@ -446,6 +446,8 @@ public interface DBOptionsInterface<T extends DBOptionsInterface> {
* @param baseBackgroundCompactions Suggested number of background compaction
* jobs
* @deprecated Use { @link # setMaxBackgroundJobs ( int ) }
* /
void setBaseBackgroundCompactions ( int baseBackgroundCompactions ) ;
@ -485,6 +487,8 @@ public interface DBOptionsInterface<T extends DBOptionsInterface> {
* @return the maximum number of concurrent background compaction jobs .
* @see RocksEnv # setBackgroundThreads ( int )
* @see RocksEnv # setBackgroundThreads ( int , int )
* @deprecated Use { @link # setMaxBackgroundJobs ( int ) }
* /
int maxBackgroundCompactions ( ) ;
@ -522,6 +526,8 @@ public interface DBOptionsInterface<T extends DBOptionsInterface> {
* @see RocksEnv # setBackgroundThreads ( int )
* @see RocksEnv # setBackgroundThreads ( int , int )
* @see # maxBackgroundCompactions ( )
* @deprecated Use { @link # setMaxBackgroundJobs ( int ) }
* /
T setMaxBackgroundFlushes ( int maxBackgroundFlushes ) ;
@ -537,6 +543,25 @@ public interface DBOptionsInterface<T extends DBOptionsInterface> {
* /
int maxBackgroundFlushes ( ) ;
/ * *
* Specifies the maximum number of concurrent background jobs ( both flushes
* and compactions combined ) .
* Default : 2
* @param maxBackgroundJobs number of max concurrent background jobs
* @return the instance of the current object .
* /
T setMaxBackgroundJobs ( int maxBackgroundJobs ) ;
/ * *
* Returns the maximum number of concurrent background jobs ( both flushes
* and compactions combined ) .
* Default : 2
* @return the maximum number of concurrent background jobs .
* /
int maxBackgroundJobs ( ) ;
/ * *
* Specifies the maximum size of a info log file . If the current log file
* is larger than ` max_log_file_size ` , a new info log file will