You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Most Mingw builds support std::thread only when using posix threads.
// In that case, some of these functions will be unavailable.
// Note that we're using either WindowsThread or std::thread, depending on
// which one is available.
#include "port/win/win_thread.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <process.h> // __beginthreadex
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <system_error>
#include <thread>
namespace port {
struct WindowsThread::Data {
std::function<void()> func_;
uintptr_t handle_;
Data(std::function<void()>&& func) : func_(std::move(func)), handle_(0) {}
Data(const Data&) = delete;
Data& operator=(const Data&) = delete;
static unsigned int __stdcall ThreadProc(void* arg);
void WindowsThread::Init(std::function<void()>&& func) {
data_ = std::make_shared<Data>(std::move(func));
// We create another instance of std::shared_ptr to get an additional ref
// since we may detach and destroy this instance before the threadproc
// may start to run. We choose to allocate this additional ref on the heap
// so we do not need to synchronize and allow this thread to proceed
std::unique_ptr<std::shared_ptr<Data>> th_data(
new std::shared_ptr<Data>(data_));
data_->handle_ = _beginthreadex(NULL,
0, // stack size
&Data::ThreadProc, th_data.get(),
0, // init flag
if (data_->handle_ == 0) {
throw std::system_error(
"Unable to create a thread");
WindowsThread::WindowsThread() : data_(nullptr), th_id_(0) {}
WindowsThread::~WindowsThread() {
// Must be joined or detached
// before destruction.
// This is the same as std::thread
if (data_) {
if (joinable()) {
WindowsThread::WindowsThread(WindowsThread&& o) noexcept : WindowsThread() {
*this = std::move(o);
WindowsThread& WindowsThread::operator=(WindowsThread&& o) noexcept {
if (joinable()) {
data_ = std::move(o.data_);
// Per spec both instances will have the same id
th_id_ = o.th_id_;
return *this;
bool WindowsThread::joinable() const { return (data_ && data_->handle_ != 0); }
WindowsThread::native_handle_type WindowsThread::native_handle() const {
return reinterpret_cast<native_handle_type>(data_->handle_);
unsigned WindowsThread::hardware_concurrency() {
return std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
void WindowsThread::join() {
if (!joinable()) {
throw std::system_error(std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument),
"Thread is no longer joinable");
if (GetThreadId(GetCurrentThread()) == th_id_) {
throw std::system_error(
"Can not join itself");
auto ret =
WaitForSingleObject(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(data_->handle_), INFINITE);
if (ret != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
throw std::system_error(static_cast<int>(lastError), std::system_category(),
"WaitForSingleObjectFailed: thread join");
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
rc = CloseHandle(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(data_->handle_));
assert(rc != 0);
data_->handle_ = 0;
bool WindowsThread::detach() {
if (!joinable()) {
throw std::system_error(std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument),
"Thread is no longer available");
BOOL ret = CloseHandle(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(data_->handle_));
data_->handle_ = 0;
return (ret != 0);
void WindowsThread::swap(WindowsThread& o) {
std::swap(th_id_, o.th_id_);
unsigned int __stdcall WindowsThread::Data::ThreadProc(void* arg) {
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::shared_ptr<Data>*>(arg);
std::unique_ptr<std::shared_ptr<Data>> data(ptr);
return 0;
} // namespace port
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
#endif // !_POSIX_THREADS
#endif // OS_WIN