@ -1890,17 +1890,14 @@ TEST_F(DBBasicTest, SkipWALIfMissingTableFiles) {
# endif // !ROCKSDB_LITE
class DBBasicTestWithParallelIO
: public DBTestBase ,
public testing : : WithParamInterface <
std : : tuple < bool , bool , bool , bool , uint32_t > > {
class DBBasicTestMultiGet : public DBTestBase {
public :
DBBasicTestWithParallelIO ( ) : DBTestBase ( " /db_basic_test_with_parallel_io " ) {
bool compressed_cache = std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
bool uncompressed_cache = std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
compression_enabled_ = std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
fill_cache_ = std : : get < 3 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
uint32_t compression_parallel_threads = std : : get < 4 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ;
DBBasicTestMultiGet ( std : : string test_dir , int num_cfs , bool compressed_cache ,
bool uncompressed_cache , bool compression_enabled ,
bool fill_cache , uint32_t compression_parallel_threads )
: DBTestBase ( test_dir ) {
compression_enabled_ = compression_enabled ;
fill_cache_ = fill_cache ;
if ( compressed_cache ) {
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache = NewLRUCache ( 1048576 ) ;
@ -1960,22 +1957,43 @@ class DBBasicTestWithParallelIO
Reopen ( options ) ;
if ( num_cfs > 1 ) {
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf < num_cfs ; + + cf ) {
cf_names_ . emplace_back ( " cf " + std : : to_string ( cf ) ) ;
CreateColumnFamilies ( cf_names_ , options ) ;
cf_names_ . emplace_back ( " default " ) ;
std : : string zero_str ( 128 , ' \0 ' ) ;
for ( int cf = 0 ; cf < num_cfs ; + + cf ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; + + i ) {
// Make the value compressible. A purely random string doesn't compress
// and the resultant data block will not be compressed
values_ . emplace_back ( RandomString ( & rnd , 128 ) + zero_str ) ;
assert ( Put ( Key ( i ) , values_ [ i ] ) = = Status : : OK ( ) ) ;
assert ( ( ( num_cfs = = 1 ) ? Put ( Key ( i ) , values_ [ i ] )
: Put ( cf , Key ( i ) , values_ [ i ] ) ) = = Status : : OK ( ) ) ;
if ( num_cfs = = 1 ) {
Flush ( ) ;
} else {
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) , handles_ [ cf ] ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; + + i ) {
// block cannot gain space by compression
uncompressable_values_ . emplace_back ( RandomString ( & rnd , 256 ) + ' \0 ' ) ;
std : : string tmp_key = " a " + Key ( i ) ;
assert ( Put ( tmp_key , uncompressable_values_ [ i ] ) = = Status : : OK ( ) ) ;
assert ( ( ( num_cfs = = 1 ) ? Put ( tmp_key , uncompressable_values_ [ i ] )
: Put ( cf , tmp_key , uncompressable_values_ [ i ] ) ) = =
Status : : OK ( ) ) ;
if ( num_cfs = = 1 ) {
Flush ( ) ;
} else {
dbfull ( ) - > Flush ( FlushOptions ( ) , handles_ [ cf ] ) ;
bool CheckValue ( int i , const std : : string & value ) {
@ -1992,6 +2010,8 @@ class DBBasicTestWithParallelIO
return false ;
const std : : vector < std : : string > & GetCFNames ( ) const { return cf_names_ ; }
int num_lookups ( ) { return uncompressed_cache_ - > num_lookups ( ) ; }
int num_found ( ) { return uncompressed_cache_ - > num_found ( ) ; }
int num_inserts ( ) { return uncompressed_cache_ - > num_inserts ( ) ; }
@ -2008,7 +2028,7 @@ class DBBasicTestWithParallelIO
static void SetUpTestCase ( ) { }
static void TearDownTestCase ( ) { }
private :
protected :
class MyFlushBlockPolicyFactory : public FlushBlockPolicyFactory {
public :
MyFlushBlockPolicyFactory ( ) { }
@ -2143,6 +2163,19 @@ class DBBasicTestWithParallelIO
std : : vector < std : : string > values_ ;
std : : vector < std : : string > uncompressable_values_ ;
bool fill_cache_ ;
std : : vector < std : : string > cf_names_ ;
} ;
class DBBasicTestWithParallelIO
: public DBBasicTestMultiGet ,
public testing : : WithParamInterface <
std : : tuple < bool , bool , bool , bool , uint32_t > > {
public :
DBBasicTestWithParallelIO ( )
: DBBasicTestMultiGet ( " /db_basic_test_with_parallel_io " , 1 ,
std : : get < 0 > ( GetParam ( ) ) , std : : get < 1 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ,
std : : get < 2 > ( GetParam ( ) ) , std : : get < 3 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ,
std : : get < 4 > ( GetParam ( ) ) ) { }
} ;
TEST_P ( DBBasicTestWithParallelIO , MultiGet ) {
@ -2363,6 +2396,254 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ParallelIO, DBBasicTestWithParallelIO,
: : testing : : Bool ( ) , : : testing : : Bool ( ) ,
: : testing : : Values ( 1 , 4 ) ) ) ;
// A test class for intercepting random reads and injecting artificial
// delays. Used for testing the deadline/timeout feature
class DBBasicTestMultiGetDeadline : public DBBasicTestMultiGet {
public :
DBBasicTestMultiGetDeadline ( )
: DBBasicTestMultiGet ( " db_basic_test_multiget_deadline " /*Test dir*/ ,
10 /*# of column families*/ ,
false /*compressed cache enabled*/ ,
true /*uncompressed cache enabled*/ ,
true /*compression enabled*/ ,
true /*ReadOptions.fill_cache*/ ,
1 /*# of parallel compression threads*/ ) { }
// Forward declaration
class DeadlineFS ;
class DeadlineRandomAccessFile : public FSRandomAccessFileWrapper {
public :
DeadlineRandomAccessFile ( DeadlineFS & fs ,
std : : unique_ptr < FSRandomAccessFile > & file )
: FSRandomAccessFileWrapper ( file . get ( ) ) ,
fs_ ( fs ) ,
file_ ( std : : move ( file ) ) { }
IOStatus Read ( uint64_t offset , size_t len , const IOOptions & opts ,
Slice * result , char * scratch , IODebugContext * dbg ) const override {
int delay ;
if ( fs_ . ShouldDelay ( & delay ) ) {
Env : : Default ( ) - > SleepForMicroseconds ( delay ) ;
return FSRandomAccessFileWrapper : : Read ( offset , len , opts , result , scratch ,
dbg ) ;
IOStatus MultiRead ( FSReadRequest * reqs , size_t num_reqs ,
const IOOptions & options , IODebugContext * dbg ) override {
int delay ;
if ( fs_ . ShouldDelay ( & delay ) ) {
Env : : Default ( ) - > SleepForMicroseconds ( delay ) ;
return FSRandomAccessFileWrapper : : MultiRead ( reqs , num_reqs , options , dbg ) ;
private :
DeadlineFS & fs_ ;
std : : unique_ptr < FSRandomAccessFile > file_ ;
} ;
class DeadlineFS : public FileSystemWrapper {
public :
DeadlineFS ( ) : FileSystemWrapper ( FileSystem : : Default ( ) ) { }
~ DeadlineFS ( ) = default ;
IOStatus NewRandomAccessFile ( const std : : string & fname ,
const FileOptions & opts ,
std : : unique_ptr < FSRandomAccessFile > * result ,
IODebugContext * dbg ) override {
std : : unique_ptr < FSRandomAccessFile > file ;
IOStatus s ;
s = target ( ) - > NewRandomAccessFile ( fname , opts , & file , dbg ) ;
result - > reset ( new DeadlineRandomAccessFile ( * this , file ) ) ;
return s ;
// Set a vector of {IO counter, delay in microseconds} pairs that control
// when to inject a delay and duration of the delay
void SetDelaySequence ( const std : : vector < std : : pair < int , int > > & & seq ) {
int total_delay = 0 ;
for ( auto & seq_iter : seq ) {
// Ensure no individual delay is > 500ms
ASSERT_LT ( seq_iter . second , 500000 ) ;
total_delay + = seq_iter . second ;
// ASSERT total delay is < 1s. This is mainly to keep the test from
// timing out in CI test frameworks
ASSERT_LT ( total_delay , 1000000 ) ;
delay_seq_ = seq ;
delay_idx_ = 0 ;
io_count_ = 0 ;
// Increment the IO counter and return a delay in microseconds
bool ShouldDelay ( int * delay ) {
if ( delay_idx_ < delay_seq_ . size ( ) & &
delay_seq_ [ delay_idx_ ] . first = = io_count_ + + ) {
* delay = delay_seq_ [ delay_idx_ ] . second ;
delay_idx_ + + ;
return true ;
return false ;
private :
std : : vector < std : : pair < int , int > > delay_seq_ ;
size_t delay_idx_ ;
int io_count_ ;
} ;
inline void CheckStatus ( std : : vector < Status > & statuses , size_t num_ok ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < statuses . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( i < num_ok ) {
EXPECT_OK ( statuses [ i ] ) ;
} else {
EXPECT_EQ ( statuses [ i ] , Status : : TimedOut ( ) ) ;
} ;
TEST_F ( DBBasicTestMultiGetDeadline , MultiGetDeadlineExceeded ) {
std : : shared_ptr < DBBasicTestMultiGetDeadline : : DeadlineFS > fs (
new DBBasicTestMultiGetDeadline : : DeadlineFS ( ) ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Env > env = NewCompositeEnv ( fs ) ;
Options options = CurrentOptions ( ) ;
std : : shared_ptr < Cache > cache = NewLRUCache ( 1048576 ) ;
BlockBasedTableOptions table_options ;
table_options . block_cache = cache ;
options . table_factory . reset ( new BlockBasedTableFactory ( table_options ) ) ;
options . env = env . get ( ) ;
ReopenWithColumnFamilies ( GetCFNames ( ) , options ) ;
// Test the non-batched version of MultiGet with multiple column
// families
std : : vector < std : : string > key_str ;
size_t i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; + + i ) {
key_str . emplace_back ( Key ( static_cast < int > ( i ) ) ) ;
std : : vector < ColumnFamilyHandle * > cfs ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < Slice > keys ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > values ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < key_str . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
cfs [ i ] = handles_ [ i ] ;
keys [ i ] = Slice ( key_str [ i ] . data ( ) , key_str [ i ] . size ( ) ) ;
// Delay the first IO by 200ms
fs - > SetDelaySequence ( { { 0 , 200000 } } ) ;
ReadOptions ro ;
ro . deadline = std : : chrono : : microseconds { env - > NowMicros ( ) + 10000 } ;
std : : vector < Status > statuses = dbfull ( ) - > MultiGet ( ro , cfs , keys , & values ) ;
std : : cout < < " Non-batched MultiGet " ;
// The first key is successful because we check after the lookup, but
// subsequent keys fail due to deadline exceeded
CheckStatus ( statuses , 1 ) ;
// Clear the cache
cache - > SetCapacity ( 0 ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 1048576 ) ;
// Test non-batched Multiget with multiple column families and
// introducing an IO delay in one of the middle CFs
key_str . clear ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; + + i ) {
key_str . emplace_back ( Key ( static_cast < int > ( i ) ) ) ;
cfs . resize ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
keys . resize ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
values . resize ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < key_str . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
// 2 keys per CF
cfs [ i ] = handles_ [ i / 2 ] ;
keys [ i ] = Slice ( key_str [ i ] . data ( ) , key_str [ i ] . size ( ) ) ;
fs - > SetDelaySequence ( { { 1 , 200000 } } ) ;
ro . deadline = std : : chrono : : microseconds { env - > NowMicros ( ) + 10000 } ;
statuses = dbfull ( ) - > MultiGet ( ro , cfs , keys , & values ) ;
std : : cout < < " Non-batched 2 " ;
CheckStatus ( statuses , 3 ) ;
// Test batched MultiGet with an IO delay in the first data block read.
// Both keys in the first CF should succeed as they're in the same data
// block and would form one batch, and we check for deadline between
// batches.
std : : vector < PinnableSlice > pin_values ( keys . size ( ) ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 0 ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 1048576 ) ;
statuses . clear ( ) ;
statuses . resize ( keys . size ( ) ) ;
fs - > SetDelaySequence ( { { 0 , 200000 } } ) ;
ro . deadline = std : : chrono : : microseconds { env - > NowMicros ( ) + 10000 } ;
dbfull ( ) - > MultiGet ( ro , keys . size ( ) , cfs . data ( ) , keys . data ( ) ,
pin_values . data ( ) , statuses . data ( ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " Batched 1 " ;
CheckStatus ( statuses , 2 ) ;
// Similar to the previous one, but an IO delay in the third CF data block
// read
for ( PinnableSlice & value : pin_values ) {
value . Reset ( ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 0 ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 1048576 ) ;
statuses . clear ( ) ;
statuses . resize ( keys . size ( ) ) ;
fs - > SetDelaySequence ( { { 2 , 200000 } } ) ;
ro . deadline = std : : chrono : : microseconds { env - > NowMicros ( ) + 10000 } ;
dbfull ( ) - > MultiGet ( ro , keys . size ( ) , cfs . data ( ) , keys . data ( ) ,
pin_values . data ( ) , statuses . data ( ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " Batched 2 " ;
CheckStatus ( statuses , 6 ) ;
// Similar to the previous one, but an IO delay in the last but one CF
for ( PinnableSlice & value : pin_values ) {
value . Reset ( ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 0 ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 1048576 ) ;
statuses . clear ( ) ;
statuses . resize ( keys . size ( ) ) ;
fs - > SetDelaySequence ( { { 3 , 200000 } } ) ;
ro . deadline = std : : chrono : : microseconds { env - > NowMicros ( ) + 10000 } ;
dbfull ( ) - > MultiGet ( ro , keys . size ( ) , cfs . data ( ) , keys . data ( ) ,
pin_values . data ( ) , statuses . data ( ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " Batched 3 " ;
CheckStatus ( statuses , 8 ) ;
// Test batched MultiGet with single CF and lots of keys. Inject delay
// into the second batch of keys. As each batch is 32, the first 64 keys,
// i.e first two batches, should succeed and the rest should time out
for ( PinnableSlice & value : pin_values ) {
value . Reset ( ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 0 ) ;
cache - > SetCapacity ( 1048576 ) ;
key_str . clear ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 100 ; + + i ) {
key_str . emplace_back ( Key ( static_cast < int > ( i ) ) ) ;
keys . resize ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
pin_values . clear ( ) ;
pin_values . resize ( key_str . size ( ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < key_str . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
keys [ i ] = Slice ( key_str [ i ] . data ( ) , key_str [ i ] . size ( ) ) ;
statuses . clear ( ) ;
statuses . resize ( keys . size ( ) ) ;
fs - > SetDelaySequence ( { { 1 , 200000 } } ) ;
ro . deadline = std : : chrono : : microseconds { env - > NowMicros ( ) + 10000 } ;
dbfull ( ) - > MultiGet ( ro , handles_ [ 0 ] , keys . size ( ) , keys . data ( ) ,
pin_values . data ( ) , statuses . data ( ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " Batched single CF " ;
CheckStatus ( statuses , 64 ) ;
Close ( ) ;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE