@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ class MockFS : public FileSystemWrapper {
bool IsPrefetchCalled ( ) { return prefetch_count_ > 0 ; }
int GetPrefetchCount ( ) {
return prefetch_count_ . load ( std : : memory_order_relaxed ) ;
private :
const bool support_prefetch_ ;
std : : atomic_int prefetch_count_ { 0 } ;
@ -69,6 +73,10 @@ class PrefetchTest
PrefetchTest ( ) : DBTestBase ( " /prefetch_test " , true ) { }
} ;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P ( PrefetchTest , PrefetchTest ,
: : testing : : Combine ( : : testing : : Bool ( ) ,
: : testing : : Bool ( ) ) ) ;
std : : string BuildKey ( int num , std : : string postfix = " " ) {
return " my_key_ " + std : : to_string ( num ) + postfix ;
@ -312,17 +320,354 @@ TEST_P(PrefetchTest, ConfigureAutoMaxReadaheadSize) {
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > ClearAllCallBacks ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P ( PrefetchTest , PrefetchTest ,
: : testing : : Combine ( : : testing : : Bool ( ) ,
: : testing : : Bool ( ) ) ) ;
# endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
class PrefetchTest1 : public DBTestBase ,
public : : testing : : WithParamInterface < bool > {
public :
PrefetchTest1 ( ) : DBTestBase ( " /prefetch_test1 " , true ) { }
} ;
TEST_P ( PrefetchTest , PrefetchWhenReseek ) {
// First param is if the mockFS support_prefetch or not
bool support_prefetch =
std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) & &
test : : IsPrefetchSupported ( env_ - > GetFileSystem ( ) , dbname_ ) ;
const int kNumKeys = 2000 ;
std : : shared_ptr < MockFS > fs =
std : : make_shared < MockFS > ( env_ - > GetFileSystem ( ) , support_prefetch ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Env > env ( new CompositeEnvWrapper ( env_ , fs ) ) ;
// Second param is if directIO is enabled or not
bool use_direct_io = std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . write_buffer_size = 1024 ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . compression = kNoCompression ;
options . env = env . get ( ) ;
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
table_options . no_block_cache = true ;
table_options . cache_index_and_filter_blocks = false ;
table_options . metadata_block_size = 1024 ;
table_options . index_type =
BlockBasedTableOptions : : IndexType : : kTwoLevelIndexSearch ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
if ( use_direct_io ) {
options . use_direct_reads = true ;
options . use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction = true ;
int buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack ( " FilePrefetchBuffer::Prefetch:Start " ,
[ & ] ( void * ) { buff_prefetch_count + + ; } ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > EnableProcessing ( ) ;
Status s = TryReopen ( options ) ;
if ( use_direct_io & & ( s . IsNotSupported ( ) | | s . IsInvalidArgument ( ) ) ) {
// If direct IO is not supported, skip the test
return ;
} else {
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
WriteBatch batch ;
Random rnd ( 309 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < kNumKeys ; i + + ) {
ASSERT_OK ( batch . Put ( BuildKey ( i ) , rnd . RandomString ( 1000 ) ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > Write ( WriteOptions ( ) , & batch ) ) ;
std : : string start_key = BuildKey ( 0 ) ;
std : : string end_key = BuildKey ( kNumKeys - 1 ) ;
Slice least ( start_key . data ( ) , start_key . size ( ) ) ;
Slice greatest ( end_key . data ( ) , end_key . size ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > CompactRange ( CompactRangeOptions ( ) , & least , & greatest ) ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
* Reseek keys from sequential Data Blocks within same partitioned
* index . After 2 sequential reads it will prefetch the data block .
* Data Block size is nearly 4076 so readahead will fetch 8 * 1024 data more
* initially ( 2 more data blocks ) .
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 0 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1000 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1004 ) ) ; // Prefetch Data
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1008 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1011 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1015 ) ) ; // Prefetch Data
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1019 ) ) ;
// Missed 2 blocks but they are already in buffer so no reset.
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 103 ) ) ; // Already in buffer.
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1033 ) ) ; // Prefetch Data
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 3 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 3 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
* Reseek keys from non sequential data blocks within same partitioned
* index . buff_prefetch_count will be 0 in that case .
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 0 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1008 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1019 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1033 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1048 ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 0 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 0 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
* Reesek keys from Single Data Block .
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 0 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 10 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 100 ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 0 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 0 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
* Reseek keys from sequential data blocks to set implicit auto readahead
* and prefetch data but after that iterate over different ( non sequential )
* data blocks which won ' t prefetch any data further . So buff_prefetch_count
* will be 1 for the first one .
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 0 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1000 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1004 ) ) ; // This iteration will prefetch buffer
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1008 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek (
BuildKey ( 996 ) ) ; // Reseek won't prefetch any data and
// readahead_size will be initiallized to 8*1024.
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 992 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 989 ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 1 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 1 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
// Read sequentially to confirm readahead_size is reset to initial value (2
// more data blocks)
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1011 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1015 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1019 ) ) ; // Prefetch Data
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1022 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1026 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 103 ) ) ; // Prefetch Data
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 2 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 2 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
/* Reseek keys from sequential partitioned index block. Since partitioned
* index fetch are sequential , buff_prefetch_count will be 1.
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 0 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1167 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1334 ) ) ; // This iteration will prefetch buffer
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1499 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1667 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1847 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1999 ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 1 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 1 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
* Reseek over different keys from different blocks . buff_prefetch_count is
* set 0.
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
int i = 0 ;
int j = 1000 ;
do {
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( i ) ) ;
if ( ! iter - > Valid ( ) ) {
break ;
i = i + 100 ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( j ) ) ;
j = j + 100 ;
} while ( i < 1000 & & j < kNumKeys & & iter - > Valid ( ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 0 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 0 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
/* Iterates sequentially over all keys. It will prefetch the buffer.*/
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
for ( iter - > SeekToFirst ( ) ; iter - > Valid ( ) ; iter - > Next ( ) ) {
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 13 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 13 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > DisableProcessing ( ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > ClearAllCallBacks ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
TEST_P ( PrefetchTest , PrefetchWhenReseekwithCache ) {
// First param is if the mockFS support_prefetch or not
bool support_prefetch =
std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) & &
test : : IsPrefetchSupported ( env_ - > GetFileSystem ( ) , dbname_ ) ;
const int kNumKeys = 2000 ;
std : : shared_ptr < MockFS > fs =
std : : make_shared < MockFS > ( env_ - > GetFileSystem ( ) , support_prefetch ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Env > env ( new CompositeEnvWrapper ( env_ , fs ) ) ;
// Second param is if directIO is enabled or not
bool use_direct_io = std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
options . write_buffer_size = 1024 ;
options . create_if_missing = true ;
options . compression = kNoCompression ;
options . env = env . get ( ) ;
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache = NewLRUCache ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 , 2 ) ; // 8MB
table_options . block_cache = cache ;
table_options . cache_index_and_filter_blocks = false ;
table_options . metadata_block_size = 1024 ;
table_options . index_type =
BlockBasedTableOptions : : IndexType : : kTwoLevelIndexSearch ;
options . table_factory . reset ( NewBlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
if ( use_direct_io ) {
options . use_direct_reads = true ;
options . use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction = true ;
int buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > SetCallBack ( " FilePrefetchBuffer::Prefetch:Start " ,
[ & ] ( void * ) { buff_prefetch_count + + ; } ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > EnableProcessing ( ) ;
Status s = TryReopen ( options ) ;
if ( use_direct_io & & ( s . IsNotSupported ( ) | | s . IsInvalidArgument ( ) ) ) {
// If direct IO is not supported, skip the test
return ;
} else {
ASSERT_OK ( s ) ;
WriteBatch batch ;
Random rnd ( 309 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < kNumKeys ; i + + ) {
ASSERT_OK ( batch . Put ( BuildKey ( i ) , rnd . RandomString ( 1000 ) ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > Write ( WriteOptions ( ) , & batch ) ) ;
std : : string start_key = BuildKey ( 0 ) ;
std : : string end_key = BuildKey ( kNumKeys - 1 ) ;
Slice least ( start_key . data ( ) , start_key . size ( ) ) ;
Slice greatest ( end_key . data ( ) , end_key . size ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_OK ( db_ - > CompactRange ( CompactRangeOptions ( ) , & least , & greatest ) ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
* Reseek keys from sequential Data Blocks within same partitioned
* index . After 2 sequential reads it will prefetch the data block .
* Data Block size is nearly 4076 so readahead will fetch 8 * 1024 data more
* initially ( 2 more data blocks ) .
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
// Warm up the cache
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1011 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1015 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1019 ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 1 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 1 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
// After caching, blocks will be read from cache (Sequential blocks)
auto iter = std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ReadOptions ( ) ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 0 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1000 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1004 ) ) ; // Prefetch data (not in cache).
// Missed one sequential block but next is in already in buffer so readahead
// will not be reset.
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1011 ) ) ;
// Prefetch data but blocks are in cache so no prefetch and reset.
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1015 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1019 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1022 ) ) ;
// Prefetch data with readahead_size = 4 blocks.
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1026 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 103 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1033 ) ) ;
iter - > Seek ( BuildKey ( 1037 ) ) ;
if ( support_prefetch & & ! use_direct_io ) {
ASSERT_EQ ( fs - > GetPrefetchCount ( ) , 3 ) ;
fs - > ClearPrefetchCount ( ) ;
} else {
ASSERT_EQ ( buff_prefetch_count , 2 ) ;
buff_prefetch_count = 0 ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > DisableProcessing ( ) ;
SyncPoint : : GetInstance ( ) - > ClearAllCallBacks ( ) ;
Close ( ) ;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE