@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
# include <stddef.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <algorithm>
# include <algorithm>
@ -4746,6 +4747,239 @@ TEST_P(BlockBasedTableTest, OutOfBoundOnNext) {
ASSERT_FALSE ( iter - > UpperBoundCheckResult ( ) = = IterBoundCheck : : kOutOfBound ) ;
ASSERT_FALSE ( iter - > UpperBoundCheckResult ( ) = = IterBoundCheck : : kOutOfBound ) ;
BlockBasedTableTest ,
IncreaseCacheReservationForCompressDictBuildingBufferOnBuilderAddAndDecreaseOnBuilderFinish ) {
constexpr std : : size_t kSizeDummyEntry = 256 * 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kCacheCapacity = 8 * 1024 * 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMaxDictBytes = 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMaxDictBufferBytes = 1024 ;
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options = GetBlockBasedTableOptions ( ) ;
LRUCacheOptions lo ;
lo . capacity = kCacheCapacity ;
lo . num_shard_bits = 0 ; // 2^0 shard
lo . strict_capacity_limit = true ;
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache ( NewLRUCache ( lo ) ) ;
table_options . block_cache = cache ;
table_options . flush_block_policy_factory =
std : : make_shared < FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicyFactory > ( ) ;
Options options ;
options . compression = kSnappyCompression ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_bytes = kMaxDictBytes ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_buffer_bytes = kMaxDictBufferBytes ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
test : : StringSink * sink = new test : : StringSink ( ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < FSWritableFile > holder ( sink ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < WritableFileWriter > file_writer ( new WritableFileWriter (
std : : move ( holder ) , " test_file_name " , FileOptions ( ) ) ) ;
ImmutableOptions ioptions ( options ) ;
MutableCFOptions moptions ( options ) ;
InternalKeyComparator ikc ( options . comparator ) ;
IntTblPropCollectorFactories int_tbl_prop_collector_factories ;
std : : unique_ptr < TableBuilder > builder ( options . table_factory - > NewTableBuilder (
TableBuilderOptions ( ioptions , moptions , ikc ,
& int_tbl_prop_collector_factories , kSnappyCompression ,
options . compression_opts , kUnknownColumnFamily ,
" test_cf " , - 1 /* level */ ) ,
file_writer . get ( ) ) ) ;
std : : string key1 = " key1 " ;
std : : string value1 = " val1 " ;
InternalKey ik1 ( key1 , 0 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the first key won't trigger a flush by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy
// therefore won't trigger any data block's buffering
builder - > Add ( ik1 . Encode ( ) , value1 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
std : : string key2 = " key2 " ;
std : : string value2 = " val2 " ;
InternalKey ik2 ( key2 , 1 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the second key will trigger a flush of the last data block (the one
// containing key1 and value1) by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy and hence trigger
// buffering of that data block.
builder - > Add ( ik2 . Encode ( ) , value2 ) ;
// Cache reservation will increase for last buffered data block (the one
// containing key1 and value1) since the buffer limit is not exceeded after
// that buffering and the cache will not be full after this reservation
EXPECT_GE ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 1 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
EXPECT_LT ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) ,
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( builder - > Finish ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
BlockBasedTableTest ,
IncreaseCacheReservationForCompressDictBuildingBufferOnBuilderAddAndDecreaseOnBufferLimitExceed ) {
constexpr std : : size_t kSizeDummyEntry = 256 * 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kCacheCapacity = 8 * 1024 * 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMaxDictBytes = 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMaxDictBufferBytes = 2 * kSizeDummyEntry ;
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options = GetBlockBasedTableOptions ( ) ;
LRUCacheOptions lo ;
lo . capacity = kCacheCapacity ;
lo . num_shard_bits = 0 ; // 2^0 shard
lo . strict_capacity_limit = true ;
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache ( NewLRUCache ( lo ) ) ;
table_options . block_cache = cache ;
table_options . flush_block_policy_factory =
std : : make_shared < FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicyFactory > ( ) ;
Options options ;
options . compression = kSnappyCompression ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_bytes = kMaxDictBytes ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_buffer_bytes = kMaxDictBufferBytes ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
test : : StringSink * sink = new test : : StringSink ( ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < FSWritableFile > holder ( sink ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < WritableFileWriter > file_writer ( new WritableFileWriter (
std : : move ( holder ) , " test_file_name " , FileOptions ( ) ) ) ;
ImmutableOptions ioptions ( options ) ;
MutableCFOptions moptions ( options ) ;
InternalKeyComparator ikc ( options . comparator ) ;
IntTblPropCollectorFactories int_tbl_prop_collector_factories ;
std : : unique_ptr < TableBuilder > builder ( options . table_factory - > NewTableBuilder (
TableBuilderOptions ( ioptions , moptions , ikc ,
& int_tbl_prop_collector_factories , kSnappyCompression ,
options . compression_opts , kUnknownColumnFamily ,
" test_cf " , - 1 /* level */ ) ,
file_writer . get ( ) ) ) ;
std : : string key1 = " key1 " ;
std : : string value1 ( kSizeDummyEntry , ' 0 ' ) ;
InternalKey ik1 ( key1 , 0 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the first key won't trigger a flush by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy
// therefore won't trigger any data block's buffering
builder - > Add ( ik1 . Encode ( ) , value1 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
std : : string key2 = " key2 " ;
std : : string value2 ( kSizeDummyEntry , ' 0 ' ) ;
InternalKey ik2 ( key2 , 1 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the second key will trigger a flush of the last data block (the one
// containing key1 and value1) by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy and hence trigger
// buffering of the last data block.
builder - > Add ( ik2 . Encode ( ) , value2 ) ;
// Cache reservation will increase for last buffered data block (the one
// containing key1 and value1) since the buffer limit is not exceeded after
// the buffering and the cache will not be full after this reservation
EXPECT_GE ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 2 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
EXPECT_LT ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) ,
2 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead ) ;
std : : string key3 = " key3 " ;
std : : string value3 = " val3 " ;
InternalKey ik3 ( key3 , 2 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the third key will trigger a flush of the last data block (the one
// containing key2 and value2) by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy and hence trigger
// buffering of the last data block.
builder - > Add ( ik3 . Encode ( ) , value3 ) ;
// Cache reservation will decrease since the buffer limit is now exceeded
// after the last buffering and EnterUnbuffered() is triggered
EXPECT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( builder - > Finish ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
BlockBasedTableTest ,
IncreaseCacheReservationForCompressDictBuildingBufferOnBuilderAddAndDecreaseOnCacheFull ) {
constexpr std : : size_t kSizeDummyEntry = 256 * 1024 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMetaDataChargeOverhead = 10000 ;
// A small kCacheCapacity is chosen so that increase cache reservation for
// buffering two data blocks, each containing key1/value1, key2/a big
// value2, will cause cache full
constexpr std : : size_t kCacheCapacity =
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kSizeDummyEntry / 2 ;
constexpr std : : size_t kMaxDictBytes = 1024 ;
// A big kMaxDictBufferBytes is chosen so that adding a big key value pair
// (key2, value2) won't exceed the buffer limit
constexpr std : : size_t kMaxDictBufferBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ;
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options = GetBlockBasedTableOptions ( ) ;
LRUCacheOptions lo ;
lo . capacity = kCacheCapacity ;
lo . num_shard_bits = 0 ; // 2^0 shard
lo . strict_capacity_limit = true ;
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache ( NewLRUCache ( lo ) ) ;
table_options . block_cache = cache ;
table_options . flush_block_policy_factory =
std : : make_shared < FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicyFactory > ( ) ;
Options options ;
options . compression = kSnappyCompression ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_bytes = kMaxDictBytes ;
options . compression_opts . max_dict_buffer_bytes = kMaxDictBufferBytes ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
test : : StringSink * sink = new test : : StringSink ( ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < FSWritableFile > holder ( sink ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < WritableFileWriter > file_writer ( new WritableFileWriter (
std : : move ( holder ) , " test_file_name " , FileOptions ( ) ) ) ;
ImmutableOptions ioptions ( options ) ;
MutableCFOptions moptions ( options ) ;
InternalKeyComparator ikc ( options . comparator ) ;
IntTblPropCollectorFactories int_tbl_prop_collector_factories ;
std : : unique_ptr < TableBuilder > builder ( options . table_factory - > NewTableBuilder (
TableBuilderOptions ( ioptions , moptions , ikc ,
& int_tbl_prop_collector_factories , kSnappyCompression ,
options . compression_opts , kUnknownColumnFamily ,
" test_cf " , - 1 /* level */ ) ,
file_writer . get ( ) ) ) ;
std : : string key1 = " key1 " ;
std : : string value1 = " val1 " ;
InternalKey ik1 ( key1 , 0 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the first key won't trigger a flush by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy
// therefore won't trigger any data block's buffering
builder - > Add ( ik1 . Encode ( ) , value1 ) ;
ASSERT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
std : : string key2 = " key2 " ;
std : : string value2 ( kSizeDummyEntry , ' 0 ' ) ;
InternalKey ik2 ( key2 , 1 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the second key will trigger a flush of the last data block (the one
// containing key1 and value1) by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy and hence trigger
// buffering of the last data block.
builder - > Add ( ik2 . Encode ( ) , value2 ) ;
// Cache reservation will increase for the last buffered data block (the one
// containing key1 and value1) since the buffer limit is not exceeded after
// the buffering and the cache will not be full after this reservation
EXPECT_GE ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 1 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
EXPECT_LT ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) ,
1 * kSizeDummyEntry + kMetaDataChargeOverhead ) ;
std : : string key3 = " key3 " ;
std : : string value3 = " value3 " ;
InternalKey ik3 ( key3 , 2 /* sequnce number */ , kTypeValue ) ;
// Adding the third key will trigger a flush of the last data block (the one
// containing key2 and value2) by FlushBlockEveryKeyPolicy and hence trigger
// buffering of the last data block.
builder - > Add ( ik3 . Encode ( ) , value3 ) ;
// Cache reservation will decrease since the cache is now full after
// increasing reservation for the last buffered block and EnterUnbuffered() is
// triggered
EXPECT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( builder - > Finish ( ) ) ;
EXPECT_EQ ( cache - > GetPinnedUsage ( ) , 0 * kSizeDummyEntry ) ;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main ( int argc , char * * argv ) {
int main ( int argc , char * * argv ) {