@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Rule ;
import org.junit.Rule ;
import org.junit.Test ;
import org.junit.Test ;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder ;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder ;
import org.rocksdb.util.ByteBufferAllocator ;
public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
@ -192,6 +193,236 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
public void readYourOwnWritesCfIterDirectBB ( ) throws RocksDBException {
readYourOwnWritesCfIterDirect ( ByteBufferAllocator . DIRECT ) ;
public void readYourOwnWritesCfIterIndirectBB ( ) throws RocksDBException {
readYourOwnWritesCfIterDirect ( ByteBufferAllocator . HEAP ) ;
public void readYourOwnWritesCfIterDirect ( final ByteBufferAllocator byteBufferAllocator )
throws RocksDBException {
final List < ColumnFamilyDescriptor > cfNames =
Arrays . asList ( new ColumnFamilyDescriptor ( RocksDB . DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY ) ,
new ColumnFamilyDescriptor ( "new_cf" . getBytes ( ) ) ) ;
final List < ColumnFamilyHandle > columnFamilyHandleList = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
// Test open database with column family names
try ( final DBOptions options =
new DBOptions ( ) . setCreateIfMissing ( true ) . setCreateMissingColumnFamilies ( true ) ;
final RocksDB db = RocksDB . open (
options , dbFolder . getRoot ( ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) , cfNames , columnFamilyHandleList ) ) {
final ColumnFamilyHandle newCf = columnFamilyHandleList . get ( 1 ) ;
try {
final byte [ ] kv1 = "key1" . getBytes ( ) ;
final byte [ ] vv1 = "value1" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k1 = byteBufferAllocator . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k1 . put ( kv1 ) ;
final byte [ ] kv2 = "key2" . getBytes ( ) ;
final byte [ ] vv2 = "value2" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k2 = byteBufferAllocator . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k2 . put ( kv2 ) ;
db . put ( newCf , kv1 , vv1 ) ;
db . put ( newCf , kv2 , vv2 ) ;
try ( final WriteBatchWithIndex wbwi = new WriteBatchWithIndex ( true ) ;
final ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions ( ) ;
final RocksIterator base = db . newIterator ( newCf , readOptions ) ;
final RocksIterator it = wbwi . newIteratorWithBase ( newCf , base , readOptions ) ) {
k1 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv1 ) ;
k2 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv2 ) ;
final byte [ ] kv1point5 = "key1point5" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k1point5 = byteBufferAllocator . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k1point5 . put ( kv1point5 ) ;
k1point5 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k1point5 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv2 ) ;
k1point5 . flip ( ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( k1point5 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv1 ) ;
// put data to the write batch and make sure we can read it.
final byte [ ] kv3 = "key3" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k3 = byteBufferAllocator . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k3 . put ( kv3 ) ;
final byte [ ] vv3 = "value3" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv3 , vv3 ) ;
k3 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv3 ) ;
// update k2 in the write batch and check the value
final byte [ ] v2Other = "otherValue2" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv2 , v2Other ) ;
k2 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( v2Other ) ;
// delete k1 and make sure we can read back the write
wbwi . delete ( newCf , kv1 ) ;
k1 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isNotEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
// reinsert k1 and make sure we see the new value
final byte [ ] v1Other = "otherValue1" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv1 , v1Other ) ;
k1 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( v1Other ) ;
// single remove k3 and make sure we can read back the write
wbwi . singleDelete ( newCf , kv3 ) ;
k3 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( false ) ;
// reinsert k3 and make sure we see the new value
final byte [ ] v3Other = "otherValue3" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv3 , v3Other ) ;
k3 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( v3Other ) ;
} finally {
for ( final ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle : columnFamilyHandleList ) {
columnFamilyHandle . close ( ) ;
public void readYourOwnWritesCfIterIndirect ( ) throws RocksDBException {
final List < ColumnFamilyDescriptor > cfNames =
Arrays . asList ( new ColumnFamilyDescriptor ( RocksDB . DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY ) ,
new ColumnFamilyDescriptor ( "new_cf" . getBytes ( ) ) ) ;
final List < ColumnFamilyHandle > columnFamilyHandleList = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
// Test open database with column family names
try ( final DBOptions options =
new DBOptions ( ) . setCreateIfMissing ( true ) . setCreateMissingColumnFamilies ( true ) ;
final RocksDB db = RocksDB . open (
options , dbFolder . getRoot ( ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) , cfNames , columnFamilyHandleList ) ) {
final ColumnFamilyHandle newCf = columnFamilyHandleList . get ( 1 ) ;
try {
final byte [ ] kv1 = "key1" . getBytes ( ) ;
final byte [ ] vv1 = "value1" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k1 = ByteBuffer . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k1 . put ( kv1 ) . flip ( ) ;
final byte [ ] kv2 = "key2" . getBytes ( ) ;
final byte [ ] vv2 = "value2" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k2 = ByteBuffer . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k2 . put ( kv2 ) . flip ( ) ;
db . put ( newCf , kv1 , vv1 ) ;
db . put ( newCf , kv2 , vv2 ) ;
try ( final WriteBatchWithIndex wbwi = new WriteBatchWithIndex ( true ) ;
final ReadOptions readOptions = new ReadOptions ( ) ;
final RocksIterator base = db . newIterator ( newCf , readOptions ) ;
final RocksIterator it = wbwi . newIteratorWithBase ( newCf , base , readOptions ) ) {
it . seek ( k1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv1 ) ;
it . seek ( k2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv2 ) ;
// put data to the write batch and make sure we can read it.
final byte [ ] kv3 = "key3" . getBytes ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer k3 = ByteBuffer . allocate ( 12 ) ;
k3 . put ( kv3 ) ;
final byte [ ] vv3 = "value3" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv3 , vv3 ) ;
k3 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( vv3 ) ;
// update k2 in the write batch and check the value
final byte [ ] v2Other = "otherValue2" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv2 , v2Other ) ;
k2 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv2 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( v2Other ) ;
// delete k1 and make sure we can read back the write
wbwi . delete ( newCf , kv1 ) ;
k1 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isNotEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
// reinsert k1 and make sure we see the new value
final byte [ ] v1Other = "otherValue1" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv1 , v1Other ) ;
k1 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv1 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( v1Other ) ;
// single remove k3 and make sure we can read back the write
wbwi . singleDelete ( newCf , kv3 ) ;
k3 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( false ) ;
// reinsert k3 and make sure we see the new value
final byte [ ] v3Other = "otherValue3" . getBytes ( ) ;
wbwi . put ( newCf , kv3 , v3Other ) ;
k3 . flip ( ) ;
it . seek ( k3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . key ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( kv3 ) ;
assertThat ( it . value ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( v3Other ) ;
} finally {
for ( final ColumnFamilyHandle columnFamilyHandle : columnFamilyHandleList ) {
columnFamilyHandle . close ( ) ;
public void writeBatchWithIndex ( ) throws RocksDBException {
public void writeBatchWithIndex ( ) throws RocksDBException {
try ( final Options options = new Options ( ) . setCreateIfMissing ( true ) ;
try ( final Options options = new Options ( ) . setCreateIfMissing ( true ) ;
@ -220,10 +451,10 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
public void write_writeBatchWithIndexDirect ( ) throws RocksDBException {
public void write_writeBatchWithIndexDirect ( ) throws RocksDBException {
try ( final Options options = new Options ( ) . setCreateIfMissing ( true ) ;
try ( final Options options = new Options ( ) . setCreateIfMissing ( true ) ;
final RocksDB db = RocksDB . open ( options , dbFolder . getRoot ( ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ) {
final RocksDB db = RocksDB . open ( options , dbFolder . getRoot ( ) . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ) {
ByteBuffer k1 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
final ByteBuffer k1 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
ByteBuffer v1 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
final ByteBuffer v1 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
ByteBuffer k2 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
final ByteBuffer k2 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
ByteBuffer v2 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
final ByteBuffer v2 = ByteBuffer . allocateDirect ( 16 ) ;
k1 . put ( "key1" . getBytes ( ) ) . flip ( ) ;
k1 . put ( "key1" . getBytes ( ) ) . flip ( ) ;
v1 . put ( "value1" . getBytes ( ) ) . flip ( ) ;
v1 . put ( "value1" . getBytes ( ) ) . flip ( ) ;
k2 . put ( "key2" . getBytes ( ) ) . flip ( ) ;
k2 . put ( "key2" . getBytes ( ) ) . flip ( ) ;
@ -258,8 +489,6 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
final String v3 = "value3" ;
final String v3 = "value3" ;
final String k4 = "key4" ;
final String k4 = "key4" ;
final String k5 = "key5" ;
final String k5 = "key5" ;
final String k6 = "key6" ;
final String k7 = "key7" ;
final String v8 = "value8" ;
final String v8 = "value8" ;
final byte [ ] k1b = k1 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k1b = k1 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] v1b = v1 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] v1b = v1 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
@ -269,10 +498,11 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
final byte [ ] v3b = v3 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] v3b = v3 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k4b = k4 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k4b = k4 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k5b = k5 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k5b = k5 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k6b = k6 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] k7b = k7 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] v8b = v8 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final byte [ ] v8b = v8 . getBytes ( UTF_8 ) ;
final String k1point5 = "key1point5" ;
final String k2point5 = "key2point5" ;
// add put records
// add put records
wbwi . put ( k1b , v1b ) ;
wbwi . put ( k1b , v1b ) ;
wbwi . put ( k2b , v2b ) ;
wbwi . put ( k2b , v2b ) ;
@ -303,9 +533,7 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
try ( final WBWIRocksIterator it = wbwi . newIterator ( ) ) {
try ( final WBWIRocksIterator it = wbwi . newIterator ( ) ) {
//direct access - seek to key offsets
//direct access - seek to key offsets
final int [ ] testOffsets = { 2 , 0 , 3 , 4 , 1 } ;
final int [ ] testOffsets = { 2 , 0 , 3 , 4 , 1 } ;
for ( final int testOffset : testOffsets ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < testOffsets . length ; i + + ) {
final int testOffset = testOffsets [ i ] ;
final byte [ ] key = toArray ( expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
final byte [ ] key = toArray ( expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
it . seek ( key ) ;
it . seek ( key ) ;
@ -313,13 +541,94 @@ public class WriteBatchWithIndexTest {
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ testOffset ] ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ testOffset ] ) ;
for ( final int testOffset : testOffsets ) {
final byte [ ] key = toArray ( expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
// Direct buffer seek
final ByteBuffer db = expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ;
it . seek ( db ) ;
assertThat ( db . position ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( key . length ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ testOffset ] ) ;
for ( final int testOffset : testOffsets ) {
final byte [ ] key = toArray ( expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
// Direct buffer seek
// Direct buffer seek
expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) . mark ( ) ;
final ByteBuffer db = expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ;
ByteBuffer db = expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( db ) ;
assertThat ( db . position ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( key . length ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ testOffset ] ) ;
for ( final int testOffset : testOffsets ) {
final byte [ ] key = toArray ( expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
// Indirect buffer seek
final ByteBuffer db = ByteBuffer . allocate ( key . length ) ;
System . arraycopy ( key , 0 , db . array ( ) , 0 , key . length ) ;
it . seek ( db ) ;
it . seek ( db ) ;
assertThat ( db . position ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( key . length ) ;
assertThat ( db . position ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( key . length ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ testOffset ] ) ;
for ( final int testOffset : testOffsets ) {
final byte [ ] key = toArray ( expected [ testOffset ] . getKey ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
// Indirect buffer seek for prev
final ByteBuffer db = ByteBuffer . allocate ( key . length ) ;
System . arraycopy ( key , 0 , db . array ( ) , 0 , key . length ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( db ) ;
assertThat ( db . position ( ) ) . isEqualTo ( key . length ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ testOffset ] ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( k2point5 . getBytes ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ 1 ] ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( k1point5 . getBytes ( ) ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ 0 ] ) ;
final ByteBuffer db = ByteBuffer . allocate ( k2point5 . length ( ) ) ;
db . put ( k2point5 . getBytes ( ) ) ;
db . flip ( ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( db ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ 1 ] ) ;
final ByteBuffer db = ByteBuffer . allocate ( k1point5 . length ( ) ) ;
db . put ( k1point5 . getBytes ( ) ) ;
db . flip ( ) ;
it . seekForPrev ( db ) ;
assertThat ( it . isValid ( ) ) . isTrue ( ) ;
final WBWIRocksIterator . WriteEntry entry = it . entry ( ) ;
assertThat ( entry ) . isEqualTo ( expected [ 0 ] ) ;
//forward iterative access
//forward iterative access