@ -579,6 +579,23 @@ enum RepFactory StringToRepFactory(const char* ctype) {
fprintf ( stdout , " Cannot parse memreptable %s \n " , ctype ) ;
return kSkipList ;
bool GetNextPrefix ( const rocksdb : : Slice & src , std : : string * v ) {
std : : string ret = src . ToString ( ) ;
for ( int i = static_cast < int > ( ret . size ( ) ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - ) {
if ( ret [ i ] ! = static_cast < char > ( 255 ) ) {
ret [ i ] = ret [ i ] + 1 ;
break ;
} else if ( i ! = 0 ) {
ret [ i ] = 0 ;
} else {
// all FF. No next prefix
return false ;
* v = ret ;
return true ;
} // namespace
static enum RepFactory FLAGS_rep_factory ;
@ -2022,6 +2039,30 @@ class StressTest {
const Snapshot * snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
ReadOptions readoptionscopy = read_opts ;
readoptionscopy . snapshot = snapshot ;
std : : string upper_bound_str ;
Slice upper_bound ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 16 ) ) {
// in 1/16 chance, set a iterator upper bound
int64_t rand_upper_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
upper_bound_str = Key ( rand_upper_key ) ;
upper_bound = Slice ( upper_bound_str ) ;
// uppder_bound can be smaller than seek key, but the query itself
// should not crash either.
readoptionscopy . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : string lower_bound_str ;
Slice lower_bound ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 16 ) ) {
// in 1/16 chance, set a iterator lower bound
int64_t rand_lower_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
lower_bound_str = Key ( rand_lower_key ) ;
lower_bound = Slice ( lower_bound_str ) ;
// uppder_bound can be smaller than seek key, but the query itself
// should not crash either.
readoptionscopy . iterate_lower_bound = & lower_bound ;
auto cfh = column_families_ [ rand_column_families [ 0 ] ] ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( readoptionscopy , cfh ) ) ;
@ -2564,7 +2605,17 @@ class NonBatchedOpsStressTest : public StressTest {
std : : string key_str = Key ( rand_keys [ 0 ] ) ;
Slice key = key_str ;
Slice prefix = Slice ( key . data ( ) , FLAGS_prefix_size ) ;
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( read_opts , cfh ) ;
std : : string upper_bound ;
Slice ub_slice ;
ReadOptions ro_copy = read_opts ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 2 ) & & GetNextPrefix ( prefix , & upper_bound ) ) {
// For half of the time, set the upper bound to the next prefix
ub_slice = Slice ( upper_bound ) ;
ro_copy . iterate_upper_bound = & ub_slice ;
Iterator * iter = db_ - > NewIterator ( ro_copy , cfh ) ;
int64_t count = 0 ;
for ( iter - > Seek ( prefix ) ;
iter - > Valid ( ) & & iter - > key ( ) . starts_with ( prefix ) ; iter - > Next ( ) ) {
@ -3085,6 +3136,8 @@ class BatchedOpsStressTest : public StressTest {
ReadOptions readoptionscopy [ 10 ] ;
const Snapshot * snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
Iterator * iters [ 10 ] ;
std : : string upper_bounds [ 10 ] ;
Slice ub_slices [ 10 ] ;
Status s = Status : : OK ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + ) {
prefixes [ i ] + = key . ToString ( ) ;
@ -3092,6 +3145,12 @@ class BatchedOpsStressTest : public StressTest {
prefix_slices [ i ] = Slice ( prefixes [ i ] ) ;
readoptionscopy [ i ] = readoptions ;
readoptionscopy [ i ] . snapshot = snapshot ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 2 ) & &
GetNextPrefix ( prefix_slices [ i ] , & ( upper_bounds [ i ] ) ) ) {
// For half of the time, set the upper bound to the next prefix
ub_slices [ i ] = Slice ( upper_bounds [ i ] ) ;
readoptionscopy [ i ] . iterate_upper_bound = & ( ub_slices [ i ] ) ;
iters [ i ] = db_ - > NewIterator ( readoptionscopy [ i ] , cfh ) ;
iters [ i ] - > Seek ( prefix_slices [ i ] ) ;