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// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <functional>
#include "rocksdb/advanced_cache.h"
namespace secondary_cache_test_util {
struct TestCreateContext : public Cache::CreateContext {
void SetFailCreate(bool fail) { fail_create_ = fail; }
bool fail_create_ = false;
class WithCacheType : public TestCreateContext {
WithCacheType() {}
virtual ~WithCacheType() {}
class TestItem {
TestItem(const char* buf, size_t size) : buf_(new char[size]), size_(size) {
memcpy(buf_.get(), buf, size);
~TestItem() = default;
char* Buf() { return buf_.get(); }
[[nodiscard]] size_t Size() const { return size_; }
std::string ToString() { return std::string(Buf(), Size()); }
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf_;
size_t size_;
static constexpr auto kLRU = "lru";
static constexpr auto kHyperClock = "hyper_clock";
// For options other than capacity
size_t estimated_value_size_ = 1;
virtual const std::string& Type() = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> NewCache(
size_t capacity,
std::function<void(ShardedCacheOptions&)> modify_opts_fn = {}) {
const auto& type = Type();
if (type == kLRU) {
LRUCacheOptions lru_opts;
lru_opts.capacity = capacity;
lru_opts.hash_seed = 0; // deterministic tests
if (modify_opts_fn) {
return lru_opts.MakeSharedCache();
if (type == kHyperClock) {
HyperClockCacheOptions hc_opts{capacity, estimated_value_size_};
hc_opts.hash_seed = 0; // deterministic tests
if (modify_opts_fn) {
return hc_opts.MakeSharedCache();
return nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> NewCache(
size_t capacity, int num_shard_bits, bool strict_capacity_limit,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy charge_policy = kDontChargeCacheMetadata) {
return NewCache(capacity, [=](ShardedCacheOptions& opts) {
opts.num_shard_bits = num_shard_bits;
opts.strict_capacity_limit = strict_capacity_limit;
opts.metadata_charge_policy = charge_policy;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> NewCache(
size_t capacity, int num_shard_bits, bool strict_capacity_limit,
std::shared_ptr<SecondaryCache> secondary_cache) {
return NewCache(capacity, [=](ShardedCacheOptions& opts) {
opts.num_shard_bits = num_shard_bits;
opts.strict_capacity_limit = strict_capacity_limit;
opts.metadata_charge_policy = kDontChargeCacheMetadata;
opts.secondary_cache = secondary_cache;
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper* GetHelper(
CacheEntryRole r = CacheEntryRole::kDataBlock,
bool secondary_compatible = true, bool fail = false);
static const Cache::CacheItemHelper* GetHelperFail(
CacheEntryRole r = CacheEntryRole::kDataBlock);
class WithCacheTypeParam : public WithCacheType,
public testing::WithParamInterface<std::string> {
const std::string& Type() override { return GetParam(); }
constexpr auto kLRU = WithCacheType::kLRU;
constexpr auto kHyperClock = WithCacheType::kHyperClock;
inline auto GetTestingCacheTypes() {
return testing::Values(std::string(kLRU), std::string(kHyperClock));
} // namespace secondary_cache_test_util
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE