extern crate libc;
use self::libc::{c_void, size_t};
use std::io::{IoError};
use std::c_vec::CVec;
use std::c_str::CString;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use rocksdb_ffi;
pub struct RocksdbOptions {
inner: rocksdb_ffi::RocksdbOptions,
impl RocksdbOptions {
pub fn new() -> RocksdbOptions {
unsafe {
let opts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_create();
let rocksdb_ffi::RocksdbOptions(opt_ptr) = opts;
if opt_ptr.is_null() {
panic!("Could not create rocksdb options".to_string());
RocksdbOptions{inner: opts}
pub fn increase_parallelism(&self, parallelism: i32) {
unsafe {
rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_increase_parallelism(self.inner, parallelism);
pub fn optimize_level_style_compaction(&self, memtable_memory_budget: i32) {
unsafe {
rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_optimize_level_style_compaction(self.inner, memtable_memory_budget);
pub fn create_if_missing(&self, create_if_missing: bool) {
unsafe {
match create_if_missing {
true => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(self.inner, 1),
false => rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_create_if_missing(self.inner, 0),
pub fn set_merge_operator(&self, mo: rocksdb_ffi::RocksdbMergeOperator) {
unsafe {
rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_options_set_merge_operator(self.inner, mo);
pub struct Rocksdb {
inner: rocksdb_ffi::RocksdbInstance,
impl Rocksdb {
pub fn open_default(path: String) -> Result<Rocksdb, String> {
let opts = RocksdbOptions::new();
Rocksdb::open(opts, path)
pub fn open(opts: RocksdbOptions, path: String) -> Result<Rocksdb, String> {
unsafe {
let cpath = path.to_c_str();
let cpath_ptr = cpath.as_ptr();
//TODO test path here, as if rocksdb fails it will just crash the
// process currently
let err = 0 as *mut i8;
let db = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_open(opts.inner, cpath_ptr, err);
let rocksdb_ffi::RocksdbInstance(db_ptr) = db;
if err.is_not_null() {
let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true);
match cs.as_str() {
Some(error_string) =>
return Err(error_string.to_string()),
None =>
return Err("Could not initialize database.".to_string()),
if db_ptr.is_null() {
return Err("Could not initialize database.".to_string());
Ok(Rocksdb{inner: db})
pub fn put(&self, key: &[u8], value: &[u8]) -> Result<(), String> {
unsafe {
let writeopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_writeoptions_create();
let err = 0 as *mut i8;
rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_put(self.inner, writeopts, key.as_ptr(),
key.len() as size_t, value.as_ptr(),
value.len() as size_t, err);
if err.is_not_null() {
let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true);
match cs.as_str() {
Some(error_string) =>
return Err(error_string.to_string()),
None => {
let ie = IoError::last_error();
return Err(format!(
"ERROR: desc:{}, details:{}",
|| {"none provided by OS".to_string()})))
return Ok(())
pub fn get<'a>(&self, key: &[u8]) -> RocksdbResult<'a, RocksdbVector, String> {
unsafe {
let readopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_readoptions_create();
let rocksdb_ffi::RocksdbReadOptions(read_opts_ptr) = readopts;
if read_opts_ptr.is_null() {
return RocksdbResult::Error("Unable to create rocksdb read \
options. This is a fairly trivial call, and its failure \
may be indicative of a mis-compiled or mis-loaded rocksdb \
let val_len: size_t = 0;
let val_len_ptr = &val_len as *const size_t;
let err = 0 as *mut i8;
let val = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_get(self.inner, readopts, key.as_ptr(),
key.len() as size_t, val_len_ptr, err) as *mut u8;
if err.is_not_null() {
let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true);
match cs.as_str() {
Some(error_string) =>
return RocksdbResult::Error(error_string.to_string()),
None =>
return RocksdbResult::Error("Unable to get value from \
rocksdb. (non-utf8 error received from underlying \
match val.is_null() {
true => RocksdbResult::None,
false => {
RocksdbResult::Some(RocksdbVector::from_c(val, val_len))
pub fn delete(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Result<(),String> {
unsafe {
let writeopts = rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_writeoptions_create();
let err = 0 as *mut i8;
rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_delete(self.inner, writeopts, key.as_ptr(),
key.len() as size_t, err);
if err.is_not_null() {
let cs = CString::new(err as *const i8, true);
match cs.as_str() {
Some(error_string) =>
return Err(error_string.to_string()),
None => {
let ie = IoError::last_error();
return Err(format!(
"ERROR: desc:{}, details:{}",
|| {"none provided by OS".to_string()})))
return Ok(())
pub fn close(&self) {
unsafe { rocksdb_ffi::rocksdb_close(self.inner); }
pub struct RocksdbVector {
inner: CVec<u8>,
impl RocksdbVector {
pub fn from_c(val: *mut u8, val_len: size_t) -> RocksdbVector {
unsafe {
RocksdbVector {
CVec::new_with_dtor(val, val_len as uint,
proc(){ libc::free(val as *mut c_void); })
pub fn as_slice<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8] {
pub fn to_utf8<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str> {
// RocksdbResult exists because of the inherent difference between
// an operational failure and the absence of a possible result.
#[deriving(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Show)]
pub enum RocksdbResult<'a,T,E> {
impl <'a,T,E> RocksdbResult<'a,T,E> {
#[unstable = "waiting for unboxed closures"]
pub fn map<U>(self, f: |T| -> U) -> RocksdbResult<U,E> {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(x) => RocksdbResult::Some(f(x)),
RocksdbResult::None => RocksdbResult::None,
RocksdbResult::Error(e) => RocksdbResult::Error(e),
pub fn unwrap(self) -> T {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(x) => x,
RocksdbResult::None => panic!("Attempted unwrap on RocksdbResult::None"),
RocksdbResult::Error(_) => panic!("Attempted unwrap on RocksdbResult::Error"),
#[unstable = "waiting for unboxed closures"]
pub fn on_error<U>(self, f: |E| -> U) -> RocksdbResult<T,U> {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(x) => RocksdbResult::Some(x),
RocksdbResult::None => RocksdbResult::None,
RocksdbResult::Error(e) => RocksdbResult::Error(f(e)),
#[unstable = "waiting for unboxed closures"]
pub fn on_absent(self, f: || -> ()) -> RocksdbResult<T,E> {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(x) => RocksdbResult::Some(x),
RocksdbResult::None => {
RocksdbResult::Error(e) => RocksdbResult::Error(e),
pub fn is_some(self) -> bool {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(_) => true,
RocksdbResult::None => false,
RocksdbResult::Error(_) => false,
pub fn is_none(self) -> bool {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(_) => false,
RocksdbResult::None => true,
RocksdbResult::Error(_) => false,
pub fn is_error(self) -> bool {
match self {
RocksdbResult::Some(_) => false,
RocksdbResult::None => false,
RocksdbResult::Error(_) => true,
fn external() {
let db = open("externaltest".to_string(), true).unwrap();
let p = db.put(b"k1", b"v1111");
let r: RocksdbResult<RocksdbVector, String> = db.get(b"k1");
assert!(r.unwrap().to_utf8().unwrap() == "v1111");