Persistent Read Cache (Part 2) Data structure for building persistent read cache index

We expect the persistent read cache to perform at speeds upto 8 GB/s. In order
to accomplish that, we need build a index mechanism which operate in the order
of multiple millions per sec rate.

This patch provide the basic data structure to accomplish that:

(1) Hash table implementation with lock contention spread
    It is based on the StripedHashSet<T> implementation in
    The Art of multiprocessor programming by Maurice Henry & Nir Shavit
(2) LRU implementation
    Place holder algorithm for further optimizing
(3) Evictable Hash Table implementation
    Building block for building index data structure that evicts data like files

(1) Figure if the sharded hash table and LRU can be used instead
(2) Figure if we need to support configurable eviction algorithm for

Test Plan: Run unit tests

Subscribers: andrewkr, dhruba, leveldb

Differential Revision:
krad 9 years ago
parent 43afd72bee
commit 1f0142ce19
  1. 4
  2. 226
  3. 294
  4. 160
  5. 152
  6. 170

@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ TESTS = \
file_reader_writer_test \ file_reader_writer_test \
block_based_filter_block_test \ block_based_filter_block_test \
full_filter_block_test \ full_filter_block_test \
hash_table_test \
histogram_test \ histogram_test \
inlineskiplist_test \ inlineskiplist_test \
log_test \ log_test \
@ -852,6 +853,9 @@ stringappend_test: utilities/merge_operators/string_append/stringappend_test.o $
redis_test: utilities/redis/redis_lists_test.o $(LIBOBJECTS) $(TESTHARNESS) redis_test: utilities/redis/redis_lists_test.o $(LIBOBJECTS) $(TESTHARNESS)
hash_table_test: utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table_test.o $(LIBOBJECTS) $(TESTHARNESS)
histogram_test: util/histogram_test.o $(LIBOBJECTS) $(TESTHARNESS) histogram_test: util/histogram_test.o $(LIBOBJECTS) $(TESTHARNESS)

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "include/rocksdb/env.h"
#include "port/port_posix.h"
#include "util/mutexlock.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// HashTable<T, Hash, Equal>
// Traditional implementation of hash table with syncronization built on top
// don't perform very well in multi-core scenarios. This is an implementation
// designed for multi-core scenarios with high lock contention.
// |<-------- alpha ------------->|
// Buckets Collision list
// ---- +----+ +---+---+--- ...... ---+---+---+
// / | |--->| | | | | |
// / +----+ +---+---+--- ...... ---+---+---+
// / | |
// Locks/ +----+
// +--+/ . .
// | | . .
// +--+ . .
// | | . .
// +--+ . .
// | | . .
// +--+ . .
// \ +----+
// \ | |
// \ +----+
// \ | |
// \---- +----+
// The lock contention is spread over an array of locks. This helps improve
// concurrent access. The spine is designed for a certain capacity and load
// factor. When the capacity planning is done correctly we can expect
// O(load_factor = 1) insert, access and remove time.
// Micro benchmark on debug build gives about .5 Million/sec rate of insert,
// erase and lookup in parallel (total of about 1.5 Million ops/sec). If the
// blocks were of 4K, the hash table can support a virtual throughput of
// 6 GB/s.
// T Object type (contains both key and value)
// Hash Function that returns an hash from type T
// Equal Returns if two objects are equal
// (We need explicit equal for pointer type)
template <class T, class Hash, class Equal>
class HashTable {
explicit HashTable(const size_t capacity = 1024 * 1024,
const float load_factor = 2.0, const uint32_t nlocks = 256)
: nbuckets_(load_factor ? capacity / load_factor : 0), nlocks_(nlocks) {
// pre-conditions
buckets_.reset(new Bucket[nbuckets_]);
mlock(buckets_.get(), nbuckets_ * sizeof(Bucket));
// initialize locks
locks_.reset(new port::RWMutex[nlocks_]);
mlock(locks_.get(), nlocks_ * sizeof(port::RWMutex));
// post-conditions
virtual ~HashTable() { AssertEmptyBuckets(); }
// Insert given record to hash table
bool Insert(const T& t) {
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % nbuckets_;
const uint32_t lock_idx = bucket_idx % nlocks_;
WriteLock _(&locks_[lock_idx]);
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_idx];
return Insert(&bucket, t);
// Lookup hash table
// Please note that read lock should be held by the caller. This is because
// the caller owns the data, and should hold the read lock as long as he
// operates on the data.
bool Find(const T& t, T* ret, port::RWMutex** ret_lock) {
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % nbuckets_;
const uint32_t lock_idx = bucket_idx % nlocks_;
port::RWMutex& lock = locks_[lock_idx];
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_idx];
if (Find(&bucket, t, ret)) {
*ret_lock = &lock;
return true;
return false;
// Erase a given key from the hash table
bool Erase(const T& t, T* ret) {
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % nbuckets_;
const uint32_t lock_idx = bucket_idx % nlocks_;
WriteLock _(&locks_[lock_idx]);
auto& bucket = buckets_[bucket_idx];
return Erase(&bucket, t, ret);
// Fetch the mutex associated with a key
// This call is used to hold the lock for a given data for extended period of
// time.
port::RWMutex* GetMutex(const T& t) {
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % nbuckets_;
const uint32_t lock_idx = bucket_idx % nlocks_;
return &locks_[lock_idx];
void Clear(void (*fn)(T)) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nbuckets_; ++i) {
const uint32_t lock_idx = i % nlocks_;
WriteLock _(&locks_[lock_idx]);
for (auto& t : buckets_[i].list_) {
// Models bucket of keys that hash to the same bucket number
struct Bucket {
std::list<T> list_;
// Substitute for std::find with custom comparator operator
typename std::list<T>::iterator Find(std::list<T>* list, const T& t) {
for (auto it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it) {
if (Equal()(*it, t)) {
return it;
return list->end();
bool Insert(Bucket* bucket, const T& t) {
// Check if the key already exists
auto it = Find(&bucket->list_, t);
if (it != bucket->list_.end()) {
return false;
// insert to bucket
return true;
bool Find(Bucket* bucket, const T& t, T* ret) {
auto it = Find(&bucket->list_, t);
if (it != bucket->list_.end()) {
if (ret) {
*ret = *it;
return true;
return false;
bool Erase(Bucket* bucket, const T& t, T* ret) {
auto it = Find(&bucket->list_, t);
if (it != bucket->list_.end()) {
if (ret) {
*ret = *it;
return true;
return false;
// assert that all buckets are empty
void AssertEmptyBuckets() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < nbuckets_; ++i) {
WriteLock _(&locks_[i % nlocks_]);
const uint32_t nbuckets_; // No. of buckets in the spine
std::unique_ptr<Bucket[]> buckets_; // Spine of the hash buckets
const uint32_t nlocks_; // No. of locks
std::unique_ptr<port::RWMutex[]> locks_; // Granular locks
} // namespace rocksdb

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "include/rocksdb/env.h"
#include "port/port_posix.h"
#include "util/mutexlock.h"
#include "utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table.h"
using std::string;
DEFINE_int32(nsec, 10, "nsec");
DEFINE_int32(nthread_write, 1, "insert %");
DEFINE_int32(nthread_read, 1, "lookup %");
DEFINE_int32(nthread_erase, 1, "erase %");
namespace rocksdb {
// HashTableImpl interface
// Abstraction of a hash table implementation
template <class Key, class Value>
class HashTableImpl {
virtual ~HashTableImpl() {}
virtual bool Insert(const Key& key, const Value& val) = 0;
virtual bool Erase(const Key& key) = 0;
virtual bool Lookup(const Key& key, Value* val) = 0;
// HashTableBenchmark
// Abstraction to test a given hash table implementation. The test mostly
// focus on insert, lookup and erase. The test can operate in test mode and
// benchmark mode.
class HashTableBenchmark {
explicit HashTableBenchmark(HashTableImpl<size_t, std::string>* impl,
const size_t sec = 10,
const size_t nthread_write = 1,
const size_t nthread_read = 1,
const size_t nthread_erase = 1)
: impl_(impl),
quit_(false) {
StartThreads(nthread_write, WriteMain);
StartThreads(nthread_read, ReadMain);
StartThreads(nthread_erase, EraseMain);
uint64_t start = NowInMillSec();
while (!quit_) {
quit_ = NowInMillSec() - start > sec_ * 1000;
/* sleep override */ sleep(1);
Env* env = Env::Default();
if (sec_) {
printf("Result \n");
printf("====== \n");
printf("insert/sec = %f \n", ninserts_ / static_cast<double>(sec_));
printf("read/sec = %f \n", nreads_ / static_cast<double>(sec_));
printf("erases/sec = %f \n", nerases_ / static_cast<double>(sec_));
const uint64_t ops = ninserts_ + nreads_ + nerases_;
printf("ops/sec = %f \n", ops / static_cast<double>(sec_));
printf("erase fail = %d (%f%%)\n", static_cast<int>(nerases_failed_),
static_cast<float>(nerases_failed_ / nerases_ * 100));
printf("====== \n");
void RunWrite() {
while (!quit_) {
size_t k = insert_key_++;
std::string tmp(1000, k % 255);
bool status = impl_->Insert(k, tmp);
void RunRead() {
while (!quit_) {
std::string s;
size_t k = random() % max_prepop_key;
bool status = impl_->Lookup(k, &s);
assert(s == std::string(1000, k % 255));
void RunErase() {
while (!quit_) {
size_t k = erase_key_++;
bool status = impl_->Erase(k);
nerases_failed_ += !status;
// Start threads for a given function
void StartThreads(const size_t n, void (*fn)(void*)) {
Env* env = Env::Default();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
env->StartThread(fn, this);
// Prepop the hash table with 1M keys
void Prepop() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_prepop_key; ++i) {
bool status = impl_->Insert(i, std::string(1000, i % 255));
erase_key_ = insert_key_ = max_prepop_key;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10 * max_prepop_key; ++i) {
bool status = impl_->Insert(insert_key_++, std::string(1000, 'x'));
static uint64_t NowInMillSec() {
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, /*tz=*/nullptr);
return tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000;
// Wrapper functions for thread entry
static void WriteMain(void* args) {
static void ReadMain(void* args) {
static void EraseMain(void* args) {
HashTableImpl<size_t, std::string>* impl_; // Implementation to test
const size_t sec_; // Test time
const size_t max_prepop_key = 1ULL * 1024 * 1024; // Max prepop key
std::atomic<size_t> insert_key_; // Last inserted key
std::atomic<size_t> erase_key_; // Erase key
std::atomic<size_t> ninserts_; // Number of inserts
std::atomic<size_t> nreads_; // Number of reads
std::atomic<size_t> nerases_; // Number of erases
std::atomic<size_t> nerases_failed_; // Number of erases failed
bool quit_; // Should the threads quit ?
// SimpleImpl
// Lock safe unordered_map implementation
class SimpleImpl : public HashTableImpl<size_t, string> {
bool Insert(const size_t& key, const string& val) override {
WriteLock _(&rwlock_);
map_.insert(make_pair(key, val));
return true;
bool Erase(const size_t& key) override {
WriteLock _(&rwlock_);
auto it = map_.find(key);
if (it == map_.end()) {
return false;
return true;
bool Lookup(const size_t& key, string* val) override {
ReadLock _(&rwlock_);
auto it = map_.find(key);
if (it != map_.end()) {
*val = it->second;
return it != map_.end();
port::RWMutex rwlock_;
std::unordered_map<size_t, string> map_;
// GranularLockImpl
// Thread safe custom RocksDB implementation of hash table with granular
// locking
class GranularLockImpl : public HashTableImpl<size_t, string> {
bool Insert(const size_t& key, const string& val) override {
Node n(key, val);
return impl_.Insert(n);
bool Erase(const size_t& key) override {
Node n(key, string());
return impl_.Erase(n, nullptr);
bool Lookup(const size_t& key, string* val) override {
Node n(key, string());
port::RWMutex* rlock;
bool status = impl_.Find(n, &n, &rlock);
if (status) {
ReadUnlock _(rlock);
*val = n.val_;
return status;
struct Node {
explicit Node(const size_t key, const string& val) : key_(key), val_(val) {}
size_t key_ = 0;
string val_;
struct Hash {
uint64_t operator()(const Node& node) {
return std::hash<uint64_t>()(node.key_);
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const Node& lhs, const Node& rhs) {
return lhs.key_ == rhs.key_;
HashTable<Node, Hash, Equal> impl_;
} // namespace rocksdb
// main
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
google::SetUsageMessage(std::string("\nUSAGE:\n") + std::string(argv[0]) +
" [OPTIONS]...");
google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, false);
// Micro benchmark unordered_map
printf("Micro benchmarking std::unordered_map \n");
rocksdb::SimpleImpl impl;
rocksdb::HashTableBenchmark _(&impl, FLAGS_nsec, FLAGS_nthread_write,
FLAGS_nthread_read, FLAGS_nthread_erase);
// Micro benchmark scalable hash table
printf("Micro benchmarking scalable hash map \n");
rocksdb::GranularLockImpl impl;
rocksdb::HashTableBenchmark _(&impl, FLAGS_nsec, FLAGS_nthread_write,
FLAGS_nthread_read, FLAGS_nthread_erase);
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
#include "utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table.h"
#include "utilities/persistent_cache/lrulist.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// Evictable Hash Table
// Hash table index where least accessed (or one of the least accessed) elements
// can be evicted.
// Please note EvictableHashTable can only be created for pointer type objects
template <class T, class Hash, class Equal>
class EvictableHashTable : private HashTable<T*, Hash, Equal> {
typedef HashTable<T*, Hash, Equal> hash_table;
explicit EvictableHashTable(const size_t capacity = 1024 * 1024,
const float load_factor = 2.0,
const uint32_t nlocks = 256)
: HashTable<T*, Hash, Equal>(capacity, load_factor, nlocks),
lru_lists_(new LRUList<T>[hash_table::nlocks_]) {
virtual ~EvictableHashTable() { AssertEmptyLRU(); }
// Insert given record to hash table (and LRU list)
bool Insert(T* t) {
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
typename hash_table::Bucket& bucket = GetBucket(h);
LRUListType& lru = GetLRUList(h);
port::RWMutex& lock = GetMutex(h);
WriteLock _(&lock);
if (hash_table::Insert(&bucket, t)) {
return true;
return false;
// Lookup hash table
// Please note that read lock should be held by the caller. This is because
// the caller owns the data, and should hold the read lock as long as he
// operates on the data.
bool Find(T* t, T** ret) {
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
typename hash_table::Bucket& bucket = GetBucket(h);
LRUListType& lru = GetLRUList(h);
port::RWMutex& lock = GetMutex(h);
ReadLock _(&lock);
if (hash_table::Find(bucket, t, ret)) {
return true;
return false;
// Evict one of the least recently used object
T* Evict(const std::function<void(T*)>& fn = nullptr) {
const size_t start_idx = random() % hash_table::nlocks_;
T* t = nullptr;
// iterate from start_idx .. 0 .. start_idx
for (size_t i = 0; !t && i < hash_table::nlocks_; ++i) {
const size_t idx = (start_idx + i) % hash_table::nlocks_;
WriteLock _(&hash_table::locks_[idx]);
LRUListType& lru = lru_lists_[idx];
if (!lru.IsEmpty() && (t = lru.Pop())) {
// We got an item to evict, erase from the bucket
const uint64_t h = Hash()(t);
typename hash_table::Bucket& bucket = GetBucket(h);
T* tmp = nullptr;
bool status = hash_table::Erase(&bucket, t, &tmp);
assert(t == tmp);
if (fn) {
return t;
void Clear(void (*fn)(T*)) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hash_table::nbuckets_; ++i) {
const uint32_t lock_idx = i % hash_table::nlocks_;
WriteLock _(&hash_table::locks_[lock_idx]);
auto& lru_list = lru_lists_[lock_idx];
auto& bucket = hash_table::buckets_[i];
for (auto* t : bucket.list_) {
// make sure that all LRU lists are emptied
void AssertEmptyLRU() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hash_table::nlocks_; ++i) {
WriteLock _(&hash_table::locks_[i]);
auto& lru_list = lru_lists_[i];
// Fetch the mutex associated with a key
// This call is used to hold the lock for a given data for extended period of
// time.
port::RWMutex* GetMutex(T* t) { return hash_table::GetMutex(t); }
typedef LRUList<T> LRUListType;
typename hash_table::Bucket& GetBucket(const uint64_t h) {
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % hash_table::nbuckets_;
return hash_table::buckets_[bucket_idx];
LRUListType& GetLRUList(const uint64_t h) {
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % hash_table::nbuckets_;
const uint32_t lock_idx = bucket_idx % hash_table::nlocks_;
return lru_lists_[lock_idx];
port::RWMutex& GetMutex(const uint64_t h) {
const uint32_t bucket_idx = h % hash_table::nbuckets_;
const uint32_t lock_idx = bucket_idx % hash_table::nlocks_;
return hash_table::locks_[lock_idx];
std::unique_ptr<LRUListType[]> lru_lists_;
} // namespace rocksdb

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "db/db_test_util.h"
#include "util/arena.h"
#include "util/testharness.h"
#include "utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table.h"
#include "utilities/persistent_cache/hash_table_evictable.h"
namespace rocksdb {
struct HashTableTest : public testing::Test {
~HashTableTest() { map_.Clear(&HashTableTest::ClearNode); }
struct Node {
Node() {}
explicit Node(const uint64_t key, const std::string& val = std::string())
: key_(key), val_(val) {}
uint64_t key_ = 0;
std::string val_;
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const Node& lhs, const Node& rhs) {
return lhs.key_ == rhs.key_;
struct Hash {
uint64_t operator()(const Node& node) {
return std::hash<uint64_t>()(node.key_);
static void ClearNode(Node node) {}
HashTable<Node, Hash, Equal> map_;
struct EvictableHashTableTest : public testing::Test {
~EvictableHashTableTest() { map_.Clear(&EvictableHashTableTest::ClearNode); }
struct Node : LRUElement<Node> {
Node() {}
explicit Node(const uint64_t key, const std::string& val = std::string())
: key_(key), val_(val) {}
uint64_t key_ = 0;
std::string val_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> refs_{0};
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const Node* lhs, const Node* rhs) {
return lhs->key_ == rhs->key_;
struct Hash {
uint64_t operator()(const Node* node) {
return std::hash<uint64_t>()(node->key_);
static void ClearNode(Node* node) {}
EvictableHashTable<Node, Hash, Equal> map_;
TEST_F(HashTableTest, TestInsert) {
const uint64_t max_keys = 1024 * 1024;
// insert
for (uint64_t k = 0; k < max_keys; ++k) {
map_.Insert(Node(k, std::string(1000, k % 255)));
// verify
for (uint64_t k = 0; k < max_keys; ++k) {
Node val;
port::RWMutex* rlock;
assert(map_.Find(Node(k), &val, &rlock));
assert(val.val_ == std::string(1000, k % 255));
TEST_F(HashTableTest, TestErase) {
const uint64_t max_keys = 1024 * 1024;
// insert
for (uint64_t k = 0; k < max_keys; ++k) {
map_.Insert(Node(k, std::string(1000, k % 255)));
// erase a few keys randomly
std::set<uint64_t> erased;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
uint64_t k = random() % max_keys;
if (erased.find(k) != erased.end()) {
assert(map_.Erase(Node(k), /*ret=*/nullptr));
// verify
for (uint64_t k = 0; k < max_keys; ++k) {
Node val;
port::RWMutex* rlock = nullptr;
bool status = map_.Find(Node(k), &val, &rlock);
if (erased.find(k) == erased.end()) {
assert(val.val_ == std::string(1000, k % 255));
} else {
TEST_F(EvictableHashTableTest, TestEvict) {
const uint64_t max_keys = 1024 * 1024;
// insert
for (uint64_t k = 0; k < max_keys; ++k) {
map_.Insert(new Node(k, std::string(1000, k % 255)));
// verify
for (uint64_t k = 0; k < max_keys; ++k) {
Node* val = map_.Evict();
// unfortunately we can't predict eviction value since it is from any one of
// the lock stripe
assert(val->val_ == std::string(1000, val->key_ % 255));
delete val;
} // namespace rocksdb
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include "util/mutexlock.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// LRU element definition
// Any object that needs to be part of the LRU algorithm should extend this
// class
template <class T>
struct LRUElement {
explicit LRUElement() : next_(nullptr), prev_(nullptr), refs_(0) {}
virtual ~LRUElement() { assert(!refs_); }
T* next_;
T* prev_;
std::atomic<size_t> refs_;
// LRU implementation
// In place LRU implementation. There is no copy or allocation involved when
// inserting or removing an element. This makes the data structure slim
template <class T>
class LRUList {
virtual ~LRUList() {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
// Push element into the LRU at the cold end
inline void Push(T* const t) {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
assert((!head_ && !tail_) || (head_ && tail_));
assert(!head_ || !head_->prev_);
assert(!tail_ || !tail_->next_);
t->next_ = head_;
if (head_) {
head_->prev_ = t;
head_ = t;
if (!tail_) {
tail_ = t;
// Unlink the element from the LRU
inline void Unlink(T* const t) {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
// Evict an element from the LRU
inline T* Pop() {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
assert(tail_ && head_);
T* t = head_;
while (t && t->refs_) {
t = t->next_;
if (!t) {
// nothing can be evicted
return nullptr;
// unlike the element
return t;
// Move the element from the front of the list to the back of the list
inline void Touch(T* const t) {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
// Check if the LRU is empty
inline bool IsEmpty() const {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
return !head_ && !tail_;
// Unlink an element from the LRU
void UnlinkImpl(T* const t) {
assert(head_ && tail_);
assert(t->prev_ || head_ == t);
assert(t->next_ || tail_ == t);
if (t->prev_) {
t->prev_->next_ = t->next_;
if (t->next_) {
t->next_->prev_ = t->prev_;
if (tail_ == t) {
tail_ = tail_->prev_;
if (head_ == t) {
head_ = head_->next_;
t->next_ = t->prev_ = nullptr;
// Insert an element at the hot end
inline void PushBack(T* const t) {
MutexLock _(&lock_);
inline void PushBackImpl(T* const t) {
assert((!head_ && !tail_) || (head_ && tail_));
assert(!head_ || !head_->prev_);
assert(!tail_ || !tail_->next_);
t->prev_ = tail_;
if (tail_) {
tail_->next_ = t;
tail_ = t;
if (!head_) {
head_ = tail_;
mutable port::Mutex lock_; // syncronization primitive
T* head_ = nullptr; // front (cold)
T* tail_ = nullptr; // back (hot)
} // namespace rocksdb