@ -1097,6 +1097,413 @@ TEST_F(DBBloomFilterTest, OptimizeFiltersForHits) {
TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOCK_CACHE_ADD ) ) ;
int CountIter ( std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > & iter , const Slice & key ) {
int count = 0 ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( key ) ; iter - > Valid ( ) & & iter - > status ( ) = = Status : : OK ( ) ;
iter - > Next ( ) ) {
count + + ;
return count ;
// use iterate_upper_bound to hint compatiability of existing bloom filters.
// The BF is considered compatible if 1) upper bound and seek key transform
// into the same string, or 2) the transformed seek key is of the same length
// as the upper bound and two keys are adjacent according to the comparator.
TEST_F ( DBBloomFilterTest , DynamicBloomFilterUpperBound ) {
int iteration = 0 ;
for ( bool use_block_based_builder : { true , false } ) {
Options options ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . prefix_extractor . reset ( NewCappedPrefixTransform ( 4 ) ) ;
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
options . statistics = CreateDBStatistics ( ) ;
// Enable prefix bloom for SST files
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
table_options . cache_index_and_filter_blocks = true ;
table_options . filter_policy . reset (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 10 , use_block_based_builder ) ) ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " abcdxxx0 " , " val1 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " abcdxxx1 " , " val2 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " abcdxxx2 " , " val3 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " abcdxxx3 " , " val4 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
// prefix_extractor has not changed, BF will always be read
Slice upper_bound ( " abce " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abcd0000 " ) , 4 ) ;
Slice upper_bound ( " abcdzzzz " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abcd0000 " ) , 4 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " fixed:5 " } } ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.FixedPrefix.5 " ) ) ;
// BF changed, [abcdxx00, abce) is a valid bound, will trigger BF read
Slice upper_bound ( " abce " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abcdxx00 " ) , 4 ) ;
// should check bloom filter since upper bound meets requirement
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
2 + iteration ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
// [abcdxx01, abcey) is not valid bound since upper bound is too long for
// the BF in SST (capped:4)
Slice upper_bound ( " abcey " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abcdxx01 " ) , 4 ) ;
// should skip bloom filter since upper bound is too long
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
2 + iteration ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
// [abcdxx02, abcdy) is a valid bound since the prefix is the same
Slice upper_bound ( " abcdy " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abcdxx02 " ) , 4 ) ;
// should check bloom filter since upper bound matches transformed seek
// key
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
2 + iteration * 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
// [aaaaaaaa, abce) is not a valid bound since 1) they don't share the
// same prefix, 2) the prefixes are not consecutive
Slice upper_bound ( " abce " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " aaaaaaaa " ) , 0 ) ;
// should skip bloom filter since mismatch is found
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
2 + iteration * 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " fixed:3 " } } ) ) ;
// [abc, abd) is not a valid bound since the upper bound is too short
// for BF (capped:4)
Slice upper_bound ( " abd " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abc " ) , 4 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
2 + iteration * 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " capped:4 " } } ) ) ;
// set back to capped:4 and verify BF is always read
Slice upper_bound ( " abd " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " abc " ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
3 + iteration * 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 1 ) ;
iteration + + ;
// Create multiple SST files each with a different prefix_extractor config,
// verify iterators can read all SST files using the latest config.
TEST_F ( DBBloomFilterTest , DynamicBloomFilterMultipleSST ) {
int iteration = 0 ;
for ( bool use_block_based_builder : { true , false } ) {
Options options ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . prefix_extractor . reset ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( 1 ) ) ;
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
options . statistics = CreateDBStatistics ( ) ;
// Enable prefix bloom for SST files
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
table_options . filter_policy . reset (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 10 , use_block_based_builder ) ) ;
table_options . cache_index_and_filter_blocks = true ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
Slice upper_bound ( " foz90000 " ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
// first SST with fixed:1 BF
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo2 " , " bar2 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo " , " bar " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foq1 " , " bar1 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " fpa " , " 0 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter_old ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_old , " foo " ) , 4 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 1 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " capped:3 " } } ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.CappedPrefix.3 " ) ) ;
read_options . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " foo " ) , 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
1 + iteration ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " gpk " ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
1 + iteration ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
// second SST with capped:3 BF
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo3 " , " bar3 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo4 " , " bar4 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foq5 " , " bar5 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " fpb " , " 1 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
// BF is cappped:3 now
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter_tmp ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_tmp , " foo " ) , 4 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
2 + iteration * 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_tmp , " gpk " ) , 0 ) ;
// both counters are incremented because BF is "not changed" for 1 of the
// 2 SST files, so filter is checked once and found no match.
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
3 + iteration * 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 1 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " fixed:2 " } } ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.FixedPrefix.2 " ) ) ;
// third SST with fixed:2 BF
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo6 " , " bar6 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo7 " , " bar7 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foq8 " , " bar8 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " fpc " , " 2 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
// BF is fixed:2 now
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter_tmp ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_tmp , " foo " ) , 9 ) ;
// the first and last BF are checked
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
4 + iteration * 3 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 1 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_tmp , " gpk " ) , 0 ) ;
// only last BF is checked and not found
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
5 + iteration * 3 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 2 ) ;
// iter_old can only see the first SST, so checked plus 1
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_old , " foo " ) , 4 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
6 + iteration * 3 ) ;
// iter was created after the first setoptions call so only full filter
// will check the filter
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " foo " ) , 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
6 + iteration * 4 ) ;
// keys in all three SSTs are visible to iterator
// The range of [foo, foz90000] is compatible with (fixed:1) and (fixed:2)
// so +2 for checked counter
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter_all ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_all , " foo " ) , 9 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
7 + iteration * 5 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 2 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_all , " gpk " ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
8 + iteration * 5 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 3 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " capped:3 " } } ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.CappedPrefix.3 " ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter_all ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_all , " foo " ) , 6 ) ;
// all three SST are checked because the current options has the same as
// the remaining SST (capped:3)
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
9 + iteration * 7 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 3 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_all , " gpk " ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) ,
10 + iteration * 7 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 4 ) ;
// TODO(Zhongyi): Maybe also need to add Get calls to test point look up?
iteration + + ;
// Create a new column family in a running DB, change prefix_extractor
// dynamically, verify the iterator created on the new column family behaves
// as expected
TEST_F ( DBBloomFilterTest , DynamicBloomFilterNewColumnFamily ) {
int iteration = 0 ;
for ( bool use_block_based_builder : { true , false } ) {
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . prefix_extractor . reset ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( 1 ) ) ;
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
options . statistics = CreateDBStatistics ( ) ;
// Enable prefix bloom for SST files
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
table_options . cache_index_and_filter_blocks = true ;
table_options . filter_policy . reset (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 10 , use_block_based_builder ) ) ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
CreateAndReopenWithCF ( { " pikachu " + std : : to_string ( iteration ) } , options ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
// create a new CF and set prefix_extractor dynamically
options . prefix_extractor . reset ( NewCappedPrefixTransform ( 3 ) ) ;
CreateColumnFamilies ( { " ramen_dojo_ " + std : : to_string ( iteration ) } , options ) ;
strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( handles_ [ 2 ] ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.CappedPrefix.3 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( 2 , " foo3 " , " bar3 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( 2 , " foo4 " , " bar4 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( 2 , " foo5 " , " bar5 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( 2 , " foq6 " , " bar6 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( 2 , " fpq7 " , " bar7 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter (
db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options , handles_ [ 2 ] ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " foo " ) , 3 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( handles_ [ 2 ] , { { " prefix_extractor " , " fixed:2 " } } ) ) ;
strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( handles_ [ 2 ] ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.FixedPrefix.2 " ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter (
db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options , handles_ [ 2 ] ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " foo " ) , 4 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > DropColumnFamily ( handles_ [ 2 ] ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > DestroyColumnFamilyHandle ( handles_ [ 2 ] ) ;
handles_ [ 2 ] = nullptr ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > DropColumnFamily ( handles_ [ 1 ] ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > DestroyColumnFamilyHandle ( handles_ [ 1 ] ) ;
handles_ [ 1 ] = nullptr ;
iteration + + ;
// Verify it's possible to change prefix_extractor at runtime and iterators
// behaves as expected
TEST_F ( DBBloomFilterTest , DynamicBloomFilterOptions ) {
int iteration = 0 ;
for ( bool use_block_based_builder : { true , false } ) {
Options options ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . prefix_extractor . reset ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( 1 ) ) ;
options . disable_auto_compactions = true ;
options . statistics = CreateDBStatistics ( ) ;
// Enable prefix bloom for SST files
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
table_options . cache_index_and_filter_blocks = true ;
table_options . filter_policy . reset (
NewBloomFilterPolicy ( 10 , use_block_based_builder ) ) ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
DestroyAndReopen ( options ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo2 " , " bar2 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo " , " bar " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo1 " , " bar1 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " fpa " , " 0 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo3 " , " bar3 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo4 " , " bar4 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo5 " , " bar5 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " fpb " , " 1 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo6 " , " bar6 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo7 " , " bar7 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " foo8 " , " bar8 " ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( Put ( " fpc " , " 2 " ) ) ;
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) ) ;
ReadOptions read_options ;
read_options . prefix_same_as_start = true ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " foo " ) , 12 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 3 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter_old ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_old , " foo " ) , 12 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 6 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( dbfull ( ) - > SetOptions ( { { " prefix_extractor " , " capped:3 " } } ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( 0 , strcmp ( dbfull ( ) - > GetOptions ( ) . prefix_extractor - > Name ( ) ,
" rocksdb.CappedPrefix.3 " ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( read_options ) ) ;
// "fp*" should be skipped
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter , " foo " ) , 9 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 6 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
// iterator created before should not be affected and see all keys
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_old , " foo " ) , 12 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 9 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( CountIter ( iter_old , " abc " ) , 0 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_CHECKED ) , 12 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( TestGetTickerCount ( options , BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL ) , 3 ) ;
iteration + + ;
# endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
} // namespace rocksdb