You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

154 lines
5.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#ifndef OS_WIN
#include "utilities/transactions/lock/range/range_tree/range_tree_lock_tracker.h"
#include "utilities/transactions/lock/range/range_tree/range_tree_lock_manager.h"
RangeLockList *RangeTreeLockTracker::getOrCreateList() {
if (range_list_) return range_list_.get();
// Doesn't exist, create
range_list_.reset(new RangeLockList());
return range_list_.get();
void RangeTreeLockTracker::Track(const PointLockRequest &lock_req) {
DBT key_dbt;
std::string key;
serialize_endpoint(Endpoint(lock_req.key, false), &key);
toku_fill_dbt(&key_dbt,, key.size());
RangeLockList *rl = getOrCreateList();
rl->Append(lock_req.column_family_id, &key_dbt, &key_dbt);
void RangeTreeLockTracker::Track(const RangeLockRequest &lock_req) {
DBT start_dbt, end_dbt;
std::string start_key, end_key;
serialize_endpoint(lock_req.start_endp, &start_key);
serialize_endpoint(lock_req.end_endp, &end_key);
toku_fill_dbt(&start_dbt,, start_key.size());
toku_fill_dbt(&end_dbt,, end_key.size());
RangeLockList *rl = getOrCreateList();
rl->Append(lock_req.column_family_id, &start_dbt, &end_dbt);
PointLockStatus RangeTreeLockTracker::GetPointLockStatus(
ColumnFamilyId /*cf_id*/, const std::string & /*key*/) const {
// This function is not expected to be called as RangeTreeLockTracker::
// IsPointLockSupported() returns false. Return the status which indicates
// the point is not locked.
PointLockStatus p;
p.locked = false;
p.exclusive = true;
p.seq = 0;
return p;
void RangeTreeLockTracker::Clear() { range_list_.reset(); }
void RangeLockList::Append(ColumnFamilyId cf_id, const DBT *left_key,
const DBT *right_key) {
MutexLock l(&mutex_);
// Only the transaction owner thread calls this function.
// The same thread does the lock release, so we can be certain nobody is
// releasing the locks concurrently.
auto it = buffers_.find(cf_id);
if (it == buffers_.end()) {
// create a new one
it = buffers_.emplace(cf_id, std::make_shared<toku::range_buffer>()).first;
it->second->append(left_key, right_key);
void RangeLockList::ReleaseLocks(RangeTreeLockManager *mgr,
PessimisticTransaction *txn,
bool all_trx_locks) {
MutexLock l(&mutex_);
// The lt->release_locks() call below will walk range_list->buffer_. We
// need to prevent lock escalation callback from replacing
// range_list->buffer_ while we are doing that.
// Additional complication here is internal mutex(es) in the locktree
// (let's call them latches):
// - Lock escalation first obtains latches on the lock tree
// - Then, it calls RangeTreeLockManager::on_escalate to replace
// transaction's range_list->buffer_. = Access to that buffer must be
// synchronized, so it will want to acquire the range_list->mutex_.
// While in this function we would want to do the reverse:
// - Acquire range_list->mutex_ to prevent access to the range_list.
// - Then, lt->release_locks() call will walk through the range_list
// - and acquire latches on parts of the lock tree to remove locks from
// it.
// How do we avoid the deadlock? The idea is that here we set
// releasing_locks_=true, and release the mutex.
// All other users of the range_list must:
// - Acquire the mutex, then check that releasing_locks_=false.
// (the code in this function doesnt do that as there's only one thread
// that releases transaction's locks);
for (auto it : buffers_) {
// Don't try to call release_locks() if the buffer is empty! if we are
// not holding any locks, the lock tree might be in the STO-mode with
// another transaction, and our attempt to release an empty set of locks
// will cause an assertion failure.
if (it.second->get_num_ranges()) {
auto lt_ptr = mgr->GetLockTreeForCF(it.first);
toku::locktree *lt = lt_ptr.get();
lt->release_locks((TXNID)txn, it.second.get(), all_trx_locks);
void RangeLockList::ReplaceLocks(const toku::locktree *lt,
const toku::range_buffer &buffer) {
MutexLock l(&mutex_);
if (releasing_locks_.load()) {
// Do nothing. The transaction is releasing its locks, so it will not care
// about having a correct list of ranges. (In TokuDB,
// toku_db_txn_escalate_callback() makes use of this property, too)
ColumnFamilyId cf_id = (ColumnFamilyId)lt->get_dict_id().dictid;
auto it = buffers_.find(cf_id);
toku::range_buffer::iterator iter(&buffer);
toku::range_buffer::iterator::record rec;
while (iter.current(&rec)) {
it->second->append(rec.get_left_key(), rec.get_right_key());;
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
#endif // OS_WIN