You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1187 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "rocksdb/env_encryption.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include "env/composite_env_wrapper.h"
#include "env/env_encryption_ctr.h"
#include "monitoring/perf_context_imp.h"
#include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
#include "rocksdb/io_status.h"
#include "rocksdb/system_clock.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/customizable_util.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/options_type.h"
#include "util/aligned_buffer.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
std::shared_ptr<EncryptionProvider> EncryptionProvider::NewCTRProvider(
const std::shared_ptr<BlockCipher>& cipher) {
return std::make_shared<CTREncryptionProvider>(cipher);
IOStatus EncryptedSequentialFile::Read(size_t n, const IOOptions& options,
Slice* result, char* scratch,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
IOStatus io_s = file_->Read(n, options, result, scratch, dbg);
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
io_s = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Decrypt(offset_, (char*)result->data(), result->size()));
if (io_s.ok()) {
offset_ += result->size(); // We've already read data from disk, so update
// offset_ even if decryption fails.
return io_s;
IOStatus EncryptedSequentialFile::Skip(uint64_t n) {
auto status = file_->Skip(n);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
offset_ += n;
return status;
bool EncryptedSequentialFile::use_direct_io() const {
return file_->use_direct_io();
size_t EncryptedSequentialFile::GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const {
return file_->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
IOStatus EncryptedSequentialFile::InvalidateCache(size_t offset,
size_t length) {
return file_->InvalidateCache(offset + prefixLength_, length);
IOStatus EncryptedSequentialFile::PositionedRead(uint64_t offset, size_t n,
const IOOptions& options,
Slice* result, char* scratch,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
offset += prefixLength_; // Skip prefix
auto io_s = file_->PositionedRead(offset, n, options, result, scratch, dbg);
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
offset_ = offset + result->size();
io_s = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Decrypt(offset, (char*)result->data(), result->size()));
return io_s;
IOStatus EncryptedRandomAccessFile::Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n,
const IOOptions& options,
Slice* result, char* scratch,
IODebugContext* dbg) const {
offset += prefixLength_;
auto io_s = file_->Read(offset, n, options, result, scratch, dbg);
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
io_s = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Decrypt(offset, (char*)result->data(), result->size()));
return io_s;
IOStatus EncryptedRandomAccessFile::Prefetch(uint64_t offset, size_t n,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Prefetch(offset + prefixLength_, n, options, dbg);
size_t EncryptedRandomAccessFile::GetUniqueId(char* id, size_t max_size) const {
return file_->GetUniqueId(id, max_size);
void EncryptedRandomAccessFile::Hint(AccessPattern pattern) {
bool EncryptedRandomAccessFile::use_direct_io() const {
return file_->use_direct_io();
size_t EncryptedRandomAccessFile::GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const {
return file_->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
IOStatus EncryptedRandomAccessFile::InvalidateCache(size_t offset,
size_t length) {
return file_->InvalidateCache(offset + prefixLength_, length);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::Append(const Slice& data,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
AlignedBuffer buf;
Slice dataToAppend(data);
if (data.size() > 0) {
auto offset = file_->GetFileSize(options, dbg); // size including prefix
// Encrypt in cloned buffer
// TODO (sagar0): Modify AlignedBuffer.Append to allow doing a memmove
// so that the next two lines can be replaced with buf.Append().
memmove(buf.BufferStart(),, data.size());
IOStatus io_s;
io_s = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Encrypt(offset, buf.BufferStart(), buf.CurrentSize()));
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
dataToAppend = Slice(buf.BufferStart(), buf.CurrentSize());
return file_->Append(dataToAppend, options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::PositionedAppend(const Slice& data,
uint64_t offset,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
AlignedBuffer buf;
Slice dataToAppend(data);
offset += prefixLength_;
if (data.size() > 0) {
// Encrypt in cloned buffer
memmove(buf.BufferStart(),, data.size());
IOStatus io_s;
io_s = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Encrypt(offset, buf.BufferStart(), buf.CurrentSize()));
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
dataToAppend = Slice(buf.BufferStart(), buf.CurrentSize());
return file_->PositionedAppend(dataToAppend, offset, options, dbg);
bool EncryptedWritableFile::use_direct_io() const {
return file_->use_direct_io();
bool EncryptedWritableFile::IsSyncThreadSafe() const {
return file_->IsSyncThreadSafe();
size_t EncryptedWritableFile::GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const {
return file_->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
uint64_t EncryptedWritableFile::GetFileSize(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->GetFileSize(options, dbg) - prefixLength_;
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::Truncate(uint64_t size,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Truncate(size + prefixLength_, options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) {
return file_->InvalidateCache(offset + prefixLength_, length);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::RangeSync(uint64_t offset, uint64_t nbytes,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->RangeSync(offset + prefixLength_, nbytes, options, dbg);
void EncryptedWritableFile::PrepareWrite(size_t offset, size_t len,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
file_->PrepareWrite(offset + prefixLength_, len, options, dbg);
void EncryptedWritableFile::SetPreallocationBlockSize(size_t size) {
// the size here doesn't need to include prefixLength_, as it's a
// configuration will be use for `PrepareWrite()`.
void EncryptedWritableFile::GetPreallocationStatus(
size_t* block_size, size_t* last_allocated_block) {
file_->GetPreallocationStatus(block_size, last_allocated_block);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::Allocate(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Allocate(offset + prefixLength_, len, options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::Flush(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Flush(options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::Sync(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Sync(options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedWritableFile::Close(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Close(options, dbg);
bool EncryptedRandomRWFile::use_direct_io() const {
return file_->use_direct_io();
size_t EncryptedRandomRWFile::GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const {
return file_->GetRequiredBufferAlignment();
IOStatus EncryptedRandomRWFile::Write(uint64_t offset, const Slice& data,
const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
AlignedBuffer buf;
Slice dataToWrite(data);
offset += prefixLength_;
if (data.size() > 0) {
// Encrypt in cloned buffer
memmove(buf.BufferStart(),, data.size());
IOStatus io_s;
io_s = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Encrypt(offset, buf.BufferStart(), buf.CurrentSize()));
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
dataToWrite = Slice(buf.BufferStart(), buf.CurrentSize());
return file_->Write(offset, dataToWrite, options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedRandomRWFile::Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n,
const IOOptions& options, Slice* result,
char* scratch, IODebugContext* dbg) const {
offset += prefixLength_;
auto status = file_->Read(offset, n, options, result, scratch, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
status = status_to_io_status(
stream_->Decrypt(offset, (char*)result->data(), result->size()));
return status;
IOStatus EncryptedRandomRWFile::Flush(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Flush(options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedRandomRWFile::Sync(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Sync(options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedRandomRWFile::Fsync(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Fsync(options, dbg);
IOStatus EncryptedRandomRWFile::Close(const IOOptions& options,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
return file_->Close(options, dbg);
namespace {
static std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo> encrypted_fs_type_info =
0 /* No offset, whole struct*/, OptionVerificationType::kByName,
// EncryptedFileSystemImpl implements an FileSystemWrapper that adds encryption
// to files stored on disk.
class EncryptedFileSystemImpl : public EncryptedFileSystem {
const char* Name() const override {
return EncryptedFileSystem::kClassName();
// Returns the raw encryption provider that should be used to write the input
// encrypted file. If there is no such provider, NotFound is returned.
IOStatus GetWritableProvider(const std::string& /*fname*/,
EncryptionProvider** result) {
if (provider_) {
*result = provider_.get();
return IOStatus::OK();
} else {
*result = nullptr;
return IOStatus::NotFound("No WriteProvider specified");
// Returns the raw encryption provider that should be used to read the input
// encrypted file. If there is no such provider, NotFound is returned.
IOStatus GetReadableProvider(const std::string& /*fname*/,
EncryptionProvider** result) {
if (provider_) {
*result = provider_.get();
return IOStatus::OK();
} else {
*result = nullptr;
return IOStatus::NotFound("No Provider specified");
// Creates a CipherStream for the underlying file/name using the options
// If a writable provider is found and encryption is enabled, uses
// this provider to create a cipher stream.
// @param fname Name of the writable file
// @param underlying The underlying "raw" file
// @param options Options for creating the file/cipher
// @param prefix_length Returns the length of the encryption prefix used for
// this file
// @param stream Returns the cipher stream to use for this file if it
// should be encrypted
// @return OK on success, non-OK on failure.
template <class TypeFile>
IOStatus CreateWritableCipherStream(
const std::string& fname, const std::unique_ptr<TypeFile>& underlying,
const FileOptions& options, size_t* prefix_length,
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>* stream, IODebugContext* dbg) {
EncryptionProvider* provider = nullptr;
*prefix_length = 0;
IOStatus status = GetWritableProvider(fname, &provider);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
} else if (provider != nullptr) {
// Initialize & write prefix (if needed)
AlignedBuffer buffer;
Slice prefix;
*prefix_length = provider->GetPrefixLength();
if (*prefix_length > 0) {
// Initialize prefix
status = status_to_io_status(provider->CreateNewPrefix(
fname, buffer.BufferStart(), *prefix_length));
if (status.ok()) {
prefix = Slice(buffer.BufferStart(), buffer.CurrentSize());
// Write prefix
status = underlying->Append(prefix, options.io_options, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
// Create cipher stream
status = status_to_io_status(
provider->CreateCipherStream(fname, options, prefix, stream));
return status;
template <class TypeFile>
IOStatus CreateWritableEncryptedFile(const std::string& fname,
std::unique_ptr<TypeFile>& underlying,
const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<TypeFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) {
// Create cipher stream
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream> stream;
size_t prefix_length;
IOStatus status = CreateWritableCipherStream(fname, underlying, options,
&prefix_length, &stream, dbg);
if (status.ok()) {
if (stream) {
result->reset(new EncryptedWritableFile(
std::move(underlying), std::move(stream), prefix_length));
} else {
return status;
// Creates a CipherStream for the underlying file/name using the options
// If a writable provider is found and encryption is enabled, uses
// this provider to create a cipher stream.
// @param fname Name of the writable file
// @param underlying The underlying "raw" file
// @param options Options for creating the file/cipher
// @param prefix_length Returns the length of the encryption prefix used for
// this file
// @param stream Returns the cipher stream to use for this file if it
// should be encrypted
// @return OK on success, non-OK on failure.
template <class TypeFile>
IOStatus CreateRandomWriteCipherStream(
const std::string& fname, const std::unique_ptr<TypeFile>& underlying,
const FileOptions& options, size_t* prefix_length,
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>* stream, IODebugContext* dbg) {
EncryptionProvider* provider = nullptr;
*prefix_length = 0;
IOStatus io_s = GetWritableProvider(fname, &provider);
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
} else if (provider != nullptr) {
// Initialize & write prefix (if needed)
AlignedBuffer buffer;
Slice prefix;
*prefix_length = provider->GetPrefixLength();
if (*prefix_length > 0) {
// Initialize prefix
io_s = status_to_io_status(provider->CreateNewPrefix(
fname, buffer.BufferStart(), *prefix_length));
if (io_s.ok()) {
prefix = Slice(buffer.BufferStart(), buffer.CurrentSize());
// Write prefix
io_s = underlying->Write(0, prefix, options.io_options, dbg);
if (!io_s.ok()) {
return io_s;
// Create cipher stream
io_s = status_to_io_status(
provider->CreateCipherStream(fname, options, prefix, stream));
return io_s;
// Creates a CipherStream for the underlying file/name using the options
// If a readable provider is found and the file is encrypted, uses
// this provider to create a cipher stream.
// @param fname Name of the writable file
// @param underlying The underlying "raw" file
// @param options Options for creating the file/cipher
// @param prefix_length Returns the length of the encryption prefix used for
// this file
// @param stream Returns the cipher stream to use for this file if it
// is encrypted
// @return OK on success, non-OK on failure.
template <class TypeFile>
IOStatus CreateSequentialCipherStream(
const std::string& fname, const std::unique_ptr<TypeFile>& underlying,
const FileOptions& options, size_t* prefix_length,
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>* stream, IODebugContext* dbg) {
// Read prefix (if needed)
AlignedBuffer buffer;
Slice prefix;
*prefix_length = provider_->GetPrefixLength();
if (*prefix_length > 0) {
// Read prefix
IOStatus status = underlying->Read(*prefix_length, options.io_options,
&prefix, buffer.BufferStart(), dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return status_to_io_status(
provider_->CreateCipherStream(fname, options, prefix, stream));
// Creates a CipherStream for the underlying file/name using the options
// If a readable provider is found and the file is encrypted, uses
// this provider to create a cipher stream.
// @param fname Name of the writable file
// @param underlying The underlying "raw" file
// @param options Options for creating the file/cipher
// @param prefix_length Returns the length of the encryption prefix used for
// this file
// @param stream Returns the cipher stream to use for this file if it
// is encrypted
// @return OK on success, non-OK on failure.
template <class TypeFile>
IOStatus CreateRandomReadCipherStream(
const std::string& fname, const std::unique_ptr<TypeFile>& underlying,
const FileOptions& options, size_t* prefix_length,
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>* stream, IODebugContext* dbg) {
// Read prefix (if needed)
AlignedBuffer buffer;
Slice prefix;
*prefix_length = provider_->GetPrefixLength();
if (*prefix_length > 0) {
// Read prefix
IOStatus status = underlying->Read(0, *prefix_length, options.io_options,
&prefix, buffer.BufferStart(), dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return status_to_io_status(
provider_->CreateCipherStream(fname, options, prefix, stream));
EncryptedFileSystemImpl(const std::shared_ptr<FileSystem>& base,
const std::shared_ptr<EncryptionProvider>& provider)
: EncryptedFileSystem(base) {
provider_ = provider;
RegisterOptions("EncryptionProvider", &provider_, &encrypted_fs_type_info);
Status AddCipher(const std::string& descriptor, const char* cipher,
size_t len, bool for_write) override {
return provider_->AddCipher(descriptor, cipher, len, for_write);
IOStatus NewSequentialFile(const std::string& fname,
const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FSSequentialFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
if (options.use_mmap_reads) {
return IOStatus::InvalidArgument();
// Open file using underlying Env implementation
std::unique_ptr<FSSequentialFile> underlying;
auto status =
FileSystemWrapper::NewSequentialFile(fname, options, &underlying, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
uint64_t file_size;
status = FileSystemWrapper::GetFileSize(fname, options.io_options,
&file_size, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (!file_size) {
*result = std::move(underlying);
return status;
// Create cipher stream
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream> stream;
size_t prefix_length;
status = CreateSequentialCipherStream(fname, underlying, options,
&prefix_length, &stream, dbg);
if (status.ok()) {
result->reset(new EncryptedSequentialFile(
std::move(underlying), std::move(stream), prefix_length));
return status;
IOStatus NewRandomAccessFile(const std::string& fname,
const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FSRandomAccessFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
if (options.use_mmap_reads) {
return IOStatus::InvalidArgument();
// Open file using underlying Env implementation
std::unique_ptr<FSRandomAccessFile> underlying;
auto status = FileSystemWrapper::NewRandomAccessFile(fname, options,
&underlying, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream> stream;
size_t prefix_length;
status = CreateRandomReadCipherStream(fname, underlying, options,
&prefix_length, &stream, dbg);
if (status.ok()) {
if (stream) {
result->reset(new EncryptedRandomAccessFile(
std::move(underlying), std::move(stream), prefix_length));
} else {
return status;
IOStatus NewWritableFile(const std::string& fname, const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
if (options.use_mmap_writes) {
return IOStatus::InvalidArgument();
// Open file using underlying Env implementation
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile> underlying;
IOStatus status =
FileSystemWrapper::NewWritableFile(fname, options, &underlying, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return CreateWritableEncryptedFile(fname, underlying, options, result, dbg);
IOStatus ReopenWritableFile(const std::string& fname,
const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
if (options.use_mmap_writes) {
return IOStatus::InvalidArgument();
// Open file using underlying Env implementation
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile> underlying;
IOStatus status =
FileSystemWrapper::ReopenWritableFile(fname, options, &underlying, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return CreateWritableEncryptedFile(fname, underlying, options, result, dbg);
IOStatus ReuseWritableFile(const std::string& fname,
const std::string& old_fname,
const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
if (options.use_mmap_writes) {
return IOStatus::InvalidArgument();
// Open file using underlying Env implementation
std::unique_ptr<FSWritableFile> underlying;
auto status = FileSystemWrapper::ReuseWritableFile(
fname, old_fname, options, &underlying, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return CreateWritableEncryptedFile(fname, underlying, options, result, dbg);
IOStatus NewRandomRWFile(const std::string& fname, const FileOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FSRandomRWFile>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
if (options.use_mmap_reads || options.use_mmap_writes) {
return IOStatus::InvalidArgument();
// Check file exists
bool isNewFile = !FileExists(fname, options.io_options, dbg).ok();
// Open file using underlying Env implementation
std::unique_ptr<FSRandomRWFile> underlying;
auto status =
FileSystemWrapper::NewRandomRWFile(fname, options, &underlying, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
// Create cipher stream
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream> stream;
size_t prefix_length = 0;
if (!isNewFile) {
// File already exists, read prefix
status = CreateRandomReadCipherStream(fname, underlying, options,
&prefix_length, &stream, dbg);
} else {
status = CreateRandomWriteCipherStream(fname, underlying, options,
&prefix_length, &stream, dbg);
if (status.ok()) {
if (stream) {
result->reset(new EncryptedRandomRWFile(
std::move(underlying), std::move(stream), prefix_length));
} else {
return status;
IOStatus GetChildrenFileAttributes(const std::string& dir,
const IOOptions& options,
std::vector<FileAttributes>* result,
IODebugContext* dbg) override {
auto status =
FileSystemWrapper::GetChildrenFileAttributes(dir, options, result, dbg);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
for (auto it = std::begin(*result); it != std::end(*result); ++it) {
// assert(it->size_bytes >= prefixLength);
// breaks env_basic_test when called on directory containing
// directories
// which makes subtraction of prefixLength worrisome since
// FileAttributes does not identify directories
EncryptionProvider* provider;
status = GetReadableProvider(it->name, &provider);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
} else if (provider != nullptr) {
it->size_bytes -= provider->GetPrefixLength();
return IOStatus::OK();
IOStatus GetFileSize(const std::string& fname, const IOOptions& options,
uint64_t* file_size, IODebugContext* dbg) override {
auto status =
FileSystemWrapper::GetFileSize(fname, options, file_size, dbg);
if (!status.ok() || !(*file_size)) {
return status;
EncryptionProvider* provider;
status = GetReadableProvider(fname, &provider);
if (provider != nullptr && status.ok()) {
size_t prefixLength = provider->GetPrefixLength();
assert(*file_size >= prefixLength);
*file_size -= prefixLength;
return status;
std::shared_ptr<EncryptionProvider> provider_;
} // namespace
Status NewEncryptedFileSystemImpl(
const std::shared_ptr<FileSystem>& base,
const std::shared_ptr<EncryptionProvider>& provider,
std::unique_ptr<FileSystem>* result) {
result->reset(new EncryptedFileSystemImpl(base, provider));
return Status::OK();
std::shared_ptr<FileSystem> NewEncryptedFS(
const std::shared_ptr<FileSystem>& base,
const std::shared_ptr<EncryptionProvider>& provider) {
std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> efs;
Status s = NewEncryptedFileSystemImpl(base, provider, &efs);
if (s.ok()) {
s = efs->PrepareOptions(ConfigOptions());
if (s.ok()) {
std::shared_ptr<FileSystem> result(efs.release());
return result;
} else {
return nullptr;
Env* NewEncryptedEnv(Env* base_env,
const std::shared_ptr<EncryptionProvider>& provider) {
return new CompositeEnvWrapper(
base_env, NewEncryptedFS(base_env->GetFileSystem(), provider));
Status BlockAccessCipherStream::Encrypt(uint64_t fileOffset, char* data,
size_t dataSize) {
// Calculate block index
auto blockSize = BlockSize();
uint64_t blockIndex = fileOffset / blockSize;
size_t blockOffset = fileOffset % blockSize;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> blockBuffer;
std::string scratch;
// Encrypt individual blocks.
while (1) {
char* block = data;
size_t n = std::min(dataSize, blockSize - blockOffset);
if (n != blockSize) {
// We're not encrypting a full block.
// Copy data to blockBuffer
if (!blockBuffer) {
// Allocate buffer
blockBuffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[blockSize]);
block = blockBuffer.get();
// Copy plain data to block buffer
memmove(block + blockOffset, data, n);
auto status = EncryptBlock(blockIndex, block, (char*);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (block != data) {
// Copy encrypted data back to `data`.
memmove(data, block + blockOffset, n);
dataSize -= n;
if (dataSize == 0) {
return Status::OK();
data += n;
blockOffset = 0;
Status BlockAccessCipherStream::Decrypt(uint64_t fileOffset, char* data,
size_t dataSize) {
// Calculate block index
auto blockSize = BlockSize();
uint64_t blockIndex = fileOffset / blockSize;
size_t blockOffset = fileOffset % blockSize;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> blockBuffer;
std::string scratch;
// Decrypt individual blocks.
while (1) {
char* block = data;
size_t n = std::min(dataSize, blockSize - blockOffset);
if (n != blockSize) {
// We're not decrypting a full block.
// Copy data to blockBuffer
if (!blockBuffer) {
// Allocate buffer
blockBuffer = std::unique_ptr<char[]>(new char[blockSize]);
block = blockBuffer.get();
// Copy encrypted data to block buffer
memmove(block + blockOffset, data, n);
auto status = DecryptBlock(blockIndex, block, (char*);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (block != data) {
// Copy decrypted data back to `data`.
memmove(data, block + blockOffset, n);
// Simply decrementing dataSize by n could cause it to underflow,
// which will very likely make it read over the original bounds later
assert(dataSize >= n);
if (dataSize < n) {
return Status::Corruption("Cannot decrypt data at given offset");
dataSize -= n;
if (dataSize == 0) {
return Status::OK();
data += n;
blockOffset = 0;
namespace {
static std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo>
rot13_block_cipher_type_info = {
{0 /* No offset, whole struct*/, OptionType::kInt,
OptionVerificationType::kNormal, OptionTypeFlags::kNone}},
// Implements a BlockCipher using ROT13.
// Note: This is a sample implementation of BlockCipher,
// it is NOT considered safe and should NOT be used in production.
class ROT13BlockCipher : public BlockCipher {
size_t blockSize_;
explicit ROT13BlockCipher(size_t blockSize) : blockSize_(blockSize) {
RegisterOptions("ROT13BlockCipherOptions", &blockSize_,
static const char* kClassName() { return "ROT13"; }
const char* Name() const override { return kClassName(); }
size_t BlockSize() override { return blockSize_; }
Status Encrypt(char* data) override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < blockSize_; ++i) {
data[i] += 13;
return Status::OK();
Status Decrypt(char* data) override { return Encrypt(data); }
static const std::unordered_map<std::string, OptionTypeInfo>
ctr_encryption_provider_type_info = {
0 /* No offset, whole struct*/, OptionVerificationType::kByName,
} // anonymous namespace
void CTRCipherStream::AllocateScratch(std::string& scratch) {
auto blockSize = cipher_->BlockSize();
Status CTRCipherStream::EncryptBlock(uint64_t blockIndex, char* data,
char* scratch) {
// Create nonce + counter
auto blockSize = cipher_->BlockSize();
memmove(scratch,, blockSize);
EncodeFixed64(scratch, blockIndex + initialCounter_);
// Encrypt nonce + counter
auto status = cipher_->Encrypt(scratch);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
// XOR data with ciphertext.
for (size_t i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
data[i] = data[i] ^ scratch[i];
return Status::OK();
Status CTRCipherStream::DecryptBlock(uint64_t blockIndex, char* data,
char* scratch) {
// For CTR decryption & encryption are the same
return EncryptBlock(blockIndex, data, scratch);
const std::shared_ptr<BlockCipher>& c)
: cipher_(c) {
RegisterOptions("Cipher", &cipher_, &ctr_encryption_provider_type_info);
bool CTREncryptionProvider::IsInstanceOf(const std::string& name) const {
// Special case for test purposes.
if (name == "1://test" && cipher_ != nullptr) {
return cipher_->IsInstanceOf(ROT13BlockCipher::kClassName());
} else {
return EncryptionProvider::IsInstanceOf(name);
size_t CTREncryptionProvider::GetPrefixLength() const {
return defaultPrefixLength;
Status CTREncryptionProvider::AddCipher(const std::string& /*descriptor*/,
const char* cipher, size_t len,
bool /*for_write*/) {
if (cipher_) {
return Status::NotSupported("Cannot add keys to CTREncryptionProvider");
} else if (strcmp(ROT13BlockCipher::kClassName(), cipher) == 0) {
cipher_.reset(new ROT13BlockCipher(len));
return Status::OK();
} else {
return BlockCipher::CreateFromString(ConfigOptions(), std::string(cipher),
// decodeCTRParameters decodes the initial counter & IV from the given
// (plain text) prefix.
static void decodeCTRParameters(const char* prefix, size_t blockSize,
uint64_t& initialCounter, Slice& iv) {
// First block contains 64-bit initial counter
initialCounter = DecodeFixed64(prefix);
// Second block contains IV
iv = Slice(prefix + blockSize, blockSize);
Status CTREncryptionProvider::CreateNewPrefix(const std::string& /*fname*/,
char* prefix,
size_t prefixLength) const {
if (!cipher_) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Encryption Cipher is missing");
// Create & seed rnd.
Random rnd((uint32_t)SystemClock::Default()->NowMicros());
// Fill entire prefix block with random values.
for (size_t i = 0; i < prefixLength; i++) {
prefix[i] = rnd.Uniform(256) & 0xFF;
// Take random data to extract initial counter & IV
auto blockSize = cipher_->BlockSize();
uint64_t initialCounter;
Slice prefixIV;
decodeCTRParameters(prefix, blockSize, initialCounter, prefixIV);
// Now populate the rest of the prefix, starting from the third block.
PopulateSecretPrefixPart(prefix + (2 * blockSize),
prefixLength - (2 * blockSize), blockSize);
// Encrypt the prefix, starting from block 2 (leave block 0, 1 with initial
// counter & IV unencrypted)
CTRCipherStream cipherStream(cipher_,, initialCounter);
Status status;
status = cipherStream.Encrypt(0, prefix + (2 * blockSize),
prefixLength - (2 * blockSize));
return status;
// PopulateSecretPrefixPart initializes the data into a new prefix block
// in plain text.
// Returns the amount of space (starting from the start of the prefix)
// that has been initialized.
size_t CTREncryptionProvider::PopulateSecretPrefixPart(
char* /*prefix*/, size_t /*prefixLength*/, size_t /*blockSize*/) const {
// Nothing to do here, put in custom data in override when needed.
return 0;
Status CTREncryptionProvider::CreateCipherStream(
const std::string& fname, const EnvOptions& options, Slice& prefix,
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>* result) {
if (!cipher_) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Encryption Cipher is missing");
// Read plain text part of prefix.
auto blockSize = cipher_->BlockSize();
uint64_t initialCounter;
Slice iv;
decodeCTRParameters(, blockSize, initialCounter, iv);
// If the prefix is smaller than twice the block size, we would below read a
// very large chunk of the file (and very likely read over the bounds)
assert(prefix.size() >= 2 * blockSize);
if (prefix.size() < 2 * blockSize) {
return Status::Corruption("Unable to read from file " + fname +
": read attempt would read beyond file bounds");
// Decrypt the encrypted part of the prefix, starting from block 2 (block 0, 1
// with initial counter & IV are unencrypted)
CTRCipherStream cipherStream(cipher_,, initialCounter);
Status status;
status = cipherStream.Decrypt(0, (char*) + (2 * blockSize),
prefix.size() - (2 * blockSize));
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
// Create cipher stream
return CreateCipherStreamFromPrefix(fname, options, initialCounter, iv,
prefix, result);
// CreateCipherStreamFromPrefix creates a block access cipher stream for a file
// given name and options. The given prefix is already decrypted.
Status CTREncryptionProvider::CreateCipherStreamFromPrefix(
const std::string& /*fname*/, const EnvOptions& /*options*/,
uint64_t initialCounter, const Slice& iv, const Slice& /*prefix*/,
std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>* result) {
(*result) = std::unique_ptr<BlockAccessCipherStream>(
new CTRCipherStream(cipher_,, initialCounter));
return Status::OK();
// namespace {
// static void RegisterEncryptionBuiltins() {
// static std::once_flag once;
// std::call_once(once, [&]() {
// auto lib = ObjectRegistry::Default()->AddLibrary("encryption");
// // Match "CTR" or "CTR://test"
// lib->AddFactory<EncryptionProvider>(
// ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry(CTREncryptionProvider::kClassName(), true)
// .AddSuffix("://test"),
// [](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<EncryptionProvider>* guard,
// std::string* /*errmsg*/) {
// if (EndsWith(uri, "://test")) {
// std::shared_ptr<BlockCipher> cipher =
// std::make_shared<ROT13BlockCipher>(32);
// guard->reset(new CTREncryptionProvider(cipher));
// } else {
// guard->reset(new CTREncryptionProvider());
// }
// return guard->get();
// });
// lib->AddFactory<EncryptionProvider>(
// "1://test", [](const std::string& /*uri*/,
// std::unique_ptr<EncryptionProvider>* guard,
// std::string* /*errmsg*/) {
// std::shared_ptr<BlockCipher> cipher =
// std::make_shared<ROT13BlockCipher>(32);
// guard->reset(new CTREncryptionProvider(cipher));
// return guard->get();
// });
// // Match "ROT13" or "ROT13:[0-9]+"
// lib->AddFactory<BlockCipher>(
// ObjectLibrary::PatternEntry(ROT13BlockCipher::kClassName(), true)
// .AddNumber(":"),
// [](const std::string& uri, std::unique_ptr<BlockCipher>* guard,
// std::string* /* errmsg */) {
// size_t colon = uri.find(':');
// if (colon != std::string::npos) {
// size_t block_size = ParseSizeT(uri.substr(colon + 1));
// guard->reset(new ROT13BlockCipher(block_size));
// } else {
// guard->reset(new ROT13BlockCipher(32));
// }
// return guard->get();
// });
// });
// }
// } // namespace
Status BlockCipher::CreateFromString(const ConfigOptions& config_options,
const std::string& value,
std::shared_ptr<BlockCipher>* result) {
return LoadSharedObject<BlockCipher>(config_options, value, result);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE