@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
# include <array>
# include <deque>
# include <limits>
# include "rocksdb/slice.h"
# include "table/block_based/block_based_filter_block.h"
@ -24,27 +25,17 @@
size_t BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder : : ApproximateNumEntries ( size_t bytes ) {
size_t cur = 1 ;
// Find overestimate
while ( CalculateSpace ( cur ) < = bytes & & cur * 2 > cur ) {
cur * = 2 ;
// Change to underestimate less than factor of two from answer
cur / = 2 ;
// Binary search
size_t delta = cur / 2 ;
while ( delta > 0 ) {
if ( CalculateSpace ( cur + delta ) < = bytes ) {
cur + = delta ;
delta / = 2 ;
return cur ;
namespace {
// Metadata trailer size for built-in filters. (This is separate from
// block-based table block trailer.)
// Originally this was 1 byte for num_probes and 4 bytes for number of
// cache lines in the Bloom filter, but now the first trailer byte is
// usually an implementation marker and remaining 4 bytes have various
// meanings.
static constexpr uint32_t kMetadataLen = 5 ;
Slice FinishAlwaysFalse ( std : : unique_ptr < const char [ ] > * /*buf*/ ) {
// Missing metadata, treated as zero entries
return Slice ( nullptr , 0 ) ;
@ -54,6 +45,10 @@ Slice FinishAlwaysFalse(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* /*buf*/) {
// also known as Hash64 or GetSliceHash64.
class XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
public :
explicit XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder (
std : : atomic < int64_t > * aggregate_rounding_balance )
: aggregate_rounding_balance_ ( aggregate_rounding_balance ) { }
~ XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder ( ) override { }
virtual void AddKey ( const Slice & key ) override {
@ -73,9 +68,113 @@ class XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
std : : swap ( hash_entries_ , other - > hash_entries_ ) ;
virtual size_t RoundDownUsableSpace ( size_t available_size ) = 0 ;
// To choose size using malloc_usable_size, we have to actually allocate.
size_t AllocateMaybeRounding ( size_t target_len_with_metadata ,
size_t num_entries ,
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > * buf ) {
// Return value set to a default; overwritten in some cases
size_t rv = target_len_with_metadata ;
if ( aggregate_rounding_balance_ ! = nullptr ) {
// Do optimize_filters_for_memory, using malloc_usable_size.
// Approach: try to keep FP rate balance better than or on
// target (negative aggregate_rounding_balance_). We can then select a
// lower bound filter size (within reasonable limits) that gets us as
// close to on target as possible. We request allocation for that filter
// size and use malloc_usable_size to "round up" to the actual
// allocation size.
// Although it can be considered bad practice to use malloc_usable_size
// to access an object beyond its original size, this approach should be
// quite general: working for all allocators that properly support
// malloc_usable_size.
// Race condition on balance is OK because it can only cause temporary
// skew in rounding up vs. rounding down, as long as updates are atomic
// and relative.
int64_t balance = aggregate_rounding_balance_ - > load ( ) ;
double target_fp_rate =
EstimatedFpRate ( num_entries , target_len_with_metadata ) ;
double rv_fp_rate = target_fp_rate ;
if ( balance < 0 ) {
// See formula for BloomFilterPolicy::aggregate_rounding_balance_
double for_balance_fp_rate =
- balance / double { 0x100000000 } + target_fp_rate ;
// To simplify, we just try a few modified smaller sizes. This also
// caps how much we vary filter size vs. target, to avoid outlier
// behavior from excessive variance.
size_t target_len = target_len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen ;
assert ( target_len < target_len_with_metadata ) ; // check underflow
for ( uint64_t maybe_len_rough :
{ uint64_t { 3 } * target_len / 4 , uint64_t { 13 } * target_len / 16 ,
uint64_t { 7 } * target_len / 8 , uint64_t { 15 } * target_len / 16 } ) {
size_t maybe_len_with_metadata =
RoundDownUsableSpace ( maybe_len_rough + kMetadataLen ) ;
double maybe_fp_rate =
EstimatedFpRate ( num_entries , maybe_len_with_metadata ) ;
if ( maybe_fp_rate < = for_balance_fp_rate ) {
rv = maybe_len_with_metadata ;
rv_fp_rate = maybe_fp_rate ;
break ;
// Filter blocks are loaded into block cache with their block trailer.
// We need to make sure that's accounted for in choosing a
// fragmentation-friendly size.
const size_t kExtraPadding = kBlockTrailerSize ;
size_t requested = rv + kExtraPadding ;
// Allocate and get usable size
buf - > reset ( new char [ requested ] ) ;
size_t usable = malloc_usable_size ( buf - > get ( ) ) ;
if ( usable - usable / 4 > requested ) {
// Ratio greater than 4/3 is too much for utilizing, if it's
// not a buggy or mislinked malloc_usable_size implementation.
// Non-linearity of FP rates with bits/key means rapidly
// diminishing returns in overall accuracy for additional
// storage on disk.
// Nothing to do, except assert that the result is accurate about
// the usable size. (Assignment never used.)
assert ( ( ( * buf ) [ usable - 1 ] = ' x ' ) ) ;
} else if ( usable > requested ) {
rv = RoundDownUsableSpace ( usable - kExtraPadding ) ;
assert ( rv < = usable - kExtraPadding ) ;
rv_fp_rate = EstimatedFpRate ( num_entries , rv ) ;
} else {
// Too small means bad malloc_usable_size
assert ( usable = = requested ) ;
memset ( buf - > get ( ) , 0 , rv ) ;
// Update balance
int64_t diff = static_cast < int64_t > ( ( rv_fp_rate - target_fp_rate ) *
double { 0x100000000 } ) ;
* aggregate_rounding_balance_ + = diff ;
} else {
buf - > reset ( new char [ rv ] ( ) ) ;
# else
( void ) num_entries ;
buf - > reset ( new char [ rv ] ( ) ) ;
return rv ;
// A deque avoids unnecessary copying of already-saved values
// and has near-minimal peak memory use.
std : : deque < uint64_t > hash_entries_ ;
// See BloomFilterPolicy::aggregate_rounding_balance_. If nullptr,
// always "round up" like historic behavior.
std : : atomic < int64_t > * aggregate_rounding_balance_ ;
} ;
// #################### FastLocalBloom implementation ################## //
@ -88,8 +187,8 @@ class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
explicit FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder (
const int millibits_per_key ,
std : : atomic < int64_t > * aggregate_rounding_balance )
: millibits_per_key_ ( millibits_per_key ) ,
aggregate_rounding_balance_ ( aggregate_rounding_balance ) {
: XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder ( aggregate_rounding_balance ) ,
millibits_per_key_ ( millibits_per_key ) {
assert ( millibits_per_key > = 1000 ) ;
@ -101,12 +200,14 @@ class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
virtual Slice Finish ( std : : unique_ptr < const char [ ] > * buf ) override {
size_t num_entries = hash_entries_ . size ( ) ;
size_t len_with_metadata = CalculateSpace ( num_entries ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > mutable_buf ;
size_t len_with_metadata = CalculateAndAllocate ( num_entries , & mutable_buf ,
/*update_balance*/ true ) ;
len_with_metadata =
AllocateMaybeRounding ( len_with_metadata , num_entries , & mutable_buf ) ;
assert ( mutable_buf ) ;
assert ( len_with_metadata > = 5 ) ;
assert ( len_with_metadata > = kMetadataLen ) ;
// Max size supported by implementation
assert ( len_with_metadata < = 0xffffffffU ) ;
@ -114,7 +215,7 @@ class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
// Compute num_probes after any rounding / adjustments
int num_probes = GetNumProbes ( num_entries , len_with_metadata ) ;
uint32_t len = static_cast < uint32_t > ( len_with_metadata - 5 ) ;
uint32_t len = static_cast < uint32_t > ( len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen ) ;
if ( len > 0 ) {
AddAllEntries ( mutable_buf . get ( ) , len , num_probes ) ;
@ -136,22 +237,13 @@ class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
size_t ApproximateNumEntries ( size_t bytes ) override {
size_t bytes_no_meta = bytes > = 5u ? bytes - 5u : 0 ;
size_t bytes_no_meta =
bytes > = kMetadataLen ? RoundDownUsableSpace ( bytes ) - kMetadataLen : 0 ;
return static_cast < size_t > ( uint64_t { 8000 } * bytes_no_meta /
millibits_per_key_ ) ;
size_t CalculateSpace ( size_t num_entries ) override {
return CalculateAndAllocate ( num_entries ,
/* buf */ nullptr ,
/*update_balance*/ false ) ;
// To choose size using malloc_usable_size, we have to actually allocate.
size_t CalculateAndAllocate ( size_t num_entries , std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > * buf ,
bool update_balance ) {
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > tmpbuf ;
// If not for cache line blocks in the filter, what would the target
// length in bytes be?
size_t raw_target_len = static_cast < size_t > (
@ -165,119 +257,34 @@ class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
// Round up to nearest multiple of 64 (block size). This adjustment is
// used for target FP rate only so that we don't receive complaints about
// lower FP rate vs. historic Bloom filter behavior.
size_t target_len = ( raw_target_len + 63 ) & ~ size_t { 63 } ;
// Return value set to a default; overwritten in some cases
size_t rv = target_len + /* metadata */ 5 ;
if ( aggregate_rounding_balance_ ! = nullptr ) {
// Do optimize_filters_for_memory, using malloc_usable_size.
// Approach: try to keep FP rate balance better than or on
// target (negative aggregate_rounding_balance_). We can then select a
// lower bound filter size (within reasonable limits) that gets us as
// close to on target as possible. We request allocation for that filter
// size and use malloc_usable_size to "round up" to the actual
// allocation size.
// Although it can be considered bad practice to use malloc_usable_size
// to access an object beyond its original size, this approach should
// quite general: working for all allocators that properly support
// malloc_usable_size.
// Race condition on balance is OK because it can only cause temporary
// skew in rounding up vs. rounding down, as long as updates are atomic
// and relative.
int64_t balance = aggregate_rounding_balance_ - > load ( ) ;
double target_fp_rate = EstimatedFpRate ( num_entries , target_len + 5 ) ;
double rv_fp_rate = target_fp_rate ;
if ( balance < 0 ) {
// See formula for BloomFilterPolicy::aggregate_rounding_balance_
double for_balance_fp_rate =
- balance / double { 0x100000000 } + target_fp_rate ;
// To simplify, we just try a few modified smaller sizes. This also
// caps how much we vary filter size vs. target, to avoid outlier
// behavior from excessive variance.
for ( uint64_t maybe_len64 :
{ uint64_t { 3 } * target_len / 4 , uint64_t { 13 } * target_len / 16 ,
uint64_t { 7 } * target_len / 8 , uint64_t { 15 } * target_len / 16 } ) {
size_t maybe_len = maybe_len64 & ~ size_t { 63 } ;
double maybe_fp_rate = EstimatedFpRate ( num_entries , maybe_len + 5 ) ;
if ( maybe_fp_rate < = for_balance_fp_rate ) {
rv = maybe_len + /* metadata */ 5 ;
rv_fp_rate = maybe_fp_rate ;
break ;
return ( ( raw_target_len + 63 ) & ~ size_t { 63 } ) + kMetadataLen ;
// Filter blocks are loaded into block cache with their block trailer.
// We need to make sure that's accounted for in choosing a
// fragmentation-friendly size.
const size_t kExtraPadding = kBlockTrailerSize ;
size_t requested = rv + kExtraPadding ;
double EstimatedFpRate ( size_t keys , size_t len_with_metadata ) override {
int num_probes = GetNumProbes ( keys , len_with_metadata ) ;
return FastLocalBloomImpl : : EstimatedFpRate (
keys , len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen , num_probes , /*hash bits*/ 64 ) ;
// Allocate and get usable size
tmpbuf . reset ( new char [ requested ] ) ;
size_t usable = malloc_usable_size ( tmpbuf . get ( ) ) ;
protected :
size_t RoundDownUsableSpace ( size_t available_size ) override {
size_t rv = available_size - kMetadataLen ;
if ( usable - usable / 4 > requested ) {
// Ratio greater than 4/3 is too much for utilizing, if it's
// not a buggy or mislinked malloc_usable_size implementation.
// Non-linearity of FP rates with bits/key means rapidly
// diminishing returns in overall accuracy for additional
// storage on disk.
// Nothing to do, except assert that the result is accurate about
// the usable size. (Assignment never used.)
assert ( ( tmpbuf [ usable - 1 ] = ' x ' ) ) ;
} else if ( usable > requested ) {
// Adjust for reasonably larger usable size
size_t usable_len = ( usable - kExtraPadding - /* metadata */ 5 ) ;
if ( usable_len > = size_t { 0xffffffc0 } ) {
if ( rv > = size_t { 0xffffffc0 } ) {
// Max supported for this data structure implementation
usable_len = size_t { 0xffffffc0 } ;
rv = size_t { 0xffffffc0 } ;
rv = ( usable_len & ~ size_t { 63 } ) +
/* metadata */ 5 ;
rv_fp_rate = EstimatedFpRate ( num_entries , rv ) ;
} else {
// Too small means bad malloc_usable_size
assert ( usable = = requested ) ;
memset ( tmpbuf . get ( ) , 0 , rv ) ;
// round down to multiple of 64 (block size)
rv & = ~ size_t { 63 } ;
if ( update_balance ) {
int64_t diff = static_cast < int64_t > ( ( rv_fp_rate - target_fp_rate ) *
double { 0x100000000 } ) ;
* aggregate_rounding_balance_ + = diff ;
# else
( void ) update_balance ;
if ( buf ) {
if ( tmpbuf ) {
* buf = std : : move ( tmpbuf ) ;
} else {
buf - > reset ( new char [ rv ] ( ) ) ;
return rv ;
double EstimatedFpRate ( size_t keys , size_t len_with_metadata ) override {
int num_probes = GetNumProbes ( keys , len_with_metadata ) ;
return FastLocalBloomImpl : : EstimatedFpRate (
keys , len_with_metadata - /*metadata*/ 5 , num_probes , /*hash bits*/ 64 ) ;
return rv + kMetadataLen ;
private :
// Compute num_probes after any rounding / adjustments
int GetNumProbes ( size_t keys , size_t len_with_metadata ) {
uint64_t millibits = uint64_t { len_with_metadata - 5 } * 8000 ;
uint64_t millibits = uint64_t { len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen } * 8000 ;
int actual_millibits_per_key =
static_cast < int > ( millibits / std : : max ( keys , size_t { 1 } ) ) ;
// BEGIN XXX/TODO(peterd): preserving old/default behavior for now to
@ -339,9 +346,6 @@ class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
// Target allocation per added key, in thousandths of a bit.
int millibits_per_key_ ;
// See BloomFilterPolicy::aggregate_rounding_balance_. If nullptr,
// always "round up" like historic behavior.
std : : atomic < int64_t > * aggregate_rounding_balance_ ;
} ;
// See description in FastLocalBloomImpl
@ -411,12 +415,13 @@ using Standard128RibbonTypesAndSettings =
class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
public :
explicit Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder ( double desired_one_in_fp_rate ,
int bloom_millibits_per_key ,
Logger * info_log )
: desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ( desired_one_in_fp_rate ) ,
explicit Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder (
double desired_one_in_fp_rate , int bloom_millibits_per_key ,
std : : atomic < int64_t > * aggregate_rounding_balance , Logger * info_log )
: XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder ( aggregate_rounding_balance ) ,
desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ( desired_one_in_fp_rate ) ,
info_log_ ( info_log ) ,
bloom_fallback_ ( bloom_millibits_per_key , nullptr ) {
bloom_fallback_ ( bloom_millibits_per_key , aggregate_rounding_balance ) {
assert ( desired_one_in_fp_rate > = 1.0 ) ;
@ -440,25 +445,23 @@ class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
return FinishAlwaysFalse ( buf ) ;
uint32_t num_entries = static_cast < uint32_t > ( hash_entries_ . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t num_slots = BandingType : : GetNumSlotsFor95PctSuccess ( num_entries ) ;
num_slots = SolnType : : RoundUpNumSlots ( num_slots ) ;
uint32_t num_slots ;
size_t len_with_metadata ;
uint32_t entropy = 0 ;
if ( num_entries > 0 ) {
entropy = Lower32of64 ( hash_entries_ . front ( ) ) ;
size_t len = SolnType : : GetBytesForOneInFpRate (
num_slots , desired_one_in_fp_rate_ , /*rounding*/ entropy ) ;
size_t len_with_metadata = len + 5 ;
CalculateSpaceAndSlots ( num_entries , & len_with_metadata , & num_slots ) ;
// Use Bloom filter when it's better for small filters
if ( num_slots < 1024 & & bloom_fallback_ . CalculateSpace ( static_cast < int > (
num_entries ) ) < len_with_metadata ) {
// Bloom fall-back indicator
if ( num_slots = = 0 ) {
SwapEntriesWith ( & bloom_fallback_ ) ;
assert ( hash_entries_ . empty ( ) ) ;
return bloom_fallback_ . Finish ( buf ) ;
uint32_t entropy = 0 ;
if ( ! hash_entries_ . empty ( ) ) {
entropy = Lower32of64 ( hash_entries_ . front ( ) ) ;
BandingType banding ;
bool success = banding . ResetAndFindSeedToSolve (
num_slots , hash_entries_ . begin ( ) , hash_entries_ . end ( ) ,
@ -477,7 +480,9 @@ class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
uint32_t seed = banding . GetOrdinalSeed ( ) ;
assert ( seed < 256 ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > mutable_buf ( new char [ len_with_metadata ] ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < char [ ] > mutable_buf ;
len_with_metadata =
AllocateMaybeRounding ( len_with_metadata , num_entries , & mutable_buf ) ;
SolnType soln ( mutable_buf . get ( ) , len_with_metadata ) ;
soln . BackSubstFrom ( banding ) ;
@ -492,37 +497,152 @@ class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
// See BloomFilterPolicy::GetBloomBitsReader re: metadata
// -2 = Marker for Standard128 Ribbon
mutable_buf [ len ] = static_cast < char > ( - 2 ) ;
mutable_buf [ len_with_metadata - 5 ] = static_cast < char > ( - 2 ) ;
// Hash seed
mutable_buf [ len + 1 ] = static_cast < char > ( seed ) ;
mutable_buf [ len_with_metadata - 4 ] = static_cast < char > ( seed ) ;
// Number of blocks, in 24 bits
// (Along with bytes, we can derive other settings)
mutable_buf [ len + 2 ] = static_cast < char > ( num_blocks & 255 ) ;
mutable_buf [ len + 3 ] = static_cast < char > ( ( num_blocks > > 8 ) & 255 ) ;
mutable_buf [ len + 4 ] = static_cast < char > ( ( num_blocks > > 16 ) & 255 ) ;
mutable_buf [ len_with_metadata - 3 ] = static_cast < char > ( num_blocks & 255 ) ;
mutable_buf [ len_with_metadata - 2 ] =
static_cast < char > ( ( num_blocks > > 8 ) & 255 ) ;
mutable_buf [ len_with_metadata - 1 ] =
static_cast < char > ( ( num_blocks > > 16 ) & 255 ) ;
Slice rv ( mutable_buf . get ( ) , len_with_metadata ) ;
* buf = std : : move ( mutable_buf ) ;
return rv ;
size_t CalculateSpace ( size_t num_entries ) override {
// Setting num_slots to 0 means "fall back on Bloom filter."
// And note this implementation does not support num_entries or num_slots
// beyond uint32_t; see kMaxRibbonEntries.
void CalculateSpaceAndSlots ( size_t num_entries ,
size_t * target_len_with_metadata ,
uint32_t * num_slots ) {
if ( num_entries > kMaxRibbonEntries ) {
// More entries than supported by this Ribbon
return bloom_fallback_ . CalculateSpace ( num_entries ) ;
* num_slots = 0 ; // use Bloom
* target_len_with_metadata = bloom_fallback_ . CalculateSpace ( num_entries ) ;
return ;
uint32_t num_slots =
NumEntriesToNumSlots ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( num_entries ) ) ;
size_t ribbon =
SolnType : : GetBytesForOneInFpRate ( num_slots , desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ,
/*rounding*/ 0 ) +
/*metadata*/ 5 ;
uint32_t entropy = 0 ;
if ( ! hash_entries_ . empty ( ) ) {
entropy = Upper32of64 ( hash_entries_ . front ( ) ) ;
* num_slots = NumEntriesToNumSlots ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( num_entries ) ) ;
* target_len_with_metadata =
SolnType : : GetBytesForOneInFpRate ( * num_slots , desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ,
/*rounding*/ entropy ) +
kMetadataLen ;
// Consider possible Bloom fallback for small filters
if ( num_slots < 1024 ) {
if ( * num_slots < 1024 ) {
size_t bloom = bloom_fallback_ . CalculateSpace ( num_entries ) ;
return std : : min ( bloom , ribbon ) ;
if ( bloom < * target_len_with_metadata ) {
* num_slots = 0 ; // use Bloom
* target_len_with_metadata = bloom ;
return ;
size_t CalculateSpace ( size_t num_entries ) override {
if ( num_entries = = 0 ) {
// See FinishAlwaysFalse
return 0 ;
size_t target_len_with_metadata ;
uint32_t num_slots ;
CalculateSpaceAndSlots ( num_entries , & target_len_with_metadata , & num_slots ) ;
( void ) num_slots ;
return target_len_with_metadata ;
// This is a somewhat ugly but reasonably fast and reasonably accurate
// reversal of CalculateSpace.
size_t ApproximateNumEntries ( size_t bytes ) override {
size_t len_no_metadata =
RoundDownUsableSpace ( std : : max ( bytes , size_t { kMetadataLen } ) ) -
kMetadataLen ;
if ( ! ( desired_one_in_fp_rate_ > 1.0 ) ) {
// Effectively asking for 100% FP rate, or NaN etc.
// Note that NaN is neither < 1.0 nor > 1.0
return kMaxRibbonEntries ;
// Find a slight under-estimate for actual average bits per slot
double min_real_bits_per_slot ;
if ( desired_one_in_fp_rate_ > = 1.0 + std : : numeric_limits < uint32_t > : : max ( ) ) {
// Max of 32 solution columns (result bits)
min_real_bits_per_slot = 32.0 ;
} else {
// Account for mix of b and b+1 solution columns being slightly
// suboptimal vs. ideal log2(1/fp_rate) bits.
uint32_t rounded = static_cast < uint32_t > ( desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ) ;
int upper_bits_per_key = 1 + FloorLog2 ( rounded ) ;
double fp_rate_for_upper = std : : pow ( 2.0 , - upper_bits_per_key ) ;
double portion_lower =
( 1.0 / desired_one_in_fp_rate_ - fp_rate_for_upper ) /
fp_rate_for_upper ;
min_real_bits_per_slot = upper_bits_per_key - portion_lower ;
assert ( min_real_bits_per_slot > 0.0 ) ;
assert ( min_real_bits_per_slot < = 32.0 ) ;
// An overestimate, but this should only be O(1) slots away from truth.
double max_slots = len_no_metadata * 8.0 / min_real_bits_per_slot ;
// Let's not bother accounting for overflow to Bloom filter
// (Includes NaN case)
if ( ! ( max_slots <
BandingType : : GetNumSlotsFor95PctSuccess ( kMaxRibbonEntries ) ) ) {
return kMaxRibbonEntries ;
// Set up for short iteration
uint32_t slots = static_cast < uint32_t > ( max_slots ) ;
slots = SolnType : : RoundUpNumSlots ( slots ) ;
// Assert that we have a valid upper bound on slots
assert ( SolnType : : GetBytesForOneInFpRate (
SolnType : : RoundUpNumSlots ( slots + 1 ) , desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ,
/*rounding*/ 0 ) > len_no_metadata ) ;
// Iterate up to a few times to rather precisely account for small effects
for ( int i = 0 ; slots > 0 ; + + i ) {
size_t reqd_bytes =
SolnType : : GetBytesForOneInFpRate ( slots , desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ,
/*rounding*/ 0 ) ;
if ( reqd_bytes < = len_no_metadata ) {
break ; // done
if ( i > = 2 ) {
// should have been enough iterations
assert ( false ) ;
break ;
slots = SolnType : : RoundDownNumSlots ( slots - 1 ) ;
// Using slots instead of entries to get overhead factor estimate
double f = BandingType : : GetFactorFor95PctSuccess ( slots ) ;
uint32_t num_entries = static_cast < uint32_t > ( slots / f ) ;
// Improve precision with another round
f = BandingType : : GetFactorFor95PctSuccess ( num_entries ) ;
num_entries = static_cast < uint32_t > ( slots / f + 0.999999999 ) ;
// Consider possible Bloom fallback for small filters
if ( slots < 1024 ) {
size_t bloom = bloom_fallback_ . ApproximateNumEntries ( bytes ) ;
if ( bloom > num_entries ) {
return bloom ;
} else {
return ribbon ;
return num_entries ;
} else {
return std : : min ( num_entries , kMaxRibbonEntries ) ;
@ -539,6 +659,16 @@ class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
return fake_soln . ExpectedFpRate ( ) ;
protected :
size_t RoundDownUsableSpace ( size_t available_size ) override {
size_t rv = available_size - kMetadataLen ;
// round down to multiple of 16 (segment size)
rv & = ~ size_t { 15 } ;
return rv + kMetadataLen ;
private :
using TS = Standard128RibbonTypesAndSettings ;
using SolnType = ribbon : : SerializableInterleavedSolution < TS > ;
@ -556,7 +686,7 @@ class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
// within an order of magnitude of implementation limit on num_slots
// fitting in 32 bits, and even closer for num_blocks fitting in 24 bits
// (for filter metadata).
static constexpr size _t kMaxRibbonEntries = 950000000 ; // ~ 1 billion
static constexpr uint32 _t kMaxRibbonEntries = 950000000 ; // ~ 1 billion
// A desired value for 1/fp_rate. For example, 100 -> 1% fp rate.
double desired_one_in_fp_rate_ ;
@ -569,6 +699,9 @@ class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXH3pFilterBitsBuilder {
FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder bloom_fallback_ ;
} ;
// for the linker, at least with DEBUG_LEVEL=2
constexpr uint32_t Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : : kMaxRibbonEntries ;
class Standard128RibbonBitsReader : public FilterBitsReader {
public :
Standard128RibbonBitsReader ( const char * data , size_t len_bytes ,
@ -631,10 +764,12 @@ class LegacyBloomBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
double EstimatedFpRate ( size_t keys , size_t bytes ) override {
return LegacyBloomImpl : : EstimatedFpRate ( keys , bytes - /*metadata*/ 5 ,
return LegacyBloomImpl : : EstimatedFpRate ( keys , bytes - kMetadataLen ,
num_probes_ ) ;
size_t ApproximateNumEntries ( size_t bytes ) override ;
private :
int bits_per_key_ ;
int num_probes_ ;
@ -717,7 +852,29 @@ Slice LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) {
buf - > reset ( const_data ) ;
hash_entries_ . clear ( ) ;
return Slice ( data , total_bits / 8 + 5 ) ;
return Slice ( data , total_bits / 8 + kMetadataLen ) ;
size_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder : : ApproximateNumEntries ( size_t bytes ) {
assert ( bits_per_key_ ) ;
assert ( bytes > 0 ) ;
uint64_t total_bits_tmp = bytes * 8 ;
// total bits, including temporary computations, cannot exceed 2^32
// for compatibility
total_bits_tmp = std : : min ( total_bits_tmp , uint64_t { 0xffff0000 } ) ;
uint32_t high = static_cast < uint32_t > ( total_bits_tmp ) /
static_cast < uint32_t > ( bits_per_key_ ) +
1 ;
uint32_t low = 1 ;
uint32_t n = high ;
for ( ; n > = low ; n - - ) {
if ( CalculateSpace ( n ) < = bytes ) {
break ;
return n ;
uint32_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder : : GetTotalBitsForLocality ( uint32_t total_bits ) {
@ -754,7 +911,7 @@ uint32_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::CalculateSpace(size_t num_entries,
// Reserve space for Filter
uint32_t sz = * total_bits / 8 ;
sz + = 5 ; // 4 bytes for num_lines, 1 byte for num_probes
sz + = kMetadataLen ; // 4 bytes for num_lines, 1 byte for num_probes
return sz ;
@ -1000,7 +1157,8 @@ FilterBitsBuilder* BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
context . info_log ) ;
case kStandard128Ribbon :
return new Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder (
desired_one_in_fp_rate_ , millibits_per_key_ , context . info_log ) ;
desired_one_in_fp_rate_ , millibits_per_key_ ,
offm ? & aggregate_rounding_balance_ : nullptr , context . info_log ) ;
assert ( false ) ;
@ -1021,7 +1179,7 @@ FilterBitsBuilder* BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderFromContext(
FilterBitsReader * BloomFilterPolicy : : GetFilterBitsReader (
const Slice & contents ) const {
uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast < uint32_t > ( contents . size ( ) ) ;
if ( len_with_meta < = 5 ) {
if ( len_with_meta < = kMetadataLen ) {
// filter is empty or broken. Treat like zero keys added.
return new AlwaysFalseFilter ( ) ;
@ -1039,7 +1197,7 @@ FilterBitsReader* BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader(
// len_with_meta +-----------------------------------+
int8_t raw_num_probes =
static_cast < int8_t > ( contents . data ( ) [ len_with_meta - 5 ] ) ;
static_cast < int8_t > ( contents . data ( ) [ len_with_meta - kMetadataLen ] ) ;
// NB: *num_probes > 30 and < 128 probably have not been used, because of
// BloomFilterPolicy::initialize, unless directly calling
// LegacyBloomBitsBuilder as an API, but we are leaving those cases in
@ -1069,7 +1227,7 @@ FilterBitsReader* BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader(
assert ( num_probes > = 1 ) ;
assert ( num_probes < = 127 ) ;
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - 5 ;
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - kMetadataLen ;
assert ( len > 0 ) ;
uint32_t num_lines = DecodeFixed32 ( contents . data ( ) + len_with_meta - 4 ) ;
@ -1102,7 +1260,7 @@ FilterBitsReader* BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader(
FilterBitsReader * BloomFilterPolicy : : GetRibbonBitsReader (
const Slice & contents ) const {
uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast < uint32_t > ( contents . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - 5 ;
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - kMetadataLen ;
assert ( len > 0 ) ; // precondition
@ -1126,7 +1284,7 @@ FilterBitsReader* BloomFilterPolicy::GetRibbonBitsReader(
FilterBitsReader * BloomFilterPolicy : : GetBloomBitsReader (
const Slice & contents ) const {
uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast < uint32_t > ( contents . size ( ) ) ;
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - 5 ;
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - kMetadataLen ;
assert ( len > 0 ) ; // precondition