You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

343 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "db/merge_context.h"
#include "memtable/skiplist.h"
#include "options/db_options.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "rocksdb/iterator.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/write_batch_with_index.h"
class MergeContext;
class WBWIIteratorImpl;
class WriteBatchWithIndexInternal;
struct Options;
// when direction == forward
// * current_at_base_ <=> base_iterator > delta_iterator
// when direction == backwards
// * current_at_base_ <=> base_iterator < delta_iterator
// always:
// * equal_keys_ <=> base_iterator == delta_iterator
class BaseDeltaIterator : public Iterator {
BaseDeltaIterator(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family, Iterator* base_iterator,
WBWIIteratorImpl* delta_iterator,
const Comparator* comparator,
const ReadOptions* read_options = nullptr);
~BaseDeltaIterator() override {}
bool Valid() const override;
void SeekToFirst() override;
void SeekToLast() override;
void Seek(const Slice& k) override;
void SeekForPrev(const Slice& k) override;
void Next() override;
void Prev() override;
Slice key() const override;
Slice value() const override;
Status status() const override;
void Invalidate(Status s);
void AssertInvariants();
void Advance();
void AdvanceDelta();
void AdvanceBase();
bool BaseValid() const;
bool DeltaValid() const;
void UpdateCurrent();
std::unique_ptr<WriteBatchWithIndexInternal> wbwii_;
bool forward_;
bool current_at_base_;
bool equal_keys_;
mutable Status status_;
std::unique_ptr<Iterator> base_iterator_;
std::unique_ptr<WBWIIteratorImpl> delta_iterator_;
const Comparator* comparator_; // not owned
const Slice* iterate_upper_bound_;
mutable PinnableSlice merge_result_;
// Key used by skip list, as the binary searchable index of WriteBatchWithIndex.
struct WriteBatchIndexEntry {
WriteBatchIndexEntry(size_t o, uint32_t c, size_t ko, size_t ksz)
: offset(o),
search_key(nullptr) {}
// Create a dummy entry as the search key. This index entry won't be backed
// by an entry from the write batch, but a pointer to the search key. Or a
// special flag of offset can indicate we are seek to first.
// @_search_key: the search key
// @_column_family: column family
// @is_forward_direction: true for Seek(). False for SeekForPrev()
// @is_seek_to_first: true if we seek to the beginning of the column family
// _search_key should be null in this case.
WriteBatchIndexEntry(const Slice* _search_key, uint32_t _column_family,
bool is_forward_direction, bool is_seek_to_first)
// For SeekForPrev(), we need to make the dummy entry larger than any
// entry who has the same search key. Otherwise, we'll miss those entries.
: offset(is_forward_direction ? 0 : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()),
key_size(is_seek_to_first ? kFlagMinInCf : 0),
search_key(_search_key) {
assert(_search_key != nullptr || is_seek_to_first);
// If this flag appears in the key_size, it indicates a
// key that is smaller than any other entry for the same column family.
static const size_t kFlagMinInCf = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
bool is_min_in_cf() const {
assert(key_size != kFlagMinInCf ||
(key_offset == 0 && search_key == nullptr));
return key_size == kFlagMinInCf;
// offset of an entry in write batch's string buffer. If this is a dummy
// lookup key, in which case search_key != nullptr, offset is set to either
// 0 or max, only for comparison purpose. Because when entries have the same
// key, the entry with larger offset is larger, offset = 0 will make a seek
// key small or equal than all the entries with the seek key, so that Seek()
// will find all the entries of the same key. Similarly, offset = MAX will
// make the entry just larger than all entries with the search key so
// SeekForPrev() will see all the keys with the same key.
size_t offset;
uint32_t column_family; // column family of the entry.
size_t key_offset; // offset of the key in write batch's string buffer.
size_t key_size; // size of the key. kFlagMinInCf indicates
// that this is a dummy look up entry for
// SeekToFirst() to the beginning of the column
// family. We use the flag here to save a boolean
// in the struct.
const Slice* search_key; // if not null, instead of reading keys from
// write batch, use it to compare. This is used
// for lookup key.
class ReadableWriteBatch : public WriteBatch {
explicit ReadableWriteBatch(size_t reserved_bytes = 0, size_t max_bytes = 0,
size_t protection_bytes_per_key = 0,
size_t default_cf_ts_sz = 0)
: WriteBatch(reserved_bytes, max_bytes, protection_bytes_per_key,
default_cf_ts_sz) {}
// Retrieve some information from a write entry in the write batch, given
// the start offset of the write entry.
Status GetEntryFromDataOffset(size_t data_offset, WriteType* type, Slice* Key,
Slice* value, Slice* blob, Slice* xid) const;
class WriteBatchEntryComparator {
WriteBatchEntryComparator(const Comparator* _default_comparator,
const ReadableWriteBatch* write_batch)
: default_comparator_(_default_comparator), write_batch_(write_batch) {}
// Compare a and b. Return a negative value if a is less than b, 0 if they
// are equal, and a positive value if a is greater than b
int operator()(const WriteBatchIndexEntry* entry1,
const WriteBatchIndexEntry* entry2) const;
int CompareKey(uint32_t column_family, const Slice& key1,
const Slice& key2) const;
void SetComparatorForCF(uint32_t column_family_id,
const Comparator* comparator) {
if (column_family_id >= cf_comparators_.size()) {
cf_comparators_.resize(column_family_id + 1, nullptr);
cf_comparators_[column_family_id] = comparator;
const Comparator* default_comparator() { return default_comparator_; }
const Comparator* GetComparator(
const ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family) const;
const Comparator* GetComparator(uint32_t column_family) const;
const Comparator* const default_comparator_;
std::vector<const Comparator*> cf_comparators_;
const ReadableWriteBatch* const write_batch_;
using WriteBatchEntrySkipList =
SkipList<WriteBatchIndexEntry*, const WriteBatchEntryComparator&>;
class WBWIIteratorImpl : public WBWIIterator {
enum Result : uint8_t {
WBWIIteratorImpl(uint32_t column_family_id,
WriteBatchEntrySkipList* skip_list,
const ReadableWriteBatch* write_batch,
WriteBatchEntryComparator* comparator)
: column_family_id_(column_family_id),
comparator_(comparator) {}
~WBWIIteratorImpl() override {}
bool Valid() const override {
if (!skip_list_iter_.Valid()) {
return false;
const WriteBatchIndexEntry* iter_entry = skip_list_iter_.key();
return (iter_entry != nullptr &&
iter_entry->column_family == column_family_id_);
void SeekToFirst() override {
WriteBatchIndexEntry search_entry(
nullptr /* search_key */, column_family_id_,
true /* is_forward_direction */, true /* is_seek_to_first */);
void SeekToLast() override {
WriteBatchIndexEntry search_entry(
nullptr /* search_key */, column_family_id_ + 1,
true /* is_forward_direction */, true /* is_seek_to_first */);
if (!skip_list_iter_.Valid()) {
} else {
void Seek(const Slice& key) override {
WriteBatchIndexEntry search_entry(&key, column_family_id_,
true /* is_forward_direction */,
false /* is_seek_to_first */);
void SeekForPrev(const Slice& key) override {
WriteBatchIndexEntry search_entry(&key, column_family_id_,
false /* is_forward_direction */,
false /* is_seek_to_first */);
void Next() override { skip_list_iter_.Next(); }
void Prev() override { skip_list_iter_.Prev(); }
WriteEntry Entry() const override;
Status status() const override {
// this is in-memory data structure, so the only way status can be non-ok is
// through memory corruption
return Status::OK();
const WriteBatchIndexEntry* GetRawEntry() const {
return skip_list_iter_.key();
bool MatchesKey(uint32_t cf_id, const Slice& key);
// Moves the iterator to first entry of the previous key.
void PrevKey();
// Moves the iterator to first entry of the next key.
void NextKey();
// Moves the iterator to the Update (Put or Delete) for the current key
// If there are no Put/Delete, the Iterator will point to the first entry for
// this key
// @return kFound if a Put was found for the key
// @return kDeleted if a delete was found for the key
// @return kMergeInProgress if only merges were fouund for the key
// @return kError if an unsupported operation was found for the key
// @return kNotFound if no operations were found for this key
Result FindLatestUpdate(const Slice& key, MergeContext* merge_context);
Result FindLatestUpdate(MergeContext* merge_context);
void AdvanceKey(bool forward);
uint32_t column_family_id_;
WriteBatchEntrySkipList::Iterator skip_list_iter_;
const ReadableWriteBatch* write_batch_;
WriteBatchEntryComparator* comparator_;
class WriteBatchWithIndexInternal {
static const Comparator* GetUserComparator(const WriteBatchWithIndex& wbwi,
uint32_t cf_id);
// For GetFromBatchAndDB or similar
explicit WriteBatchWithIndexInternal(DB* db,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family);
// For GetFromBatchAndDB or similar
explicit WriteBatchWithIndexInternal(ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family);
// For GetFromBatch or similar
explicit WriteBatchWithIndexInternal(const DBOptions* db_options,
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family);
// If batch contains a value for key, store it in *value and return kFound.
// If batch contains a deletion for key, return Deleted.
// If batch contains Merge operations as the most recent entry for a key,
// and the merge process does not stop (not reaching a value or delete),
// prepend the current merge operands to *operands,
// and return kMergeInProgress
// If batch does not contain this key, return kNotFound
// Else, return kError on error with error Status stored in *s.
WBWIIteratorImpl::Result GetFromBatch(WriteBatchWithIndex* batch,
const Slice& key, std::string* value,
Status* s) {
return GetFromBatch(batch, key, &merge_context_, value, s);
WBWIIteratorImpl::Result GetFromBatch(WriteBatchWithIndex* batch,
const Slice& key,
MergeContext* merge_context,
std::string* value, Status* s);
Status MergeKey(const Slice& key, const Slice* value,
std::string* result) const {
return MergeKey(key, value, merge_context_, result);
Status MergeKey(const Slice& key, const Slice* value,
const MergeContext& context, std::string* result) const;
size_t GetNumOperands() const { return merge_context_.GetNumOperands(); }
MergeContext* GetMergeContext() { return &merge_context_; }
Slice GetOperand(int index) const { return merge_context_.GetOperand(index); }
DB* db_;
const DBOptions* db_options_;
ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family_;
MergeContext merge_context_;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE