option value is serialized.
// @param elem_info Controls how individual tokens in value are serialized
// @param separator Character separating tokens in value (':' in the above
// example)
// @param name The name associated with this vector option
// @param vec The input vector to serialize
// @param value The output string of serialized options
// @return OK if the value was successfully parse
// @return InvalidArgument if the value is improperly formed or if the token
// could not be parsed
// @return NotFound If the tokenized value contains unknown options for
// its type
template < typename T >
Status SerializeVector ( const ConfigOptions & config_options ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info , char separator ,
const std : : string & name , const std : : vector < T > & vec ,
std : : string * value ) {
std : : string result ;
ConfigOptions embedded = config_options ;
embedded . delimiter = " ; " ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < vec . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
std : : string elem_str ;
Status s = elem_info . Serialize (
embedded , name , reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( & vec [ i ] ) , & elem_str ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
} else {
if ( i > 0 ) {
result + = separator ;
// If the element contains embedded separators, put it inside of brackets
if ( result . find ( separator ) ! = std : : string : : npos ) {
result + = " { " + elem_str + " } " ;
} else {
result + = elem_str ;
if ( result . find ( " = " ) ! = std : : string : : npos ) {
* value = " { " + result + " } " ;
} else {
* value = result ;
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
// Compares the input vectors vec1 and vec2 for equality
// If the vectors are the same size, elements of the vectors are compared one by
// one using elem_info to perform the comparison.
// @param config_options Controls how the vectors are compared.
// @param elem_info Controls how individual elements in the vectors are compared
// @param name The name associated with this vector option
// @param vec1,vec2 The vectors to compare.
// @param mismatch If the vectors are not equivalent, mismatch will point to
// the first
// element of the comparison tht did not match.
// @return true If vec1 and vec2 are "equal", false otherwise
template < typename T >
bool VectorsAreEqual ( const ConfigOptions & config_options ,
const OptionTypeInfo & elem_info , const std : : string & name ,
const std : : vector < T > & vec1 , const std : : vector < T > & vec2 ,
std : : string * mismatch ) {
if ( vec1 . size ( ) ! = vec2 . size ( ) ) {
* mismatch = name ;
return false ;
} else {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < vec1 . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( ! elem_info . AreEqual (
config_options , name , reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( & vec1 [ i ] ) ,
reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( & vec2 [ i ] ) , mismatch ) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE