@ -301,6 +301,17 @@ static bool FLAGS_advise_random_on_open =
static auto FLAGS_compaction_fadvice =
static auto FLAGS_compaction_fadvice =
leveldb : : Options ( ) . access_hint_on_compaction_start ;
leveldb : : Options ( ) . access_hint_on_compaction_start ;
// Use multiget to access a series of keys instead of get
static bool FLAGS_use_multiget = false ;
// If FLAGS_use_multiget is true, determines number of keys to group per call
// Arbitrary default. 90 is good because it agrees with FLAGS_readwritepercent
static long FLAGS_keys_per_multiget = 90 ;
// Print a message to user when a key is missing in a Get/MultiGet call
// TODO: Apply this flag to generic Get calls too. Currently only with Multiget
static bool FLAGS_warn_missing_keys = true ;
// Use adaptive mutex
// Use adaptive mutex
static auto FLAGS_use_adaptive_mutex =
static auto FLAGS_use_adaptive_mutex =
leveldb : : Options ( ) . use_adaptive_mutex ;
leveldb : : Options ( ) . use_adaptive_mutex ;
@ -497,7 +508,7 @@ class Stats {
fprintf ( stdout , " %-12s : %11.3f micros/op %ld ops/sec;%s%s \n " ,
fprintf ( stdout , " %-12s : %11.3f micros/op %ld ops/sec;%s%s \n " ,
name . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ,
name . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ,
secon ds_ * 1e6 / done_ ,
elap sed * 1e6 / done_ ,
( long ) throughput ,
( long ) throughput ,
( extra . empty ( ) ? " " : " " ) ,
( extra . empty ( ) ? " " : " " ) ,
extra . c_str ( ) ) ;
extra . c_str ( ) ) ;
@ -550,10 +561,12 @@ class Duration {
bool Done ( int increment ) {
bool Done ( int increment ) {
if ( increment < = 0 ) increment = 1 ; // avoid Done(0) and infinite loops
ops_ + = increment ;
ops_ + = increment ;
if ( max_seconds_ ) {
if ( max_seconds_ ) {
if ( ! ( ops_ % 1000 ) ) {
// Recheck every appx 1000 ops (exact iff increment is factor of 1000)
if ( ( ops_ / 1000 ) ! = ( ( ops_ - increment ) / 1000 ) ) {
double now = FLAGS_env - > NowMicros ( ) ;
double now = FLAGS_env - > NowMicros ( ) ;
return ( ( now - start_at_ ) / 1000000.0 ) > = max_seconds_ ;
return ( ( now - start_at_ ) / 1000000.0 ) > = max_seconds_ ;
} else {
} else {
@ -712,7 +725,7 @@ class Benchmark {
HistogramData histogramData ;
HistogramData histogramData ;
dbstats - > histogramData ( histogram_type , & histogramData ) ;
dbstats - > histogramData ( histogram_type , & histogramData ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " %s statistics Percentiles : " , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " %s statistics Percentiles : " , name . c_str ( ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " 50 : %f " , histogramData . median ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " 50 : %f " , histogramData . median ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " 95 : %f " , histogramData . percentile95 ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " 95 : %f " , histogramData . percentile95 ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " 99 : %f \n " , histogramData . percentile99 ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " 99 : %f \n " , histogramData . percentile99 ) ;
@ -743,6 +756,7 @@ class Benchmark {
PrintHistogram ( MANIFEST_FILE_SYNC_MICROS , " Manifest SYNC MICROS " ) ;
PrintHistogram ( MANIFEST_FILE_SYNC_MICROS , " Manifest SYNC MICROS " ) ;
PrintHistogram ( TABLE_OPEN_IO_MICROS , " Table Open IO Micros " ) ;
PrintHistogram ( TABLE_OPEN_IO_MICROS , " Table Open IO Micros " ) ;
PrintHistogram ( DB_MULTIGET , " DB_MULTIGET " ) ;
@ -1244,80 +1258,185 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
thread - > stats . AddBytes ( bytes ) ;
thread - > stats . AddBytes ( bytes ) ;
// Calls MultiGet over a list of keys from a random distribution.
// Returns the total number of keys found.
long MultiGetRandom ( ReadOptions & options , int num_keys ,
Random & rand , int range , const char * suffix ) {
assert ( num_keys > 0 ) ;
std : : vector < Slice > keys ( num_keys ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > values ( num_keys ) ;
std : : vector < unique_ptr < char [ ] > > gen_keys ( num_keys ) ;
int i ;
long k ;
// Fill the keys vector
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_keys ; + + i ) {
k = rand . Next ( ) % range ;
gen_keys [ i ] = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , suffix ) ;
keys [ i ] = gen_keys [ i ] . get ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
options . snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
// Apply the operation
std : : vector < Status > statuses = db_ - > MultiGet ( options , keys , & values ) ;
assert ( ( long ) statuses . size ( ) = = num_keys ) ;
assert ( ( long ) keys . size ( ) = = num_keys ) ; // Should always be the case.
assert ( ( long ) values . size ( ) = = num_keys ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
db_ - > ReleaseSnapshot ( options . snapshot ) ;
options . snapshot = nullptr ;
// Count number found
long found = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_keys ; + + i ) {
if ( statuses [ i ] . ok ( ) ) {
+ + found ;
} else if ( FLAGS_warn_missing_keys = = true ) {
// Key not found, or error.
fprintf ( stderr , " get error: %s \n " , statuses [ i ] . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
return found ;
void ReadRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void ReadRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( options ) ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
std : : string value ;
long found = 0 ;
long found = 0 ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
options . snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_read_range < 2 ) {
if ( FLAGS_use_multiget ) { // MultiGet
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
const long & kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
found + + ;
long keys_left = reads_ ;
// Recalculate number of keys per group, and call MultiGet until done
long num_keys ;
while ( num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left , kpg ) , ! duration . Done ( num_keys ) ) {
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " " ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
keys_left - = num_keys ;
} else { // Regular case. Do one "get" at a time Get
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( options ) ;
std : : string value ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
options . snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
} else {
Slice skey ( key . get ( ) ) ;
int count = 1 ;
if ( FLAGS_get_approx ) {
if ( FLAGS_read_range < 2 ) {
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key2 =
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + ( int ) FLAGS_read_range ) ;
found + + ;
Slice skey2 ( key2 . get ( ) ) ;
Range range ( skey , skey2 ) ;
} else {
uint64_t sizes ;
Slice skey ( key . get ( ) ) ;
db_ - > GetApproximateSizes ( & range , 1 , & sizes ) ;
int count = 1 ;
if ( FLAGS_get_approx ) {
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key2 =
GenerateKeyFromInt ( k + ( int ) FLAGS_read_range ) ;
Slice skey2 ( key2 . get ( ) ) ;
Range range ( skey , skey2 ) ;
uint64_t sizes ;
db_ - > GetApproximateSizes ( & range , 1 , & sizes ) ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( skey ) ;
iter - > Valid ( ) & & count < = FLAGS_read_range ;
+ + count , iter - > Next ( ) ) {
found + + ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( skey ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
iter - > Valid ( ) & & count < = FLAGS_read_range ;
db_ - > ReleaseSnapshot ( options . snapshot ) ;
+ + count , iter - > Next ( ) ) {
options . snapshot = nullptr ;
found + + ;
if ( FLAGS_use_snapshot ) {
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
db_ - > ReleaseSnapshot ( options . snapshot ) ;
options . snapshot = nullptr ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
delete iter ;
delete iter ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%ld of %ld found) " , found , num_ ) ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%ld of %ld found) " , found , reads _) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
void ReadMissing ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void ReadMissing ( ThreadState * thread ) {
FLAGS_warn_missing_keys = false ; // Never warn about missing keys
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
std : : string value ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
if ( FLAGS_use_multiget ) {
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
const long & kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , " . " ) ;
long keys_left = reads_ ;
db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
// Recalculate number of keys per group, and call MultiGet until done
long num_keys ;
long found ;
while ( num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left , kpg ) , ! duration . Done ( num_keys ) ) {
found = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " . " ) ;
assert ( ! found ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
keys_left - = num_keys ;
} else { // Regular case (not MultiGet)
std : : string value ;
Status s ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k , " . " ) ;
s = db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
assert ( ! s . ok ( ) & & s . IsNotFound ( ) ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
void ReadHot ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void ReadHot ( ThreadState * thread ) {
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , reads_ ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
std : : string value ;
const long range = ( FLAGS_num + 99 ) / 100 ;
const long range = ( FLAGS_num + 99 ) / 100 ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
long found = 0 ;
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % range ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
if ( FLAGS_use_multiget ) {
db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
const long & kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
long keys_left = reads_ ;
// Recalculate number of keys per group, and call MultiGet until done
long num_keys ;
while ( num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left , kpg ) , ! duration . Done ( num_keys ) ) {
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , range , " " ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
keys_left - = num_keys ;
} else {
std : : string value ;
while ( ! duration . Done ( 1 ) ) {
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % range ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
+ + found ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) , " (%ld of %ld found) " , found , reads_ ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
void SeekRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void SeekRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
@ -1424,8 +1543,8 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
// Given a key K and value V, this puts (K+"0", V), (K+"1", V), (K+"2", V)
// Given a key K and value V, this puts (K+"0", V), (K+"1", V), (K+"2", V)
// in DB atomically i.e in a single batch. Also refer Multi Get.
// in DB atomically i.e in a single batch. Also refer GetMany .
Status Multi Put( const WriteOptions & writeoptions ,
Status PutMany ( const WriteOptions & writeoptions ,
const Slice & key , const Slice & value ) {
const Slice & key , const Slice & value ) {
std : : string suffixes [ 3 ] = { " 2 " , " 1 " , " 0 " } ;
std : : string suffixes [ 3 ] = { " 2 " , " 1 " , " 0 " } ;
std : : string keys [ 3 ] ;
std : : string keys [ 3 ] ;
@ -1443,8 +1562,8 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
// Given a key K, this deletes (K+"0", V), (K+"1", V), (K+"2", V)
// Given a key K, this deletes (K+"0", V), (K+"1", V), (K+"2", V)
// in DB atomically i.e in a single batch. Also refer Multi Get.
// in DB atomically i.e in a single batch. Also refer GetMany .
Status Multi Delete( const WriteOptions & writeoptions ,
Status DeleteMany ( const WriteOptions & writeoptions ,
const Slice & key ) {
const Slice & key ) {
std : : string suffixes [ 3 ] = { " 1 " , " 2 " , " 0 " } ;
std : : string suffixes [ 3 ] = { " 1 " , " 2 " , " 0 " } ;
std : : string keys [ 3 ] ;
std : : string keys [ 3 ] ;
@ -1462,8 +1581,8 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
// Given a key K and value V, this gets values for K+"0", K+"1" and K+"2"
// Given a key K and value V, this gets values for K+"0", K+"1" and K+"2"
// in the same snapshot, and verifies that all the values are identical.
// in the same snapshot, and verifies that all the values are identical.
// ASSUMES that Multi Put was used to put (K, V) into the DB.
// ASSUMES that PutMany was used to put (K, V) into the DB.
Status Multi Get( const ReadOptions & readoptions ,
Status GetMany ( const ReadOptions & readoptions ,
const Slice & key , std : : string * value ) {
const Slice & key , std : : string * value ) {
std : : string suffixes [ 3 ] = { " 0 " , " 1 " , " 2 " } ;
std : : string suffixes [ 3 ] = { " 0 " , " 1 " , " 2 " } ;
std : : string keys [ 3 ] ;
std : : string keys [ 3 ] ;
@ -1501,11 +1620,12 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
// Differs from readrandomwriterandom in the following ways:
// Differs from readrandomwriterandom in the following ways:
// (a) Uses MultiGet/MultiPut to read/write key values. Refer to those funcs.
// (a) Uses GetMany/PutMany to read/write key values. Refer to those funcs.
// (b) Does deletes as well (per FLAGS_deletepercent)
// (b) Does deletes as well (per FLAGS_deletepercent)
// (c) In order to achieve high % of 'found' during lookups, and to do
// (c) In order to achieve high % of 'found' during lookups, and to do
// multiple writes (including puts and deletes) it uses upto
// multiple writes (including puts and deletes) it uses upto
// FLAGS_numdistinct distinct keys instead of FLAGS_num distinct keys.
// FLAGS_numdistinct distinct keys instead of FLAGS_num distinct keys.
// (d) Does not have a MultiGet option.
void RandomWithVerify ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void RandomWithVerify ( ThreadState * thread ) {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
@ -1517,21 +1637,22 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
long gets_done = 0 ;
long gets_done = 0 ;
long puts_done = 0 ;
long puts_done = 0 ;
long deletes_done = 0 ;
long deletes_done = 0 ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
for ( long i = 0 ; i < readwrites_ ; i + + ) {
for ( long i = 0 ; i < readwrites_ ; i + + ) {
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % ( FLAGS_numdistinct ) ;
const int k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % ( FLAGS_numdistinct ) ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
if ( get_weight = = 0 & & put_weight = = 0 & & delete_weight = = 0 ) {
if ( get_weight = = 0 & & put_weight = = 0 & & delete_weight = = 0 ) {
// one batch compla ted, reinitialize for next batch
// one batch comple ted, reinitialize for next batch
get_weight = FLAGS_readwritepercent ;
get_weight = FLAGS_readwritepercent ;
delete_weight = FLAGS_deletepercent ;
delete_weight = FLAGS_deletepercent ;
put_weight = 100 - get_weight - delete_weight ;
put_weight = 100 - get_weight - delete_weight ;
if ( get_weight > 0 ) {
if ( get_weight > 0 ) {
// do all the gets first
// do all the gets first
Status s = Multi Get( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
Status s = GetMany ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) & & ! s . IsNotFound ( ) ) {
if ( ! s . ok ( ) & & ! s . IsNotFound ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " get error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " getmany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
// we continue after error rather than exiting so that we can
// we continue after error rather than exiting so that we can
// find more errors if any
// find more errors if any
} else if ( ! s . IsNotFound ( ) ) {
} else if ( ! s . IsNotFound ( ) ) {
@ -1542,17 +1663,17 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
} else if ( put_weight > 0 ) {
} else if ( put_weight > 0 ) {
// then do all the corresponding number of puts
// then do all the corresponding number of puts
// for all the gets we have done earlier
// for all the gets we have done earlier
Status s = Multi Put( write_options_ , key . get ( ) , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = PutMany ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " multi put error: %s\n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " putmany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
put_weight - - ;
put_weight - - ;
puts_done + + ;
puts_done + + ;
} else if ( delete_weight > 0 ) {
} else if ( delete_weight > 0 ) {
Status s = Multi Delete( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ) ;
Status s = DeleteMany ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " multi delete error: %s\n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " deletemany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
delete_weight - - ;
delete_weight - - ;
@ -1572,6 +1693,12 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
// an extra thread.
// an extra thread.
void ReadRandomWriteRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void ReadRandomWriteRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
if ( FLAGS_use_multiget ) {
// Separate function for multiget (for ease of reading)
ReadRandomWriteRandomMultiGet ( thread ) ;
return ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
std : : string value ;
std : : string value ;
@ -1617,9 +1744,6 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
found + + ;
found + + ;
if ( db_ - > Get ( options , key . get ( ) , & value ) . ok ( ) ) {
found + + ;
get_weight - - ;
get_weight - - ;
reads_done + + ;
reads_done + + ;
@ -1646,9 +1770,85 @@ unique_ptr<char []> GenerateKeyFromInt(int v, const char* suffix = "")
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
// ReadRandomWriteRandom (with multiget)
// Does FLAGS_keys_per_multiget reads (per multiget), followed by some puts.
// FLAGS_readwritepercent will specify the ratio of gets to puts.
// e.g.: If FLAGS_keys_per_multiget == 100 and FLAGS_readwritepercent == 75
// Then each block will do 100 multigets and 33 puts
// So there are 133 operations in-total: 100 of them (75%) are gets, and 33
// of them (25%) are puts.
void ReadRandomWriteRandomMultiGet ( ThreadState * thread ) {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
// For multiget
const long & kpg = FLAGS_keys_per_multiget ; // keys per multiget group
long keys_left = readwrites_ ; // number of keys still left to read
long num_keys ; // number of keys to read in current group
long num_put_keys ; // number of keys to put in current group
long found = 0 ;
long reads_done = 0 ;
long writes_done = 0 ;
long multigets_done = 0 ;
// the number of iterations is the larger of read_ or write_
Duration duration ( FLAGS_duration , readwrites_ ) ;
while ( true ) {
// Read num_keys keys, then write num_put_keys keys.
// The ratio of num_keys to num_put_keys is always FLAGS_readwritepercent
// And num_keys is set to be FLAGS_keys_per_multiget (kpg)
// num_put_keys is calculated accordingly (to maintain the ratio)
// Note: On the final iteration, num_keys and num_put_keys will be smaller
num_keys = std : : min ( keys_left * ( FLAGS_readwritepercent + 99 ) / 100 , kpg ) ;
num_put_keys = num_keys * ( 100 - FLAGS_readwritepercent )
/ FLAGS_readwritepercent ;
// This will break the loop when duration is complete
if ( duration . Done ( num_keys + num_put_keys ) ) {
break ;
// A quick check to make sure our formula doesn't break on edge cases
assert ( num_keys > = 1 ) ;
assert ( num_keys + num_put_keys < = keys_left ) ;
// Apply the MultiGet operations
found + = MultiGetRandom ( options , num_keys , thread - > rand , FLAGS_num , " " ) ;
+ + multigets_done ;
reads_done + = num_keys ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
// Now do the puts
int i ;
long k ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_put_keys ; + + i ) {
k = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num ;
unique_ptr < char [ ] > key = GenerateKeyFromInt ( k ) ;
Status s = db_ - > Put ( write_options_ , key . get ( ) ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
writes_done + + ;
thread - > stats . FinishedSingleOp ( db_ ) ;
keys_left - = ( num_keys + num_put_keys ) ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
snprintf ( msg , sizeof ( msg ) ,
" ( reads:%ld writes:%ld total:%ld multiget_ops:%ld found:%ld) " ,
reads_done , writes_done , readwrites_ , multigets_done , found ) ;
thread - > stats . AddMessage ( msg ) ;
// Read-modify-write for random keys
// Read-modify-write for random keys
// TODO: Implement MergeOperator tests here (Read-modify-write)
void UpdateRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
void UpdateRandom ( ThreadState * thread ) {
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
ReadOptions options ( FLAGS_verify_checksum , true ) ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
RandomGenerator gen ;
@ -1971,6 +2171,12 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
} else if ( sscanf ( argv [ i ] , " --use_adaptive_mutex=%d%c " , & n , & junk ) = = 1
} else if ( sscanf ( argv [ i ] , " --use_adaptive_mutex=%d%c " , & n , & junk ) = = 1
& & ( n = = 0 | | n = = 1 ) ) {
& & ( n = = 0 | | n = = 1 ) ) {
FLAGS_use_adaptive_mutex = n ;
FLAGS_use_adaptive_mutex = n ;
} else if ( sscanf ( argv [ i ] , " --use_multiget=%d%c " , & n , & junk ) = = 1 & &
( n = = 0 | | n = = 1 ) ) {
FLAGS_use_multiget = n ;
} else if ( sscanf ( argv [ i ] , " --keys_per_multiget=%d%c " ,
& n , & junk ) = = 1 ) {
FLAGS_keys_per_multiget = n ;
} else {
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " Invalid flag '%s' \n " , argv [ i ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Invalid flag '%s' \n " , argv [ i ] ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;