Rust implementation of NextGraph, a Decentralized and local-first web 3.0 ecosystem
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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8 months ago
// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, developers
// All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
//! Immutable Block, used to store and exchange File and Commit
use chacha20::cipher::{KeyIvInit, StreamCipher};
use chacha20::ChaCha20;
use crate::errors::*;
use crate::log::*;
use crate::types::*;
impl BlockV0 {
pub fn new(
children: Vec<BlockId>,
mut header_ref: Option<CommitHeaderRef>,
content: Vec<u8>,
key: Option<SymKey>,
) -> BlockV0 {
let (commit_header, commit_header_key) = header_ref
.map_or((CommitHeaderObject::None, None), |obj_ref| {
(obj_ref.obj, Some(obj_ref.key))
let bc = BlockContentV0 {
commit_header: commit_header,
encrypted_content: content,
let mut b = BlockV0 {
id: None,
content: BlockContent::V0(bc),
}; = Some(b.compute_id());
pub fn dummy() -> BlockV0 {
BlockV0::new(vec![], None, vec![], None)
6 months ago
pub fn new_random_access(
children: Vec<BlockId>,
content: Vec<u8>,
key: Option<SymKey>,
) -> BlockV0 {
let bc = BlockContentV0 {
commit_header: CommitHeaderObject::RandomAccess,
encrypted_content: content,
let mut b = BlockV0 {
id: None,
content: BlockContent::V0(bc),
commit_header_key: None,
}; = Some(b.compute_id());
/// Compute the ID
pub fn compute_id(&self) -> BlockId {
let ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&self.content).unwrap();
let hash = blake3::hash(ser.as_slice());
pub fn children(&self) -> &Vec<BlockId> {
impl From<Digest> for String {
fn from(id: BlockId) -> Self {
impl BlockContent {
/// Get the encrypted content
pub fn encrypted_content(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {
match self {
BlockContent::V0(bc) => &bc.encrypted_content,
// /// Get the header id
// pub fn header_id(&self) -> &Option<ObjectId> {
// match self {
// BlockContent::V0(bc) => &bc.commit_header_id,
// }
// }
/// Get the children
pub fn children(&self) -> &Vec<BlockId> {
match self {
BlockContent::V0(b) => &b.children,
impl Block {
pub fn new(
children: Vec<BlockId>,
header_ref: Option<CommitHeaderRef>,
content: Vec<u8>,
key: Option<SymKey>,
) -> Block {
Block::V0(BlockV0::new(children, header_ref, content, key))
pub fn dummy() -> Block {
6 months ago
pub fn new_random_access(
children: Vec<BlockId>,
content: Vec<u8>,
key: Option<SymKey>,
) -> Block {
Block::V0(BlockV0::new_random_access(children, content, key))
pub fn new_with_encrypted_content(content: Vec<u8>, key: Option<SymKey>) -> Block {
Block::V0(BlockV0::new(vec![], None, content, key))
pub fn size(&self) -> usize {
/// Compute the ID
pub fn compute_id(&self) -> BlockId {
match self {
Block::V0(v0) => v0.compute_id(),
/// Get the already computed ID or computes it, saves it, and returns it
pub fn get_and_save_id(&mut self) -> BlockId {
match &self {
Block::V0(b) => match {
Some(id) => id,
None => {
let id = self.compute_id();
let Block::V0(c) = self; = Some(id);
/// Get the already computed ID or computes it
pub fn id(&self) -> BlockId {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => match {
Some(id) => id,
None => self.compute_id(),
6 months ago
/// Get the content
pub fn content(&self) -> &BlockContent {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => &b.content,
/// Get the encrypted content
pub fn encrypted_content(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => &b.content.encrypted_content(),
/// Get the children
pub fn children(&self) -> &Vec<BlockId> {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => &b.content.children(),
/// Get the header reference
pub fn header_ref(&self) -> Option<CommitHeaderRef> {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => match b.commit_header_key.as_ref() {
Some(key) => match b.content.commit_header_obj() {
CommitHeaderObject::None => None,
6 months ago
CommitHeaderObject::RandomAccess => None,
_ => Some(CommitHeaderRef {
obj: b.content.commit_header_obj().clone(),
key: key.clone(),
None => None,
/// Get the key
pub fn key(&self) -> Option<SymKey> {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => b.key.clone(),
/// Set the key
pub fn set_key(&mut self, key: Option<SymKey>) {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => b.key = key,
pub fn read(
key: &SymKey,
) -> Result<(Vec<(BlockId, BlockKey)>, Vec<u8>), ObjectParseError> {
match self {
Block::V0(b) => {
// decrypt content in place (this is why we have to clone first)
let mut content_dec = b.content.encrypted_content().clone();
match key {
SymKey::ChaCha20Key(key) => {
let nonce = [0u8; 12];
let mut cipher = ChaCha20::new(key.into(), &nonce.into());
let mut content_dec_slice = &mut content_dec.as_mut_slice();
cipher.apply_keystream(&mut content_dec_slice);
// deserialize content
let content: ChunkContentV0;
match serde_bare::from_slice(content_dec.as_slice()) {
Ok(c) => content = c,
Err(_e) => {
//log_debug!("Block deserialize error: {}", e);
return Err(ObjectParseError::BlockDeserializeError);
// parse content
match content {
ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(keys) => {
let b_children = b.children();
if keys.len() != b_children.len() {
"Invalid keys length: got {}, expected {}",
log_debug!("!!! children: {:?}", b_children);
log_debug!("!!! keys: {:?}", keys);
return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidKeys);
let mut children = Vec::with_capacity(b_children.len());
for (id, key) in b_children.iter().zip(keys.iter()) {
children.push((id.clone(), key.clone()));
Ok((children, vec![]))
ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(chunk) => Ok((vec![], chunk)),