@ -1180,6 +1180,99 @@ TEST_P(EnvPosixTestWithParam, MultiRead) {
TEST_F ( EnvPosixTest , MultiReadNonAlignedLargeNum ) {
// In this test we don't do aligned read, wo it doesn't work for
// direct I/O case.
EnvOptions soptions ;
soptions . use_direct_reads = soptions . use_direct_writes = false ;
std : : string fname = test : : PerThreadDBPath ( env_ , " testfile " ) ;
const size_t kTotalSize = 81920 ;
std : : string expected_data ;
Random rnd ( 301 ) ;
test : : RandomString ( & rnd , kTotalSize , & expected_data ) ;
// Create file.
std : : unique_ptr < WritableFile > wfile ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > NewWritableFile ( fname , & wfile , soptions ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( wfile - > Append ( expected_data ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( wfile - > Close ( ) ) ;
// More attempts to simulate more partial result sequences.
for ( uint32_t attempt = 0 ; attempt < 25 ; attempt + + ) {
// Right now kIoUringDepth is hard coded as 256, so we need very large
// number of keys to cover the case of multiple rounds of submissions.
// Right now the test latency is still acceptable. If it ends up with
// too long, we can modify the io uring depth with SyncPoint here.
const int num_reads = rnd . Uniform ( 512 ) + 1 ;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack (
" PosixRandomAccessFile::MultiRead:io_uring_result " , [ & ] ( void * arg ) {
if ( attempt > 5 ) {
// Improve partial result rates in second half of the run to
// cover the case of repeated partial results.
int odd = ( attempt < 15 ) ? num_reads / 2 : 4 ;
// No failure in first several attempts.
size_t & bytes_read = * static_cast < size_t * > ( arg ) ;
if ( rnd . OneIn ( odd ) ) {
bytes_read = 0 ;
} else if ( rnd . OneIn ( odd / 2 ) ) {
bytes_read = static_cast < size_t > (
rnd . Uniform ( static_cast < int > ( bytes_read ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > EnableProcessing ( ) ;
// Generate (offset, len) pairs
std : : set < int > start_offsets ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_reads ; i + + ) {
int rnd_off ;
// No repeat offsets.
while ( start_offsets . find ( rnd_off = rnd . Uniform ( 81920 ) ) ! = start_offsets . end ( ) ) { }
start_offsets . insert ( rnd_off ) ;
std : : vector < size_t > offsets ;
std : : vector < size_t > lens ;
// std::set already sorted the offsets.
for ( int so : start_offsets ) {
offsets . push_back ( so ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < offsets . size ( ) - 1 ; i + + ) {
lens . push_back ( static_cast < size_t > ( rnd . Uniform ( static_cast < int > ( offsets [ i + 1 ] - offsets [ i ] ) ) + 1 ) ) ;
lens . push_back ( static_cast < size_t > ( rnd . Uniform ( static_cast < int > ( kTotalSize - offsets . back ( ) ) ) + 1 ) ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( num_reads , lens . size ( ) ) ;
// Create requests
std : : vector < std : : string > scratches ;
scratches . reserve ( num_reads ) ;
std : : vector < ReadRequest > reqs ( num_reads ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < reqs . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
reqs [ i ] . offset = offsets [ i ] ;
reqs [ i ] . len = lens [ i ] ;
scratches . emplace_back ( reqs [ i ] . len , ' ' ) ;
reqs [ i ] . scratch = const_cast < char * > ( scratches . back ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
// Query the data
std : : unique_ptr < RandomAccessFile > file ;
ASSERT_OK ( env_ - > NewRandomAccessFile ( fname , & file , soptions ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( file - > MultiRead ( reqs . data ( ) , reqs . size ( ) ) ) ;
// Validate results
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_reads ; + + i ) {
ASSERT_OK ( reqs [ i ] . status ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( Slice ( expected_data . data ( ) + offsets [ i ] , lens [ i ] ) . ToString ( true ) ,
reqs [ i ] . result . ToString ( true ) ) ;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE : : SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > DisableProcessing ( ) ;
// Only works in linux platforms
// Only works in linux platforms
# ifdef OS_WIN
# ifdef OS_WIN
TEST_P ( EnvPosixTestWithParam , DISABLED_InvalidateCache ) {
TEST_P ( EnvPosixTestWithParam , DISABLED_InvalidateCache ) {