Niko PLP niko
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niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

  • 95ed77e414 error and success toasts in SPARQL Update Editor

10 hours ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

19 hours ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 days ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

  • 7c621509d2 navigation between docs and tabs, sparql update editor

2 days ago

niko closed issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#35

No Pipeline? No Runners? No CI/CD?

5 days ago

niko commented on issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#35

No Pipeline? No Runners? No CI/CD?

Ci/CD is essential when you are deploying or releasing for production, which is not the case for now, as we are still in early alpha stage. Thanks for the links. I am considering using…

5 days ago

niko closed issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#36

Rust linting

5 days ago

niko commented on issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#36

Rust linting

Thanks for your suggestion. We already use the prettier of rust-analyzer.

5 days ago

niko closed issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#34

Where are the test cases?

5 days ago

niko commented on issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#34

Where are the test cases?

Hello there, I am not sure it is appropriate to remind me that unit tests are important. In any case, each crate contains its own unit tests, as stated in the main README. For now, the test…

5 days ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

1 week ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

1 week ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

1 week ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 weeks ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 weeks ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 weeks ago

niko deleted branch feat/ng-app/sync-wallets from NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 weeks ago

niko deleted branch feat/ng-app/qr-login-pt2 from NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 weeks ago

niko pushed to master at NextGraph/nextgraph-rs

2 weeks ago

niko closed issue NextGraph/nextgraph-rs#20

Pazzle Emoji Distinguishability

2 weeks ago