@ -10,15 +10,20 @@
// A portable implementation of crc32c, optimized to handle
// four bytes at a time.
# include "util/crc32c.h"
# include <stdint.h>
# include <array>
# include <utility>
# ifdef HAVE_SSE42
# include <nmmintrin.h>
# include <wmmintrin.h>
# endif
# include "port/lang.h"
# include "util/coding.h"
# include "util/crc32c_arm64.h"
# include "util/math.h"
# ifdef __powerpc64__
# include "util/crc32c_ppc.h"
@ -1279,5 +1284,164 @@ uint32_t Extend(uint32_t crc, const char* buf, size_t size) {
// The code for crc32c combine, copied with permission from folly
// Standard galois-field multiply. The only modification is that a,
// b, m, and p are all bit-reflected.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_field_arithmetic
static constexpr uint32_t gf_multiply_sw_1 (
size_t i , uint32_t p , uint32_t a , uint32_t b , uint32_t m ) {
// clang-format off
return i = = 32 ? p : gf_multiply_sw_1 (
/* i = */ i + 1 ,
/* p = */ p ^ ( ( 0u - ( ( b > > 31 ) & 1 ) ) & a ) ,
/* a = */ ( a > > 1 ) ^ ( ( 0u - ( a & 1 ) ) & m ) ,
/* b = */ b < < 1 ,
/* m = */ m ) ;
// clang-format on
static constexpr uint32_t gf_multiply_sw ( uint32_t a , uint32_t b , uint32_t m ) {
return gf_multiply_sw_1 ( /* i = */ 0 , /* p = */ 0 , a , b , m ) ;
static constexpr uint32_t gf_square_sw ( uint32_t a , uint32_t m ) {
return gf_multiply_sw ( a , a , m ) ;
template < size_t i , uint32_t m >
struct gf_powers_memo {
static constexpr uint32_t value =
gf_square_sw ( gf_powers_memo < i - 1 , m > : : value , m ) ;
} ;
template < uint32_t m >
struct gf_powers_memo < 0 , m > {
static constexpr uint32_t value = m ;
} ;
template < typename T , T . . . Ints >
struct integer_sequence {
typedef T value_type ;
static constexpr size_t size ( ) { return sizeof . . . ( Ints ) ; }
} ;
template < typename T , std : : size_t N , T . . . Is >
struct make_integer_sequence : make_integer_sequence < T , N - 1 , N - 1 , Is . . . > { } ;
template < typename T , T . . . Is >
struct make_integer_sequence < T , 0 , Is . . . > : integer_sequence < T , Is . . . > { } ;
template < std : : size_t N >
using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence < std : : size_t , N > ;
template < uint32_t m >
struct gf_powers_make {
template < size_t . . . i >
using index_sequence = integer_sequence < size_t , i . . . > ;
template < size_t . . . i >
constexpr std : : array < uint32_t , sizeof . . . ( i ) > operator ( ) (
index_sequence < i . . . > ) const {
return std : : array < uint32_t , sizeof . . . ( i ) > { { gf_powers_memo < i , m > : : value . . . } } ;
} ;
static constexpr uint32_t crc32c_m = 0x82f63b78 ;
static constexpr std : : array < uint32_t , 62 > const crc32c_powers =
gf_powers_make < crc32c_m > { } ( make_index_sequence < 62 > { } ) ;
// Expects a "pure" crc (see Crc32cCombine)
static uint32_t Crc32AppendZeroes (
uint32_t crc , size_t len_over_4 , uint32_t polynomial ,
std : : array < uint32_t , 62 > const & powers_array ) {
auto powers = powers_array . data ( ) ;
// Append by multiplying by consecutive powers of two of the zeroes
// array
size_t len_bits = len_over_4 ;
while ( len_bits ) {
// Advance directly to next bit set.
auto r = CountTrailingZeroBits ( len_bits ) ;
len_bits > > = r ;
powers + = r ;
crc = gf_multiply_sw ( crc , * powers , polynomial ) ;
len_bits > > = 1 ;
powers + + ;
return crc ;
static inline uint32_t InvertedToPure ( uint32_t crc ) { return ~ crc ; }
static inline uint32_t PureToInverted ( uint32_t crc ) { return ~ crc ; }
static inline uint32_t PureExtend ( uint32_t crc , const char * buf , size_t size ) {
return InvertedToPure ( Extend ( PureToInverted ( crc ) , buf , size ) ) ;
// Background:
// RocksDB uses two kinds of crc32c values: masked and unmasked. Neither is
// a "pure" CRC because a pure CRC satisfies (^ for xor)
// crc(a ^ b) = crc(a) ^ crc(b)
// The unmasked is closest, and this function takes unmasked crc32c values.
// The unmasked values are impure in two ways:
// * The initial setting at the start of CRC computation is all 1 bits
// (like -1) instead of zero.
// * The result has all bits invered.
// Note that together, these result in the empty string having a crc32c of
// zero. See
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computation_of_cyclic_redundancy_checks#CRC_variants
// Simplified version of strategy, using xor through pure CRCs (+ for concat):
// pure_crc(str1 + str2) = pure_crc(str1 + zeros(len(str2))) ^
// pure_crc(zeros(len(str1)) + str2)
// because the xor of these two zero-padded strings is str1 + str2. For pure
// CRC, leading zeros don't affect the result, so we only need
// pure_crc(str1 + str2) = pure_crc(str1 + zeros(len(str2))) ^
// pure_crc(str2)
// Considering we aren't working with pure CRCs, what is actually in the input?
// crc1 = PureToInverted(PureExtendCrc32c(-1, zeros, crc1len) ^
// PureCrc32c(str1, crc1len))
// crc2 = PureToInverted(PureExtendCrc32c(-1, zeros, crc2len) ^
// PureCrc32c(str2, crc2len))
// The result we want to compute is
// combined = PureToInverted(PureExtendCrc32c(PureExtendCrc32c(-1, zeros,
// crc1len) ^
// PureCrc32c(str1, crc1len),
// zeros, crc2len) ^
// PureCrc32c(str2, crc2len))
// Thus, in addition to extending crc1 over the length of str2 in (virtual)
// zeros, we need to cancel out the -1 initializer that was used in computing
// crc2. To cancel it out, we also need to extend it over crc2len in zeros.
// To simplify, since the end of str1 and that -1 initializer for crc2 are at
// the same logical position, we can combine them before we extend over the
// zeros.
uint32_t Crc32cCombine ( uint32_t crc1 , uint32_t crc2 , size_t crc2len ) {
uint32_t pure_crc1_with_init = InvertedToPure ( crc1 ) ;
uint32_t pure_crc2_with_init = InvertedToPure ( crc2 ) ;
uint32_t pure_crc2_init = static_cast < uint32_t > ( - 1 ) ;
// Append up to 32 bits of zeroes in the normal way
char zeros [ 4 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
auto len = crc2len & 3 ;
uint32_t tmp = pure_crc1_with_init ^ pure_crc2_init ;
if ( len ) {
tmp = PureExtend ( tmp , zeros , len ) ;
return PureToInverted (
Crc32AppendZeroes ( tmp , crc2len / 4 , crc32c_m , crc32c_powers ) ^
pure_crc2_with_init ) ;
} // namespace crc32c
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE