updated merge_operator framework to support merge types other than associative (support a partial merge and full merges that may or may not have an existing value)

Rick Richardson 7 years ago
parent 963b8cba51
commit d31e2bb88e
  1. 2
  2. 12
  3. 1
  4. 528
  5. 12

@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ libc = "0.2"
const-cstr = "0.2"
cc = { version = "^1.0", features = ["parallel"] }
cc = { git = "https://github.com/alexcrichton/cc-rs", features = ["parallel"] }
make-cmd = "0.1"
bindgen = "0.29"

@ -200,10 +200,16 @@ impl Options {
pub fn set_merge_operator(&mut self, name: &str, merge_fn: MergeFn) {
pub fn set_merge_operator(&mut self, name: &str, full_merge_fn: MergeFn, partial_merge_fn: Option<MergeFn>) {
if partial_merge_fn.is_none() {
println!("partial_merge not supplied, defaulting partial merge to full");
} else {
println!("using supplied partial_merge function");
let cb = Box::new(MergeOperatorCallback {
name: CString::new(name.as_bytes()).unwrap(),
merge_fn: merge_fn,
full_merge_fn: full_merge_fn,
partial_merge_fn: partial_merge_fn.unwrap_or(full_merge_fn),
unsafe {
@ -222,7 +228,7 @@ impl Options {
#[deprecated(since = "0.5.0",
note = "add_merge_operator has been renamed to set_merge_operator")]
pub fn add_merge_operator(&mut self, name: &str, merge_fn: MergeFn) {
self.set_merge_operator(name, merge_fn);
self.set_merge_operator(name, merge_fn, None);
/// Sets a compaction filter used to determine if entries should be kept, changed,

@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ pub struct WriteOptions {
inner: *mut ffi::rocksdb_writeoptions_t,
/// An opaque type used to represent a column family. Returned from some functions, and used
/// in others
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
//! fn concat_merge(new_key: &[u8],
//! existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
//! operands: &mut MergeOperands)
//! -> Vec<u8> {
//! -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
//! let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(operands.size_hint().0);
//! existing_val.map(|v| {
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@
//! result.push(*e)
//! }
//! }
//! result
//! Some(result)
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! let path = "path/to/rocksdb";
//! let mut opts = Options::default();
//! opts.create_if_missing(true);
//! opts.add_merge_operator("test operator", concat_merge);
//! opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", concat_merge, None);
//! let db = DB::open(&opts, path).unwrap();
//! let p = db.put(b"k1", b"a");
//! db.merge(b"k1", b"b");
@ -60,183 +60,405 @@ use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
pub type MergeFn = fn(&[u8], Option<&[u8]>, &mut MergeOperands) -> Vec<u8>;
pub type MergeFn = fn(&[u8], Option<&[u8]>, &mut MergeOperands) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
pub struct MergeOperatorCallback {
pub name: CString,
pub merge_fn: MergeFn,
pub name: CString,
pub full_merge_fn: MergeFn,
pub partial_merge_fn: MergeFn,
pub unsafe extern "C" fn destructor_callback(raw_cb: *mut c_void) {
let _: Box<MergeOperatorCallback> = mem::transmute(raw_cb);
let _: Box<MergeOperatorCallback> = mem::transmute(raw_cb);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn name_callback(raw_cb: *mut c_void) -> *const c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback);
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn full_merge_callback(
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_len: size_t,
existing_value: *const c_char,
existing_value_len: size_t,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
success: *mut u8,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
) -> *mut c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback);
let operands = &mut MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_len as usize);
let oldval = slice::from_raw_parts(existing_value as *const u8, existing_value_len as usize);
let mut result = (cb.merge_fn)(key, Some(oldval), operands);
// TODO(tan) investigate zero-copy techniques to improve performance
let buf = libc::malloc(result.len() as size_t);
*new_value_length = result.len() as size_t;
*success = 1 as u8;
ptr::copy(result.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, &mut *buf, result.len());
buf as *mut c_char
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_len: size_t,
existing_value: *const c_char,
existing_value_len: size_t,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
success: *mut u8,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
) -> *mut c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback);
let operands = &mut MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_len as usize);
let oldval =
if existing_value == ptr::null() {
} else {
Some(slice::from_raw_parts(existing_value as *const u8, existing_value_len as usize))
if let Some(mut result) = (cb.full_merge_fn)(key, oldval, operands) {
// TODO(tan) investigate zero-copy techniques to improve performance
let buf = libc::malloc(result.len() as size_t);
*new_value_length = result.len() as size_t;
*success = 1 as u8;
ptr::copy(result.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, &mut *buf, result.len());
buf as *mut c_char
} else {
*success = 0 as u8;
ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_char
pub unsafe extern "C" fn partial_merge_callback(
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_len: size_t,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
success: *mut u8,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
) -> *mut c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback);
let operands = &mut MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_len as usize);
let mut result = (cb.merge_fn)(key, None, operands);
// TODO(tan) investigate zero-copy techniques to improve performance
let buf = libc::malloc(result.len() as size_t);
*new_value_length = result.len() as size_t;
*success = 1 as u8;
ptr::copy(result.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, &mut *buf, result.len());
buf as *mut c_char
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_len: size_t,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
success: *mut u8,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
) -> *mut c_char {
println!("In partial_merge_callback");
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback);
let operands = &mut MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_len as usize);
if let Some(mut result) = (cb.partial_merge_fn)(key, None, operands) {
// TODO(tan) investigate zero-copy techniques to improve performance
let buf = libc::malloc(result.len() as size_t);
*new_value_length = result.len() as size_t;
*success = 1 as u8;
ptr::copy(result.as_ptr() as *mut c_void, &mut *buf, result.len());
buf as *mut c_char
} else {
*success = 0 as u8;
pub struct MergeOperands {
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: usize,
cursor: usize,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: usize,
cursor: usize,
impl MergeOperands {
fn new(
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
) -> MergeOperands {
assert!(num_operands >= 0);
MergeOperands {
operands_list: operands_list,
operands_list_len: operands_list_len,
num_operands: num_operands as usize,
cursor: 0,
fn new(
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
) -> MergeOperands {
assert!(num_operands >= 0);
MergeOperands {
operands_list: operands_list,
operands_list_len: operands_list_len,
num_operands: num_operands as usize,
cursor: 0,
impl<'a> Iterator for &'a mut MergeOperands {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if self.cursor == self.num_operands {
} else {
unsafe {
let base = self.operands_list as usize;
let base_len = self.operands_list_len as usize;
let spacing = mem::size_of::<*const *const u8>();
let spacing_len = mem::size_of::<*const size_t>();
let len_ptr = (base_len + (spacing_len * self.cursor)) as *const size_t;
let len = *len_ptr as usize;
let ptr = base + (spacing * self.cursor);
self.cursor += 1;
*(ptr as *const *const u8) as *const u8,
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let remaining = self.num_operands - self.cursor;
(remaining, Some(remaining))
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a [u8]> {
if self.cursor == self.num_operands {
} else {
unsafe {
let base = self.operands_list as usize;
let base_len = self.operands_list_len as usize;
let spacing = mem::size_of::<*const *const u8>();
let spacing_len = mem::size_of::<*const size_t>();
let len_ptr = (base_len + (spacing_len * self.cursor)) as *const size_t;
let len = *len_ptr as usize;
let ptr = base + (spacing * self.cursor);
self.cursor += 1;
*(ptr as *const *const u8) as *const u8,
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let remaining = self.num_operands - self.cursor;
(remaining, Some(remaining))
fn test_provided_merge(
new_key: &[u8],
existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
operands: &mut MergeOperands,
) -> Vec<u8> {
let nops = operands.size_hint().0;
let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(nops);
if let Some(v) = existing_val {
for e in v {
for op in operands {
for e in op {
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_provided_merge(
_new_key: &[u8],
existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
operands: &mut MergeOperands,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let nops = operands.size_hint().0;
let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(nops);
if let Some(v) = existing_val {
for e in v {
for op in operands {
for e in op {
fn mergetest() {
use {DB, Options};
let path = "_rust_rocksdb_mergetest";
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge);
let db = DB::open(&opts, path).unwrap();
let p = db.put(b"k1", b"a");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"b");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"c");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"d");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"efg");
let m = db.merge(b"k1", b"h");
match db.get(b"k1") {
Ok(Some(value)) => {
match value.to_utf8() {
Some(v) => println!("retrieved utf8 value: {}", v),
None => println!("did not read valid utf-8 out of the db"),
Err(_) => println!("error reading value"),
_ => panic!("value not present"),
let r = db.get(b"k1");
assert!(r.unwrap().unwrap().to_utf8().unwrap() == "abcdefgh");
assert!(DB::destroy(&opts, path).is_ok());
fn mergetest() {
use {DB, Options};
let path = "_rust_rocksdb_mergetest";
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge, None);
let db = DB::open(&opts, path).unwrap();
let p = db.put(b"k1", b"a");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"b");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"c");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"d");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"efg");
let m = db.merge(b"k1", b"h");
match db.get(b"k1") {
Ok(Some(value)) => {
match value.to_utf8() {
Some(v) => println!("retrieved utf8 value: {}", v),
None => println!("did not read valid utf-8 out of the db"),
Err(_) => println!("error reading value"),
_ => panic!("value not present"),
let r = db.get(b"k1");
assert!(r.unwrap().unwrap().to_utf8().unwrap() == "abcdefgh");
assert!(DB::destroy(&opts, path).is_ok());
unsafe fn to_slice<T: Sized>(p: &T) -> &[u8] {
(p as *const T) as *const u8,
fn from_slice<T: Sized>(s: &[u8]) -> Option<&T> {
if ::std::mem::size_of::<T>() != s.len() {
println!("slice {:?} is len {}, but T is size {}", s, s.len(), ::std::mem::size_of::<T>());
} else {
unsafe {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct ValueCounts {
num_a: u32,
num_b: u32,
num_c: u32,
num_d: u32,
fn test_counting_partial_merge(
_new_key: &[u8],
existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
operands: &mut MergeOperands,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let nops = operands.size_hint().0;
let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(nops);
println!("Partial merge operands size hint {}", nops);
for op in operands {
for e in op {
fn test_counting_full_merge(
_new_key: &[u8],
existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
operands: &mut MergeOperands,
) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let nops = operands.size_hint().0;
println!("Full merge operands size hint {}", nops);
let mut counts : ValueCounts =
if let Some(v) = existing_val {
println!("Full merge unpacking ValueCounts from {:?}", v);
} else {
println!("Full merge creating new ValueCounts");
ValueCounts {
num_a: 0,
num_b: 0,
num_c: 0,
num_d: 0 }
for op in operands {
for e in op {
match *e {
b'a' => counts.num_a += 1,
b'b' => counts.num_b += 1,
b'c' => counts.num_c += 1,
b'd' => counts.num_d += 1,
_ => {}
let slc = unsafe { to_slice(&counts) };
fn counting_mergetest() {
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::Arc;
use {DB, Options, DBCompactionStyle};
let path = "_rust_rocksdb_partial_mergetest";
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("sort operator", test_counting_full_merge, Some(test_counting_partial_merge));
let db = Arc::new(DB::open(&opts, path).unwrap());
let _ = db.delete(b"k1");
let _ = db.delete(b"k2");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"a");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"b");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"d");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"a");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"a");
let _ = db.merge(b"k1", b"efg");
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = db.merge(b"k2", b"c");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = db.get(b"k2");
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = db.merge(b"k2", b"c");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = db.get(b"k2");
db.compact_range(None, None);
let d1 = db.clone();
let d2 = db.clone();
let d3 = db.clone();
let h1 = thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = d1.merge(b"k2", b"c");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = d1.get(b"k2");
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = d1.merge(b"k2", b"a");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = d1.get(b"k2");
let h2 = thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = d2.merge(b"k2", b"b");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = d2.get(b"k2");
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = d2.merge(b"k2", b"d");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = d2.get(b"k2");
d2.compact_range(None, None);
let h3 = thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = d3.merge(b"k2", b"a");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = d3.get(b"k2");
for i in 0..500 {
let _ = d3.merge(b"k2", b"c");
if i % 20 == 0 {
let _ = d3.get(b"k2");
let m = db.merge(b"k1", b"b");
match db.get(b"k2") {
Ok(Some(value)) => {
match from_slice::<ValueCounts>(&*value) {
Some(v) => {
assert_eq!(v.num_a, 1000);
assert_eq!(v.num_b, 500);
assert_eq!(v.num_c, 2000);
assert_eq!(v.num_d, 500);
None => panic!("Failed to get ValueCounts from db"),
Err(_) => println!("error reading value"),
_ => panic!("value not present"),
match db.get(b"k1") {
Ok(Some(value)) => {
match from_slice::<ValueCounts>(&*value) {
Some(v) => {
assert_eq!(v.num_a, 3);
assert_eq!(v.num_b, 2);
assert_eq!(v.num_c, 0);
assert_eq!(v.num_d, 1);
None => panic!("Failed to get ValueCounts from db"),
Err(_) => println!("error reading value"),
_ => panic!("value not present"),
assert!(DB::destroy(&opts, path).is_ok());

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn test_column_family() {
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge);
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge, None);
let mut db = DB::open(&opts, path).unwrap();
let opts = Options::default();
match db.create_cf("cf1", &opts) {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pub fn test_column_family() {
// should fail to open db without specifying same column families
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge);
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge, None);
match DB::open(&opts, path) {
Ok(_) => {
panic!("should not have opened DB successfully without \
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pub fn test_column_family() {
// should properly open db when specyfing all column families
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge);
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge, None);
match DB::open_cf(&opts, path, &["cf1"]) {
Ok(_) => println!("successfully opened db with column family"),
Err(e) => panic!("failed to open db with column family: {}", e),
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ fn test_merge_operator() {
// TODO should be able to write, read, merge, batch, and iterate over a cf
let mut opts = Options::default();
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge);
opts.set_merge_operator("test operator", test_provided_merge, None);
let db = match DB::open_cf(&opts, path, &["cf1"]) {
Ok(db) => {
println!("successfully opened db with column family");
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ fn test_merge_operator() {
fn test_provided_merge(_: &[u8],
existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
operands: &mut MergeOperands)
-> Vec<u8> {
-> Option<Vec<u8>> {
let nops = operands.size_hint().0;
let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(nops);
match existing_val {
@ -156,5 +156,5 @@ fn test_provided_merge(_: &[u8],
