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// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// APIs for accessing Cache in a type-safe and convenient way. Cache is kept
// at a low, thin level of abstraction so that different implementations can
// be plugged in, but these wrappers provide clean, convenient access to the
// most common operations.
// A number of template classes are needed for sharing common structure. The
// key classes are these:
// * PlaceholderCacheInterface - Used for making cache reservations, with
// entries that have a charge but no value.
// * BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue> - Used for primary cache storage of
// objects of type TValue.
// * FullTypedCacheHelper<TValue, TCreateContext> - Used for secondary cache
// compatible storage of objects of type TValue.
// * For each of these, there's a "Shared" version
// (e.g. FullTypedSharedCacheInterface) that holds a shared_ptr to the Cache,
// rather than assuming external ownership by holding only a raw `Cache*`.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "cache/cache_helpers.h"
#include "rocksdb/advanced_cache.h"
#include "rocksdb/advanced_options.h"
// For future consideration:
// * Pass in value to Insert with std::unique_ptr& to simplify ownership
// transfer logic in callers
// * Make key type a template parameter (e.g. useful for table cache)
// * Closer integration with CacheHandleGuard (opt-in, so not always
// paying the extra overhead)
#define CACHE_TYPE_DEFS() \
using Priority = Cache::Priority; \
using Handle = Cache::Handle; \
using ObjectPtr = Cache::ObjectPtr; \
using CreateContext = Cache::CreateContext; \
using CacheItemHelper = Cache::CacheItemHelper /* caller ; */
template <typename CachePtr>
class BaseCacheInterface {
/*implicit*/ BaseCacheInterface(CachePtr cache) : cache_(std::move(cache)) {}
inline void Release(Handle* handle) { cache_->Release(handle); }
inline void ReleaseAndEraseIfLastRef(Handle* handle) {
cache_->Release(handle, /*erase_if_last_ref*/ true);
inline void RegisterReleaseAsCleanup(Handle* handle, Cleanable& cleanable) {
cleanable.RegisterCleanup(&ReleaseCacheHandleCleanup, get(), handle);
inline Cache* get() const { return &*cache_; }
explicit inline operator bool() const noexcept { return cache_ != nullptr; }
CachePtr cache_;
// PlaceholderCacheInterface - Used for making cache reservations, with
// entries that have a charge but no value. CacheEntryRole is required as
// a template parameter.
template <CacheEntryRole kRole, typename CachePtr = Cache*>
class PlaceholderCacheInterface : public BaseCacheInterface<CachePtr> {
using BaseCacheInterface<CachePtr>::BaseCacheInterface;
inline Status Insert(const Slice& key, size_t charge, Handle** handle) {
return this->cache_->Insert(key, /*value=*/nullptr, GetHelper(), charge,
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper* GetHelper() {
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper kHelper{kRole};
return &kHelper;
template <CacheEntryRole kRole>
using PlaceholderSharedCacheInterface =
PlaceholderCacheInterface<kRole, std::shared_ptr<Cache>>;
template <class TValue>
class BasicTypedCacheHelperFns {
// E.g. char* for char[]
using TValuePtr = std::remove_extent_t<TValue>*;
inline static ObjectPtr UpCastValue(TValuePtr value) { return value; }
inline static TValuePtr DownCastValue(ObjectPtr value) {
return static_cast<TValuePtr>(value);
static void Delete(ObjectPtr value, MemoryAllocator* allocator) {
// FIXME: Currently, no callers actually allocate the ObjectPtr objects
// using the custom allocator, just subobjects that keep a reference to
// the allocator themselves (with CacheAllocationPtr).
if (/*DISABLED*/ false && allocator) {
if constexpr (std::is_destructible_v<TValue>) {
} else {
// Like delete but properly handles TValue=char[] etc.
// In its own class to try to minimize the number of distinct CacheItemHelper
// instances (e.g. don't vary by CachePtr)
template <class TValue, CacheEntryRole kRole>
class BasicTypedCacheHelper : public BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue> {
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper* GetBasicHelper() {
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper kHelper{kRole,
return &kHelper;
// BasicTypedCacheInterface - Used for primary cache storage of objects of
// type TValue, which can be cleaned up with std::default_delete<TValue>. The
// role is provided by TValue::kCacheEntryRole or given in an optional
// template parameter.
template <class TValue, CacheEntryRole kRole = TValue::kCacheEntryRole,
typename CachePtr = Cache*>
class BasicTypedCacheInterface : public BaseCacheInterface<CachePtr>,
public BasicTypedCacheHelper<TValue, kRole> {
using typename BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::TValuePtr;
struct TypedHandle : public Handle {};
using BasicTypedCacheHelper<TValue, kRole>::GetBasicHelper;
// ctor
using BaseCacheInterface<CachePtr>::BaseCacheInterface;
struct TypedAsyncLookupHandle : public Cache::AsyncLookupHandle {
TypedHandle* Result() {
return reinterpret_cast<TypedHandle*>(Cache::AsyncLookupHandle::Result());
inline Status Insert(const Slice& key, TValuePtr value, size_t charge,
TypedHandle** handle = nullptr,
Priority priority = Priority::LOW) {
auto untyped_handle = reinterpret_cast<Handle**>(handle);
return this->cache_->Insert(
key, BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::UpCastValue(value),
GetBasicHelper(), charge, untyped_handle, priority);
inline TypedHandle* Lookup(const Slice& key, Statistics* stats = nullptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<TypedHandle*>(
this->cache_->BasicLookup(key, stats));
inline void StartAsyncLookup(TypedAsyncLookupHandle& async_handle) {
assert(async_handle.helper == nullptr);
inline CacheHandleGuard<TValue> Guard(TypedHandle* handle) {
if (handle) {
return CacheHandleGuard<TValue>(&*this->cache_, handle);
} else {
return {};
inline std::shared_ptr<TValue> SharedGuard(TypedHandle* handle) {
if (handle) {
return MakeSharedCacheHandleGuard<TValue>(&*this->cache_, handle);
} else {
return {};
inline TValuePtr Value(TypedHandle* handle) {
return BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::DownCastValue(
// BasicTypedSharedCacheInterface - Like BasicTypedCacheInterface but with a
// shared_ptr<Cache> for keeping Cache alive.
template <class TValue, CacheEntryRole kRole = TValue::kCacheEntryRole>
using BasicTypedSharedCacheInterface =
BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole, std::shared_ptr<Cache>>;
// TValue must implement ContentSlice() and ~TValue
// TCreateContext must implement Create(std::unique_ptr<TValue>*, ...)
template <class TValue, class TCreateContext>
class FullTypedCacheHelperFns : public BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue> {
using typename BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::TValuePtr;
using BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::DownCastValue;
using BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::UpCastValue;
static size_t Size(ObjectPtr v) {
TValuePtr value = DownCastValue(v);
auto slice = value->ContentSlice();
return slice.size();
static Status SaveTo(ObjectPtr v, size_t from_offset, size_t length,
char* out) {
TValuePtr value = DownCastValue(v);
auto slice = value->ContentSlice();
assert(from_offset < slice.size());
assert(from_offset + length <= slice.size());
std::copy_n( + from_offset, length, out);
return Status::OK();
static Status Create(const Slice& data, CreateContext* context,
MemoryAllocator* allocator, ObjectPtr* out_obj,
size_t* out_charge) {
std::unique_ptr<TValue> value = nullptr;
if constexpr (sizeof(TCreateContext) > 0) {
TCreateContext* tcontext = static_cast<TCreateContext*>(context);
tcontext->Create(&value, out_charge, data, allocator);
} else {
TCreateContext::Create(&value, out_charge, data, allocator);
*out_obj = UpCastValue(value.release());
return Status::OK();
// In its own class to try to minimize the number of distinct CacheItemHelper
// instances (e.g. don't vary by CachePtr)
template <class TValue, class TCreateContext, CacheEntryRole kRole>
class FullTypedCacheHelper
: public FullTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue, TCreateContext> {
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper* GetFullHelper() {
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper kHelper{
BasicTypedCacheHelper<TValue, kRole>::GetBasicHelper()};
return &kHelper;
// FullTypedCacheHelper - Used for secondary cache compatible storage of
// objects of type TValue. In addition to BasicTypedCacheInterface constraints,
// we require TValue::ContentSlice() to return persistable data. This
// simplifies usage for the normal case of simple secondary cache compatibility
// (can give you a Slice to the data already in memory). In addition to
// TCreateContext performing the role of Cache::CreateContext, it is also
// expected to provide a function Create(std::unique_ptr<TValue>* value,
// size_t* out_charge, const Slice& data, MemoryAllocator* allocator) for
// creating new TValue.
template <class TValue, class TCreateContext,
CacheEntryRole kRole = TValue::kCacheEntryRole,
typename CachePtr = Cache*>
class FullTypedCacheInterface
: public BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole, CachePtr>,
public FullTypedCacheHelper<TValue, TCreateContext, kRole> {
using typename BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole, CachePtr>::TypedHandle;
using typename BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole,
using typename BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::TValuePtr;
using BasicTypedCacheHelper<TValue, kRole>::GetBasicHelper;
using FullTypedCacheHelper<TValue, TCreateContext, kRole>::GetFullHelper;
using BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::UpCastValue;
using BasicTypedCacheHelperFns<TValue>::DownCastValue;
// ctor
using BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole,
// Insert with SecondaryCache compatibility (subject to CacheTier).
// (Basic Insert() also inherited.)
inline Status InsertFull(
const Slice& key, TValuePtr value, size_t charge,
TypedHandle** handle = nullptr, Priority priority = Priority::LOW,
CacheTier lowest_used_cache_tier = CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier) {
auto untyped_handle = reinterpret_cast<Handle**>(handle);
auto helper = lowest_used_cache_tier == CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier
? GetFullHelper()
: GetBasicHelper();
return this->cache_->Insert(key, UpCastValue(value), helper, charge,
untyped_handle, priority);
// Like SecondaryCache::InsertSaved, with SecondaryCache compatibility
// (subject to CacheTier).
inline Status InsertSaved(
const Slice& key, const Slice& data, TCreateContext* create_context,
Priority priority = Priority::LOW,
CacheTier lowest_used_cache_tier = CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier,
size_t* out_charge = nullptr) {
ObjectPtr value;
size_t charge;
Status st = GetFullHelper()->create_cb(data, create_context,
&value, &charge);
if (out_charge) {
*out_charge = charge;
if (st.ok()) {
st = InsertFull(key, DownCastValue(value), charge, nullptr /*handle*/,
priority, lowest_used_cache_tier);
} else {
GetFullHelper()->del_cb(value, this->cache_->memory_allocator());
return st;
// Lookup with SecondaryCache support (subject to CacheTier).
// (Basic Lookup() also inherited.)
inline TypedHandle* LookupFull(
const Slice& key, TCreateContext* create_context = nullptr,
Priority priority = Priority::LOW, Statistics* stats = nullptr,
CacheTier lowest_used_cache_tier = CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier) {
if (lowest_used_cache_tier == CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier) {
return reinterpret_cast<TypedHandle*>(this->cache_->Lookup(
key, GetFullHelper(), create_context, priority, stats));
} else {
return BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole, CachePtr>::Lookup(key,
inline void StartAsyncLookupFull(
TypedAsyncLookupHandle& async_handle,
CacheTier lowest_used_cache_tier = CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier) {
if (lowest_used_cache_tier == CacheTier::kNonVolatileBlockTier) {
async_handle.helper = GetFullHelper();
} else {
BasicTypedCacheInterface<TValue, kRole, CachePtr>::StartAsyncLookup(
// FullTypedSharedCacheInterface - Like FullTypedCacheInterface but with a
// shared_ptr<Cache> for keeping Cache alive.
template <class TValue, class TCreateContext,
CacheEntryRole kRole = TValue::kCacheEntryRole>
using FullTypedSharedCacheInterface =
FullTypedCacheInterface<TValue, TCreateContext, kRole,
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE