@ -285,9 +285,10 @@ class WritePreparedTransactionTest : public TransactionTest {
} ;
// TODO(myabandeh): enable it for concurrent_prepare
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest ,
WritePreparedTransactionTest ,
: : testing : : Values ( std : : make_tuple ( false , tru e,
: : testing : : Values ( std : : make_tuple ( false , fals e,
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , CommitMapTest ) {
@ -552,95 +553,441 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, AdvanceMaxEvictedSeqBasicTest) {
// This test clarfies the existing expectation from the sequence number
// algorithm. It could detect mistakes in updating the code but it is not
// necessarily the one acceptable way. If the algorithm is legitimately changed,
// this unit test should be updated as well.
// TODO(myabandeh): remove this redundant test after transaction_test is enabled
// with WRITE_PREPARED too This test clarifies the existing expectation from the
// sequence number algorithm. It could detect mistakes in updating the code but
// it is not necessarily the one acceptable way. If the algorithm is
// legitimately changed, this unit test should be updated as well.
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , SeqAdvanceTest ) {
auto pdb = reinterpret_cast < PessimisticTransactionDB * > ( db ) ;
WriteOptions wopts ;
FlushOptions fopt ;
// Do the test with NUM_BRANCHES branches in it. Each run of a test takes some
// of the branches. This is the same as counting a binary number where i-th
// bit represents whether we take branch i in the represented by the number.
const size_t NUM_BRANCHES = 8 ;
// Helper function that shows if the branch is to be taken in the run
// represented by the number n.
auto branch_do = [ & ] ( size_t n , size_t * branch ) {
assert ( * branch < NUM_BRANCHES ) ;
const size_t filter = static_cast < size_t > ( 1 ) < < * branch ;
return n & filter ;
} ;
const size_t max_n = static_cast < size_t > ( 1 ) < < NUM_BRANCHES ;
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < max_n ; n + + , ReOpen ( ) ) {
DBImpl * db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
size_t branch = 0 ;
auto seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
auto exp_seq = seq ;
exp_seq = seq ;
txn_t0 ( 0 ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
// Test DB's internal txn. It involves no prepare phase nor a commit marker.
WriteOptions wopts ;
auto s = db - > Put ( wopts , " key " , " value " ) ;
// Consume one seq per batch
exp_seq + + ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > Flush ( fopt ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
// Doing it twice might detect some bugs
s = db - > Put ( wopts , " key " , " value " ) ;
exp_seq + + ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
txn_t0 ( 1 ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
// Testing directly writing a write batch. Functionality-wise it is equivalent
// to commit without prepare.
WriteBatch wb ;
wb . Put ( " k1 " , " v1 " ) ;
wb . Put ( " k2 " , " v2 " ) ;
wb . Put ( " k3 " , " v3 " ) ;
s = pdb - > Write ( wopts , & wb ) ;
// Consume one seq per batch
exp_seq + + ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
txn_t1 ( 0 ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > Flush ( fopt ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
txn_t3 ( 0 ) ;
// Since commit marker does not write to memtable, the last seq number is
// not updated immediately. But the advance should be visible after the next
// write.
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > Flush ( fopt ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
txn_t0 ( 0 ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
txn_t2 ( 0 ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > Flush ( fopt ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
if ( branch_do ( n , & branch ) ) {
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , SeqAdvanceConcurrentTest ) {
// Given the sequential run of txns, with this timeout we should never see a
// deadlock nor a timeout unless we have a key conflict, which should be
// almost infeasible.
txn_db_options . transaction_lock_timeout = 1000 ;
txn_db_options . default_lock_timeout = 1000 ;
ReOpen ( ) ;
FlushOptions fopt ;
// Number of different txn types we use in this test
const size_t type_cnt = 4 ;
// The size of the first write group
// TODO(myabandeh): This should be increase for pre-release tests
const size_t first_group_size = 2 ;
// Total number of txns we run in each test
const size_t txn_cnt = first_group_size * 2 ;
size_t base [ txn_cnt + 1 ] = {
1 ,
} ;
for ( size_t bi = 1 ; bi < = txn_cnt ; bi + + ) {
base [ bi ] = base [ bi - 1 ] * type_cnt ;
const size_t max_n = static_cast < size_t > ( std : : pow ( type_cnt , txn_cnt ) ) ;
printf ( " Number of cases being tested is % " PRIu64 " \n " , max_n ) ;
for ( size_t n = 0 ; n < max_n ; n + + , ReOpen ( ) ) {
if ( n % 1000 = = 0 ) {
printf ( " Tested % " PRIu64 " cases so far \n " , n ) ;
DBImpl * db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
auto seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
exp_seq = seq ;
// This is increased before writing the batch for commit
commit_writes = 0 ;
// This is increased before txn starts linking if it expects to do a commit
// eventually
expected_commits = 0 ;
std : : vector < port : : Thread > threads ;
linked = 0 ;
std : : atomic < bool > batch_formed ( false ) ;
rocksdb : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack (
" WriteThread::EnterAsBatchGroupLeader:End " ,
[ & ] ( void * arg ) { batch_formed = true ; } ) ;
rocksdb : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack (
" WriteThread::JoinBatchGroup:Wait " , [ & ] ( void * arg ) {
linked + + ;
if ( linked = = 1 ) {
// Wait until the others are linked too.
while ( linked < first_group_size ) {
} else if ( linked = = 1 + first_group_size ) {
// Make the 2nd batch of the rest of writes plus any followup
// commits from the first batch
while ( linked < txn_cnt + commit_writes ) {
// Then we will have one or more batches consisting of follow-up
// commits from the 2nd batch. There is a bit of non-determinism here
// but it should be tolerable.
} ) ;
rocksdb : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > EnableProcessing ( ) ;
for ( size_t bi = 0 ; bi < txn_cnt ; bi + + ) {
size_t d =
( n % base [ bi + 1 ] ) /
base [ bi ] ; // get the bi-th digit in number system based on type_cnt
switch ( d ) {
case 0 :
threads . emplace_back ( txn_t0 , bi ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
threads . emplace_back ( txn_t1 , bi ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
threads . emplace_back ( txn_t2 , bi ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
threads . emplace_back ( txn_t3 , bi ) ;
break ;
default :
assert ( false ) ;
// wait to be linked
while ( linked . load ( ) < = bi ) {
if ( bi + 1 = =
first_group_size ) { // after a queue of size first_group_size
while ( ! batch_formed ) {
// to make it more deterministic, wait until the commits are linked
while ( linked . load ( ) < = bi + expected_commits ) {
for ( auto & t : threads ) {
t . join ( ) ;
if ( txn_db_options . write_policy = = WRITE_PREPARED ) {
// In this case none of the above scheduling tricks to deterministically
// form merged bactches works because the writes go to saparte queues.
// This would result in different write groups in each run of the test. We
// still keep the test since althgouh non-deterministic and hard to debug,
// it is still useful to have. Since in this case we could finish with
// commit writes that dont write to memtable, the seq is not advanced in
// this code path. It will be after the next write. So we do one more
// write to make the impact of last seq visible.
txn_t0 ( 0 ) ;
// Check if memtable inserts advanced seq number as expected
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
rocksdb : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > DisableProcessing ( ) ;
rocksdb : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > ClearAllCallBacks ( ) ;
// Check if recovery preserves the last sequence number
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
// A full 2pc txn that also involves a commit marker.
// Check if flush preserves the last sequence number
db_impl - > Flush ( fopt ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
// Check if recovery after flush preserves the last sequence number
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
// Run a couple of differnet txns among them some uncommitted. Restart the db at
// a couple points to check whether the list of uncommitted txns are recovered
// properly.
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , BasicRecoveryTest ) {
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
ReOpen ( ) ;
WritePreparedTxnDB * wp_db = dynamic_cast < WritePreparedTxnDB * > ( db ) ;
txn_t0 ( 0 ) ;
TransactionOptions txn_options ;
WriteOptions write_options ;
Transaction * txn = db - > BeginTransaction ( write_options , txn_options ) ;
s = txn - > SetName ( " xid " ) ;
size_t index = 1000 ;
Transaction * txn0 = db - > BeginTransaction ( write_options , txn_options ) ;
auto istr0 = std : : to_string ( index ) ;
auto s = txn0 - > SetName ( " xid " + istr0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo " ) , Slice ( " bar " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo2 " ) , Slice ( " bar2 " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo3 " ) , Slice ( " bar3 " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo4 " ) , Slice ( " bar4 " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo5 " ) , Slice ( " bar5 " ) ) ;
s = txn0 - > Put ( Slice ( " foo0 " + istr0 ) , Slice ( " bar0 " + istr0 ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
s = txn - > Prepare ( ) ;
s = txn0 - > Prepare ( ) ;
auto prep_seq_0 = txn0 - > GetId ( ) ;
txn_t1 ( 0 ) ;
index + + ;
Transaction * txn1 = db - > BeginTransaction ( write_options , txn_options ) ;
auto istr1 = std : : to_string ( index ) ;
s = txn1 - > SetName ( " xid " + istr1 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
// Consume one seq per batch
exp_seq + + ;
s = txn - > Commit ( ) ;
s = txn1 - > Put ( Slice ( " foo1 " + istr1 ) , Slice ( " bar " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
// Consume one seq per commit marker
exp_seq + + ;
// Since commit marker does not write to memtable, the last seq number is not
// updated immedaitely. But the advance should be visible after the next
// write.
s = txn1 - > Prepare ( ) ;
auto prep_seq_1 = txn1 - > GetId ( ) ;
s = db - > Put ( wopts , " key " , " value " ) ;
// Consume one seq per batch
exp_seq + + ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
delete txn ;
txn_t2 ( 0 ) ;
ReadOptions ropt ;
PinnableSlice pinnable_val ;
// Check the value is not committed before restart
s = db - > Get ( ropt , db - > DefaultColumnFamily ( ) , " foo0 " + istr0 , & pinnable_val ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( s . IsNotFound ( ) ) ;
pinnable_val . Reset ( ) ;
delete txn0 ;
delete txn1 ;
wp_db - > db_impl_ - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
wp_db = dynamic_cast < WritePreparedTxnDB * > ( db ) ;
// After recovery, all the uncommitted txns (0 and 1) should be inserted into
// delayed_prepared_
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > prepared_txns_ . empty ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_FALSE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_empty_ ) ;
ASSERT_LE ( prep_seq_0 , wp_db - > max_evicted_seq_ ) ;
ASSERT_LE ( prep_seq_1 , wp_db - > max_evicted_seq_ ) ;
ReadLock rl ( & wp_db - > prepared_mutex_ ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 2 , wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . size ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . find ( prep_seq_0 ) ! =
wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . end ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . find ( prep_seq_1 ) ! =
wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . end ( ) ) ;
// Check the value is still not committed after restart
s = db - > Get ( ropt , db - > DefaultColumnFamily ( ) , " foo0 " + istr0 , & pinnable_val ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( s . IsNotFound ( ) ) ;
pinnable_val . Reset ( ) ;
// Commit without prepare. It shoudl write to DB without a commit marker.
txn = db - > BeginTransaction ( write_options , txn_options ) ;
s = txn - > SetName ( " xid2 " ) ;
txn_t3 ( 0 ) ;
// Test that a recovered txns will be properly marked committed for the next
// recovery
txn1 = db - > GetTransactionByName ( " xid " + istr1 ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( txn1 , nullptr ) ;
txn1 - > Commit ( ) ;
index + + ;
Transaction * txn2 = db - > BeginTransaction ( write_options , txn_options ) ;
auto istr2 = std : : to_string ( index ) ;
s = txn2 - > SetName ( " xid " + istr2 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo " ) , Slice ( " bar " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo2 " ) , Slice ( " bar2 " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo3 " ) , Slice ( " bar3 " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo4 " ) , Slice ( " bar4 " ) ) ;
s = txn - > Put ( Slice ( " foo5 " ) , Slice ( " bar5 " ) ) ;
s = txn2 - > Put ( Slice ( " foo2 " + istr2 ) , Slice ( " bar " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
s = txn - > Commit ( ) ;
s = txn2 - > Prepare ( ) ;
auto prep_seq_2 = txn2 - > GetId ( ) ;
delete txn2 ;
wp_db - > db_impl_ - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
wp_db = dynamic_cast < WritePreparedTxnDB * > ( db ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > prepared_txns_ . empty ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_FALSE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_empty_ ) ;
// 0 and 2 are prepared and 1 is committed
ReadLock rl ( & wp_db - > prepared_mutex_ ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 2 , wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . size ( ) ) ;
const auto & end = wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . end ( ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . find ( prep_seq_0 ) , end ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . find ( prep_seq_1 ) , end ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_ . find ( prep_seq_2 ) , end ) ;
ASSERT_LE ( prep_seq_0 , wp_db - > max_evicted_seq_ ) ;
ASSERT_LE ( prep_seq_2 , wp_db - > max_evicted_seq_ ) ;
// Commit all the remaining txns
txn0 = db - > GetTransactionByName ( " xid " + istr0 ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( txn0 , nullptr ) ;
txn0 - > Commit ( ) ;
txn2 = db - > GetTransactionByName ( " xid " + istr2 ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( txn2 , nullptr ) ;
txn2 - > Commit ( ) ;
// Check the value is committed after commit
s = db - > Get ( ropt , db - > DefaultColumnFamily ( ) , " foo0 " + istr0 , & pinnable_val ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( s . ok ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( pinnable_val = = ( " bar0 " + istr0 ) ) ;
pinnable_val . Reset ( ) ;
delete txn0 ;
delete txn2 ;
wp_db - > db_impl_ - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
wp_db = dynamic_cast < WritePreparedTxnDB * > ( db ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > prepared_txns_ . empty ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > delayed_prepared_empty_ ) ;
// Check the value is still committed after recovery
s = db - > Get ( ropt , db - > DefaultColumnFamily ( ) , " foo0 " + istr0 , & pinnable_val ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( s . ok ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( pinnable_val = = ( " bar0 " + istr0 ) ) ;
pinnable_val . Reset ( ) ;
// After recovery the new transactions should still conflict with recovered
// transactions.
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , ConflictDetectionAfterRecoveryTest ) {
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
ReOpen ( ) ;
TransactionOptions txn_options ;
WriteOptions write_options ;
size_t index = 0 ;
Transaction * txn0 = db - > BeginTransaction ( write_options , txn_options ) ;
auto istr0 = std : : to_string ( index ) ;
auto s = txn0 - > SetName ( " xid " + istr0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
// Consume one seq per batch
exp_seq + + ;
seq = db_impl - > GetLatestSequenceNumber ( ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( exp_seq , seq ) ;
pdb - > UnregisterTransaction ( txn ) ;
delete txn ;
s = txn0 - > Put ( Slice ( " key " + istr0 ) , Slice ( " bar0 " + istr0 ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
s = txn0 - > Prepare ( ) ;
// With the same index 0 and key prefix, txn_t0 should conflict with txn0
txn_t0_with_status ( 0 , Status : : TimedOut ( ) ) ;
delete txn0 ;
auto db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
// It should still conflict after the recovery
txn_t0_with_status ( 0 , Status : : TimedOut ( ) ) ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
// Check that a recovered txn will still cause conflicts after 2nd recovery
txn_t0_with_status ( 0 , Status : : TimedOut ( ) ) ;
txn0 = db - > GetTransactionByName ( " xid " + istr0 ) ;
ASSERT_NE ( txn0 , nullptr ) ;
txn0 - > Commit ( ) ;
delete txn0 ;
db_impl = reinterpret_cast < DBImpl * > ( db - > GetRootDB ( ) ) ;
db_impl - > FlushWAL ( true ) ;
ReOpenNoDelete ( ) ;
// tnx0 is now committed and should no longer cause a conflict
txn_t0_with_status ( 0 , Status : : OK ( ) ) ;
// After recovery the commit map is empty while the max is set. The code would
// go through a different path which requires a separate test.
TEST_P ( WritePreparedTransactionTest , IsInSnapshotEmptyMapTest ) {
WritePreparedTxnDB * wp_db = dynamic_cast < WritePreparedTxnDB * > ( db ) ;
wp_db - > max_evicted_seq_ = 100 ;
ASSERT_FALSE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 50 , 40 ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 50 , 50 ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 50 , 100 ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 50 , 150 ) ) ;
ASSERT_FALSE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 100 , 80 ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 100 , 100 ) ) ;
ASSERT_TRUE ( wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( 100 , 150 ) ) ;
// Test WritePreparedTxnDB's IsInSnapshot against different ordering of
@ -683,6 +1030,8 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, IsInSnapshotTest) {
// We keep the list of txns comitted before we take the last snaphot.
// These should be the only seq numbers that will be found in the snapshot
std : : set < uint64_t > committed_before ;
// The set of commit seq numbers to be excluded from IsInSnapshot queries
std : : set < uint64_t > commit_seqs ;
DBImpl * mock_db = new DBImpl ( options , dbname ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < WritePreparedTxnDBMock > wp_db ( new WritePreparedTxnDBMock (
mock_db , txn_db_options , snapshot_cache_bits , commit_cache_bits ) ) ;
@ -701,6 +1050,7 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, IsInSnapshotTest) {
} else { // else commit it
seq + + ;
wp_db - > AddCommitted ( cur_txn , seq ) ;
commit_seqs . insert ( seq ) ;
if ( ! snapshot ) {
committed_before . insert ( cur_txn ) ;
@ -725,7 +1075,8 @@ TEST_P(WritePreparedTransactionTest, IsInSnapshotTest) {
// it at each cycle to test that the system is still sound when
// max_evicted_seq_ advances.
if ( snapshot ) {
for ( uint64_t s = 0 ; s < = seq ; s + + ) {
for ( uint64_t s = 1 ;
s < = seq & & commit_seqs . find ( s ) = = commit_seqs . end ( ) ; s + + ) {
bool was_committed =
( committed_before . find ( s ) ! = committed_before . end ( ) ) ;
bool is_in_snapshot = wp_db - > IsInSnapshot ( s , snapshot ) ;