.arg(arg!(-u--unique"this invitation can be used only once. this is the default").required(false).conflicts_with("admin"))
.arg(arg!(-f--forever"this invitation does not expire. it can be used forever (or until deleted by an admin). default if no EXPIRES provided").required(false))
.arg(arg!(-n--name<NAME>"optional name of this broker that will be displayed to the user when registering: You have been invited to register an account at [NAME]").required(false))
.arg(arg!(-m--memo<MEMO>"optional memo about this invitation that will be kept in the server. it will help you to remember who you invited and to manage the invitation").required(false)))
.arg(arg!(-m--memo<MEMO>"optional memo about this invitation that will be kept in the server. it will help you to remember who you invited and to manage the invitation").required(false))
.arg(arg!(--notos"the TOS have already been accepted by the user. No need to redirect to a page for TOS acceptance.").required(false)))