@ -335,6 +335,14 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
inline bool IsSstFile ( const std : : string & fname ) const {
return fname . length ( ) > 4 & & fname . rfind ( " .sst " ) = = fname . length ( ) - 4 ;
inline std : : string ChecksumInt32ToStr ( const uint32_t & checksum_int ) {
std : : string checksum_str ;
PutFixed32 ( & checksum_str , EndianSwapValue ( checksum_int ) ) ;
return checksum_str ;
inline uint32_t ChecksumStrToInt32 ( const std : : string & checksum_str ) {
return EndianSwapValue ( DecodeFixed32 ( checksum_str . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
// If size_limit == 0, there is no size limit, copy everything.
@ -382,6 +390,9 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
uint64_t size_limit ;
std : : promise < CopyOrCreateResult > result ;
std : : function < void ( ) > progress_callback ;
bool verify_checksum_after_work ;
std : : string src_checksum_func_name ;
std : : string src_checksum_str ;
CopyOrCreateWorkItem ( )
: src_path ( " " ) ,
@ -392,7 +403,10 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
src_env_options ( ) ,
sync ( false ) ,
rate_limiter ( nullptr ) ,
size_limit ( 0 ) { }
size_limit ( 0 ) ,
verify_checksum_after_work ( false ) ,
src_checksum_func_name ( kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ) ,
src_checksum_str ( kUnknownFileChecksum ) { }
CopyOrCreateWorkItem ( const CopyOrCreateWorkItem & ) = delete ;
CopyOrCreateWorkItem & operator = ( const CopyOrCreateWorkItem & ) = delete ;
@ -413,14 +427,21 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
size_limit = o . size_limit ;
result = std : : move ( o . result ) ;
progress_callback = std : : move ( o . progress_callback ) ;
verify_checksum_after_work = o . verify_checksum_after_work ;
src_checksum_func_name = o . src_checksum_func_name ;
src_checksum_str = o . src_checksum_str ;
return * this ;
CopyOrCreateWorkItem ( std : : string _src_path , std : : string _dst_path ,
std : : string _contents , Env * _src_env , Env * _dst_env ,
EnvOptions _src_env_options , bool _sync ,
CopyOrCreateWorkItem (
std : : string _src_path , std : : string _dst_path , std : : string _contents ,
Env * _src_env , Env * _dst_env , EnvOptions _src_env_options , bool _sync ,
RateLimiter * _rate_limiter , uint64_t _size_limit ,
std : : function < void ( ) > _progress_callback = [ ] ( ) { } )
std : : function < void ( ) > _progress_callback = [ ] ( ) { } ,
const bool & _verify_checksum_after_work = false ,
const std : : string & _src_checksum_func_name =
kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ,
const std : : string & _src_checksum_str = kUnknownFileChecksum )
: src_path ( std : : move ( _src_path ) ) ,
dst_path ( std : : move ( _dst_path ) ) ,
contents ( std : : move ( _contents ) ) ,
@ -430,7 +451,10 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
sync ( _sync ) ,
rate_limiter ( _rate_limiter ) ,
size_limit ( _size_limit ) ,
progress_callback ( _progress_callback ) { }
progress_callback ( _progress_callback ) ,
verify_checksum_after_work ( _verify_checksum_after_work ) ,
src_checksum_func_name ( _src_checksum_func_name ) ,
src_checksum_str ( _src_checksum_str ) { }
} ;
struct BackupAfterCopyOrCreateWorkItem {
@ -529,7 +553,9 @@ class BackupEngineImpl : public BackupEngine {
uint64_t size_bytes , uint64_t size_limit = 0 ,
bool shared_checksum = false ,
std : : function < void ( ) > progress_callback = [ ] ( ) { } ,
const std : : string & contents = std : : string ( ) ) ;
const std : : string & contents = std : : string ( ) ,
const std : : string & src_checksum_func_name = kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName ,
const std : : string & src_checksum_str = kUnknownFileChecksum ) ;
// backup state data
BackupID latest_backup_id_ ;
@ -812,6 +838,37 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::Initialize() {
work_item . sync , work_item . rate_limiter , & result . size ,
& result . checksum_value , work_item . size_limit ,
work_item . progress_callback , & result . db_id , & result . db_session_id ) ;
if ( result . status . ok ( ) & & work_item . verify_checksum_after_work ) {
// unknown checksum function name implies no db table file checksum in
// db manifest; work_item.verify_checksum_after_work being true means
// backup engine has calculated its crc32c checksum for the table
// file; therefore, we are able to compare the checksums.
if ( work_item . src_checksum_func_name = =
kUnknownFileChecksumFuncName | |
work_item . src_checksum_func_name = = kDbFileChecksumFuncName ) {
uint32_t src_checksum_int =
ChecksumStrToInt32 ( work_item . src_checksum_str ) ;
if ( src_checksum_int ! = result . checksum_value ) {
std : : string checksum_info ( " Expected checksum is " +
ToString ( src_checksum_int ) +
" while computed checksum is " +
ToString ( result . checksum_value ) ) ;
result . status =
Status : : Corruption ( " Checksum mismatch after copying to " +
work_item . dst_path + " : " + checksum_info ) ;
} else {
std : : string checksum_function_info (
" Existing checksum function is " +
work_item . src_checksum_func_name +
" while provided checksum function is " +
kBackupFileChecksumFuncName ) ;
options_ . info_log ,
" Unable to verify checksum after copying to %s: %s \n " ,
work_item . dst_path . c_str ( ) , checksum_function_info . c_str ( ) ) ;
work_item . result . set_value ( std : : move ( result ) ) ;
} ) ;
@ -893,6 +950,15 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
CheckpointImpl checkpoint ( db ) ;
uint64_t sequence_number = 0 ;
DBOptions db_options = db - > GetDBOptions ( ) ;
FileChecksumGenFactory * db_checksum_factory =
db_options . file_checksum_gen_factory . get ( ) ;
const std : : string kFileChecksumGenFactoryName =
" FileChecksumGenCrc32cFactory " ;
bool compare_checksum =
db_checksum_factory ! = nullptr & &
db_checksum_factory - > Name ( ) = = kFileChecksumGenFactoryName
? true
: false ;
EnvOptions src_raw_env_options ( db_options ) ;
s = checkpoint . CreateCustomCheckpoint (
db_options ,
@ -903,7 +969,9 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
return Status : : NotSupported ( ) ;
} /* link_file_cb */ ,
[ & ] ( const std : : string & src_dirname , const std : : string & fname ,
uint64_t size_limit_bytes , FileType type ) {
uint64_t size_limit_bytes , FileType type ,
const std : : string & checksum_func_name ,
const std : : string & checksum_val ) {
if ( type = = kLogFile & & ! options_ . backup_log_files ) {
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
@ -941,7 +1009,8 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
fname , src_env_options , rate_limiter , size_bytes ,
size_limit_bytes ,
options_ . share_files_with_checksum & & type = = kTableFile ,
options . progress_callback ) ;
options . progress_callback , " " /* contents */ ,
checksum_func_name , checksum_val ) ;
return st ;
} /* copy_file_cb */ ,
@ -954,7 +1023,8 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CreateNewBackupWithMetadata(
0 /* size_limit */ , false /* shared_checksum */ ,
options . progress_callback , contents ) ;
} /* create_file_cb */ ,
& sequence_number , options . flush_before_backup ? 0 : port : : kMaxUint64 ) ;
& sequence_number , options . flush_before_backup ? 0 : port : : kMaxUint64 ,
compare_checksum ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
new_backup - > SetSequenceNumber ( sequence_number ) ;
@ -1431,6 +1501,9 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::CopyOrCreateFile(
data = contents ;
size_limit - = data . size ( ) ;
" BackupEngineImpl::CopyOrCreateFile:CorruptionDuringBackup " ,
IsSstFile ( src ) ? & data : nullptr ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
@ -1488,7 +1561,8 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
const std : : string & fname , const EnvOptions & src_env_options ,
RateLimiter * rate_limiter , uint64_t size_bytes , uint64_t size_limit ,
bool shared_checksum , std : : function < void ( ) > progress_callback ,
const std : : string & contents ) {
const std : : string & contents , const std : : string & src_checksum_func_name ,
const std : : string & src_checksum_str ) {
assert ( ! fname . empty ( ) & & fname [ 0 ] = = ' / ' ) ;
assert ( contents . empty ( ) ! = src_dir . empty ( ) ) ;
@ -1498,15 +1572,50 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
uint32_t checksum_value = 0 ;
std : : string db_id ;
std : : string db_session_id ;
// whether the checksum for a table file has been computed
bool has_checksum = false ;
// Step 1: Prepare the relative path to destination
if ( shared & & shared_checksum ) {
// Prepare checksum to add to file name
// Whenever a default checksum function name is passed in, we will verify it
// before copying. Note that only table files may have a known checksum name
// passed in.
// If no default checksum function name is passed in, we will calculate the
// checksum *before* copying in two cases (we always calcuate checksums when
// copying or creating for any file types):
// a) share_files_with_checksum is true and file type is table;
// b) share_table_files is true and the file exists already.
if ( kDbFileChecksumFuncName = = src_checksum_func_name ) {
if ( src_checksum_str = = kUnknownFileChecksum ) {
return Status : : Aborted ( " Unkown checksum value for " + fname ) ;
s = CalculateChecksum ( src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options , size_limit ,
& checksum_value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
// Convert src_checksum_str to uint32_t and compare
uint32_t src_checksum_int = ChecksumStrToInt32 ( src_checksum_str ) ;
if ( src_checksum_int ! = checksum_value ) {
std : : string checksum_info (
" Expected checksum is " + ToString ( src_checksum_int ) +
" while computed checksum is " + ToString ( checksum_value ) ) ;
return Status : : Corruption ( " Checksum mismatch before copying from " +
fname + " : " + checksum_info ) ;
has_checksum = true ;
// Step 1: Prepare the relative path to destination
if ( shared & & shared_checksum ) {
// add checksum and file length to the file name
if ( ! has_checksum ) {
s = CalculateChecksum ( src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options ,
size_limit , & checksum_value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
has_checksum = true ;
if ( GetTableNamingOption ( ) = = kChecksumAndDbSessionId ) {
// Prepare db_session_id to add to the file name
// Ignore the returned status
@ -1596,11 +1705,14 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
// the file is present and referenced by a backup
ROCKS_LOG_INFO ( options_ . info_log ,
" %s already present, calculate checksum " , fname . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! has_checksum ) {
s = CalculateChecksum ( src_dir + fname , db_env_ , src_env_options ,
size_limit , & checksum_value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
return s ;
has_checksum = true ;
// try to get the db identities as they are also members of
// the class CopyOrCreateResult
if ( GetTableNamingOption ( ) = = kChecksumAndDbSessionId ) {
@ -1622,7 +1734,8 @@ Status BackupEngineImpl::AddBackupFileWorkItem(
CopyOrCreateWorkItem copy_or_create_work_item (
src_dir . empty ( ) ? " " : src_dir + fname , * copy_dest_path , contents ,
db_env_ , backup_env_ , src_env_options , options_ . sync , rate_limiter ,
size_limit , progress_callback ) ;
size_limit , progress_callback , has_checksum , src_checksum_func_name ,
ChecksumInt32ToStr ( checksum_value ) ) ;
BackupAfterCopyOrCreateWorkItem after_copy_or_create_work_item (
copy_or_create_work_item . result . get_future ( ) , shared , need_to_copy ,
backup_env_ , temp_dest_path , final_dest_path , dst_relative ) ;