@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ DEFINE_string(
" key order and keep the shape of the LSM tree \n "
" \t overwrite -- overwrite N values in random key order in "
" async mode \n "
" \t fillsync -- write N/100 values in random key order in "
" \t fillsync -- write N/1000 values in random key order in "
" sync mode \n "
" \t fill100K -- write N/1000 100K values in random order in "
" async mode \n "
@ -245,7 +245,15 @@ DEFINE_int32(threads, 1, "Number of concurrent threads to run.");
DEFINE_int32 ( duration , 0 , " Time in seconds for the random-ops tests to run. "
" When 0 then num & reads determine the test duration " ) ;
DEFINE_int32 ( value_size , 100 , " Size of each value " ) ;
DEFINE_string ( value_size_distribution_type , " fixed " ,
" Value size distribution type: fixed, uniform, normal " ) ;
DEFINE_int32 ( value_size , 100 , " Size of each value in fixed distribution " ) ;
static unsigned int value_size = 100 ;
DEFINE_int32 ( value_size_min , 100 , " Min size of random value " ) ;
DEFINE_int32 ( value_size_max , 102400 , " Max size of random value " ) ;
DEFINE_int32 ( seek_nexts , 0 ,
" How many times to call Next() after Seek() in "
@ -787,6 +795,11 @@ DEFINE_uint64(blob_db_file_size,
rocksdb : : blob_db : : BlobDBOptions ( ) . blob_file_size ,
" Target size of each blob file. " ) ;
DEFINE_string ( blob_db_compression_type , " snappy " ,
" Algorithm to use to compress blob in blob file " ) ;
static enum rocksdb : : CompressionType FLAGS_blob_db_compression_type_e =
rocksdb : : kSnappyCompression ;
// Secondary DB instance Options
DEFINE_bool ( use_secondary_db , false ,
" Open a RocksDB secondary instance. A primary instance can be "
@ -1418,20 +1431,135 @@ class ReportFileOpEnv : public EnvWrapper {
} // namespace
enum DistributionType : unsigned char {
kFixed = 0 ,
kUniform ,
} ;
static enum DistributionType FLAGS_value_size_distribution_type_e = kFixed ;
static enum DistributionType StringToDistributionType ( const char * ctype ) {
assert ( ctype ) ;
if ( ! strcasecmp ( ctype , " fixed " ) )
return kFixed ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( ctype , " uniform " ) )
return kUniform ;
else if ( ! strcasecmp ( ctype , " normal " ) )
return kNormal ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Cannot parse distribution type '%s' \n " , ctype ) ;
return kFixed ; // default value
class BaseDistribution {
public :
BaseDistribution ( unsigned int min , unsigned int max ) :
min_value_size_ ( min ) ,
max_value_size_ ( max ) { }
virtual ~ BaseDistribution ( ) { }
unsigned int Generate ( ) {
auto val = Get ( ) ;
if ( NeedTruncate ( ) ) {
val = std : : max ( min_value_size_ , val ) ;
val = std : : min ( max_value_size_ , val ) ;
return val ;
private :
virtual unsigned int Get ( ) = 0 ;
virtual bool NeedTruncate ( ) {
return true ;
unsigned int min_value_size_ ;
unsigned int max_value_size_ ;
} ;
class FixedDistribution : public BaseDistribution
public :
FixedDistribution ( unsigned int size ) :
BaseDistribution ( size , size ) ,
size_ ( size ) { }
private :
virtual unsigned int Get ( ) override {
return size_ ;
virtual bool NeedTruncate ( ) override {
return false ;
unsigned int size_ ;
} ;
class NormalDistribution
: public BaseDistribution , public std : : normal_distribution < double > {
public :
NormalDistribution ( unsigned int min , unsigned int max ) :
BaseDistribution ( min , max ) ,
// 99.7% values within the range [min, max].
std : : normal_distribution < double > ( ( double ) ( min + max ) / 2.0 /*mean*/ ,
( double ) ( max - min ) / 6.0 /*stddev*/ ) ,
gen_ ( rd_ ( ) ) { }
private :
virtual unsigned int Get ( ) override {
return static_cast < unsigned int > ( ( * this ) ( gen_ ) ) ;
std : : random_device rd_ ;
std : : mt19937 gen_ ;
} ;
class UniformDistribution
: public BaseDistribution ,
public std : : uniform_int_distribution < unsigned int > {
public :
UniformDistribution ( unsigned int min , unsigned int max ) :
BaseDistribution ( min , max ) ,
std : : uniform_int_distribution < unsigned int > ( min , max ) ,
gen_ ( rd_ ( ) ) { }
private :
virtual unsigned int Get ( ) override {
return ( * this ) ( gen_ ) ;
virtual bool NeedTruncate ( ) override {
return false ;
std : : random_device rd_ ;
std : : mt19937 gen_ ;
} ;
// Helper for quickly generating random data.
class RandomGenerator {
private :
std : : string data_ ;
unsigned int pos_ ;
std : : unique_ptr < BaseDistribution > dist_ ;
public :
RandomGenerator ( ) {
auto max_value_size = FLAGS_value_size_max ;
switch ( FLAGS_value_size_distribution_type_e ) {
case kUniform :
dist_ . reset ( new UniformDistribution ( FLAGS_value_size_min ,
FLAGS_value_size_max ) ) ;
break ;
case kNormal :
dist_ . reset ( new NormalDistribution ( FLAGS_value_size_min ,
FLAGS_value_size_max ) ) ;
break ;
case kFixed :
default :
dist_ . reset ( new FixedDistribution ( value_size ) ) ;
max_value_size = value_size ;
// We use a limited amount of data over and over again and ensure
// that it is larger than the compression window (32KB), and also
// large enough to serve all typical value sizes we want to write.
Random rnd ( 301 ) ;
std : : string piece ;
while ( data_ . size ( ) < ( unsigned ) std : : max ( 1048576 , FLAGS_value_size ) ) {
while ( data_ . size ( ) < ( unsigned ) std : : max ( 1048576 , max _value_size) ) {
// Add a short fragment that is as compressible as specified
// by FLAGS_compression_ratio.
test : : CompressibleString ( & rnd , FLAGS_compression_ratio , 100 , & piece ) ;
@ -1449,13 +1577,9 @@ class RandomGenerator {
return Slice ( data_ . data ( ) + pos_ - len , len ) ;
Slice GenerateWithTTL ( unsigned int len ) {
assert ( len < = data_ . size ( ) ) ;
if ( pos_ + len > data_ . size ( ) ) {
pos_ = 0 ;
pos_ + = len ;
return Slice ( data_ . data ( ) + pos_ - len , len ) ;
Slice Generate ( ) {
auto len = dist_ - > Generate ( ) ;
return Generate ( len ) ;
} ;
@ -2139,7 +2263,6 @@ class Benchmark {
DBWithColumnFamilies db_ ;
std : : vector < DBWithColumnFamilies > multi_dbs_ ;
int64_t num_ ;
int value_size_ ;
int key_size_ ;
int prefix_size_ ;
int64_t keys_per_prefix_ ;
@ -2265,17 +2388,28 @@ class Benchmark {
void PrintHeader ( ) {
PrintEnvironment ( ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Keys: %d bytes each \n " , FLAGS_key_size ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Values: %d bytes each (%d bytes after compression) \n " ,
FLAGS_value_size ,
static_cast < int > ( FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio + 0.5 ) ) ;
auto avg_value_size = FLAGS_value_size ;
if ( FLAGS_value_size_distribution_type_e = = kFixed ) {
fprintf ( stdout , " Values: %d bytes each (%d bytes after compression) \n " ,
avg_value_size ,
static_cast < int > ( avg_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio + 0.5 ) ) ;
} else {
avg_value_size = ( FLAGS_value_size_min + FLAGS_value_size_max ) / 2 ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Values: %d avg bytes each (%d bytes after compression) \n " ,
avg_value_size ,
static_cast < int > ( avg_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio + 0.5 ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Values Distribution: %s (min: %d, max: %d) \n " ,
FLAGS_value_size_distribution_type . c_str ( ) ,
FLAGS_value_size_min , FLAGS_value_size_max ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Entries: % " PRIu64 " \n " , num_ ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Prefix: %d bytes \n " , FLAGS_prefix_size ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Keys per prefix: % " PRIu64 " \n " , keys_per_prefix_ ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " RawSize: %.1f MB (estimated) \n " ,
( ( static_cast < int64_t > ( FLAGS_key_size + FLAGS_value_size ) * num_ )
( ( static_cast < int64_t > ( FLAGS_key_size + avg _value_size) * num_ )
/ 1048576.0 ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " FileSize: %.1f MB (estimated) \n " ,
( ( ( FLAGS_key_size + FLAGS_value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio )
( ( ( FLAGS_key_size + avg _value_size * FLAGS_compression_ratio )
* num_ )
/ 1048576.0 ) ) ;
fprintf ( stdout , " Write rate: % " PRIu64 " bytes/second \n " ,
@ -2479,7 +2613,6 @@ class Benchmark {
: nullptr ) ,
prefix_extractor_ ( NewFixedPrefixTransform ( FLAGS_prefix_size ) ) ,
num_ ( FLAGS_num ) ,
value_size_ ( FLAGS_value_size ) ,
key_size_ ( FLAGS_key_size ) ,
prefix_size_ ( FLAGS_prefix_size ) ,
keys_per_prefix_ ( FLAGS_keys_per_prefix ) ,
@ -2702,7 +2835,7 @@ class Benchmark {
reads_ = ( FLAGS_reads < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_reads ) ;
writes_ = ( FLAGS_writes < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_writes ) ;
deletes_ = ( FLAGS_deletes < 0 ? FLAGS_num : FLAGS_deletes ) ;
value_size_ = FLAGS_value_size ;
value_size = FLAGS_value_size ;
key_size_ = FLAGS_key_size ;
entries_per_batch_ = FLAGS_batch_size ;
writes_before_delete_range_ = FLAGS_writes_before_delete_range ;
@ -2804,7 +2937,7 @@ class Benchmark {
} else if ( name = = " fill100K " ) {
fresh_db = true ;
num_ / = 1000 ;
value_size_ = 100 * 1000 ;
value_size = 100 * 1000 ;
method = & Benchmark : : WriteRandom ;
} else if ( name = = " readseq " ) {
method = & Benchmark : : ReadSequential ;
@ -4016,6 +4149,7 @@ class Benchmark {
blob_db_options . min_blob_size = FLAGS_blob_db_min_blob_size ;
blob_db_options . bytes_per_sync = FLAGS_blob_db_bytes_per_sync ;
blob_db_options . blob_file_size = FLAGS_blob_db_file_size ;
blob_db_options . compression = FLAGS_blob_db_compression_type_e ;
blob_db : : BlobDB * ptr = nullptr ;
s = blob_db : : BlobDB : : Open ( options , blob_db_options , db_name , & ptr ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
@ -4211,23 +4345,14 @@ class Benchmark {
size_t id = thread - > rand . Next ( ) % num_key_gens ;
DBWithColumnFamilies * db_with_cfh = SelectDBWithCfh ( id ) ;
batch . Clear ( ) ;
if ( thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter . get ( ) ! = nullptr ) {
thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter - > Request (
entries_per_batch_ * ( value_size_ + key_size_ ) , Env : : IO_HIGH ,
nullptr /* stats */ , RateLimiter : : OpType : : kWrite ) ;
// Set time at which last op finished to Now() to hide latency and
// sleep from rate limiter. Also, do the check once per batch, not
// once per write.
thread - > stats . ResetLastOpTime ( ) ;
int64_t batch_bytes = 0 ;
for ( int64_t j = 0 ; j < entries_per_batch_ ; j + + ) {
int64_t rand_num = key_gens [ id ] - > Next ( ) ;
GenerateKeyFromInt ( rand_num , FLAGS_num , & key ) ;
Slice val = gen . Generate ( ) ;
if ( use_blob_db_ ) {
Slice val = gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ;
blob_db : : BlobDB * blobdb =
static_cast < blob_db : : BlobDB * > ( db_with_cfh - > db ) ;
if ( FLAGS_blob_db_max_ttl_range > 0 ) {
@ -4238,15 +4363,16 @@ class Benchmark {
# endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
} else if ( FLAGS_num_column_families < = 1 ) {
batch . Put ( key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
batch . Put ( key , val ) ;
} else {
// We use same rand_num as seed for key and column family so that we
// can deterministically find the cfh corresponding to a particular
// key while reading the key.
batch . Put ( db_with_cfh - > GetCfh ( rand_num ) , key ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
val ) ;
bytes + = value_size_ + key_size_ ;
batch_bytes + = val . size ( ) + key_size_ ;
bytes + = val . size ( ) + key_size_ ;
+ + num_written ;
if ( writes_per_range_tombstone_ > 0 & &
num_written > writes_before_delete_range_ & &
@ -4293,6 +4419,15 @@ class Benchmark {
if ( thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter . get ( ) ! = nullptr ) {
thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter - > Request (
batch_bytes , Env : : IO_HIGH ,
nullptr /* stats */ , RateLimiter : : OpType : : kWrite ) ;
// Set time at which last op finished to Now() to hide latency and
// sleep from rate limiter. Also, do the check once per batch, not
// once per write.
thread - > stats . ResetLastOpTime ( ) ;
if ( ! use_blob_db_ ) {
s = db_with_cfh - > db - > Write ( write_options_ , & batch ) ;
@ -5346,16 +5481,16 @@ class Benchmark {
} else if ( query_type = = 1 ) {
// the Put query
puts + + ;
int64_t value _size = ParetoCdfInversion (
int64_t val_size = ParetoCdfInversion (
u , FLAGS_value_theta , FLAGS_value_k , FLAGS_value_sigma ) ;
if ( value _size < 0 ) {
value _size = 10 ;
} else if ( value _size > value_max ) {
value _size = value _size % value_max ;
if ( val_size < 0 ) {
val_size = 10 ;
} else if ( val_size > value_max ) {
val_size = val_size % value_max ;
s = db_with_cfh - > db - > Put (
write_options_ , key ,
gen . Generate ( static_cast < unsigned int > ( value _size ) ) ) ;
gen . Generate ( static_cast < unsigned int > ( val_size ) ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -5363,7 +5498,7 @@ class Benchmark {
if ( thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter ) {
thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter - > Request (
key . size ( ) + value _size , Env : : IO_HIGH , nullptr /*stats*/ ,
key . size ( ) + val_size , Env : : IO_HIGH , nullptr /*stats*/ ,
RateLimiter : : OpType : : kWrite ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedOps ( db_with_cfh , db_with_cfh - > db , 1 , kWrite ) ;
@ -5657,10 +5792,11 @@ class Benchmark {
GenerateKeyFromInt ( thread - > rand . Next ( ) % FLAGS_num , FLAGS_num , & key ) ;
Status s ;
Slice val = gen . Generate ( ) ;
if ( write_merge = = kWrite ) {
s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , val ) ;
} else {
s = db - > Merge ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
s = db - > Merge ( write_options_ , key , val ) ;
written + + ;
@ -5668,12 +5804,12 @@ class Benchmark {
fprintf ( stderr , " put or merge error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
bytes + = key . size ( ) + value_size_ ;
bytes + = key . size ( ) + val . size ( ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedOps ( & db_ , db_ . db , 1 , kWrite ) ;
if ( FLAGS_benchmark_write_rate_limit > 0 ) {
write_rate_limiter - > Request (
entries_per_batch_ * ( value_size_ + key_size_ ) , Env : : IO_HIGH ,
key . size ( ) + val . size ( ) , Env : : IO_HIGH ,
nullptr /* stats */ , RateLimiter : : OpType : : kWrite ) ;
@ -5845,7 +5981,7 @@ class Benchmark {
} else if ( put_weight > 0 ) {
// then do all the corresponding number of puts
// for all the gets we have done earlier
Status s = PutMany ( db , write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = PutMany ( db , write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " putmany error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -5913,7 +6049,7 @@ class Benchmark {
} else if ( put_weight > 0 ) {
// then do all the corresponding number of puts
// for all the gets we have done earlier
Status s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -5959,16 +6095,17 @@ class Benchmark {
if ( thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter ) {
thread - > shared - > write_rate_limiter - > Request (
key . size ( ) + value_size_ , Env : : IO_HIGH , nullptr /*stats*/ ,
key . size ( ) + value . size ( ) , Env : : IO_HIGH , nullptr /*stats*/ ,
RateLimiter : : OpType : : kWrite ) ;
Status s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Slice val = gen . Generate ( ) ;
Status s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , val ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
bytes + = key . size ( ) + value_size_ ;
bytes + = key . size ( ) + val . size ( ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedOps ( nullptr , db , 1 , kUpdate ) ;
char msg [ 100 ] ;
@ -6007,7 +6144,7 @@ class Benchmark {
exit ( 1 ) ;
Slice value = gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ;
Slice value = gen . Generate ( static_cast < unsigned int > ( existing_value . size ( ) ) ) ;
std : : string new_value ;
if ( status . ok ( ) ) {
@ -6062,7 +6199,7 @@ class Benchmark {
// Update the value (by appending data)
Slice operand = gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ;
Slice operand = gen . Generate ( ) ;
if ( value . size ( ) > 0 ) {
// Use a delimiter to match the semantics for StringAppendOperator
value . append ( 1 , ' , ' ) ;
@ -6109,21 +6246,22 @@ class Benchmark {
GenerateKeyFromInt ( key_rand , merge_keys_ , & key ) ;
Status s ;
Slice val = gen . Generate ( ) ;
if ( FLAGS_num_column_families > 1 ) {
s = db_with_cfh - > db - > Merge ( write_options_ ,
db_with_cfh - > GetCfh ( key_rand ) , key ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
val ) ;
} else {
s = db_with_cfh - > db - > Merge ( write_options_ ,
db_with_cfh - > db - > DefaultColumnFamily ( ) , key ,
gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
val ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " merge error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
bytes + = key . size ( ) + value_size_ ;
bytes + = key . size ( ) + val . size ( ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedOps ( nullptr , db_with_cfh - > db , 1 , kMerge ) ;
@ -6161,7 +6299,7 @@ class Benchmark {
bool do_merge = int ( thread - > rand . Next ( ) % 100 ) < FLAGS_mergereadpercent ;
if ( do_merge ) {
Status s = db - > Merge ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Status s = db - > Merge ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " merge error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -6437,7 +6575,7 @@ class Benchmark {
DB * db = SelectDB ( thread ) ;
for ( int64_t i = 0 ; i < FLAGS_numdistinct ; i + + ) {
GenerateKeyFromInt ( i * max_counter , FLAGS_num , & key ) ;
s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( ) ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Operation failed: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
@ -6604,20 +6742,20 @@ class Benchmark {
timestamp_emulator_ - > Inc ( ) ;
Status s ;
s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , gen . Generate ( value_size_ ) ) ;
Slice val = gen . Generate ( ) ;
s = db - > Put ( write_options_ , key , val ) ;
if ( ! s . ok ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " put error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
bytes = key . size ( ) + value_size_ ;
bytes = key . size ( ) + val . size ( ) ;
thread - > stats . FinishedOps ( & db_ , db_ . db , 1 , kWrite ) ;
thread - > stats . AddBytes ( bytes ) ;
if ( FLAGS_benchmark_write_rate_limit > 0 ) {
write_rate_limiter - > Request (
entries_per_batch_ * ( value_size_ + key_size_ ) , Env : : IO_HIGH ,
key . size ( ) + val . size ( ) , Env : : IO_HIGH ,
nullptr /* stats */ , RateLimiter : : OpType : : kWrite ) ;
@ -6798,6 +6936,9 @@ int db_bench_tool(int argc, char** argv) {
FLAGS_compression_type_e =
StringToCompressionType ( FLAGS_compression_type . c_str ( ) ) ;
FLAGS_blob_db_compression_type_e =
StringToCompressionType ( FLAGS_blob_db_compression_type . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! FLAGS_hdfs . empty ( ) & & ! FLAGS_env_uri . empty ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Cannot provide both --hdfs and --env_uri. \n " ) ;
@ -6834,6 +6975,9 @@ int db_bench_tool(int argc, char** argv) {
FLAGS_compaction_fadvice . c_str ( ) ) ;
FLAGS_value_size_distribution_type_e =
StringToDistributionType ( FLAGS_value_size_distribution_type . c_str ( ) ) ;
FLAGS_rep_factory = StringToRepFactory ( FLAGS_memtablerep . c_str ( ) ) ;
// Note options sanitization may increase thread pool sizes according to