@ -639,6 +639,7 @@ class ReadaheadRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
Status Read ( uint64_t offset , size_t n , Slice * result ,
char * scratch ) const override {
// Read-ahead only make sense if we have some slack left after reading
if ( n + alignment_ > = readahead_size_ ) {
return file_ - > Read ( offset , n , result , scratch ) ;
@ -646,14 +647,13 @@ class ReadaheadRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
std : : unique_lock < std : : mutex > lk ( lock_ ) ;
size_t cached_len = 0 ;
// Check if there is a cache hit, means that [offset, offset + n) is either
// completely or partially in the buffer
// Check if there is a cache hit, meaning that [offset, offset + n) is either
// completely or partially in the buffer.
// If it's completely cached, including end of file case when offset + n is
// greater than EOF, return
// greater than EOF, then return.
if ( TryReadFromCache ( offset , n , & cached_len , scratch ) & &
( cached_len = = n | |
// End of file
buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) < readahead_size_ ) ) {
( cached_len = = n | | buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) < readahead_size_ ) ) {
// We read exactly what we needed, or we hit end of file - return.
* result = Slice ( scratch , cached_len ) ;
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
@ -661,25 +661,14 @@ class ReadaheadRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
// In the case of cache hit advanced_offset is already aligned, means that
// chunk_offset equals to advanced_offset
size_t chunk_offset = TruncateToPageBoundary ( alignment_ , advanced_offset ) ;
Slice readahead_result ;
Status s = ReadIntoBuffer ( chunk_offset , readahead_size_ ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
// In the case of cache miss, i.e. when cached_len equals 0, an offset can
// exceed the file end position, so the following check is required
if ( advanced_offset < chunk_offset + buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) ) {
// In the case of cache miss, the first chunk_padding bytes in buffer_
// are
// stored for alignment only and must be skipped
size_t chunk_padding = advanced_offset - chunk_offset ;
auto remaining_len =
std : : min ( buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) - chunk_padding , n - cached_len ) ;
memcpy ( scratch + cached_len , buffer_ . BufferStart ( ) + chunk_padding ,
remaining_len ) ;
// The data we need is now in cache, so we can safely read it
size_t remaining_len ;
TryReadFromCache ( advanced_offset , n - cached_len , & remaining_len ,
scratch + cached_len ) ;
* result = Slice ( scratch , cached_len + remaining_len ) ;
} else {
* result = Slice ( scratch , cached_len ) ;
return s ;
@ -690,6 +679,9 @@ class ReadaheadRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
// `Read()` assumes a smaller prefetch buffer indicates EOF was reached.
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
std : : unique_lock < std : : mutex > lk ( lock_ ) ;
size_t offset_ = static_cast < size_t > ( offset ) ;
size_t prefetch_offset = TruncateToPageBoundary ( alignment_ , offset_ ) ;
if ( prefetch_offset = = buffer_offset_ ) {
@ -706,12 +698,18 @@ class ReadaheadRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
void Hint ( AccessPattern pattern ) override { file_ - > Hint ( pattern ) ; }
Status InvalidateCache ( size_t offset , size_t length ) override {
std : : unique_lock < std : : mutex > lk ( lock_ ) ;
buffer_ . Clear ( ) ;
return file_ - > InvalidateCache ( offset , length ) ;
bool use_direct_io ( ) const override { return file_ - > use_direct_io ( ) ; }
private :
// Tries to read from buffer_ n bytes starting at offset. If anything was read
// from the cache, it sets cached_len to the number of bytes actually read,
// copies these number of bytes to scratch and returns true.
// If nothing was read sets cached_len to 0 and returns false.
bool TryReadFromCache ( uint64_t offset , size_t n , size_t * cached_len ,
char * scratch ) const {
if ( offset < buffer_offset_ | |
@ -726,6 +724,9 @@ private:
return true ;
// Reads into buffer_ the next n bytes from file_ starting at offset.
// Can actually read less if EOF was reached.
// Returns the status of the read operastion on the file.
Status ReadIntoBuffer ( uint64_t offset , size_t n ) const {
if ( n > buffer_ . Capacity ( ) ) {
n = buffer_ . Capacity ( ) ;
@ -742,14 +743,171 @@ private:
return s ;
std : : unique_ptr < RandomAccessFile > file_ ;
const std : : unique_ptr < RandomAccessFile > file_ ;
const size_t alignment_ ;
size_t readahead_size_ ;
const size_t readahead_size_ ;
mutable std : : mutex lock_ ;
// The buffer storing the prefetched data
mutable AlignedBuffer buffer_ ;
// The offset in file_, corresponding to data stored in buffer_
mutable uint64_t buffer_offset_ ;
} ;
// This class wraps a SequentialFile, exposing same API, with the differenece
// of being able to prefetch up to readahead_size bytes and then serve them
// from memory, avoiding the entire round-trip if, for example, the data for the
// file is actually remote.
class ReadaheadSequentialFile : public SequentialFile {
public :
ReadaheadSequentialFile ( std : : unique_ptr < SequentialFile > & & file ,
size_t readahead_size )
: file_ ( std : : move ( file ) ) ,
alignment_ ( file_ - > GetRequiredBufferAlignment ( ) ) ,
readahead_size_ ( Roundup ( readahead_size , alignment_ ) ) ,
buffer_ ( ) ,
buffer_offset_ ( 0 ) ,
read_offset_ ( 0 ) {
buffer_ . Alignment ( alignment_ ) ;
buffer_ . AllocateNewBuffer ( readahead_size_ ) ;
ReadaheadSequentialFile ( const ReadaheadSequentialFile & ) = delete ;
ReadaheadSequentialFile & operator = ( const ReadaheadSequentialFile & ) = delete ;
Status Read ( size_t n , Slice * result , char * scratch ) override {
std : : unique_lock < std : : mutex > lk ( lock_ ) ;
size_t cached_len = 0 ;
// Check if there is a cache hit, meaning that [offset, offset + n) is
// either completely or partially in the buffer. If it's completely cached,
// including end of file case when offset + n is greater than EOF, then
// return.
if ( TryReadFromCache ( n , & cached_len , scratch ) & &
( cached_len = = n | | buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) < readahead_size_ ) ) {
// We read exactly what we needed, or we hit end of file - return.
* result = Slice ( scratch , cached_len ) ;
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
n - = cached_len ;
Status s ;
// Read-ahead only make sense if we have some slack left after reading
if ( n + alignment_ > = readahead_size_ ) {
s = file_ - > Read ( n , result , scratch + cached_len ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
read_offset_ + = result - > size ( ) ;
* result = Slice ( scratch , cached_len + result - > size ( ) ) ;
buffer_ . Clear ( ) ;
return s ;
s = ReadIntoBuffer ( readahead_size_ ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
// The data we need is now in cache, so we can safely read it
size_t remaining_len ;
TryReadFromCache ( n , & remaining_len , scratch + cached_len ) ;
* result = Slice ( scratch , cached_len + remaining_len ) ;
return s ;
Status Skip ( uint64_t n ) override {
std : : unique_lock < std : : mutex > lk ( lock_ ) ;
Status s = Status : : OK ( ) ;
// First check if we need to skip already cached data
if ( buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) > 0 ) {
// Do we need to skip beyond cached data?
if ( read_offset_ + n > = buffer_offset_ + buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) ) {
// Yes. Skip whaterver is in memory and adjust offset accordingly
n - = buffer_offset_ + buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) - read_offset_ ;
read_offset_ = buffer_offset_ + buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) ;
} else {
// No. The entire section to be skipped is entirely i cache.
read_offset_ + = n ;
n = 0 ;
if ( n > 0 ) {
// We still need to skip more, so call the file API for skipping
s = file_ - > Skip ( n ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
read_offset_ + = n ;
buffer_ . Clear ( ) ;
return s ;
Status PositionedRead ( uint64_t offset , size_t n , Slice * result ,
char * scratch ) override {
return file_ - > PositionedRead ( offset , n , result , scratch ) ;
Status InvalidateCache ( size_t offset , size_t length ) override {
std : : unique_lock < std : : mutex > lk ( lock_ ) ;
buffer_ . Clear ( ) ;
return file_ - > InvalidateCache ( offset , length ) ;
bool use_direct_io ( ) const override { return file_ - > use_direct_io ( ) ; }
private :
// Tries to read from buffer_ n bytes. If anything was read from the cache, it
// sets cached_len to the number of bytes actually read, copies these number
// of bytes to scratch and returns true.
// If nothing was read sets cached_len to 0 and returns false.
bool TryReadFromCache ( size_t n , size_t * cached_len , char * scratch ) {
if ( read_offset_ < buffer_offset_ | |
read_offset_ > = buffer_offset_ + buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) ) {
* cached_len = 0 ;
return false ;
uint64_t offset_in_buffer = read_offset_ - buffer_offset_ ;
* cached_len = std : : min (
buffer_ . CurrentSize ( ) - static_cast < size_t > ( offset_in_buffer ) , n ) ;
memcpy ( scratch , buffer_ . BufferStart ( ) + offset_in_buffer , * cached_len ) ;
read_offset_ + = * cached_len ;
return true ;
// Reads into buffer_ the next n bytes from file_.
// Can actually read less if EOF was reached.
// Returns the status of the read operastion on the file.
Status ReadIntoBuffer ( size_t n ) {
if ( n > buffer_ . Capacity ( ) ) {
n = buffer_ . Capacity ( ) ;
assert ( IsFileSectorAligned ( n , alignment_ ) ) ;
Slice result ;
Status s = file_ - > Read ( n , & result , buffer_ . BufferStart ( ) ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
buffer_offset_ = read_offset_ ;
buffer_ . Size ( result . size ( ) ) ;
assert ( buffer_ . BufferStart ( ) = = result . data ( ) ) ;
return s ;
const std : : unique_ptr < SequentialFile > file_ ;
const size_t alignment_ ;
const size_t readahead_size_ ;
std : : mutex lock_ ;
// The buffer storing the prefetched data
AlignedBuffer buffer_ ;
// The offset in file_, corresponding to data stored in buffer_
uint64_t buffer_offset_ ;
// The offset up to which data was read from file_. In fact, it can be larger
// than the actual file size, since the file_->Skip(n) call doesn't return the
// actual number of bytes that were skipped, which can be less than n.
// This is not a problemm since read_offset_ is monotonically increasing and
// its only use is to figure out if next piece of data should be read from
// buffer_ or file_ directly.
uint64_t read_offset_ ;
} ;
} // namespace
Status FilePrefetchBuffer : : Prefetch ( RandomAccessFileReader * reader ,
@ -866,6 +1024,14 @@ std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile> NewReadaheadRandomAccessFile(
return result ;
std : : unique_ptr < SequentialFile >
SequentialFileReader : : NewReadaheadSequentialFile (
std : : unique_ptr < SequentialFile > & & file , size_t readahead_size ) {
std : : unique_ptr < SequentialFile > result (
new ReadaheadSequentialFile ( std : : move ( file ) , readahead_size ) ) ;
return result ;
Status NewWritableFile ( Env * env , const std : : string & fname ,
std : : unique_ptr < WritableFile > * result ,
const EnvOptions & options ) {