@ -960,6 +960,7 @@ void CompactionPicker::RegisterCompaction(Compaction* c) {
return ;
assert ( ioptions_ . compaction_style ! = kCompactionStyleLevel | |
c - > output_level ( ) = = 0 | |
! FilesRangeOverlapWithCompaction ( * c - > inputs ( ) , c - > output_level ( ) ) ) ;
if ( c - > start_level ( ) = = 0 | |
ioptions_ . compaction_style = = kCompactionStyleUniversal ) {
@ -1047,13 +1048,13 @@ Compaction* LevelCompactionPicker::PickCompaction(
CompactionReason compaction_reason = CompactionReason : : kUnknown ;
// Find the compactions by size on all levels.
bool skipped_l0 = false ;
bool skipped_l0_to_base = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NumberLevels ( ) - 1 ; i + + ) {
score = vstorage - > CompactionScore ( i ) ;
level = vstorage - > CompactionScoreLevel ( i ) ;
assert ( i = = 0 | | score < = vstorage - > CompactionScore ( i - 1 ) ) ;
if ( score > = 1 ) {
if ( skipped_l0 & & level = = vstorage - > base_level ( ) ) {
if ( skipped_l0_to_base & & level = = vstorage - > base_level ( ) ) {
// If L0->base_level compaction is pending, don't schedule further
// compaction from base level. Otherwise L0->base_level compaction
// may starve.
@ -1077,7 +1078,19 @@ Compaction* LevelCompactionPicker::PickCompaction(
// didn't find the compaction, clear the inputs
inputs . clear ( ) ;
if ( level = = 0 ) {
skipped_l0 = true ;
skipped_l0_to_base = true ;
// L0->base_level may be blocked due to ongoing L0->base_level
// compactions. It may also be blocked by an ongoing compaction from
// base_level downwards.
// In these cases, to reduce L0 file count and thus reduce likelihood
// of write stalls, we can attempt compacting a span of files within
// L0.
if ( PickIntraL0Compaction ( vstorage , mutable_cf_options , & inputs ) ) {
output_level = 0 ;
compaction_reason = CompactionReason : : kLevelL0FilesNum ;
break ;
@ -1102,7 +1115,7 @@ Compaction* LevelCompactionPicker::PickCompaction(
// Two level 0 compaction won't run at the same time, so don't need to worry
// about files on level 0 being compacted.
if ( level = = 0 ) {
if ( level = = 0 & & output_level ! = 0 ) {
assert ( level0_compactions_in_progress_ . empty ( ) ) ;
InternalKey smallest , largest ;
GetRange ( inputs , & smallest , & largest ) ;
@ -1123,22 +1136,27 @@ Compaction* LevelCompactionPicker::PickCompaction(
assert ( ! inputs . files . empty ( ) ) ;
// Setup input files from output level
std : : vector < CompactionInputFiles > compaction_inputs ;
CompactionInputFiles output_level_inputs ;
std : : vector < FileMetaData * > grandparents ;
// Setup input files from output level. For output to L0, we only compact
// spans of files that do not interact with any pending compactions, so don't
// need to consider other levels.
if ( output_level ! = 0 ) {
output_level_inputs . level = output_level ;
if ( ! SetupOtherInputs ( cf_name , mutable_cf_options , vstorage , & inputs ,
& output_level_inputs , & parent_index , base_index ) ) {
return nullptr ;
std : : vector < CompactionInputFiles > compaction_inputs ( { inputs } ) ;
compaction_inputs . push_back ( inputs ) ;
if ( ! output_level_inputs . empty ( ) ) {
compaction_inputs . push_back ( output_level_inputs ) ;
// In some edge cases we could pick a compaction that will be compacting
// a key range that overlap with another running compaction, and both
// of them have the same output leve. This could happen if
// of them have the same output level . This could happen if
// (1) we are running a non-exclusive manual compaction
// (2) AddFile ingest a new file into the LSM tree
// We need to disallow this from happening.
@ -1147,9 +1165,11 @@ Compaction* LevelCompactionPicker::PickCompaction(
// of a currently running compaction, we cannot run it.
return nullptr ;
std : : vector < FileMetaData * > grandparents ;
GetGrandparents ( vstorage , inputs , output_level_inputs , & grandparents ) ;
} else {
compaction_inputs . push_back ( inputs ) ;
auto c = new Compaction (
vstorage , ioptions_ , mutable_cf_options , std : : move ( compaction_inputs ) ,
output_level , mutable_cf_options . MaxFileSizeForLevel ( output_level ) ,
@ -1275,6 +1295,47 @@ bool LevelCompactionPicker::PickCompactionBySize(VersionStorageInfo* vstorage,
return inputs - > size ( ) > 0 ;
bool LevelCompactionPicker : : PickIntraL0Compaction (
VersionStorageInfo * vstorage , const MutableCFOptions & mutable_cf_options ,
CompactionInputFiles * inputs ) {
inputs - > clear ( ) ;
const std : : vector < FileMetaData * > & level_files =
vstorage - > LevelFiles ( 0 /* level */ ) ;
if ( level_files . size ( ) <
static_cast < size_t > (
mutable_cf_options . level0_file_num_compaction_trigger + 2 ) | |
level_files [ 0 ] - > being_compacted ) {
// If L0 isn't accumulating much files beyond the regular trigger, don't
// resort to L0->L0 compaction yet.
return false ;
size_t compact_bytes = level_files [ 0 ] - > fd . file_size ;
size_t compact_bytes_per_del_file = port : : kMaxSizet ;
// compaction range will be [0, span_len).
size_t span_len ;
// pull in files until the amount of compaction work per deleted file begins
// increasing.
for ( span_len = 1 ; span_len < level_files . size ( ) ; + + span_len ) {
compact_bytes + = level_files [ span_len ] - > fd . file_size ;
size_t new_compact_bytes_per_del_file = compact_bytes / span_len ;
if ( level_files [ span_len ] - > being_compacted | |
new_compact_bytes_per_del_file > compact_bytes_per_del_file ) {
break ;
compact_bytes_per_del_file = new_compact_bytes_per_del_file ;
if ( span_len > = kMinFilesForIntraL0Compaction ) {
inputs - > level = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < span_len ; + + i ) {
inputs - > files . push_back ( level_files [ i ] ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
bool UniversalCompactionPicker : : NeedsCompaction (
const VersionStorageInfo * vstorage ) const {