@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ ng.wallet_read_file(buffer).then(async (wallet)=>{ |
console.log(connection_status); |
let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session_id); |
console.log("==== DUMP ===="); |
let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session_id); |
console.log(dump); |
console.log("==== END of DUMP ===="); |
@ -71,53 +71,89 @@ ng.wallet_read_file(buffer).then(async (wallet)=>{ |
let base = nuri.substring(0,53); |
console.log("base=",base); |
await ng.sparql_update(session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> <example:predicate> \"An example value1000\". }", nuri ); |
// EXAMPLE OF SUBSCRIBING TO A DOCUMENT. base is the Nuri half first part (the document ID proper).
// we use base to replace <> in the subject
//call unsub when you are done subscribing you don't want to receive updates anymore
let unsub = await ng.doc_subscribe(base, session_id, |
async (response) => { |
let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "SELECT ?p ?o ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { <> ?p ?o } }", base); |
console.log(sparql_result); |
for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) { |
console.log(q); |
} |
if (response.V0.State?.graph) { |
let json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(response.V0.State.graph.triples); |
triples = JSON.parse(json_str); |
// specifying a nuri in the query arguments, is equivalent to settings the GRAPH in the WHERE
sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", undefined, nuri); |
console.log(sparql_result); |
for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) { |
console.log(q); |
for (const triple of triples){ |
// deal with each triple
console.log("STATE",triple); |
} |
// base can be omitted if it isn't used
} else if (response.V0.Patch?.graph) { |
sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }"); |
console.log(sparql_result); |
for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) { |
console.log(q); |
} |
let inserts_json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(response.V0.Patch.graph.inserts); |
let inserts = JSON.parse(inserts_json_str); |
let removes_json_str = new TextDecoder().decode(response.V0.Patch.graph.removes); |
let removes = JSON.parse(removes_json_str); |
for (const insert of inserts){ |
// deal with each insert
console.log("INSERT",insert); |
} |
for (const remove of removes){ |
// deal with each remove
console.log("REMOVE",remove); |
} |
let triples = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, `CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH <${nuri}> { ?s ?p ?o } }`, base); |
for (const q of triples) { |
console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString()) |
} |
} |
); |
// is equivalent to
//await ng.sparql_update(session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> <example:predicate> \"An example value1000\". }", nuri );
triples = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, nuri); |
for (const q of triples) { |
console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString()) |
} |
// we use base to replace <> in the subject
// let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "SELECT ?p ?o ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { <> ?p ?o } }", base);
// console.log(sparql_result);
// for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// console.log(q);
// }
// // specifying a nuri in the query arguments, is equivalent to settings the GRAPH in the WHERE
// sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", undefined, nuri);
// console.log(sparql_result);
// for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// console.log(q);
// }
// // base can be omitted if it isn't used
// sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o ?g WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }");
// console.log(sparql_result);
// for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// console.log(q);
// }
// let triples = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, `CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { GRAPH <${nuri}> { ?s ?p ?o } }`, base);
// for (const q of triples) {
// console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString())
// }
// // is equivalent to
// triples = await ng.sparql_query(session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, nuri);
// for (const q of triples) {
// console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString())
// }
// cleaning up
// // cleaning up
await ng.user_disconnect(user_id_string); |
// await ng.user_disconnect(user_id_string);
await ng.session_stop(user_id_string); |
// await ng.session_stop(user_id_string);
await ng.wallet_close(wallet_name); |
// await ng.wallet_close(wallet_name);
console.log("the end"); |
} catch (e) { |