You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1967 lines
72 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2012 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h"
#include <array>
#include <climits>
#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "cache/cache_entry_roles.h"
#include "cache/cache_reservation_manager.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "port/lang.h"
#include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
#include "rocksdb/rocksdb_namespace.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/object_registry.h"
#include "table/block_based/block_based_table_reader.h"
#include "table/block_based/filter_policy_internal.h"
#include "table/block_based/full_filter_block.h"
#include "util/bloom_impl.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/hash.h"
#include "util/math.h"
#include "util/ribbon_config.h"
#include "util/ribbon_impl.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
namespace {
// Metadata trailer size for built-in filters. (This is separate from
// block-based table block trailer.)
// Originally this was 1 byte for num_probes and 4 bytes for number of
// cache lines in the Bloom filter, but now the first trailer byte is
// usually an implementation marker and remaining 4 bytes have various
// meanings.
static constexpr uint32_t kMetadataLen = 5;
Slice FinishAlwaysFalse(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* /*buf*/) {
// Missing metadata, treated as zero entries
return Slice(nullptr, 0);
Slice FinishAlwaysTrue(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* /*buf*/) {
return Slice("\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6);
// Base class for filter builders using the XXH3 preview hash,
// also known as Hash64 or GetSliceHash64.
class XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
explicit XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder(
std::atomic<int64_t>* aggregate_rounding_balance,
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> cache_res_mgr,
bool detect_filter_construct_corruption)
: aggregate_rounding_balance_(aggregate_rounding_balance),
detect_filter_construct_corruption) {}
~XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder() override {}
virtual void AddKey(const Slice& key) override {
uint64_t hash = GetSliceHash64(key);
// Especially with prefixes, it is common to have repetition,
// though only adjacent repetition, which we want to immediately
// recognize and collapse for estimating true filter space
// requirements.
if (hash_entries_info_.entries.empty() ||
hash != hash_entries_info_.entries.back()) {
if (detect_filter_construct_corruption_) {
hash_entries_info_.xor_checksum ^= hash;
if (cache_res_mgr_ &&
// Traditional rounding to whole bucket size
((hash_entries_info_.entries.size() %
kUint64tHashEntryCacheResBucketSize) ==
kUint64tHashEntryCacheResBucketSize / 2)) {
Status s = cache_res_mgr_->MakeCacheReservation(
kUint64tHashEntryCacheResBucketSize * sizeof(hash),
virtual size_t EstimateEntriesAdded() override {
return hash_entries_info_.entries.size();
virtual Status MaybePostVerify(const Slice& filter_content) override;
static constexpr uint32_t kMetadataLen = 5;
// Number of hash entries to accumulate before charging their memory usage to
// the cache when cache charging is available
static const std::size_t kUint64tHashEntryCacheResBucketSize =
CacheEntryRole::kFilterConstruction>::GetDummyEntrySize() /
// For delegating between XXPH3FilterBitsBuilders
void SwapEntriesWith(XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder* other) {
assert(other != nullptr);
void ResetEntries() { hash_entries_info_.Reset(); }
virtual size_t RoundDownUsableSpace(size_t available_size) = 0;
// To choose size using malloc_usable_size, we have to actually allocate.
size_t AllocateMaybeRounding(size_t target_len_with_metadata,
size_t num_entries,
std::unique_ptr<char[]>* buf) {
// Return value set to a default; overwritten in some cases
size_t rv = target_len_with_metadata;
if (aggregate_rounding_balance_ != nullptr) {
// Do optimize_filters_for_memory, using malloc_usable_size.
// Approach: try to keep FP rate balance better than or on
// target (negative aggregate_rounding_balance_). We can then select a
// lower bound filter size (within reasonable limits) that gets us as
// close to on target as possible. We request allocation for that filter
// size and use malloc_usable_size to "round up" to the actual
// allocation size.
// Although it can be considered bad practice to use malloc_usable_size
// to access an object beyond its original size, this approach should be
// quite general: working for all allocators that properly support
// malloc_usable_size.
// Race condition on balance is OK because it can only cause temporary
// skew in rounding up vs. rounding down, as long as updates are atomic
// and relative.
int64_t balance = aggregate_rounding_balance_->load();
double target_fp_rate =
EstimatedFpRate(num_entries, target_len_with_metadata);
double rv_fp_rate = target_fp_rate;
if (balance < 0) {
// See formula for BloomFilterPolicy::aggregate_rounding_balance_
double for_balance_fp_rate =
-balance / double{0x100000000} + target_fp_rate;
// To simplify, we just try a few modified smaller sizes. This also
// caps how much we vary filter size vs. target, to avoid outlier
// behavior from excessive variance.
size_t target_len = target_len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen;
assert(target_len < target_len_with_metadata); // check underflow
for (uint64_t maybe_len_rough :
{uint64_t{3} * target_len / 4, uint64_t{13} * target_len / 16,
uint64_t{7} * target_len / 8, uint64_t{15} * target_len / 16}) {
size_t maybe_len_with_metadata =
RoundDownUsableSpace(maybe_len_rough + kMetadataLen);
double maybe_fp_rate =
EstimatedFpRate(num_entries, maybe_len_with_metadata);
if (maybe_fp_rate <= for_balance_fp_rate) {
rv = maybe_len_with_metadata;
rv_fp_rate = maybe_fp_rate;
// Filter blocks are loaded into block cache with their block trailer.
// We need to make sure that's accounted for in choosing a
// fragmentation-friendly size.
const size_t kExtraPadding = BlockBasedTable::kBlockTrailerSize;
size_t requested = rv + kExtraPadding;
// Allocate and get usable size
buf->reset(new char[requested]);
size_t usable = malloc_usable_size(buf->get());
if (usable - usable / 4 > requested) {
// Ratio greater than 4/3 is too much for utilizing, if it's
// not a buggy or mislinked malloc_usable_size implementation.
// Non-linearity of FP rates with bits/key means rapidly
// diminishing returns in overall accuracy for additional
// storage on disk.
// Nothing to do, except assert that the result is accurate about
// the usable size. (Assignment never used.)
assert(((*buf)[usable - 1] = 'x'));
} else if (usable > requested) {
rv = RoundDownUsableSpace(usable - kExtraPadding);
assert(rv <= usable - kExtraPadding);
rv_fp_rate = EstimatedFpRate(num_entries, rv);
} else {
// Too small means bad malloc_usable_size
assert(usable == requested);
memset(buf->get(), 0, rv);
// Update balance
int64_t diff = static_cast<int64_t>((rv_fp_rate - target_fp_rate) *
*aggregate_rounding_balance_ += diff;
} else {
buf->reset(new char[rv]());
buf->reset(new char[rv]());
return rv;
// TODO: Ideally we want to verify the hash entry
// as it is added to the filter and eliminate this function
// for speeding up and leaving fewer spaces for undetected memory/CPU
// corruption. For Ribbon Filter, it's bit harder.
// Possible solution:
// pass a custom iterator that tracks the xor checksum as
// it iterates to ResetAndFindSeedToSolve
Status MaybeVerifyHashEntriesChecksum() {
if (!detect_filter_construct_corruption_) {
return Status::OK();
uint64_t actual_hash_entries_xor_checksum = 0;
for (uint64_t h : hash_entries_info_.entries) {
actual_hash_entries_xor_checksum ^= h;
if (actual_hash_entries_xor_checksum == hash_entries_info_.xor_checksum) {
return Status::OK();
} else {
// Since these hash entries are corrupted and they will not be used
// anymore, we can reset them and release memory.
return Status::Corruption("Filter's hash entries checksum mismatched");
// See BloomFilterPolicy::aggregate_rounding_balance_. If nullptr,
// always "round up" like historic behavior.
std::atomic<int64_t>* aggregate_rounding_balance_;
// For reserving memory used in (new) Bloom and Ribbon Filter construction
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> cache_res_mgr_;
// For managing cache charge for final filter in (new) Bloom and Ribbon
// Filter construction
bool detect_filter_construct_corruption_;
struct HashEntriesInfo {
// A deque avoids unnecessary copying of already-saved values
// and has near-minimal peak memory use.
std::deque<uint64_t> entries;
// If cache_res_mgr_ != nullptr,
// it manages cache charge for buckets of hash entries in (new) Bloom
// or Ribbon Filter construction.
// Otherwise, it is empty.
// If detect_filter_construct_corruption_ == true,
// it records the xor checksum of hash entries.
// Otherwise, it is 0.
uint64_t xor_checksum = 0;
void Swap(HashEntriesInfo* other) {
assert(other != nullptr);
std::swap(entries, other->entries);
std::swap(cache_res_bucket_handles, other->cache_res_bucket_handles);
std::swap(xor_checksum, other->xor_checksum);
void Reset() {
xor_checksum = 0;
HashEntriesInfo hash_entries_info_;
// #################### FastLocalBloom implementation ################## //
// ############## also known as format_version=5 Bloom filter ########## //
// See description in FastLocalBloomImpl
class FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder : public XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder {
// Non-null aggregate_rounding_balance implies optimize_filters_for_memory
explicit FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(
const int millibits_per_key,
std::atomic<int64_t>* aggregate_rounding_balance,
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> cache_res_mgr,
bool detect_filter_construct_corruption)
: XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder(aggregate_rounding_balance, cache_res_mgr,
millibits_per_key_(millibits_per_key) {
assert(millibits_per_key >= 1000);
// No Copy allowed
FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(const FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
void operator=(const FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
~FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder() override {}
using FilterBitsBuilder::Finish;
virtual Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) override {
return Finish(buf, nullptr);
virtual Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf,
Status* status) override {
size_t num_entries = hash_entries_info_.entries.size();
size_t len_with_metadata = CalculateSpace(num_entries);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> mutable_buf;
len_with_metadata =
AllocateMaybeRounding(len_with_metadata, num_entries, &mutable_buf);
// Cache charging for mutable_buf
if (cache_res_mgr_) {
Status s = cache_res_mgr_->MakeCacheReservation(
len_with_metadata * sizeof(char), &final_filter_cache_res_handle);
assert(len_with_metadata >= kMetadataLen);
// Max size supported by implementation
assert(len_with_metadata <= 0xffffffffU);
// Compute num_probes after any rounding / adjustments
int num_probes = GetNumProbes(num_entries, len_with_metadata);
uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen);
if (len > 0) {
AddAllEntries(mutable_buf.get(), len, num_probes);
Status verify_hash_entries_checksum_status =
if (!verify_hash_entries_checksum_status.ok()) {
if (status) {
*status = verify_hash_entries_checksum_status;
return FinishAlwaysTrue(buf);
bool keep_entries_for_postverify = detect_filter_construct_corruption_;
if (!keep_entries_for_postverify) {
// See BloomFilterPolicy::GetBloomBitsReader re: metadata
// -1 = Marker for newer Bloom implementations
mutable_buf[len] = static_cast<char>(-1);
// 0 = Marker for this sub-implementation
mutable_buf[len + 1] = static_cast<char>(0);
// num_probes (and 0 in upper bits for 64-byte block size)
mutable_buf[len + 2] = static_cast<char>(num_probes);
// rest of metadata stays zero
auto TEST_arg_pair __attribute__((__unused__)) =
std::make_pair(&mutable_buf, len_with_metadata);
Slice rv(mutable_buf.get(), len_with_metadata);
*buf = std::move(mutable_buf);
if (status) {
*status = Status::OK();
return rv;
size_t ApproximateNumEntries(size_t bytes) override {
size_t bytes_no_meta =
bytes >= kMetadataLen ? RoundDownUsableSpace(bytes) - kMetadataLen : 0;
return static_cast<size_t>(uint64_t{8000} * bytes_no_meta /
size_t CalculateSpace(size_t num_entries) override {
// If not for cache line blocks in the filter, what would the target
// length in bytes be?
size_t raw_target_len = static_cast<size_t>(
(uint64_t{num_entries} * millibits_per_key_ + 7999) / 8000);
if (raw_target_len >= size_t{0xffffffc0}) {
// Max supported for this data structure implementation
raw_target_len = size_t{0xffffffc0};
// Round up to nearest multiple of 64 (block size). This adjustment is
// used for target FP rate only so that we don't receive complaints about
// lower FP rate vs. historic Bloom filter behavior.
return ((raw_target_len + 63) & ~size_t{63}) + kMetadataLen;
double EstimatedFpRate(size_t keys, size_t len_with_metadata) override {
int num_probes = GetNumProbes(keys, len_with_metadata);
return FastLocalBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(
keys, len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen, num_probes, /*hash bits*/ 64);
size_t RoundDownUsableSpace(size_t available_size) override {
size_t rv = available_size - kMetadataLen;
if (rv >= size_t{0xffffffc0}) {
// Max supported for this data structure implementation
rv = size_t{0xffffffc0};
// round down to multiple of 64 (block size)
rv &= ~size_t{63};
return rv + kMetadataLen;
// Compute num_probes after any rounding / adjustments
int GetNumProbes(size_t keys, size_t len_with_metadata) {
uint64_t millibits = uint64_t{len_with_metadata - kMetadataLen} * 8000;
int actual_millibits_per_key =
static_cast<int>(millibits / std::max(keys, size_t{1}));
// BEGIN XXX/TODO(peterd): preserving old/default behavior for now to
// minimize unit test churn. Remove this some time.
if (!aggregate_rounding_balance_) {
actual_millibits_per_key = millibits_per_key_;
return FastLocalBloomImpl::ChooseNumProbes(actual_millibits_per_key);
void AddAllEntries(char* data, uint32_t len, int num_probes) {
// Simple version without prefetching:
// for (auto h : hash_entries_info_.entries) {
// FastLocalBloomImpl::AddHash(Lower32of64(h), Upper32of64(h), len,
// num_probes, data);
// }
const size_t num_entries = hash_entries_info_.entries.size();
constexpr size_t kBufferMask = 7;
static_assert(((kBufferMask + 1) & kBufferMask) == 0,
"Must be power of 2 minus 1");
std::array<uint32_t, kBufferMask + 1> hashes;
std::array<uint32_t, kBufferMask + 1> byte_offsets;
// Prime the buffer
size_t i = 0;
std::deque<uint64_t>::iterator hash_entries_it =
for (; i <= kBufferMask && i < num_entries; ++i) {
uint64_t h = *hash_entries_it;
FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len, data,
/*out*/ &byte_offsets[i]);
hashes[i] = Upper32of64(h);
// Process and buffer
for (; i < num_entries; ++i) {
uint32_t& hash_ref = hashes[i & kBufferMask];
uint32_t& byte_offset_ref = byte_offsets[i & kBufferMask];
// Process (add)
FastLocalBloomImpl::AddHashPrepared(hash_ref, num_probes,
data + byte_offset_ref);
// And buffer
uint64_t h = *hash_entries_it;
FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len, data,
/*out*/ &byte_offset_ref);
hash_ref = Upper32of64(h);
// Finish processing
for (i = 0; i <= kBufferMask && i < num_entries; ++i) {
FastLocalBloomImpl::AddHashPrepared(hashes[i], num_probes,
data + byte_offsets[i]);
// Target allocation per added key, in thousandths of a bit.
int millibits_per_key_;
// See description in FastLocalBloomImpl
class FastLocalBloomBitsReader : public BuiltinFilterBitsReader {
FastLocalBloomBitsReader(const char* data, int num_probes, uint32_t len_bytes)
: data_(data), num_probes_(num_probes), len_bytes_(len_bytes) {}
// No Copy allowed
FastLocalBloomBitsReader(const FastLocalBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const FastLocalBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
~FastLocalBloomBitsReader() override {}
bool MayMatch(const Slice& key) override {
uint64_t h = GetSliceHash64(key);
uint32_t byte_offset;
FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len_bytes_, data_,
/*out*/ &byte_offset);
return FastLocalBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(Upper32of64(h), num_probes_,
data_ + byte_offset);
virtual void MayMatch(int num_keys, Slice** keys, bool* may_match) override {
std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> hashes;
std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> byte_offsets;
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
uint64_t h = GetSliceHash64(*keys[i]);
FastLocalBloomImpl::PrepareHash(Lower32of64(h), len_bytes_, data_,
/*out*/ &byte_offsets[i]);
hashes[i] = Upper32of64(h);
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
may_match[i] = FastLocalBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(
hashes[i], num_probes_, data_ + byte_offsets[i]);
bool HashMayMatch(const uint64_t h) override {
return FastLocalBloomImpl::HashMayMatch(Lower32of64(h), Upper32of64(h),
len_bytes_, num_probes_, data_);
const char* data_;
const int num_probes_;
const uint32_t len_bytes_;
// ##################### Ribbon filter implementation ################### //
// Implements concept RehasherTypesAndSettings in ribbon_impl.h
struct Standard128RibbonRehasherTypesAndSettings {
// These are schema-critical. Any change almost certainly changes
// underlying data.
static constexpr bool kIsFilter = true;
static constexpr bool kHomogeneous = false;
static constexpr bool kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne = true;
static constexpr bool kUseSmash = false;
using CoeffRow = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Unsigned128;
using Hash = uint64_t;
using Seed = uint32_t;
// Changing these doesn't necessarily change underlying data,
// but might affect supported scalability of those dimensions.
using Index = uint32_t;
using ResultRow = uint32_t;
// Save a conditional in Ribbon queries
static constexpr bool kAllowZeroStarts = false;
using Standard128RibbonTypesAndSettings =
class Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder : public XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder {
explicit Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder(
double desired_one_in_fp_rate, int bloom_millibits_per_key,
std::atomic<int64_t>* aggregate_rounding_balance,
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> cache_res_mgr,
bool detect_filter_construct_corruption, Logger* info_log)
: XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder(aggregate_rounding_balance, cache_res_mgr,
bloom_fallback_(bloom_millibits_per_key, aggregate_rounding_balance,
cache_res_mgr, detect_filter_construct_corruption) {
assert(desired_one_in_fp_rate >= 1.0);
// No Copy allowed
Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder(const Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder&) = delete;
void operator=(const Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder&) = delete;
~Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder() override {}
using FilterBitsBuilder::Finish;
virtual Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) override {
return Finish(buf, nullptr);
virtual Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf,
Status* status) override {
if (hash_entries_info_.entries.size() > kMaxRibbonEntries) {
info_log_, "Too many keys for Ribbon filter: %llu",
static_cast<unsigned long long>(hash_entries_info_.entries.size()));
return bloom_fallback_.Finish(buf, status);
if (hash_entries_info_.entries.size() == 0) {
// Save a conditional in Ribbon queries by using alternate reader
// for zero entries added.
if (status) {
*status = Status::OK();
return FinishAlwaysFalse(buf);
uint32_t num_entries =
uint32_t num_slots;
size_t len_with_metadata;
CalculateSpaceAndSlots(num_entries, &len_with_metadata, &num_slots);
// Bloom fall-back indicator
if (num_slots == 0) {
return bloom_fallback_.Finish(buf, status);
uint32_t entropy = 0;
if (!hash_entries_info_.entries.empty()) {
entropy = Lower32of64(hash_entries_info_.entries.front());
BandingType banding;
std::size_t bytes_banding = ribbon::StandardBanding<
Status status_banding_cache_res = Status::OK();
// Cache charging for banding
if (cache_res_mgr_) {
status_banding_cache_res = cache_res_mgr_->MakeCacheReservation(
bytes_banding, &banding_res_handle);
if (status_banding_cache_res.IsMemoryLimit()) {
"Cache charging for Ribbon filter banding failed due "
"to cache full");
// Release cache for banding since the banding won't be allocated
return bloom_fallback_.Finish(buf, status);
bool success = banding.ResetAndFindSeedToSolve(
num_slots, hash_entries_info_.entries.begin(),
/*starting seed*/ entropy & 255, /*seed mask*/ 255);
if (!success) {
info_log_, "Too many re-seeds (256) for Ribbon filter, %llu / %llu",
static_cast<unsigned long long>(hash_entries_info_.entries.size()),
static_cast<unsigned long long>(num_slots));
return bloom_fallback_.Finish(buf, status);
Status verify_hash_entries_checksum_status =
if (!verify_hash_entries_checksum_status.ok()) {
ROCKS_LOG_WARN(info_log_, "Verify hash entries checksum error: %s",
if (status) {
*status = verify_hash_entries_checksum_status;
return FinishAlwaysTrue(buf);
bool keep_entries_for_postverify = detect_filter_construct_corruption_;
if (!keep_entries_for_postverify) {
uint32_t seed = banding.GetOrdinalSeed();
assert(seed < 256);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> mutable_buf;
len_with_metadata =
AllocateMaybeRounding(len_with_metadata, num_entries, &mutable_buf);
// Cache charging for mutable_buf
if (cache_res_mgr_) {
Status s = cache_res_mgr_->MakeCacheReservation(
len_with_metadata * sizeof(char), &final_filter_cache_res_handle);
SolnType soln(mutable_buf.get(), len_with_metadata);
uint32_t num_blocks = soln.GetNumBlocks();
// This should be guaranteed:
// num_entries < 2^30
// => (overhead_factor < 2.0)
// num_entries * overhead_factor == num_slots < 2^31
// => (num_blocks = num_slots / 128)
// num_blocks < 2^24
assert(num_blocks < 0x1000000U);
// See BloomFilterPolicy::GetBloomBitsReader re: metadata
// -2 = Marker for Standard128 Ribbon
mutable_buf[len_with_metadata - 5] = static_cast<char>(-2);
// Hash seed
mutable_buf[len_with_metadata - 4] = static_cast<char>(seed);
// Number of blocks, in 24 bits
// (Along with bytes, we can derive other settings)
mutable_buf[len_with_metadata - 3] = static_cast<char>(num_blocks & 255);
mutable_buf[len_with_metadata - 2] =
static_cast<char>((num_blocks >> 8) & 255);
mutable_buf[len_with_metadata - 1] =
static_cast<char>((num_blocks >> 16) & 255);
auto TEST_arg_pair __attribute__((__unused__)) =
std::make_pair(&mutable_buf, len_with_metadata);
Slice rv(mutable_buf.get(), len_with_metadata);
*buf = std::move(mutable_buf);
if (status) {
*status = Status::OK();
return rv;
// Setting num_slots to 0 means "fall back on Bloom filter."
// And note this implementation does not support num_entries or num_slots
// beyond uint32_t; see kMaxRibbonEntries.
void CalculateSpaceAndSlots(size_t num_entries,
size_t* target_len_with_metadata,
uint32_t* num_slots) {
if (num_entries > kMaxRibbonEntries) {
// More entries than supported by this Ribbon
*num_slots = 0; // use Bloom
*target_len_with_metadata = bloom_fallback_.CalculateSpace(num_entries);
uint32_t entropy = 0;
if (!hash_entries_info_.entries.empty()) {
entropy = Upper32of64(hash_entries_info_.entries.front());
*num_slots = NumEntriesToNumSlots(static_cast<uint32_t>(num_entries));
*target_len_with_metadata =
SolnType::GetBytesForOneInFpRate(*num_slots, desired_one_in_fp_rate_,
/*rounding*/ entropy) +
// Consider possible Bloom fallback for small filters
if (*num_slots < 1024) {
size_t bloom = bloom_fallback_.CalculateSpace(num_entries);
if (bloom < *target_len_with_metadata) {
*num_slots = 0; // use Bloom
*target_len_with_metadata = bloom;
size_t CalculateSpace(size_t num_entries) override {
if (num_entries == 0) {
// See FinishAlwaysFalse
return 0;
size_t target_len_with_metadata;
uint32_t num_slots;
CalculateSpaceAndSlots(num_entries, &target_len_with_metadata, &num_slots);
return target_len_with_metadata;
// This is a somewhat ugly but reasonably fast and reasonably accurate
// reversal of CalculateSpace.
size_t ApproximateNumEntries(size_t bytes) override {
size_t len_no_metadata =
RoundDownUsableSpace(std::max(bytes, size_t{kMetadataLen})) -
if (!(desired_one_in_fp_rate_ > 1.0)) {
// Effectively asking for 100% FP rate, or NaN etc.
// Note that NaN is neither < 1.0 nor > 1.0
return kMaxRibbonEntries;
// Find a slight under-estimate for actual average bits per slot
double min_real_bits_per_slot;
if (desired_one_in_fp_rate_ >= 1.0 + std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
// Max of 32 solution columns (result bits)
min_real_bits_per_slot = 32.0;
} else {
// Account for mix of b and b+1 solution columns being slightly
// suboptimal vs. ideal log2(1/fp_rate) bits.
uint32_t rounded = static_cast<uint32_t>(desired_one_in_fp_rate_);
int upper_bits_per_key = 1 + FloorLog2(rounded);
double fp_rate_for_upper = std::pow(2.0, -upper_bits_per_key);
double portion_lower =
(1.0 / desired_one_in_fp_rate_ - fp_rate_for_upper) /
min_real_bits_per_slot = upper_bits_per_key - portion_lower;
assert(min_real_bits_per_slot > 0.0);
assert(min_real_bits_per_slot <= 32.0);
// An overestimate, but this should only be O(1) slots away from truth.
double max_slots = len_no_metadata * 8.0 / min_real_bits_per_slot;
// Let's not bother accounting for overflow to Bloom filter
// (Includes NaN case)
if (!(max_slots < ConfigHelper::GetNumSlots(kMaxRibbonEntries))) {
return kMaxRibbonEntries;
// Set up for short iteration
uint32_t slots = static_cast<uint32_t>(max_slots);
slots = SolnType::RoundUpNumSlots(slots);
// Assert that we have a valid upper bound on slots
SolnType::RoundUpNumSlots(slots + 1), desired_one_in_fp_rate_,
/*rounding*/ 0) > len_no_metadata);
// Iterate up to a few times to rather precisely account for small effects
for (int i = 0; slots > 0; ++i) {
size_t reqd_bytes =
SolnType::GetBytesForOneInFpRate(slots, desired_one_in_fp_rate_,
/*rounding*/ 0);
if (reqd_bytes <= len_no_metadata) {
break; // done
if (i >= 2) {
// should have been enough iterations
slots = SolnType::RoundDownNumSlots(slots - 1);
uint32_t num_entries = ConfigHelper::GetNumToAdd(slots);
// Consider possible Bloom fallback for small filters
if (slots < 1024) {
size_t bloom = bloom_fallback_.ApproximateNumEntries(bytes);
if (bloom > num_entries) {
return bloom;
} else {
return num_entries;
} else {
return std::min(num_entries, kMaxRibbonEntries);
double EstimatedFpRate(size_t num_entries,
size_t len_with_metadata) override {
if (num_entries > kMaxRibbonEntries) {
// More entries than supported by this Ribbon
return bloom_fallback_.EstimatedFpRate(num_entries, len_with_metadata);
uint32_t num_slots =
SolnType fake_soln(nullptr, len_with_metadata);
return fake_soln.ExpectedFpRate();
Status MaybePostVerify(const Slice& filter_content) override {
bool fall_back = (bloom_fallback_.EstimateEntriesAdded() > 0);
return fall_back ? bloom_fallback_.MaybePostVerify(filter_content)
: XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder::MaybePostVerify(filter_content);
size_t RoundDownUsableSpace(size_t available_size) override {
size_t rv = available_size - kMetadataLen;
// round down to multiple of 16 (segment size)
rv &= ~size_t{15};
return rv + kMetadataLen;
using TS = Standard128RibbonTypesAndSettings;
using SolnType = ribbon::SerializableInterleavedSolution<TS>;
using BandingType = ribbon::StandardBanding<TS>;
using ConfigHelper = ribbon::BandingConfigHelper1TS<ribbon::kOneIn20, TS>;
static uint32_t NumEntriesToNumSlots(uint32_t num_entries) {
uint32_t num_slots1 = ConfigHelper::GetNumSlots(num_entries);
return SolnType::RoundUpNumSlots(num_slots1);
// Approximate num_entries to ensure number of bytes fits in 32 bits, which
// is not an inherent limitation but does ensure somewhat graceful Bloom
// fallback for crazy high number of entries, since the Bloom implementation
// does not support number of bytes bigger than fits in 32 bits. This is
// within an order of magnitude of implementation limit on num_slots
// fitting in 32 bits, and even closer for num_blocks fitting in 24 bits
// (for filter metadata).
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxRibbonEntries = 950000000; // ~ 1 billion
// A desired value for 1/fp_rate. For example, 100 -> 1% fp rate.
double desired_one_in_fp_rate_;
// For warnings, or can be nullptr
Logger* info_log_;
// For falling back on Bloom filter in some exceptional cases and
// very small filter cases
FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder bloom_fallback_;
// for the linker, at least with DEBUG_LEVEL=2
constexpr uint32_t Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder::kMaxRibbonEntries;
class Standard128RibbonBitsReader : public BuiltinFilterBitsReader {
Standard128RibbonBitsReader(const char* data, size_t len_bytes,
uint32_t num_blocks, uint32_t seed)
: soln_(const_cast<char*>(data), len_bytes) {
// No Copy allowed
Standard128RibbonBitsReader(const Standard128RibbonBitsReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const Standard128RibbonBitsReader&) = delete;
~Standard128RibbonBitsReader() override {}
bool MayMatch(const Slice& key) override {
uint64_t h = GetSliceHash64(key);
return soln_.FilterQuery(h, hasher_);
virtual void MayMatch(int num_keys, Slice** keys, bool* may_match) override {
struct SavedData {
uint64_t seeded_hash;
uint32_t segment_num;
uint32_t num_columns;
uint32_t start_bits;
std::array<SavedData, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> saved;
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
GetSliceHash64(*keys[i]), hasher_, soln_, &saved[i].seeded_hash,
&saved[i].segment_num, &saved[i].num_columns, &saved[i].start_bits);
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
may_match[i] = ribbon::InterleavedFilterQuery(
saved[i].seeded_hash, saved[i].segment_num, saved[i].num_columns,
saved[i].start_bits, hasher_, soln_);
bool HashMayMatch(const uint64_t h) override {
return soln_.FilterQuery(h, hasher_);
using TS = Standard128RibbonTypesAndSettings;
ribbon::SerializableInterleavedSolution<TS> soln_;
ribbon::StandardHasher<TS> hasher_;
// ##################### Legacy Bloom implementation ################### //
using LegacyBloomImpl = LegacyLocalityBloomImpl</*ExtraRotates*/ false>;
class LegacyBloomBitsBuilder : public BuiltinFilterBitsBuilder {
explicit LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const int bits_per_key, Logger* info_log);
// No Copy allowed
LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const LegacyBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
void operator=(const LegacyBloomBitsBuilder&) = delete;
~LegacyBloomBitsBuilder() override;
void AddKey(const Slice& key) override;
virtual size_t EstimateEntriesAdded() override {
return hash_entries_.size();
using FilterBitsBuilder::Finish;
Slice Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) override;
size_t CalculateSpace(size_t num_entries) override {
uint32_t dont_care1;
uint32_t dont_care2;
return CalculateSpace(num_entries, &dont_care1, &dont_care2);
double EstimatedFpRate(size_t keys, size_t bytes) override {
return LegacyBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(keys, bytes - kMetadataLen,
size_t ApproximateNumEntries(size_t bytes) override;
int bits_per_key_;
int num_probes_;
std::vector<uint32_t> hash_entries_;
Logger* info_log_;
// Get totalbits that optimized for cpu cache line
uint32_t GetTotalBitsForLocality(uint32_t total_bits);
// Reserve space for new filter
char* ReserveSpace(size_t num_entries, uint32_t* total_bits,
uint32_t* num_lines);
// Implementation-specific variant of public CalculateSpace
uint32_t CalculateSpace(size_t num_entries, uint32_t* total_bits,
uint32_t* num_lines);
// Assuming single threaded access to this function.
void AddHash(uint32_t h, char* data, uint32_t num_lines, uint32_t total_bits);
LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(const int bits_per_key,
Logger* info_log)
: bits_per_key_(bits_per_key),
info_log_(info_log) {
LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::~LegacyBloomBitsBuilder() {}
void LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::AddKey(const Slice& key) {
uint32_t hash = BloomHash(key);
if (hash_entries_.size() == 0 || hash != hash_entries_.back()) {
Slice LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::Finish(std::unique_ptr<const char[]>* buf) {
uint32_t total_bits, num_lines;
size_t num_entries = hash_entries_.size();
char* data =
ReserveSpace(static_cast<int>(num_entries), &total_bits, &num_lines);
if (total_bits != 0 && num_lines != 0) {
for (auto h : hash_entries_) {
AddHash(h, data, num_lines, total_bits);
// Check for excessive entries for 32-bit hash function
if (num_entries >= /* minimum of 3 million */ 3000000U) {
// More specifically, we can detect that the 32-bit hash function
// is causing significant increase in FP rate by comparing current
// estimated FP rate to what we would get with a normal number of
// keys at same memory ratio.
double est_fp_rate = LegacyBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(
num_entries, total_bits / 8, num_probes_);
double vs_fp_rate = LegacyBloomImpl::EstimatedFpRate(
1U << 16, (1U << 16) * bits_per_key_ / 8, num_probes_);
if (est_fp_rate >= 1.50 * vs_fp_rate) {
// For more details, see
"Using legacy SST/BBT Bloom filter with excessive key count "
"(%.1fM @ %dbpk), causing estimated %.1fx higher filter FP rate. "
"Consider using new Bloom with format_version>=5, smaller SST "
"file size, or partitioned filters.",
num_entries / 1000000.0, bits_per_key_, est_fp_rate / vs_fp_rate);
// See BloomFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader for metadata
data[total_bits / 8] = static_cast<char>(num_probes_);
EncodeFixed32(data + total_bits / 8 + 1, static_cast<uint32_t>(num_lines));
const char* const_data = data;
return Slice(data, total_bits / 8 + kMetadataLen);
size_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::ApproximateNumEntries(size_t bytes) {
assert(bytes > 0);
uint64_t total_bits_tmp = bytes * 8;
// total bits, including temporary computations, cannot exceed 2^32
// for compatibility
total_bits_tmp = std::min(total_bits_tmp, uint64_t{0xffff0000});
uint32_t high = static_cast<uint32_t>(total_bits_tmp) /
static_cast<uint32_t>(bits_per_key_) +
uint32_t low = 1;
uint32_t n = high;
for (; n >= low; n--) {
if (CalculateSpace(n) <= bytes) {
return n;
uint32_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::GetTotalBitsForLocality(uint32_t total_bits) {
uint32_t num_lines =
(total_bits + CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8 - 1) / (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8);
// Make num_lines an odd number to make sure more bits are involved
// when determining which block.
if (num_lines % 2 == 0) {
return num_lines * (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8);
uint32_t LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::CalculateSpace(size_t num_entries,
uint32_t* total_bits,
uint32_t* num_lines) {
if (num_entries != 0) {
size_t total_bits_tmp = num_entries * bits_per_key_;
// total bits, including temporary computations, cannot exceed 2^32
// for compatibility
total_bits_tmp = std::min(total_bits_tmp, size_t{0xffff0000});
*total_bits =
*num_lines = *total_bits / (CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 8);
assert(*total_bits > 0 && *total_bits % 8 == 0);
} else {
// filter is empty, just leave space for metadata
*total_bits = 0;
*num_lines = 0;
// Reserve space for Filter
uint32_t sz = *total_bits / 8;
sz += kMetadataLen; // 4 bytes for num_lines, 1 byte for num_probes
return sz;
char* LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::ReserveSpace(size_t num_entries,
uint32_t* total_bits,
uint32_t* num_lines) {
uint32_t sz = CalculateSpace(num_entries, total_bits, num_lines);
char* data = new char[sz];
memset(data, 0, sz);
return data;
inline void LegacyBloomBitsBuilder::AddHash(uint32_t h, char* data,
uint32_t num_lines,
uint32_t total_bits) {
#ifdef NDEBUG
assert(num_lines > 0 && total_bits > 0);
LegacyBloomImpl::AddHash(h, num_lines, num_probes_, data,
class LegacyBloomBitsReader : public BuiltinFilterBitsReader {
LegacyBloomBitsReader(const char* data, int num_probes, uint32_t num_lines,
uint32_t log2_cache_line_size)
: data_(data),
log2_cache_line_size_(log2_cache_line_size) {}
// No Copy allowed
LegacyBloomBitsReader(const LegacyBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const LegacyBloomBitsReader&) = delete;
~LegacyBloomBitsReader() override {}
// "contents" contains the data built by a preceding call to
// FilterBitsBuilder::Finish. MayMatch must return true if the key was
// passed to FilterBitsBuilder::AddKey. This method may return true or false
// if the key was not on the list, but it should aim to return false with a
// high probability.
bool MayMatch(const Slice& key) override {
uint32_t hash = BloomHash(key);
uint32_t byte_offset;
hash, num_lines_, data_, /*out*/ &byte_offset, log2_cache_line_size_);
return LegacyBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(
hash, num_probes_, data_ + byte_offset, log2_cache_line_size_);
virtual void MayMatch(int num_keys, Slice** keys, bool* may_match) override {
std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> hashes;
std::array<uint32_t, MultiGetContext::MAX_BATCH_SIZE> byte_offsets;
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
hashes[i] = BloomHash(*keys[i]);
LegacyBloomImpl::PrepareHashMayMatch(hashes[i], num_lines_, data_,
/*out*/ &byte_offsets[i],
for (int i = 0; i < num_keys; ++i) {
may_match[i] = LegacyBloomImpl::HashMayMatchPrepared(
hashes[i], num_probes_, data_ + byte_offsets[i],
bool HashMayMatch(const uint64_t /* h */) override { return false; }
const char* data_;
const int num_probes_;
const uint32_t num_lines_;
const uint32_t log2_cache_line_size_;
class AlwaysTrueFilter : public BuiltinFilterBitsReader {
bool MayMatch(const Slice&) override { return true; }
using FilterBitsReader::MayMatch; // inherit overload
bool HashMayMatch(const uint64_t) override { return true; }
using BuiltinFilterBitsReader::HashMayMatch; // inherit overload
class AlwaysFalseFilter : public BuiltinFilterBitsReader {
bool MayMatch(const Slice&) override { return false; }
using FilterBitsReader::MayMatch; // inherit overload
bool HashMayMatch(const uint64_t) override { return false; }
using BuiltinFilterBitsReader::HashMayMatch; // inherit overload
Status XXPH3FilterBitsBuilder::MaybePostVerify(const Slice& filter_content) {
Status s = Status::OK();
if (!detect_filter_construct_corruption_) {
return s;
std::unique_ptr<BuiltinFilterBitsReader> bits_reader(
for (uint64_t h : hash_entries_info_.entries) {
// The current approach will not detect corruption from XXPH3Filter to
// AlwaysTrueFilter, which can lead to performance cost later due to
// AlwaysTrueFilter not filtering anything. But this cost is acceptable
// given the extra implementation complixity to detect such case.
bool may_match = bits_reader->HashMayMatch(h);
if (!may_match) {
s = Status::Corruption("Corrupted filter content");
return s;
} // namespace
const char* BuiltinFilterPolicy::kClassName() {
return "rocksdb.internal.BuiltinFilter";
bool BuiltinFilterPolicy::IsInstanceOf(const std::string& name) const {
if (name == kClassName()) {
return true;
} else {
return FilterPolicy::IsInstanceOf(name);
static const char* kBuiltinFilterMetadataName = "rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter";
const char* BuiltinFilterPolicy::kCompatibilityName() {
return kBuiltinFilterMetadataName;
const char* BuiltinFilterPolicy::CompatibilityName() const {
return kBuiltinFilterMetadataName;
BloomLikeFilterPolicy::BloomLikeFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key)
: warned_(false), aggregate_rounding_balance_(0) {
// Sanitize bits_per_key
if (bits_per_key < 0.5) {
// Round down to no filter
bits_per_key = 0;
} else if (bits_per_key < 1.0) {
// Minimum 1 bit per key (equiv) when creating filter
bits_per_key = 1.0;
} else if (!(bits_per_key < 100.0)) { // including NaN
bits_per_key = 100.0;
// Includes a nudge toward rounding up, to ensure on all platforms
// that doubles specified with three decimal digits after the decimal
// point are interpreted accurately.
millibits_per_key_ = static_cast<int>(bits_per_key * 1000.0 + 0.500001);
// For now configure Ribbon filter to match Bloom FP rate and save
// memory. (Ribbon bits per key will be ~30% less than Bloom bits per key
// for same FP rate.)
desired_one_in_fp_rate_ =
1.0 / BloomMath::CacheLocalFpRate(
/*cache_line_bits*/ 512);
// For better or worse, this is a rounding up of a nudged rounding up,
// e.g. 7.4999999999999 will round up to 8, but that provides more
// predictability against small arithmetic errors in floating point.
whole_bits_per_key_ = (millibits_per_key_ + 500) / 1000;
BloomLikeFilterPolicy::~BloomLikeFilterPolicy() {}
const char* BloomLikeFilterPolicy::kClassName() {
return "rocksdb.internal.BloomLikeFilter";
bool BloomLikeFilterPolicy::IsInstanceOf(const std::string& name) const {
if (name == kClassName()) {
return true;
} else {
return BuiltinFilterPolicy::IsInstanceOf(name);
const char* ReadOnlyBuiltinFilterPolicy::kClassName() {
return kBuiltinFilterMetadataName;
std::string BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetId() const {
return Name() + GetBitsPerKeySuffix();
BloomFilterPolicy::BloomFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key)
: BloomLikeFilterPolicy(bits_per_key) {}
FilterBitsBuilder* BloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
if (GetMillibitsPerKey() == 0) {
// "No filter" special case
return nullptr;
} else if (context.table_options.format_version < 5) {
return GetLegacyBloomBuilderWithContext(context);
} else {
return GetFastLocalBloomBuilderWithContext(context);
const char* BloomFilterPolicy::kClassName() { return "bloomfilter"; }
const char* BloomFilterPolicy::kNickName() { return "rocksdb.BloomFilter"; }
std::string BloomFilterPolicy::GetId() const {
// Including ":false" for better forward-compatibility with 6.29 and earlier
// which required a boolean `use_block_based_builder` parameter
return BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetId() + ":false";
FilterBitsBuilder* BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetFastLocalBloomBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
bool offm = context.table_options.optimize_filters_for_memory;
const auto options_overrides_iter =
const auto filter_construction_charged =
options_overrides_iter !=
? options_overrides_iter->second.charged
: context.table_options.cache_usage_options.options.charged;
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> cache_res_mgr;
if (context.table_options.block_cache &&
filter_construction_charged ==
CacheEntryRoleOptions::Decision::kEnabled) {
cache_res_mgr = std::make_shared<
return new FastLocalBloomBitsBuilder(
millibits_per_key_, offm ? &aggregate_rounding_balance_ : nullptr,
cache_res_mgr, context.table_options.detect_filter_construct_corruption);
FilterBitsBuilder* BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetLegacyBloomBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
if (whole_bits_per_key_ >= 14 && context.info_log &&
!warned_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
warned_ = true;
const char* adjective;
if (whole_bits_per_key_ >= 20) {
adjective = "Dramatic";
} else {
adjective = "Significant";
// For more details, see
"Using legacy Bloom filter with high (%d) bits/key. "
"%s filter space and/or accuracy improvement is available "
"with format_version>=5.",
whole_bits_per_key_, adjective);
return new LegacyBloomBitsBuilder(whole_bits_per_key_, context.info_log);
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
// FIXME: code duplication with GetFastLocalBloomBuilderWithContext
bool offm = context.table_options.optimize_filters_for_memory;
const auto options_overrides_iter =
const auto filter_construction_charged =
options_overrides_iter !=
? options_overrides_iter->second.charged
: context.table_options.cache_usage_options.options.charged;
std::shared_ptr<CacheReservationManager> cache_res_mgr;
if (context.table_options.block_cache &&
filter_construction_charged ==
CacheEntryRoleOptions::Decision::kEnabled) {
cache_res_mgr = std::make_shared<
return new Standard128RibbonBitsBuilder(
desired_one_in_fp_rate_, millibits_per_key_,
offm ? &aggregate_rounding_balance_ : nullptr, cache_res_mgr,
std::string BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetBitsPerKeySuffix() const {
std::string rv = ":" + std::to_string(millibits_per_key_ / 1000);
int frac = millibits_per_key_ % 1000;
if (frac > 0) {
rv.push_back(static_cast<char>('0' + (frac / 100)));
frac %= 100;
if (frac > 0) {
rv.push_back(static_cast<char>('0' + (frac / 10)));
frac %= 10;
if (frac > 0) {
rv.push_back(static_cast<char>('0' + frac));
return rv;
FilterBitsBuilder* BuiltinFilterPolicy::GetBuilderFromContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) {
if (context.table_options.filter_policy) {
return context.table_options.filter_policy->GetBuilderWithContext(context);
} else {
return nullptr;
// For testing only, but always constructable with internal names
namespace test {
const char* LegacyBloomFilterPolicy::kClassName() {
return "rocksdb.internal.LegacyBloomFilter";
FilterBitsBuilder* LegacyBloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
if (GetMillibitsPerKey() == 0) {
// "No filter" special case
return nullptr;
return GetLegacyBloomBuilderWithContext(context);
const char* FastLocalBloomFilterPolicy::kClassName() {
return "rocksdb.internal.FastLocalBloomFilter";
FilterBitsBuilder* FastLocalBloomFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
if (GetMillibitsPerKey() == 0) {
// "No filter" special case
return nullptr;
return GetFastLocalBloomBuilderWithContext(context);
const char* Standard128RibbonFilterPolicy::kClassName() {
return "rocksdb.internal.Standard128RibbonFilter";
FilterBitsBuilder* Standard128RibbonFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
if (GetMillibitsPerKey() == 0) {
// "No filter" special case
return nullptr;
return GetStandard128RibbonBuilderWithContext(context);
} // namespace test
BuiltinFilterBitsReader* BuiltinFilterPolicy::GetBuiltinFilterBitsReader(
const Slice& contents) {
uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast<uint32_t>(contents.size());
if (len_with_meta <= kMetadataLen) {
// filter is empty or broken. Treat like zero keys added.
return new AlwaysFalseFilter();
// Legacy Bloom filter data:
// 0 +-----------------------------------+
// | Raw Bloom filter data |
// | ... |
// len +-----------------------------------+
// | byte for num_probes or |
// | marker for new implementations |
// len+1 +-----------------------------------+
// | four bytes for number of cache |
// | lines |
// len_with_meta +-----------------------------------+
int8_t raw_num_probes =
static_cast<int8_t>([len_with_meta - kMetadataLen]);
// NB: *num_probes > 30 and < 128 probably have not been used, because of
// BloomFilterPolicy::initialize, unless directly calling
// LegacyBloomBitsBuilder as an API, but we are leaving those cases in
// limbo with LegacyBloomBitsReader for now.
if (raw_num_probes < 1) {
// Note: < 0 (or unsigned > 127) indicate special new implementations
// (or reserved for future use)
switch (raw_num_probes) {
case 0:
// Treat as zero probes (always FP)
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
case -1:
// Marker for newer Bloom implementations
return GetBloomBitsReader(contents);
case -2:
// Marker for Ribbon implementations
return GetRibbonBitsReader(contents);
// Reserved (treat as zero probes, always FP, for now)
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
// else attempt decode for LegacyBloomBitsReader
int num_probes = raw_num_probes;
assert(num_probes >= 1);
assert(num_probes <= 127);
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - kMetadataLen;
assert(len > 0);
uint32_t num_lines = DecodeFixed32( + len_with_meta - 4);
uint32_t log2_cache_line_size;
if (num_lines * CACHE_LINE_SIZE == len) {
// Common case
log2_cache_line_size = ConstexprFloorLog2(CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
} else if (num_lines == 0 || len % num_lines != 0) {
// Invalid (no solution to num_lines * x == len)
// Treat as zero probes (always FP) for now.
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
} else {
// Determine the non-native cache line size (from another system)
log2_cache_line_size = 0;
while ((num_lines << log2_cache_line_size) < len) {
if ((num_lines << log2_cache_line_size) != len) {
// Invalid (block size not a power of two)
// Treat as zero probes (always FP) for now.
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
// if not early return
return new LegacyBloomBitsReader(, num_probes, num_lines,
// Read metadata to determine what kind of FilterBitsReader is needed
// and return a new one.
FilterBitsReader* BuiltinFilterPolicy::GetFilterBitsReader(
const Slice& contents) const {
return BuiltinFilterPolicy::GetBuiltinFilterBitsReader(contents);
BuiltinFilterBitsReader* BuiltinFilterPolicy::GetRibbonBitsReader(
const Slice& contents) {
uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast<uint32_t>(contents.size());
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - kMetadataLen;
assert(len > 0); // precondition
uint32_t seed = static_cast<uint8_t>([len + 1]);
uint32_t num_blocks = static_cast<uint8_t>([len + 2]);
num_blocks |= static_cast<uint8_t>([len + 3]) << 8;
num_blocks |= static_cast<uint8_t>([len + 4]) << 16;
if (num_blocks < 2) {
// Not supported
// num_blocks == 1 is not used because num_starts == 1 is problematic
// for the hashing scheme. num_blocks == 0 is unused because there's
// already a concise encoding of an "always false" filter.
// Return something safe:
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
return new Standard128RibbonBitsReader(, len, num_blocks,
// For newer Bloom filter implementations
BuiltinFilterBitsReader* BuiltinFilterPolicy::GetBloomBitsReader(
const Slice& contents) {
uint32_t len_with_meta = static_cast<uint32_t>(contents.size());
uint32_t len = len_with_meta - kMetadataLen;
assert(len > 0); // precondition
// New Bloom filter data:
// 0 +-----------------------------------+
// | Raw Bloom filter data |
// | ... |
// len +-----------------------------------+
// | char{-1} byte -> new Bloom filter |
// len+1 +-----------------------------------+
// | byte for subimplementation |
// | 0: FastLocalBloom |
// | other: reserved |
// len+2 +-----------------------------------+
// | byte for block_and_probes |
// | 0 in top 3 bits -> 6 -> 64-byte |
// | reserved: |
// | 1 in top 3 bits -> 7 -> 128-byte|
// | 2 in top 3 bits -> 8 -> 256-byte|
// | ... |
// | num_probes in bottom 5 bits, |
// | except 0 and 31 reserved |
// len+3 +-----------------------------------+
// | two bytes reserved |
// | possibly for hash seed |
// len_with_meta +-----------------------------------+
// Read more metadata (see above)
char sub_impl_val =[len_with_meta - 4];
char block_and_probes =[len_with_meta - 3];
int log2_block_bytes = ((block_and_probes >> 5) & 7) + 6;
int num_probes = (block_and_probes & 31);
if (num_probes < 1 || num_probes > 30) {
// Reserved / future safe
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
uint16_t rest = DecodeFixed16( + len_with_meta - 2);
if (rest != 0) {
// Reserved, possibly for hash seed
// Future safe
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
if (sub_impl_val == 0) { // FastLocalBloom
if (log2_block_bytes == 6) { // Only block size supported for now
return new FastLocalBloomBitsReader(, num_probes, len);
// otherwise
// Reserved / future safe
return new AlwaysTrueFilter();
const FilterPolicy* NewBloomFilterPolicy(double bits_per_key,
bool /*use_block_based_builder*/) {
// NOTE: use_block_based_builder now ignored so block-based filter is no
// longer accessible in public API.
return new BloomFilterPolicy(bits_per_key);
RibbonFilterPolicy::RibbonFilterPolicy(double bloom_equivalent_bits_per_key,
int bloom_before_level)
: BloomLikeFilterPolicy(bloom_equivalent_bits_per_key),
bloom_before_level_(bloom_before_level) {}
FilterBitsBuilder* RibbonFilterPolicy::GetBuilderWithContext(
const FilterBuildingContext& context) const {
if (GetMillibitsPerKey() == 0) {
// "No filter" special case
return nullptr;
// Treat unknown same as bottommost
int levelish = INT_MAX;
switch (context.compaction_style) {
case kCompactionStyleLevel:
case kCompactionStyleUniversal: {
if (context.reason == TableFileCreationReason::kFlush) {
// Treat flush as level -1
assert(context.level_at_creation == 0);
levelish = -1;
} else if (context.level_at_creation == -1) {
// Unknown level
assert(levelish == INT_MAX);
} else {
levelish = context.level_at_creation;
case kCompactionStyleFIFO:
case kCompactionStyleNone:
// Treat as bottommost
assert(levelish == INT_MAX);
if (levelish < bloom_before_level_) {
return GetFastLocalBloomBuilderWithContext(context);
} else {
return GetStandard128RibbonBuilderWithContext(context);
const char* RibbonFilterPolicy::kClassName() { return "ribbonfilter"; }
const char* RibbonFilterPolicy::kNickName() { return "rocksdb.RibbonFilter"; }
std::string RibbonFilterPolicy::GetId() const {
return BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetId() + ":" +
const FilterPolicy* NewRibbonFilterPolicy(double bloom_equivalent_bits_per_key,
int bloom_before_level) {
return new RibbonFilterPolicy(bloom_equivalent_bits_per_key,
const BlockBasedTableOptions& _table_options)
: table_options(_table_options) {}
FilterPolicy::~FilterPolicy() {}
std::shared_ptr<const FilterPolicy> BloomLikeFilterPolicy::Create(
const std::string& name, double bits_per_key) {
if (name == test::LegacyBloomFilterPolicy::kClassName()) {
return std::make_shared<test::LegacyBloomFilterPolicy>(bits_per_key);
} else if (name == test::FastLocalBloomFilterPolicy::kClassName()) {
return std::make_shared<test::FastLocalBloomFilterPolicy>(bits_per_key);
} else if (name == test::Standard128RibbonFilterPolicy::kClassName()) {
return std::make_shared<test::Standard128RibbonFilterPolicy>(bits_per_key);
} else if (name == BloomFilterPolicy::kClassName()) {
// For testing
return std::make_shared<BloomFilterPolicy>(bits_per_key);
} else if (name == RibbonFilterPolicy::kClassName()) {
// For testing
return std::make_shared<RibbonFilterPolicy>(bits_per_key,
/*bloom_before_level*/ 0);
} else {
return nullptr;
namespace {
static ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry FilterPatternEntryWithBits(
const char* name) {
return ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry(name, false).AddNumber(":", false);
template <typename T>
T* NewBuiltinFilterPolicyWithBits(const std::string& uri) {
const std::vector<std::string> vals = StringSplit(uri, ':');
double bits_per_key = ParseDouble(vals[1]);
return new T(bits_per_key);
static int RegisterBuiltinFilterPolicies(ObjectLibrary& library,
const std::string& /*arg*/) {
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& /*uri*/, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
guard->reset(new ReadOnlyBuiltinFilterPolicy());
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
const std::vector<std::string> vals = StringSplit(uri, ':');
double bits_per_key = ParseDouble(vals[1]);
// NOTE: This case previously configured the deprecated block-based
// filter, but old ways of configuring that now map to full filter. We
// defer to the corresponding API to ensure consistency in case that
// change is reverted.
guard->reset(NewBloomFilterPolicy(bits_per_key, true));
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
const std::vector<std::string> vals = StringSplit(uri, ':');
double bits_per_key = ParseDouble(vals[1]);
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
.AddNumber(":", true),
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
const std::vector<std::string> vals = StringSplit(uri, ':');
double bits_per_key = ParseDouble(vals[1]);
int bloom_before_level = ParseInt(vals[2]);
guard->reset(NewRibbonFilterPolicy(bits_per_key, bloom_before_level));
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
return guard->get();
library.AddFactory<const FilterPolicy>(
[](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* guard,
std::string* /* errmsg */) {
return guard->get();
size_t num_types;
return static_cast<int>(library.GetFactoryCount(&num_types));
} // namespace
Status FilterPolicy::CreateFromString(
const ConfigOptions& options, const std::string& value,
std::shared_ptr<const FilterPolicy>* policy) {
if (value == kNullptrString || value.empty()) {
return Status::OK();
} else if (value == ReadOnlyBuiltinFilterPolicy::kClassName()) {
*policy = std::make_shared<ReadOnlyBuiltinFilterPolicy>();
return Status::OK();
std::string id;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> opt_map;
Status status =
Customizable::GetOptionsMap(options, policy->get(), value, &id, &opt_map);
if (!status.ok()) { // GetOptionsMap failed
return status;
} else if (id.empty()) { // We have no Id but have options. Not good
return Status::NotSupported("Cannot reset object ", id);
} else {
static std::once_flag loaded;
std::call_once(loaded, [&]() {
RegisterBuiltinFilterPolicies(*(ObjectLibrary::Default().get()), "");
status = options.registry->NewSharedObject(id, policy);
if (options.ignore_unsupported_options && status.IsNotSupported()) {
return Status::OK();
} else if (status.ok()) {
status = Customizable::ConfigureNewObject(
options, const_cast<FilterPolicy*>(policy->get()), opt_map);
return status;
const std::vector<std::string>& BloomLikeFilterPolicy::GetAllFixedImpls() {
STATIC_AVOID_DESTRUCTION(std::vector<std::string>, impls){
// Match filter_bench -impl=x ordering
return impls;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE