Merge pull request #93 from sdroege/http-types

Base HTTP-types (request, headers, response, status code, etc) on the ones from the http crate
Daniel Abramov 5 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 345d262972
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 4
  2. 4
  3. 14
  4. 4
  5. 21
  6. 148
  7. 49
  8. 163
  9. 124
  10. 252
  11. 8
  12. 2
  13. 17
  14. 7

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ authors = ["Alexey Galakhov"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.9.3"
version = "0.10.0"
edition = "2018"

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use url::Url;
use tungstenite::{connect, Error, Message, Result};
const AGENT: &'static str = "Tungstenite";
const AGENT: &str = "Tungstenite";
fn get_case_count() -> Result<u32> {
let (mut socket, _) = connect(Url::parse("ws://localhost:9001/getCaseCount").unwrap())?;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ fn main() {
let total = get_case_count().unwrap();
for case in 1..(total + 1) {
for case in 1..=total {
if let Err(e) = run_test(case) {
match e {
Error::Protocol(_) => {}

@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::thread::spawn;
use tungstenite::accept_hdr;
use tungstenite::handshake::server::{ErrorResponse, Request};
use tungstenite::handshake::server::{Request, Response};
use tungstenite::http::StatusCode;
fn main() {
let server = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
for stream in server.incoming() {
spawn(move || {
let callback = |_req: &Request| {
Err(ErrorResponse {
error_code: StatusCode::FORBIDDEN,
headers: None,
body: Some("Access denied".into()),
let callback = |_req: &Request, _resp| {
let resp = Response::builder()
.body(Some("Access denied".into()))
accept_hdr(stream.unwrap(), callback).unwrap_err();

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ fn main() {
connect(Url::parse("ws://localhost:3012/socket").unwrap()).expect("Can't connect");
println!("Connected to the server");
println!("Response HTTP code: {}", response.code);
println!("Response HTTP code: {}", response.status());
println!("Response contains the following headers:");
for &(ref header, _ /*value*/) in response.headers.iter() {
for (ref header, _value) in response.headers() {
println!("* {}", header);

@ -2,30 +2,27 @@ use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::thread::spawn;
use tungstenite::accept_hdr;
use tungstenite::handshake::server::Request;
use tungstenite::handshake::server::{Request, Response};
fn main() {
let server = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
for stream in server.incoming() {
spawn(move || {
let callback = |req: &Request| {
let callback = |req: &Request, mut response: Response| {
println!("Received a new ws handshake");
println!("The request's path is: {}", req.path);
println!("The request's path is: {}", req.uri().path());
println!("The request's headers are:");
for &(ref header, _ /* value */) in req.headers.iter() {
for (ref header, _value) in req.headers() {
println!("* {}", header);
// Let's add an additional header to our response to the client.
let extra_headers = vec![
(String::from("MyCustomHeader"), String::from(":)")),
let headers = response.headers_mut();
headers.append("MyCustomHeader", ":)".parse().unwrap());
headers.append("SOME_TUNGSTENITE_HEADER", "header_value".parse().unwrap());
let mut websocket = accept_hdr(stream.unwrap(), callback).unwrap();

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs};
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use http::Uri;
use log::*;
use url::Url;
use crate::handshake::client::Response;
use crate::handshake::client::{Request, Response};
use crate::protocol::WebSocketConfig;
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ use self::encryption::wrap_stream;
pub use self::encryption::AutoStream;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::handshake::client::{ClientHandshake, Request};
use crate::handshake::client::ClientHandshake;
use crate::handshake::HandshakeError;
use crate::protocol::WebSocket;
use crate::stream::{Mode, NoDelay};
@ -84,37 +86,23 @@ use crate::stream::{Mode, NoDelay};
/// This function uses `native_tls` to do TLS. If you want to use other TLS libraries,
/// use `client` instead. There is no need to enable the "tls" feature if you don't call
/// `connect` since it's the only function that uses native_tls.
pub fn connect_with_config<'t, Req: Into<Request<'t>>>(
pub fn connect_with_config<Req: IntoClientRequest>(
request: Req,
config: Option<WebSocketConfig>,
) -> Result<(WebSocket<AutoStream>, Response)> {
let request: Request = request.into();
let mode = url_mode(&request.url)?;
let request: Request = request.into_client_request()?;
let uri = request.uri();
let mode = uri_mode(uri)?;
let host = request
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Url("No host name in the URL".into()))?;
let port = request
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Url("No port number in the URL".into()))?;
let addrs;
let addr;
let addrs = match host {
url::Host::Domain(domain) => {
addrs = (domain, port).to_socket_addrs()?;
url::Host::Ipv4(ip) => {
addr = (ip, port).into();
url::Host::Ipv6(ip) => {
addr = (ip, port).into();
let mut stream = connect_to_some(addrs, &request.url, mode)?;
let port = uri.port_u16().unwrap_or(match mode {
Mode::Plain => 80,
Mode::Tls => 443,
let addrs = (host, port).to_socket_addrs()?;
let mut stream = connect_to_some(addrs.as_slice(), &request.uri(), mode)?;
NoDelay::set_nodelay(&mut stream, true)?;
client_with_config(request, stream, config).map_err(|e| match e {
HandshakeError::Failure(f) => f,
@ -134,35 +122,33 @@ pub fn connect_with_config<'t, Req: Into<Request<'t>>>(
/// This function uses `native_tls` to do TLS. If you want to use other TLS libraries,
/// use `client` instead. There is no need to enable the "tls" feature if you don't call
/// `connect` since it's the only function that uses native_tls.
pub fn connect<'t, Req: Into<Request<'t>>>(
request: Req,
) -> Result<(WebSocket<AutoStream>, Response)> {
pub fn connect<Req: IntoClientRequest>(request: Req) -> Result<(WebSocket<AutoStream>, Response)> {
connect_with_config(request, None)
fn connect_to_some(addrs: &[SocketAddr], url: &Url, mode: Mode) -> Result<AutoStream> {
let domain = url
fn connect_to_some(addrs: &[SocketAddr], uri: &Uri, mode: Mode) -> Result<AutoStream> {
let domain = uri
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Url("No host name in the URL".into()))?;
for addr in addrs {
debug!("Trying to contact {} at {}...", url, addr);
debug!("Trying to contact {} at {}...", uri, addr);
if let Ok(raw_stream) = TcpStream::connect(addr) {
if let Ok(stream) = wrap_stream(raw_stream, domain, mode) {
return Ok(stream);
Err(Error::Url(format!("Unable to connect to {}", url).into()))
Err(Error::Url(format!("Unable to connect to {}", uri).into()))
/// Get the mode of the given URL.
/// This function may be used to ease the creation of custom TLS streams
/// in non-blocking algorithmss or for use with TLS libraries other than `native_tls`.
pub fn url_mode(url: &Url) -> Result<Mode> {
match url.scheme() {
"ws" => Ok(Mode::Plain),
"wss" => Ok(Mode::Tls),
pub fn uri_mode(uri: &Uri) -> Result<Mode> {
match uri.scheme_str() {
Some("ws") => Ok(Mode::Plain),
Some("wss") => Ok(Mode::Tls),
_ => Err(Error::Url("URL scheme not supported".into())),
@ -173,16 +159,16 @@ pub fn url_mode(url: &Url) -> Result<Mode> {
/// Use this function if you need a nonblocking handshake support or if you
/// want to use a custom stream like `mio::tcp::TcpStream` or `openssl::ssl::SslStream`.
/// Any stream supporting `Read + Write` will do.
pub fn client_with_config<'t, Stream, Req>(
pub fn client_with_config<Stream, Req>(
request: Req,
stream: Stream,
config: Option<WebSocketConfig>,
) -> StdResult<(WebSocket<Stream>, Response), HandshakeError<ClientHandshake<Stream>>>
Stream: Read + Write,
Req: Into<Request<'t>>,
Req: IntoClientRequest,
ClientHandshake::start(stream, request.into(), config).handshake()
ClientHandshake::start(stream, request.into_client_request()?, config)?.handshake()
/// Do the client handshake over the given stream.
@ -190,13 +176,87 @@ where
/// Use this function if you need a nonblocking handshake support or if you
/// want to use a custom stream like `mio::tcp::TcpStream` or `openssl::ssl::SslStream`.
/// Any stream supporting `Read + Write` will do.
pub fn client<'t, Stream, Req>(
pub fn client<Stream, Req>(
request: Req,
stream: Stream,
) -> StdResult<(WebSocket<Stream>, Response), HandshakeError<ClientHandshake<Stream>>>
Stream: Read + Write,
Req: Into<Request<'t>>,
Req: IntoClientRequest,
client_with_config(request, stream, None)
/// Trait for converting various types into HTTP requests used for a client connection.
/// This trait is implemented by default for string slices, strings, `url::Url`, `http::Uri` and
/// `http::Request<()>`.
pub trait IntoClientRequest {
/// Convert into a `Request` that can be used for a client connection.
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request>;
impl<'a> IntoClientRequest for &'a str {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
let uri: Uri = self.parse()?;
impl<'a> IntoClientRequest for &'a String {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
let uri: Uri = self.parse()?;
impl IntoClientRequest for String {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
let uri: Uri = self.parse()?;
impl<'a> IntoClientRequest for &'a Uri {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
impl IntoClientRequest for Uri {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
impl<'a> IntoClientRequest for &'a Url {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
let uri: Uri = self.as_str().parse()?;
impl IntoClientRequest for Url {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
let uri: Uri = self.as_str().parse()?;
impl IntoClientRequest for Request {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
impl<'h, 'b> IntoClientRequest for httparse::Request<'h, 'b> {
fn into_client_request(self) -> Result<Request> {
use crate::handshake::headers::FromHttparse;

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use std::result;
use std::str;
use std::string;
use http;
use httparse;
use crate::protocol::Message;
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ pub enum Error {
/// connection when it really shouldn't anymore, so this really indicates a programmer
/// error on your part.
/// Input-output error. Appart from WouldBlock, these are generally errors with the
/// Input-output error. Apart from WouldBlock, these are generally errors with the
/// underlying connection and you should probably consider them fatal.
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
@ -61,10 +62,12 @@ pub enum Error {
/// UTF coding error
/// Invlid URL.
/// Invalid URL.
Url(Cow<'static, str>),
/// HTTP error.
/// HTTP format error.
impl fmt::Display for Error {
@ -80,7 +83,8 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
Error::SendQueueFull(_) => write!(f, "Send queue is full"),
Error::Utf8 => write!(f, "UTF-8 encoding error"),
Error::Url(ref msg) => write!(f, "URL error: {}", msg),
Error::Http(code) => write!(f, "HTTP code: {}", code),
Error::Http(code) => write!(f, "HTTP error: {}", code),
Error::HttpFormat(ref err) => write!(f, "HTTP format error: {}", err),
@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ impl ErrorTrait for Error {
Error::Utf8 => "",
Error::Url(ref msg) => msg.borrow(),
Error::Http(_) => "",
Error::HttpFormat(ref err) => err.description(),
@ -121,6 +126,42 @@ impl From<string::FromUtf8Error> for Error {
impl From<http::header::InvalidHeaderValue> for Error {
fn from(err: http::header::InvalidHeaderValue) -> Self {
impl From<http::header::InvalidHeaderName> for Error {
fn from(err: http::header::InvalidHeaderName) -> Self {
impl From<http::header::ToStrError> for Error {
fn from(_: http::header::ToStrError) -> Self {
impl From<http::uri::InvalidUri> for Error {
fn from(err: http::uri::InvalidUri) -> Self {
impl From<http::status::InvalidStatusCode> for Error {
fn from(err: http::status::InvalidStatusCode) -> Self {
impl From<http::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: http::Error) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "tls")]
impl From<tls::Error> for Error {
fn from(err: tls::Error) -> Self {

@ -1,69 +1,23 @@
//! Client handshake machine.
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use http::{HeaderMap, Request as HttpRequest, Response as HttpResponse, StatusCode};
use httparse::Status;
use log::*;
use url::Url;
use super::headers::{FromHttparse, Headers, MAX_HEADERS};
use super::headers::{FromHttparse, MAX_HEADERS};
use super::machine::{HandshakeMachine, StageResult, TryParse};
use super::{convert_key, HandshakeRole, MidHandshake, ProcessingResult};
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::protocol::{Role, WebSocket, WebSocketConfig};
/// Client request.
pub struct Request<'t> {
/// `ws://` or `wss://` URL to connect to.
pub url: Url,
/// Extra HTTP headers to append to the request.
pub extra_headers: Option<Vec<(Cow<'t, str>, Cow<'t, str>)>>,
impl<'t> Request<'t> {
/// Returns the GET part of the request.
fn get_path(&self) -> String {
if let Some(query) = self.url.query() {
format!("{path}?{query}", path = self.url.path(), query = query)
} else {
/// Client request type.
pub type Request = HttpRequest<()>;
/// Returns the host part of the request.
fn get_host(&self) -> String {
let host = self.url.host_str().expect("Bug: URL without host");
if let Some(port) = self.url.port() {
format!("{host}:{port}", host = host, port = port)
} else {
/// Adds a WebSocket protocol to the request.
pub fn add_protocol(&mut self, protocol: Cow<'t, str>) {
self.add_header(Cow::from("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"), protocol);
/// Adds a custom header to the request.
pub fn add_header(&mut self, name: Cow<'t, str>, value: Cow<'t, str>) {
let mut headers = self.extra_headers.take().unwrap_or_else(Vec::new);
headers.push((name, value));
self.extra_headers = Some(headers);
impl From<Url> for Request<'static> {
fn from(value: Url) -> Self {
Request {
url: value,
extra_headers: None,
/// Client response type.
pub type Response = HttpResponse<()>;
/// Client handshake role.
@ -79,29 +33,49 @@ impl<S: Read + Write> ClientHandshake<S> {
stream: S,
request: Request,
config: Option<WebSocketConfig>,
) -> MidHandshake<Self> {
) -> Result<MidHandshake<Self>> {
if request.method() != http::Method::GET {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"Invalid HTTP method, only GET supported".into(),
if request.version() < http::Version::HTTP_11 {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into(),
// Check the URI scheme: only ws or wss are supported
let _ = crate::client::uri_mode(request.uri())?;
let key = generate_key();
let machine = {
let mut req = Vec::new();
let uri = request.uri();
GET {path} HTTP/1.1\r\n\
GET {path} {version:?}\r\n\
Host: {host}\r\n\
Connection: Upgrade\r\n\
Upgrade: websocket\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-Key: {key}\r\n",
host = request.get_host(),
path = request.get_path(),
version = request.version(),
host = uri
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Url("No host name in the URL".into()))?,
path = uri
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Url("No path/query in URL".into()))?
key = key
if let Some(eh) = request.extra_headers {
for (k, v) in eh {
writeln!(req, "{}: {}\r", k, v).unwrap();
for (k, v) in request.headers() {
writeln!(req, "{}: {}\r", k, v.to_str()?).unwrap();
writeln!(req, "\r").unwrap();
HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, req)
@ -117,10 +91,10 @@ impl<S: Read + Write> ClientHandshake<S> {
trace!("Client handshake initiated.");
MidHandshake {
Ok(MidHandshake {
role: client,
@ -162,16 +136,20 @@ impl VerifyData {
pub fn verify_response(&self, response: &Response) -> Result<()> {
// 1. If the status code received from the server is not 101, the
// client handles the response per HTTP [RFC2616] procedures. (RFC 6455)
if response.code != 101 {
return Err(Error::Http(response.code));
if response.status() != StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS {
return Err(Error::Http(response.status()));
let headers = response.headers();
// 2. If the response lacks an |Upgrade| header field or the |Upgrade|
// header field contains a value that is not an ASCII case-
// insensitive match for the value "websocket", the client MUST
// _Fail the WebSocket Connection_. (RFC 6455)
if !response
.header_is_ignore_case("Upgrade", "websocket")
if !headers
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("websocket"))
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Upgrade: websocket\" in server reply".into(),
@ -181,9 +159,11 @@ impl VerifyData {
// |Connection| header field doesn't contain a token that is an
// ASCII case-insensitive match for the value "Upgrade", the client
// MUST _Fail the WebSocket Connection_. (RFC 6455)
if !response
.header_is_ignore_case("Connection", "Upgrade")
if !headers
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Upgrade"))
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Connection: upgrade\" in server reply".into(),
@ -193,9 +173,10 @@ impl VerifyData {
// the |Sec-WebSocket-Accept| contains a value other than the
// base64-encoded SHA-1 of ... the client MUST _Fail the WebSocket
// Connection_. (RFC 6455)
if !response
.header_is("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", &self.accept_key)
if !headers
.map(|h| h == &self.accept_key)
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"Key mismatch in Sec-WebSocket-Accept".into(),
@ -219,15 +200,6 @@ impl VerifyData {
/// Server response.
pub struct Response {
/// HTTP response code of the response.
pub code: u16,
/// Received headers.
pub headers: Headers,
impl TryParse for Response {
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Option<(usize, Self)>> {
let mut hbuffer = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; MAX_HEADERS];
@ -246,10 +218,17 @@ impl<'h, 'b: 'h> FromHttparse<httparse::Response<'h, 'b>> for Response {
"HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into(),
Ok(Response {
code: raw.code.expect("Bug: no HTTP response code"),
headers: Headers::from_httparse(raw.headers)?,
let headers = HeaderMap::from_httparse(raw.headers)?;
let mut response = Response::new(());
*response.status_mut() = StatusCode::from_u16(raw.code.expect("Bug: no HTTP status code"))?;
*response.headers_mut() = headers;
// TODO: httparse only supports HTTP 0.9/1.0/1.1 but not HTTP 2.0
// so the only valid value we could get in the response would be 1.1.
*response.version_mut() = http::Version::HTTP_11;
@ -278,18 +257,18 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(k2.len(), 24);
fn response_parsing() {
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
const DATA: &[u8] = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
let (_, resp) = Response::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(resp.code, 200);
assert_eq!(resp.status(), http::StatusCode::OK);

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
//! HTTP Request and response header handling.
use std::slice;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use http;
use http::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue};
use httparse;
use httparse::Status;
@ -12,90 +11,31 @@ use crate::error::Result;
/// Limit for the number of header lines.
pub const MAX_HEADERS: usize = 124;
/// HTTP request or response headers.
pub struct Headers {
data: Vec<(String, Box<[u8]>)>,
/// Trait to convert raw objects into HTTP parseables.
pub(crate) trait FromHttparse<T>: Sized {
/// Convert raw object into parsed HTTP headers.
fn from_httparse(raw: T) -> Result<Self>;
impl Headers {
/// Get first header with the given name, if any.
pub fn find_first(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&[u8]> {
/// Iterate over all headers with the given name.
pub fn find<'headers, 'name>(&'headers self, name: &'name str) -> HeadersIter<'name, 'headers> {
HeadersIter {
/// Check if the given header has the given value.
pub fn header_is(&self, name: &str, value: &str) -> bool {
.map(|v| v == value.as_bytes())
/// Check if the given header has the given value (case-insensitive).
pub fn header_is_ignore_case(&self, name: &str, value: &str) -> bool {
.and_then(|val_raw| from_utf8(val_raw).map_err(|_| ()))
.map(|val| val.eq_ignore_ascii_case(value))
impl<'b: 'h, 'h> FromHttparse<&'b [httparse::Header<'h>]> for HeaderMap {
fn from_httparse(raw: &'b [httparse::Header<'h>]) -> Result<Self> {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
for h in raw {
/// Allows to iterate over available headers.
pub fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<(String, Box<[u8]>)> {
/// The iterator over headers.
pub struct HeadersIter<'name, 'headers> {
name: &'name str,
iter: slice::Iter<'headers, (String, Box<[u8]>)>,
impl<'name, 'headers> Iterator for HeadersIter<'name, 'headers> {
type Item = &'headers [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
while let Some(&(ref name, ref value)) = {
if name.eq_ignore_ascii_case( {
return Some(value);
/// Trait to convert raw objects into HTTP parseables.
pub trait FromHttparse<T>: Sized {
/// Convert raw object into parsed HTTP headers.
fn from_httparse(raw: T) -> Result<Self>;
impl TryParse for Headers {
impl TryParse for HeaderMap {
fn try_parse(buf: &[u8]) -> Result<Option<(usize, Self)>> {
let mut hbuffer = [httparse::EMPTY_HEADER; MAX_HEADERS];
Ok(match httparse::parse_headers(buf, &mut hbuffer)? {
Status::Partial => None,
Status::Complete((size, hdr)) => Some((size, Headers::from_httparse(hdr)?)),
impl<'b: 'h, 'h> FromHttparse<&'b [httparse::Header<'h>]> for Headers {
fn from_httparse(raw: &'b [httparse::Header<'h>]) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Headers {
data: raw
.map(|h| (, Vec::from(h.value).into_boxed_slice()))
Status::Complete((size, hdr)) => Some((size, HeaderMap::from_httparse(hdr)?)),
@ -104,45 +44,41 @@ impl<'b: 'h, 'h> FromHttparse<&'b [httparse::Header<'h>]> for Headers {
mod tests {
use super::super::machine::TryParse;
use super::Headers;
use super::HeaderMap;
fn headers() {
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"Host:\r\n\
const DATA: &[u8] = b"Host:\r\n\
Connection: Upgrade\r\n\
Upgrade: websocket\r\n\
let (_, hdr) = Headers::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(hdr.find_first("Host"), Some(&b""[..]));
assert_eq!(hdr.find_first("Upgrade"), Some(&b"websocket"[..]));
assert_eq!(hdr.find_first("Connection"), Some(&b"Upgrade"[..]));
assert!(hdr.header_is("upgrade", "websocket"));
assert!(!hdr.header_is("upgrade", "Websocket"));
assert!(hdr.header_is_ignore_case("upgrade", "Websocket"));
let (_, hdr) = HeaderMap::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(hdr.get("Host").unwrap(), &b""[..]);
assert_eq!(hdr.get("Upgrade").unwrap(), &b"websocket"[..]);
assert_eq!(hdr.get("Connection").unwrap(), &b"Upgrade"[..]);
fn headers_iter() {
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"Host:\r\n\
const DATA: &[u8] = b"Host:\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate\r\n\
Connection: Upgrade\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-ExtenSIONS: permessage-unknown\r\n\
Upgrade: websocket\r\n\
let (_, hdr) = Headers::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
let mut iter = hdr.find("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions");
assert_eq!(, Some(&b"permessage-deflate"[..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&b"permessage-unknown"[..]));
let (_, hdr) = HeaderMap::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
let mut iter = hdr.get_all("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions").iter();
assert_eq!(, &b"permessage-deflate"[..]);
assert_eq!(, &b"permessage-unknown"[..]);
assert_eq!(, None);
fn headers_incomplete() {
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"Host:\r\n\
const DATA: &[u8] = b"Host:\r\n\
Connection: Upgrade\r\n\
Upgrade: websocket\r\n";
let hdr = Headers::try_parse(DATA).unwrap();
let hdr = HeaderMap::try_parse(DATA).unwrap();

@ -1,56 +1,108 @@
//! Server handshake machine.
use std::fmt::Write as FmtWrite;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use http::StatusCode;
use http::{HeaderMap, Request as HttpRequest, Response as HttpResponse, StatusCode};
use httparse::Status;
use log::*;
use super::headers::{FromHttparse, Headers, MAX_HEADERS};
use super::headers::{FromHttparse, MAX_HEADERS};
use super::machine::{HandshakeMachine, StageResult, TryParse};
use super::{convert_key, HandshakeRole, MidHandshake, ProcessingResult};
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::protocol::{Role, WebSocket, WebSocketConfig};
/// Request from the client.
pub struct Request {
/// Path part of the URL.
pub path: String,
/// HTTP headers.
pub headers: Headers,
/// Server request type.
pub type Request = HttpRequest<()>;
impl Request {
/// Reply to the response.
pub fn reply(&self, extra_headers: Option<Vec<(String, String)>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let key = self
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Protocol("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key".into()))?;
let mut reply = format!(
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n\
Connection: Upgrade\r\n\
Upgrade: websocket\r\n\
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: {}\r\n",
add_headers(&mut reply, extra_headers);
/// Server response type.
pub type Response = HttpResponse<()>;
/// Server error response type.
pub type ErrorResponse = HttpResponse<Option<String>>;
/// Create a response for the request.
pub fn create_response(request: &Request) -> Result<Response> {
if request.method() != http::Method::GET {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Method is not GET".into()));
if request.version() < http::Version::HTTP_11 {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into(),
if !request
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Upgrade"))
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Connection: upgrade\" in client request".into(),
fn add_headers(reply: &mut impl FmtWrite, extra_headers: Option<ExtraHeaders>) {
if let Some(eh) = extra_headers {
for (k, v) in eh {
writeln!(reply, "{}: {}\r", k, v).unwrap();
if !request
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("websocket"))
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Upgrade: websocket\" in client request".into(),
if !request
.map(|h| h == "13")
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"No \"Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\" in client request".into(),
let key = request
.ok_or_else(|| Error::Protocol("Missing Sec-WebSocket-Key".into()))?;
let mut response = Response::builder();
response.header("Connection", "Upgrade");
response.header("Upgrade", "websocket");
response.header("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", convert_key(key.as_bytes())?);
// Assumes that this is a valid response
fn write_response<T>(w: &mut dyn io::Write, response: &HttpResponse<T>) -> Result<()> {
"{version:?} {status} {reason}\r",
version = response.version(),
status = response.status(),
reason = response.status().canonical_reason().unwrap_or(""),
for (k, v) in response.headers() {
writeln!(w, "{}: {}\r", k, v.to_str()?).unwrap();
writeln!(reply, "\r").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\r")?;
impl TryParse for Request {
@ -69,39 +121,24 @@ impl<'h, 'b: 'h> FromHttparse<httparse::Request<'h, 'b>> for Request {
if raw.method.expect("Bug: no method in header") != "GET" {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Method is not GET".into()));
if raw.version.expect("Bug: no HTTP version") < /*1.*/1 {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"HTTP version should be 1.1 or higher".into(),
Ok(Request {
path: raw.path.expect("Bug: no path in header").into(),
headers: Headers::from_httparse(raw.headers)?,
/// Extra headers for responses.
pub type ExtraHeaders = Vec<(String, String)>;
let headers = HeaderMap::from_httparse(raw.headers)?;
/// An error response sent to the client.
pub struct ErrorResponse {
/// HTTP error code.
pub error_code: StatusCode,
/// Extra response headers, if any.
pub headers: Option<ExtraHeaders>,
/// Response body, if any.
pub body: Option<String>,
let mut request = Request::new(());
*request.method_mut() = http::Method::GET;
*request.headers_mut() = headers;
*request.uri_mut() = raw.path.expect("Bug: no path in header").parse()?;
// TODO: httparse only supports HTTP 0.9/1.0/1.1 but not HTTP 2.0
// so the only valid value we could get in the response would be 1.1.
*request.version_mut() = http::Version::HTTP_11;
impl From<StatusCode> for ErrorResponse {
fn from(error_code: StatusCode) -> Self {
ErrorResponse {
headers: None,
body: None,
@ -115,15 +152,23 @@ pub trait Callback: Sized {
/// Called whenever the server read the request from the client and is ready to reply to it.
/// May return additional reply headers.
/// Returning an error resulting in rejecting the incoming connection.
fn on_request(self, request: &Request) -> StdResult<Option<ExtraHeaders>, ErrorResponse>;
fn on_request(
request: &Request,
response: Response,
) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse>;
impl<F> Callback for F
F: FnOnce(&Request) -> StdResult<Option<ExtraHeaders>, ErrorResponse>,
F: FnOnce(&Request, Response) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse>,
fn on_request(self, request: &Request) -> StdResult<Option<ExtraHeaders>, ErrorResponse> {
fn on_request(
request: &Request,
response: Response,
) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse> {
self(request, response)
@ -132,8 +177,12 @@ where
pub struct NoCallback;
impl Callback for NoCallback {
fn on_request(self, _request: &Request) -> StdResult<Option<ExtraHeaders>, ErrorResponse> {
fn on_request(
_request: &Request,
response: Response,
) -> StdResult<Response, ErrorResponse> {
@ -191,34 +240,35 @@ impl<S: Read + Write, C: Callback> HandshakeRole for ServerHandshake<S, C> {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Junk after client request".into()));
let response = create_response(&result)?;
let callback_result = if let Some(callback) = self.callback.take() {
callback.on_request(&result, response)
} else {
match callback_result {
Ok(extra_headers) => {
let response = result.reply(extra_headers)?;
ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, response))
Ok(response) => {
let mut output = vec![];
write_response(&mut output, &response)?;
ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, output))
Err(ErrorResponse {
}) => {
self.error_code = Some(error_code.as_u16());
let mut response = format!(
"HTTP/1.1 {} {}\r\n",
add_headers(&mut response, headers);
if let Some(body) = body {
response += &body;
Err(resp) => {
if resp.status().is_success() {
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"Custom response must not be successful".into(),
self.error_code = Some(resp.status().as_u16());
let mut output = vec![];
write_response(&mut output, &resp)?;
if let Some(body) = resp.body() {
ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, response))
ProcessingResult::Continue(HandshakeMachine::start_write(stream, output))
@ -226,7 +276,7 @@ impl<S: Read + Write, C: Callback> HandshakeRole for ServerHandshake<S, C> {
StageResult::DoneWriting(stream) => {
if let Some(err) = self.error_code.take() {
debug!("Server handshake failed.");
return Err(Error::Http(err));
return Err(Error::Http(StatusCode::from_u16(err)?));
} else {
debug!("Server handshake done.");
let websocket = WebSocket::from_raw_socket(stream, Role::Server, self.config);
@ -239,21 +289,21 @@ impl<S: Read + Write, C: Callback> HandshakeRole for ServerHandshake<S, C> {
mod tests {
use super::super::client::Response;
use super::super::machine::TryParse;
use super::create_response;
use super::Request;
fn request_parsing() {
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";
const DATA: &[u8] = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n";
let (_, req) = Request::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(req.path, "/");
assert_eq!(req.headers.find_first("Host"), Some(&b""[..]));
assert_eq!(req.uri().path(), "/");
assert_eq!(req.headers().get("Host").unwrap(), &b""[..]);
fn request_replying() {
const DATA: &'static [u8] = b"\
const DATA: &[u8] = b"\
GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
Connection: upgrade\r\n\
@ -262,21 +312,11 @@ mod tests {
Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==\r\n\
let (_, req) = Request::try_parse(DATA).unwrap().unwrap();
let _ = req.reply(None).unwrap();
let extra_headers = Some(vec![
(String::from("MyVersion"), String::from("LOL")),
let reply = req.reply(extra_headers).unwrap();
let (_, req) = Response::try_parse(&reply).unwrap().unwrap();
let response = create_response(&req).unwrap();
assert_eq!(req.headers.find_first("MyVersion"), Some(b"LOL".as_ref()));

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub use self::frame::{Frame, FrameHeader};
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use input_buffer::{InputBuffer, MIN_READ};
use log::*;
use std::io::{Read, Write, Error as IoError, ErrorKind as IoErrorKind};
use std::io::{Error as IoError, ErrorKind as IoErrorKind, Read, Write};
/// A reader and writer for WebSocket frames.
@ -199,7 +199,11 @@ impl FrameCodec {
let len = stream.write(&self.out_buffer)?;
if len == 0 {
// This is the same as "Connection reset by peer"
return Err(IoError::new(IoErrorKind::ConnectionReset, "Connection reset while sending").into())
return Err(IoError::new(
"Connection reset while sending",

@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ mod tests {
fn display() {
let t = Message::text(format!("test"));
let t = Message::text("test".to_owned());
assert_eq!(t.to_string(), "test".to_owned());
let bin = Message::binary(vec![0, 1, 3, 4, 241]);

@ -280,7 +280,9 @@ impl WebSocketContext {
// Do not write after sending a close frame.
if !self.state.is_active() {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Sending after closing is not allowed".into()));
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"Sending after closing is not allowed".into(),
if let Some(max_send_queue) = self.config.max_send_queue {
@ -378,7 +380,9 @@ impl WebSocketContext {
if let Some(mut frame) = self.frame.read_frame(stream, self.config.max_frame_size)? {
if !self.state.can_read() {
return Err(Error::Protocol("Remote sent frame after having sent a Close Frame".into()));
return Err(Error::Protocol(
"Remote sent frame after having sent a Close Frame".into(),
// MUST be 0 unless an extension is negotiated that defines meanings
// for non-zero values. If a nonzero value is received and none of
@ -588,7 +592,7 @@ enum WebSocketState {
impl WebSocketState {
/// Tell if we're allowed to process normal messages.
fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
fn is_active(self) -> bool {
match self {
WebSocketState::Active => true,
_ => false,
@ -598,16 +602,15 @@ impl WebSocketState {
/// Tell if we should process incoming data. Note that if we send a close frame
/// but the remote hasn't confirmed, they might have sent data before they receive our
/// close frame, so we should still pass those to client code, hence ClosedByUs is valid.
fn can_read(&self) -> bool {
fn can_read(self) -> bool {
match self {
WebSocketState::Active |
WebSocketState::ClosedByUs => true,
WebSocketState::Active | WebSocketState::ClosedByUs => true,
_ => false,
/// Check if the state is active, return error if not.
fn check_active(&self) -> Result<()> {
fn check_active(self) -> Result<()> {
match self {
WebSocketState::Terminated => Err(Error::AlreadyClosed),
_ => Ok(()),

@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ fn test_no_send_after_close() {
client_handler.close(None).unwrap(); // send close to client
let err = client_handler
.write_message(Message::Text("Hello WebSocket".into()));
let err = client_handler.write_message(Message::Text("Hello WebSocket".into()));
assert!( err.is_err() );
match err.unwrap_err() {
Error::Protocol(s) => { assert_eq!( "Sending after closing is not allowed", s )}
Error::Protocol(s) => assert_eq!("Sending after closing is not allowed", s),
e => panic!("unexpected error: {:?}", e),
