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// Copyright (c) 2021-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#ifdef GFLAGS
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db_stress_tool/expected_value.h"
#include "file/file_util.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/file_system.h"
#include "rocksdb/rocksdb_namespace.h"
#include "rocksdb/types.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
// `ExpectedState` provides read/write access to expected values stored in
// `ExpectedState` for every key.
class ExpectedState {
explicit ExpectedState(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families);
virtual ~ExpectedState() {}
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
virtual Status Open(bool create) = 0;
// Requires external locking covering all keys in `cf`.
void ClearColumnFamily(int cf);
// Prepare a Put that will be started but not finished yet
// This is useful for crash-recovery testing when the process may crash
// before updating the corresponding expected value
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` to prevent concurrent
// write or delete to the same `key`.
PendingExpectedValue PreparePut(int cf, int64_t key);
// Does not requires external locking.
ExpectedValue Get(int cf, int64_t key);
// Prepare a Delete that will be started but not finished yet
// This is useful for crash-recovery testing when the process may crash
// before updating the corresponding expected value
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` to prevent concurrent
// write or delete to the same `key`.
PendingExpectedValue PrepareDelete(int cf, int64_t key,
bool* prepared = nullptr);
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` to prevent concurrent
// write or delete to the same `key`.
PendingExpectedValue PrepareSingleDelete(int cf, int64_t key);
// Requires external locking covering keys in `[begin_key, end_key)` in `cf`
// to prevent concurrent write or delete to the same `key`.
std::vector<PendingExpectedValue> PrepareDeleteRange(int cf,
int64_t begin_key,
int64_t end_key);
// Update the expected value for start of an incomplete write or delete
// operation on the key assoicated with this expected value
void Precommit(int cf, int64_t key, const ExpectedValue& value);
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` to prevent concurrent
// delete to the same `key`.
bool Exists(int cf, int64_t key);
// Sync the `value_base` to the corresponding expected value
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` or be in single thread
// to prevent concurrent write or delete to the same `key`
void SyncPut(int cf, int64_t key, uint32_t value_base);
// Sync the corresponding expected value to be pending Put
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` or be in single thread
// to prevent concurrent write or delete to the same `key`
void SyncPendingPut(int cf, int64_t key);
// Sync the corresponding expected value to be deleted
// Requires external locking covering `key` in `cf` or be in single thread
// to prevent concurrent write or delete to the same `key`
void SyncDelete(int cf, int64_t key);
// Sync the corresponding expected values to be deleted
// Requires external locking covering keys in `[begin_key, end_key)` in `cf`
// to prevent concurrent write or delete to the same `key`
void SyncDeleteRange(int cf, int64_t begin_key, int64_t end_key);
// Does not requires external locking.
std::atomic<uint32_t>& Value(int cf, int64_t key) const {
return values_[cf * max_key_ + key];
// Does not requires external locking
ExpectedValue Load(int cf, int64_t key) const {
return ExpectedValue(Value(cf, key).load());
const size_t max_key_;
const size_t num_column_families_;
size_t GetValuesLen() const {
return sizeof(std::atomic<uint32_t>) * num_column_families_ * max_key_;
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
void Reset();
std::atomic<uint32_t>* values_;
// A `FileExpectedState` implements `ExpectedState` backed by a file.
class FileExpectedState : public ExpectedState {
explicit FileExpectedState(std::string expected_state_file_path,
size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families);
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
Status Open(bool create) override;
const std::string expected_state_file_path_;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryMappedFileBuffer> expected_state_mmap_buffer_;
// An `AnonExpectedState` implements `ExpectedState` backed by a memory
// allocation.
class AnonExpectedState : public ExpectedState {
explicit AnonExpectedState(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families);
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
Status Open(bool create) override;
std::unique_ptr<std::atomic<uint32_t>[]> values_allocation_;
// An `ExpectedStateManager` manages data about the expected state of the
// database. It exposes operations for reading and modifying the latest
// expected state.
class ExpectedStateManager {
explicit ExpectedStateManager(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families);
virtual ~ExpectedStateManager();
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
virtual Status Open() = 0;
// Saves expected values for the current state of `db` and begins tracking
// changes. Following a successful `SaveAtAndAfter()`, `Restore()` can be
// called on the same DB, as long as its state does not roll back to before
// its current state.
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function. Furthermore, `db` must not be mutated while this function
// is executing.
virtual Status SaveAtAndAfter(DB* db) = 0;
// Returns true if at least one state of historical expected values can be
// restored.
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
virtual bool HasHistory() = 0;
// Restores expected values according to the current state of `db`. See
// `SaveAtAndAfter()` for conditions where this can be called.
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function. Furthermore, `db` must not be mutated while this function
// is executing.
virtual Status Restore(DB* db) = 0;
// Requires external locking covering all keys in `cf`.
void ClearColumnFamily(int cf) { return latest_->ClearColumnFamily(cf); }
// See ExpectedState::PreparePut()
PendingExpectedValue PreparePut(int cf, int64_t key) {
return latest_->PreparePut(cf, key);
// See ExpectedState::Get()
ExpectedValue Get(int cf, int64_t key) { return latest_->Get(cf, key); }
// See ExpectedState::PrepareDelete()
PendingExpectedValue PrepareDelete(int cf, int64_t key) {
return latest_->PrepareDelete(cf, key);
// See ExpectedState::PrepareSingleDelete()
PendingExpectedValue PrepareSingleDelete(int cf, int64_t key) {
return latest_->PrepareSingleDelete(cf, key);
// See ExpectedState::PrepareDeleteRange()
std::vector<PendingExpectedValue> PrepareDeleteRange(int cf,
int64_t begin_key,
int64_t end_key) {
return latest_->PrepareDeleteRange(cf, begin_key, end_key);
// See ExpectedState::Exists()
bool Exists(int cf, int64_t key) { return latest_->Exists(cf, key); }
// See ExpectedState::SyncPut()
void SyncPut(int cf, int64_t key, uint32_t value_base) {
return latest_->SyncPut(cf, key, value_base);
// See ExpectedState::SyncPendingPut()
void SyncPendingPut(int cf, int64_t key) {
return latest_->SyncPendingPut(cf, key);
// See ExpectedState::SyncDelete()
void SyncDelete(int cf, int64_t key) { return latest_->SyncDelete(cf, key); }
// See ExpectedState::SyncDeleteRange()
void SyncDeleteRange(int cf, int64_t begin_key, int64_t end_key) {
return latest_->SyncDeleteRange(cf, begin_key, end_key);
const size_t max_key_;
const size_t num_column_families_;
std::unique_ptr<ExpectedState> latest_;
// A `FileExpectedStateManager` implements an `ExpectedStateManager` backed by
// a directory of files containing data about the expected state of the
// database.
class FileExpectedStateManager : public ExpectedStateManager {
explicit FileExpectedStateManager(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families,
std::string expected_state_dir_path);
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
Status Open() override;
// See `ExpectedStateManager::SaveAtAndAfter()` API doc.
// This implementation makes a copy of "LATEST.state" into
// "<current seqno>.state", and starts a trace in "<current seqno>.trace".
// Due to using external files, a following `Restore()` can happen even
// from a different process.
Status SaveAtAndAfter(DB* db) override;
// See `ExpectedStateManager::HasHistory()` API doc.
bool HasHistory() override;
// See `ExpectedStateManager::Restore()` API doc.
// Say `db->GetLatestSequenceNumber()` was `a` last time `SaveAtAndAfter()`
// was called and now it is `b`. Then this function replays `b - a` write
// operations from "`a`.trace" onto "`a`.state", and then copies the resulting
// file into "LATEST.state".
Status Restore(DB* db) override;
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
Status Clean();
std::string GetTempPathForFilename(const std::string& filename);
std::string GetPathForFilename(const std::string& filename);
static const std::string kLatestBasename;
static const std::string kStateFilenameSuffix;
static const std::string kTraceFilenameSuffix;
static const std::string kTempFilenamePrefix;
static const std::string kTempFilenameSuffix;
const std::string expected_state_dir_path_;
SequenceNumber saved_seqno_ = kMaxSequenceNumber;
// An `AnonExpectedStateManager` implements an `ExpectedStateManager` backed by
// a memory allocation containing data about the expected state of the database.
class AnonExpectedStateManager : public ExpectedStateManager {
explicit AnonExpectedStateManager(size_t max_key, size_t num_column_families);
// See `ExpectedStateManager::SaveAtAndAfter()` API doc.
// This implementation returns `Status::NotSupported` since we do not
// currently have a need to keep history of expected state within a process.
Status SaveAtAndAfter(DB* /* db */) override {
return Status::NotSupported();
// See `ExpectedStateManager::HasHistory()` API doc.
bool HasHistory() override { return false; }
// See `ExpectedStateManager::Restore()` API doc.
// This implementation returns `Status::NotSupported` since we do not
// currently have a need to keep history of expected state within a process.
Status Restore(DB* /* db */) override { return Status::NotSupported(); }
// Requires external locking preventing concurrent execution with any other
// member function.
Status Open() override;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
#endif // GFLAGS