@ -1133,24 +1133,26 @@ Status StressTest::TestIterate(ThreadState* thread,
const ReadOptions & read_opts ,
const std : : vector < int > & rand_column_families ,
const std : : vector < int64_t > & rand_keys ) {
Status s ;
const Snapshot * snapshot = db_ - > GetSnapshot ( ) ;
ReadOptions readoptionscopy = read_opts ;
readoptionscopy . snapshot = snapshot ;
assert ( ! rand_column_families . empty ( ) ) ;
assert ( ! rand_keys . empty ( ) ) ;
ManagedSnapshot snapshot_guard ( db_ ) ;
ReadOptions ro = read_opts ;
ro . snapshot = snapshot_guard . snapshot ( ) ;
std : : string read_ts_str ;
Slice read_ts_slice ;
MaybeUseOlderTimestampForRangeScan ( thread , read_ts_str , read_ts_slice ,
readoptionscopy ) ;
MaybeUseOlderTimestampForRangeScan ( thread , read_ts_str , read_ts_slice , ro ) ;
bool expect_total_order = false ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 16 ) ) {
// When prefix extractor is used, it's useful to cover total order seek.
read optionscopy . total_order_seek = true ;
ro . total_order_seek = true ;
expect_total_order = true ;
} else if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 4 ) ) {
read optionscopy . total_order_seek = false ;
read optionscopy . auto_prefix_mode = true ;
ro . total_order_seek = false ;
ro . auto_prefix_mode = true ;
expect_total_order = true ;
} else if ( options_ . prefix_extractor . get ( ) = = nullptr ) {
expect_total_order = true ;
@ -1159,101 +1161,106 @@ Status StressTest::TestIterate(ThreadState* thread,
std : : string upper_bound_str ;
Slice upper_bound ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 16 ) ) {
// in 1/16 chance, set a iterator upper bound
int64_t rand_upper_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
// With a 1/16 chance, set an iterator upper bound.
// Note: upper_bound can be smaller than the seek key.
const int64_t rand_upper_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
upper_bound_str = Key ( rand_upper_key ) ;
upper_bound = Slice ( upper_bound_str ) ;
// uppder_bound can be smaller than seek key, but the query itself
// should not crash either.
readoptionscopy . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
ro . iterate_upper_bound = & upper_bound ;
std : : string lower_bound_str ;
Slice lower_bound ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 16 ) ) {
// in 1/16 chance, enable iterator lower bound
int64_t rand_lower_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
// With a 1/16 chance, enable iterator lower bound.
// Note: lower_bound can be greater than the seek key.
const int64_t rand_lower_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
lower_bound_str = Key ( rand_lower_key ) ;
lower_bound = Slice ( lower_bound_str ) ;
// uppder_bound can be smaller than seek key, but the query itself
// should not crash either.
readoptionscopy . iterate_lower_bound = & lower_bound ;
ro . iterate_lower_bound = & lower_bound ;
auto cfh = column_families_ [ rand_column_families [ 0 ] ] ;
std : : uniqu e_pt r< Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( readoptionscopy , cfh ) ) ;
ColumnFamilyHandle * const cfh = column_families_ [ rand_column_families [ 0 ] ] ;
ass ert ( cfh ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > key_str ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( ro , cfh ) ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > key_strs ;
if ( thread - > rand . OneIn ( 16 ) ) {
// Generate keys close to lower or upper bound of SST files.
key_str = GetWhiteBoxKeys ( thread , db_ , cfh , rand_keys . size ( ) ) ;
key_strs = GetWhiteBoxKeys ( thread , db_ , cfh , rand_keys . size ( ) ) ;
if ( key_str . empty ( ) ) {
// If key string is not geneerated using white block keys,
// Use randomized key passe in.
if ( key_strs . empty ( ) ) {
// Use the random keys passed in.
for ( int64_t rkey : rand_keys ) {
key_str . push_back ( Key ( rkey ) ) ;
key_strs . push_back ( Key ( rkey ) ) ;
std : : string op_logs ;
const size_t kOpLogsLimit = 10000 ;
constexpr size_t kOpLogsLimit = 10000 ;
for ( const std : : string & s key : key_str ) {
for ( const std : : string & key_str : key_strs ) {
if ( op_logs . size ( ) > kOpLogsLimit ) {
// Shouldn't take too much memory for the history log. Clear it.
op_logs = " (cleared...) \n " ;
Slice key = skey ;
if ( readoptionscopy . iterate_upper_bound ! = nullptr & &
thread - > rand . OneIn ( 2 ) ) {
// 1/2 chance, change the upper bound.
// It is possible that it is changed without first use, but there is no
if ( ro . iterate_upper_bound ! = nullptr & & thread - > rand . OneIn ( 2 ) ) {
// With a 1/2 chance, change the upper bound.
// It is possible that it is changed before first use, but there is no
// problem with that.
int64_t rand_upper_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
const int64_t rand_upper_key =
GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
upper_bound_str = Key ( rand_upper_key ) ;
upper_bound = Slice ( upper_bound_str ) ;
} else if ( readoptionscopy . iterate_lower_bound ! = nullptr & &
thread - > rand . OneIn ( 4 ) ) {
// 1/4 chance, change the lower bound.
// It is possible that it is changed without first use, but there is no
if ( ro . iterate_lower_bound ! = nullptr & & thread - > rand . OneIn ( 4 ) ) {
// With a 1/4 chance, change the lower bound.
// It is possible that it is changed before first use, but there is no
// problem with that.
int64_t rand_lower_key = GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
const int64_t rand_lower_key =
GenerateOneKey ( thread , FLAGS_ops_per_thread ) ;
lower_bound_str = Key ( rand_lower_key ) ;
lower_bound = Slice ( lower_bound_str ) ;
// Record some options to op_logs;
// Record some options to op_logs
op_logs + = " total_order_seek: " ;
op_logs + = ( read optionscopy . total_order_seek ? " 1 " : " 0 " ) ;
op_logs + = ( ro . total_order_seek ? " 1 " : " 0 " ) ;
op_logs + = " auto_prefix_mode: " ;
op_logs + = ( read optionscopy . auto_prefix_mode ? " 1 " : " 0 " ) ;
if ( read optionscopy . iterate_upper_bound ! = nullptr ) {
op_logs + = ( ro . auto_prefix_mode ? " 1 " : " 0 " ) ;
if ( ro . iterate_upper_bound ! = nullptr ) {
op_logs + = " ub: " + upper_bound . ToString ( true ) + " " ;
if ( read optionscopy . iterate_lower_bound ! = nullptr ) {
if ( ro . iterate_lower_bound ! = nullptr ) {
op_logs + = " lb: " + lower_bound . ToString ( true ) + " " ;
// Set up an iterator and does the same without bounds and with total
// order seek and compare the results. This is to identify bugs related
// to bounds, prefix extractor or reseeking. Sometimes we are comparing
// iterators with the same set-up, and it doesn't hurt to check them
// to be equal.
// Set up an iterator, perform the same operations without bounds and with
// total order seek, and compare the results. This is to identify bugs
// related to bounds, prefix extractor, or reseeking. Sometimes we are
// comparing iterators with the same set-up, and it doesn't hurt to check
// them to be equal.
// This `ReadOptions` is for validation purposes. Ignore
// `FLAGS_rate_limit_user_ops` to avoid slowing any validation.
ReadOptions cmp_ro ;
cmp_ro . timestamp = read optionscopy . timestamp ;
cmp_ro . iter_start_ts = read optionscopy . iter_start_ts ;
cmp_ro . snapshot = snapshot ;
cmp_ro . timestamp = ro . timestamp ;
cmp_ro . iter_start_ts = ro . iter_start_ts ;
cmp_ro . snapshot = snapshot_guard . snapshot ( ) ;
cmp_ro . total_order_seek = true ;
ColumnFamilyHandle * cmp_cfh =
ColumnFamilyHandle * const cmp_cfh =
GetControlCfh ( thread , rand_column_families [ 0 ] ) ;
assert ( cmp_cfh ) ;
std : : unique_ptr < Iterator > cmp_iter ( db_ - > NewIterator ( cmp_ro , cmp_cfh ) ) ;
bool diverged = false ;
bool support_seek_first_or_last = expect_total_order ;
Slice key ( key_str ) ;
const bool support_seek_first_or_last = expect_total_order ;
LastIterateOp last_op ;
if ( support_seek_first_or_last & & thread - > rand . OneIn ( 100 ) ) {
@ -1277,12 +1284,13 @@ Status StressTest::TestIterate(ThreadState* thread,
last_op = kLastOpSeek ;
op_logs + = " S " + key . ToString ( true ) + " " ;
VerifyIterator ( thread , cmp_cfh , readoptionscopy , iter . get ( ) , cmp_iter . get ( ) ,
last_op , key , op_logs , & diverged ) ;
bool no_reverse =
VerifyIterator ( thread , cmp_cfh , ro , iter . get ( ) , cmp_iter . get ( ) , last_op ,
key , op_logs , & diverged ) ;
const bool no_reverse =
( FLAGS_memtablerep = = " prefix_hash " & & ! expect_total_order ) ;
for ( uint64_t i = 0 ; i < FLAGS_num_iterations & & iter - > Valid ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( uint64_t i = 0 ; i < FLAGS_num_iterations & & iter - > Valid ( ) ; + + i ) {
if ( no_reverse | | thread - > rand . OneIn ( 2 ) ) {
iter - > Next ( ) ;
if ( ! diverged ) {
@ -1298,25 +1306,19 @@ Status StressTest::TestIterate(ThreadState* thread,
op_logs + = " P " ;
last_op = kLastOpNextOrPrev ;
VerifyIterator ( thread , cmp_cfh , readoptionscopy , iter . get ( ) ,
cmp_iter . get ( ) , last_op , key , op_logs , & diverged ) ;
VerifyIterator ( thread , cmp_cfh , ro , iter . get ( ) , cmp_iter . get ( ) , last_op ,
key , op_logs , & diverged ) ;
if ( s . ok ( ) ) {
thread - > stats . AddIterations ( 1 ) ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " TestIterate error: %s \n " , s . ToString ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
thread - > stats . AddErrors ( 1 ) ;
break ;
op_logs + = " ; " ;
db_ - > ReleaseSnapshot ( snapshot ) ;
return s ;
return Status : : OK ( ) ;
@ -1352,6 +1354,8 @@ void StressTest::VerifyIterator(ThreadState* thread,
Iterator * cmp_iter , LastIterateOp op ,
const Slice & seek_key ,
const std : : string & op_logs , bool * diverged ) {
assert ( diverged ) ;
if ( * diverged ) {
return ;
@ -1481,6 +1485,21 @@ void StressTest::VerifyIterator(ThreadState* thread,
if ( ! * diverged & & iter - > Valid ( ) ) {
const Slice value_base_slice = GetValueBaseSlice ( iter - > value ( ) ) ;
const WideColumns expected_columns = GenerateExpectedWideColumns (
GetValueBase ( value_base_slice ) , iter - > value ( ) ) ;
if ( iter - > columns ( ) ! = expected_columns ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Value and columns inconsistent for iterator: %s \n " ,
DebugString ( iter - > value ( ) , iter - > columns ( ) , expected_columns )
. c_str ( ) ) ;
* diverged = true ;
if ( * diverged ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Control CF %s \n " , cmp_cfh - > GetName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
thread - > stats . AddErrors ( 1 ) ;